Angelica …. Eliza … and Peggy, The Schuyler Sisters (closed for princesssexci & myself)


Literotica Guru
Mar 21, 2018
(OOC: This is a homage to Lin Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton”. A wonderful musical that we are both fans. This RP will liberally draw on the clever lyrics and dialogue from the Tony winning play, but where we take it, and the events we imply, come purely from the wicked and twisted minds of princessexci and myself. It is our humble attempt at erotic, historical fiction and we hope readers will both understand and enjoy where we take our tale.)

General Phillip Schuyler

It was summer, 1779 in New York, an upstart collection of colonies was in the fourth year of an eight year war for independence, New York was a hot bed of activity, the commerce and financial center this rag tag revolution.

”Where are they! All three of them gone?” The General was fuming, or more inappropriately raging! It had been a long ride home to his beautiful estate, after a two day hunt! He had needed the time away, after resigning his commission in the Continental Army, and defending his actions at defeat of Fort Ticondetoga. He had had enough of the war, the fucking revolution, he was one of the most successful business men and land owners in New York and he was ready to return to the comforts and joys of his prior life. And part and parcel of that comfort, that life were his beautiful young daughters, and by where are they, he meant Angelica, Eliza, and the recently turned 18 year old, Peggy.

The hunt had been successful, he had three stags hung and one already in the smoker. But now, he wanted to celebrate, enjoy the release he craved, and that meant, he wanted a woman, women, specifically his daughters.

He grabbed the crystal tumbler and poured himself a scotch. He considered going out to the slave quarters and indulging his needs, but damn it all to hell, that was not what he had been eagerly wanting. He wanted a bath, he wanted a massage, and he wanted… FUCK, he wanted! He still had the riding crop in his hand, and when his daughter got home they would feel the sting of having disappointed their father. He knew the culprit of such insolence, Angelica, certainly not his little Peggy, and likely not Eliza. God damn her independent streak, her spirit! He sighed… yet… Jesus he enjoyed her!

Aaron Burr, Sir

The General was not the only one who had little stomach for war. Yes he had become a part of it, at his age, should he want the future he was entitled, he could hardly sit aside. He had even volunteered to serve as Washington’s aide, only to be looked over for that and as he walked through the street in the summer heat he found himself muttering …

“How does the bastard, orphan, son of a whore
Go on and on
Grow into more of a phenomenon?
Watch this obnoxious, arrogant, loudmouth bother
Be seated at the right hand of the father…”

The decision had been bitter, but Burr had his own assets, he had money, looks and decided to enjoy the opportunities that were right before him. So as he looked around, a new opportunity, far more appealing than following Washington’s commands was walking down the street. So a smile creased his face as he thought of more carnal needs…

“There’s nothing rich folks love more
Than going downtown and slummin’ it with the poor
They pull up in their carriages and gawk at the students in the common
Just to watch them talk take Philip Schuyler the man is loaded
Uh oh, but little does he know that His daughters, Peggy, Angelica, Eliza
Sneak into the city just to watch all the guys at work, work, work”

Burr began to make his way in their direction… “Ladies Schuyler, what brings you here alone?”
"We hold these truths to be self-evident
That all men are created equal"
And when I meet Thomas Jefferson (unh!)
I'ma compel him to include women in the sequel (work!)

~*Angelica Schuyler*~

“It’s getting late, Angie.” Peggy whispered, hugging her shall close to her body tightly. Angelica rolled her eyes wondering why Eliza had insisted on bring Peggy with them. Oh right, because if questioned Peggy would’ve broken her silence quickly. She wasn’t exactly the best at keeping secrets. “Daddy said we shouldn’t be out late, Eliza.”

“Daddy doesn’t need to know, Peggy.” Angelica responded sweetly.

All three girls walked in silence in awe, they’d never walked this far, had never gone Downtown before and never without an escort. The men watching them with lust and their hungry looks were enthralling. Angelica bit her lip, trying to hide her own grin and telling herself not to fall into such temptation. She had an impending engagement to return to.

