Anyone from the UK?

And there's been a lot of "female interaction" on here so those 17 boxes could easily get a good testing from other willing volunteers :oops:
Nope. You're sacked, remember?

It turns out trying to bed my entire female workforce isn't good for the company profits.
Oh, but I was thinking of bringing in efficiencies for time saving. If I helped Rosie, with the testing, we could do it much faster, and boost profits, whilst cutting costs.
And on that note, I'm off home ... got to do a nice Mushroom Pasta Ragu tonight (luckily just for 2 rather than a whole pub!) then retire to my man cave so the wife can watch whatever shite she likes and my snoring won't disturb her
I'm all in favour of bedding the female workforce or just watching them as they do some Sapphic testing of double-ended Black Mamba dildos ... Now there's a film that needs making!
I don't know much about donkeys, but when men say they're hung like one, I can only wonder why wonky would need so many black mamba. He's suddenly got this guise of running a shop, I've never seen any mention of before. He's imagining I want to bed his workforce, if he only employs Rosie, he's right, if he's including himself he's wrong. Where's my remuneration up until my day of sacking? Why did I not get to try out any of the sex toys?
I don't know much about donkeys, but when men say they're hung like one, I can only wonder why wonky would need so many black mamba. He's suddenly got this guise of running a shop, I've never seen any mention of before. He's imagining I want to bed his workforce, if he only employs Rosie, he's right, if he's including himself he's wrong. Where's my remuneration up until my day of sacking? Why did I not get to try out any of the sex toys?

This shop has been long established and was set up long before you joined.

I've never claimed I'm hung like a donkey... I AM a donkey. And a handsome one at that.

And I'm not imagining anything. I think the entire room knows you'll be unable to get through the work day without some form of workplace sexual harassment!
Sitting in front of west Croydon tribunal panel.

"OK, what does Donkey say in defence" asks the chair.

donkey replies. "Wow."

Chair. "We find in favour of Yesok1. That's one million pounds."

I accept 1p coins counted and in bags of £1. I hope it doesn't weigh your trousers down.
Oh, I know you're a donkey, I was just saying donkeys are SUPPOSED to be well hung, according to men.
Stereotyping. I have heard many woman say that “he was hung like a donkey”

So that's why I was wondering why you had so many mambas.

Stock in a pretend shop.
Maybe you're wonky, because of your tiddly winky? Just saying.

Seriously? Didn’t think you liked looking at the male anatomy so cannot understand how you would have any idea
BTW I have the number for ACAS, claiming I'd have sexual harassment complaints, as opposes to actually having them as fact, is work place bullying.

He didn’t say you would have sexual harrassment complaints. He said you wouldn’t be able to get through the day without sexual workplace harrassment. From what I have seen in your posts, I would report you for the sexual harrassment of women
I only fucked my boss at work once, and let his son fuck me outside of work, and wanked in a work toilet once in a career spanning almost 25years. I got a child out of it, too. So if anyone has been sensually harassed it's me.

I don’t think you can bring sexual harassment charges against your own fingers