“Daddy said not to go this far, we’re downtown aren’t we? Maybe we should turn back. Angelica? Eliza?”

“Peggy…” Angelica mocked and Elizabeth swatted at her and glared causing Angie to roll her eyes. Sometimes, Eliza acted as though she were the older sister.

“Be nice, Angelica!” Eliza admonished.

“You can go home if you’re so worried, Peggy…”Angelica started.

Peggy glanced behind them where a bunch of drunkards had just stepped out of a tavern singing loudly and then made a whimpering sound.

“Orrr you can trust us. I mean look at where we are at. Downtown, New York. The beginning of a revolution!”

“You don’t know that but it is exciting to see the lengths men will go to for freedom. How lucky we are to experience it all, no?”Eliza responded, wistfully and crossed her arms across her chest then added cynically. “We are still under Britains thumb.”

“I feel it, princess.” Angelica teased poking her stomach as Eliza tried to keep a straight face and but failed miserably.

“Is that really a good thing though? I mean it’s bad enough daddy’s going back to war. We hardly see him enough as it is. “ Peggy complained as they kept walking. It was best to keep doing that. They’d been still for too long, too many people were noticing them and while Angelica was enjoying the sights if their father did find out that she took her sisters out this far she’d never hear the end of it.

His temper was not one to play with. Sounds of shouting could be heard and men with signs could be seen near another tavern. That was when she first saw him. He was up on stage mocking a red coat.

“What’s going on over there?” Eliza asked.

“I’m not certain. Let’s go find out shall we?” Angelica had a amused smile and was eager to find out what was going on.

“We should head back, before father returns home. Angelica, Eliiiiza!” Peggy whined once more, this time pulling on Elizabeth’s sleeve as though she were ten instead of 18.

“Pegggyyyy, come on. You’ll get left behind.” Eliza said as Angelica was already moving without them, stepping closer to the crowd as people talked— no argued about whether it was a good idea to stay under Britains control or was it tea?

“Angelica, I believe Peggy is right. We are starting to cross into more dangerous territory. We should go home. Father will be cross if someone tells him we were here. What are you looking for now?”

What was she looking for?

“A mind that never stops thinking.”Angelica whispered.

“Angie has that strange look in her eye again, Eliza.” Peggy whispered.

“Ladies Schuyler, what brings you here alone?”

Angelica rolled her eyes at the sound Mr. Aaron Burr himself. “Oh look, Angie tis your favorite person.” Eliza teased and Peggy giggled while Angelica glared at them both before she slowly turned and faked a smile before giving a quick curtsy.

“Mr. Burr, what a surprise! We were on our way home and …got a little caught up in our sight seeing. Ladies, remember your manners.” After Eliza and Peggy curtsied, Angelica cleared her throat. “I do believe we may have gone a bit off route and have become lost. Though, what is..what is happening over there. It is quite curious, is it not? ” Angelica motioned towards where there seemed to be a protest of some sort.
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Burr had been paying more attention than the girls realized. Where there were lots of happenings on the bustling streets of the down town streets of “the greatest city in the world” Burr had seen the comings and going often, the orators on the various corners either defending the crown, or stirring the rebels. None did it as eloquently, or to Burr’s ear as recklessly as Hamilton.

The man currently on the soapbox was a mere pretender to Alexander, Payne or some of the others who were throwing caution to the wind in their “all in” support for what could still well be a fatal mistake!

The paying attention to the speakers in the commons, and on the street corners, had the three beauties apparently entranced. He could see how in particular Angelica, the one he knew to be the oldest and most aggressive of the Sisters, or so the thought, and all Burr wanted to do was channel that passion into more enjoyable pleasures of a carnal nature.

There were rumors they oldest Schuyler was spoken for, yet her interactions with men, conveyed no such arrangement. As for Burr, he was in a bit of a dalliance with the wife of a British officer, so the commitment or lack of, any of the Schuyler sisters might have, was of little concern.

For if his attitude about political insurrection was “talk less, smile more” when it came to physical pleasures, he was pure “carpe diem”. Although there were lots of attractions for young, eager, female minds to absorb as they walked down the street, there was no one on the street that looked like them, and that’s where Burr’s fascination lingered so he moved in closer and listened to the exchange.

Thoughts danced in his brain, “ Ooh, there’s nothing like summer in the city
Someone in a rush next to someone lookin' pretty.”

He approached Angelica, the oldest, and the one in the moment who most stirred the fires in his loins. “Excuse me, miss, I know it’s not funny
But your perfume smells like your daddy’s got money. Why you slummin’ in the city in your fancy heels? You searchin’ for an urchin who can give you ideals?”

He laughed and only moved closer as she responded, “Burr, you disgust me”

He gave her a wink, “Ahh, so you’ve discussed me…”. He knew as the oldest daughter, she would be looking to marry into wealth. And although marriage was the last thing on his mind at the moment, just the simple enjoyment of whatever might lay under her frock, “I’m a trust fund, baby, you can trust me..”

He saw their attention to the orator, “He is just another wannabe Hamilton, another fool shooting off his mouth and likely to swallow a bullet instead.” Burr could not hide his contempt for such foolhardy flamboyance.

“Ladies if you are not looking to be entertained, and I promise, I am happy to keep you all engaged, I think I should help you arrange a way back home, I believe your Daddy has returned from his hunt, won’t he be expecting you?”
Angelica wasn’t the only one who was entranced by the man on the soapbox. While Angelica was mesmerized by his words and his wit, Eliza couldn’t help but notice how handsome he was.

“Wow…” both girls said at the same time then glanced at each other before looking away.

“How lucky we are to be alive right now!” Eliza said, becoming more optimistic by the second. Angelica nodded her head and then looked over at Burr frowning. The hunt was over?

“Ladies if you are not looking to be entertained, and I promise, I am happy to keep you all engaged, I think I should help you arrange a way back home, I believe your Daddy has returned from his hunt, won’t he be expecting you?”

“It’s over? So soon?”

Father was going to hang her.

“Oh shit.” She cleared her throat and covered her mouth. “Pardon me, I mean …”

All three girls looked at one another with worry. If the hunt truly was over and their father was at home there was no way to avoid punishment, especially for Angelica considering she was the eldest.
“Angelica…” Eliza whispered

“I know Eliza…” Angelica said breaking her gaze away from the podium. “And Peggy don’t let your dress drag too much in the mud, Father will be cross if we come home looking like we’ve been at war.”

“He will be annoyed, regardless.” Eliza rationalized but Angelica glared at her. She already knew that.

“Thank you, Mr. Burr. That is quite generous of you to spare your leisurely time and escort us home. For that, I’ll pretend you didn’t make such a crude offer and tell my father when I see him.”

He was still a disgusting pig. One of whole Angelica would refuse to marry. Aaron Burr always had an air of fake niceties. He was always smiling which made no sense especially when it came to men because one could never always be happy, nothing was ever that pleasant. Quite frankly, Angelica didn’t trust him but right now that didn’t matter.

But they needed to get home and sooner rather than later.
Burr waved her off, as two things were very clear to him. This would not be his day to bed a Schuyler Sister, not Angelica…Eliza….. nor Peggy! Although as he spoke to the oldest, and the second seemed consumed by the rebel on the stage, he saw the cute little look out of the youngest, a glimmer of innocent hope, to potentially enjoy that innocence himself, and so he gave her a little wink, before readdressing Angelica.

The second was, if they weren’t going to cum inside with him, enjoy the hospitality of his nearby, impressive home, then he needed to make sure they got home safely. His weren’t the only eyes that had admired the young female forms, and he felt the heat of wolves breath, hovering all around.
”If you will not partake in my hospitality, and again, a friendly drink of whiskey or stein of beer is there just around the corner?” Again, his eyes moved to the youngest, “Are you certain I can’t entice you to sip of something a bit

He raised his hand, and suddenly an open air carriage pulled up beside them at his beckoning. He took a silver coin from his pocked and gave it to the driver. ”These are the daughters of General Schuyler, he would not appreciate any delays or detours in getting his daughters back home, do you understand?” The driver looked around and also noticed the nepharious glances directed toward the three striking young women, and solemnly nodded. “Of course Mr. Burr, Sir.”

When the girls finally did get home, should they not take Burr up on his offer, nor direct the driver to take them on a different adventure, they would find themselves walking in on a most impatient and lathered father. He was in his study, his private study, a place that the women of the family only entered on invite or in this case command.

He heard the front door open, he had seen the carriage pull up outside, and they had barely entered the ornate foyer of the palatial estate when they heard his deep baritone, “ANGELICA… .ELIZA… “ Only then did his voice soften a. Bit, “And Peggy… to my study at once!” His own left palm was reddened and stung from the slapping of the crop in his right hand, yet he felt alive. The girls would be punished, and their contrition, in whatever form they delivered, would determine the length and extent of the reprimand!
***Peggy Schuyler***

Peggy had never wanted to come this far downtown. No, she didn’t want to come downtown at all. Angelica had promised they would go look at some fabrics for clothes because there were some new silks in and then Eliza wanted to go to the bookstore because she was learning French and didn’t wish to fall behind.

Peggy was certain it had all been a trick though because each time she’d asked if they could go, one of them would give an excuse as to why they couldn’t.

Now they were downtown amongst the poor people. Father would be home soon, she was certain they were lost, it was getting cold and both her elder sisters were lusting after some vagabond on a soapbox.
Peggy never quite understood why Angelica disliked Aaron Burr as he was very pleasing to the eye and he came from a well off family but she hadn’t missed when he looked over and winked at her. She blushed and tried to hide her smile.

It was very rare when a man such as he would pay notice to the youngest sibling. Angelica was the first to be married so the first to be noticed,of course and next would be Elizabeth. She was 18 so until her sisters had been claimed she had to sit and wait.

“I’d like to see…”

“Peggy!” Angelica hissed. “Were you not whining a mere 20 minutes ago about going home?”

Oh, now she was paying attention.
She gave one last retreating glance towards Mr. Aaron Burr before turning back to Angelica. “Maybe next time?” She murmured quietly as she passed by him.

Angelica visibly stiffened and slowly she turned in her beautiful peach dress, raising a brow at her before she boarded the carriage.

“Angelica…” Eliza sounded worried.

“I know, Eliza…” Angelica sounded irritated. “Peggy, you must stay away from Aaron Burr. Unless he means to court you which I assure you he does not, then he will waste your time. He will ruin your chance to find a good husband, otherwise. Do you understand?”

“But he seems nice and he is of good breeding, is he not?” Peggy asked, hopefully.

“Yes, but…”

“Then I don’t see the issue unless you truly want him for yourself and are just toying with him. Is that it, sister?”

“Of course not!” Angelica huffed.

Elizabeth stifled a giggle watching her two siblings.

“I only want to protect you.” Angelica said softly. “I don’t trust him. He’s too nice.”

*~Angelica Schuyler~*

As soon as they stepped into the foyer of the Schuyler household their names echoed bounced off the walls. Their father was home so it was a good thing that they hadn’t accepted Mr. Burr’s invitation much to Peggy’s chagrin.

“Whatever happens, this was all my idea.” Angelica whispered. She would take the brunt of the punishment. She was the eldest after all.

Eliza simply rolled her eyes and walked ahead of her as one of the servants took her shall, then Peggy’s as well as Angelica’s. Angie grabbed Eliza’s arm.

“I mean it, Eliza.”

Her sister just smiled but said nothing. Sometimes, it annoyed her how selfless Eliza could be. Trying to walk ahead of Eliza, both girls made it to their fathers study at the same time glaring at one another.

“Father, you’re home.” Angelica was the first to speak curtsying as low as she possibly could. “How did the hunt go? Was it successful?”

Eliza was the next to curtsy, also incredibly low.

“Why am I always left behind, first at fabric store, then at the bookstore, I almost got lost in the crowd at that silly protest downtown..” Peggy stopped talking when she saw their father with the riding crop and squeaked before lowering herself almost her knees.

They were in so much trouble.
“Father, I—I can explain..” Angelica stammered.
Aaron Burr

Burr watched as the sisterly discussion played out, he couldn’t hear all the specifics, but heard enough to know that the youngest, Peggy, had been persuaded, and if not admonished, likely would have joined him, for some afternoon enjoyment.

He made note, Miss Margaret Schuyler would receive a bouquet from him the next day, with a suggestion that they rendezvous in the very near future absent any sisterly obstacles. She had a bit of devil in her eye, and hopefully that translated to other parts of her anatomy as well.

However, in the moment he would make sure he sent the ladies home to their father. “You will be at the ball a week from Saturday, won’t you, I will be there as will a few of my friends.” Burr was not one to really make friends, but as close as they came, Hamilton, Mulligan, et all, were.

Phillip Schuyler

Some of the anger had subsided by the time he heard his daughters enter and called them back to his office. The time had given him time to consider how he wanted to handle it, and the more the thought, the more appealing it became. Angelica was the oldest, and their relationship had grown, and in Phillips mind at least, improved significantly over the five years since she had turned 18. The same but no where near at the same intensity in the three years since Eliza had, and now his little Peggy was finally 18 herself.

Phillip had the crop in his hand, foreshadowing what was to come, or at least part of it, and he watched his eldest closest as, as he would have expected, Angelica took the lead.

“Father, you’re home.” Angelica was the first to speak curtsying as low as she possibly could. “How did the hunt go? Was it successful?”

Phillip eyed her with the steely resolve he knew triggered some of the qualities he enjoyed most in her.

”I am, and it was, yet I returned to an empty house? The flowers that I anticipated upon my arrival, seemingly in bloom elsewhere?” He was curious to watch each of his girl’s reactions, as he felt the blood begin filling his cock. They were indeed a visual delight, but it was the touch of fear and adrenaline he sensed that was the aphrodesiac for his arousal.

Eliza was the next to curtsy, also incredibly low.

“Why am I always left behind, first at fabric store, then at the bookstore, I almost got lost in the crowd at that silly protest downtown..” Peggy stopped talking when she saw their father with the riding crop and squeaked before lowering herself almost her knees.

Phillip acknowledged Eliza, but spoke to Peggy. “Do not worry my youngest…” He gave a quick glance to Eliza and then a longer one at Angelica, before returning his penetrating gaze to his youngest, “Today you will join your sisters in my attentions.”

They were in so much trouble.

“Father, I—I can explain..” Angelica stammered.

Phillip gave her a wry smile and again spanked his own palm with a few, sharp strikes.

“Fine, we will begin with you, Eliza … and Peggy, to your rooms, I will call each of you separately when I am through with your sister.” He waited for the younger two to leave, instructing Eliza to close the door behind her.

”You have been a wicked girl, but you often are a wicked girl, aren’t you my oldest?” His eyes raked up and down her young form hungrily as he talked. She should not be surprised at what would come next, perhaps she looked forward to it as much as he?

“Remove your dress and knickers Angelica…”. He came over to the large leather couch in his office and sat down. “Over father’s knee, and tell Daddy what you have been up to?”
~*Angelica Schuyler*~
“Do not worry my youngest…Today you will join your sisters in my attentions.”

To be quite honest, Angelica wasn't sure Margaret or as they called her Peggy for short was mature enough at least mentally for the type of punishments that their father would provide to them but it was not her job to question his decisions despite how protective she was over her younger sisters. It could've well been jealousy rearing its ugly head for if Peggy were brought into the mix it meant that it was one more female she'd have to outshine to hold her fathers attention until she was wed. That was another event she wasn't quite looking forward to.

Once he dismissed Eliza and Peggy, she waited until she head the click of the door annd the sound of her father's voice.

”You have been a wicked girl, but you often are a wicked girl, aren’t you my oldest?”
Angelica had to bite her tongue, because she couldn't agree with that statement completely. "More so curious than wicked father." Her tone wasn't rude at all, though she supposed it could still be seen as disrespectful.

“Remove your dress and knickers Angelica…”

Angelica unlaced her dress and pulled it off layer by layer until she was in nothing but her corset. He did say knickers. He did not say her corset. Of course, she was no idiot and understood he probably meant both corset and knickers but that would be her excuse. Besides, it was always so much fun to goad her father. She'd always been his little brat and even though her siblings now also received the same sort of attentions, it didn't mean that her brattiness would disappear.

"Is this to your liking father?" She asked, sweetly.
General Phillip and Angelica Schuyler

Phillip repressed his smile at his eldest daughter’s reaction to letting Peggy know that she would be introduced to adult punishments starting today. And as soon as the younger two left, shutting the door behind them, Phillip got up and walked to the door to lock it. “What? You don’t think young Peggy is prepared to being treated like a woman, or do you just want to keep all of my attention? That doesn‘t seem fair does it?”

He commanded his daughter to undress, and again, wanted to laugh when she slowly peeled off her gown, baring her bottom and pussy, but leaving her corset on, if only to tease him. “I told you, you are wicked, curious too, but definitely wicked, and it is good for you that I like it when you‘re wicked.”

Now that Phillip was alone with Angelica, some of the pretense could slip away. Yes there would be punishment, but the reason the girls were separated was for the other side of their father/daughter ritual.

It had started when Angelica turned 18 as pure punishment, her putting her hands on the sofa, instructed to keep her back bent and her legs straight and slightly spread, for him to apply the crop through the thick layers of her garment, with just a bit of a sting of her behind.

Yet, as more sessions happened, Phillip found himself aroused, and if his daughter’s reactions were as they seemed, he was not the only one. It was only then, that they began shedding layers before punishments were applied, until roughly a year in, he would strip, punish and enjoy his daughter to their mutual satisfaction.

The language between them tended to stay formal as if to maintain the sense this was actual punishment and not sexual relations between the commanding father, and his spirited and beautiful daughters.

“The corset my daughter, remove it.” Phillip tried to stay stern, hiding the clear excitement in his voice. ”Present yourself for punishment Angelica…” He commanded which meant that she clasp her hands behind her head, and spread her legs a bit more than shoulder width apart, for her father to do as he chose, each time slightly different but always knowing that she would be thoroughly inspected and “disciplined”.

In this instance, he encircled her, and let his eyes drink in her naked form. He stood over her right shoulder, and wrapped his arm around to run the back of his fingers up and down her nether lips, seeing to what extent his oldest daughter, might already be signaling her arousal…
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“What? You don’t think young Peggy is prepared to being treated like a woman, or do you just want to keep all of my attention? That doesn‘t seem fair does it?”

Was it wise to answer that question? It was even less wise to not answer that question, to ignore it. "Can you blame me? She is young and will have plenty of time. When I'm married..." Angelica's voice trailed off. Maybe she'd just find someone to fall in love with and marry. It wasn't as though she needed the money.

Ha. That was an amusing 5 minute thought. Who would buy her such pretty dresses and undergarments? She would rather die first before becominng someone's mistress to attain such compliments.

“The corset my daughter, remove it.”

"Oh, the corset too? Why father, you should have said so." She said teasingly. For someone who was in trouble, it was hard to tell by how Angelica acted behind closed doors. Perhaps, it was because she enjoyed her punishments and most especially what came afterwards.

She unlaced her corset which took a bit longer because the servant had done a double knot at the top to make sure it wouldn't come undone. Angelica made a silent note to make sure that didn't happen again. Once the lacing was undone, the blue corset fell to the ground.

”Present yourself for punishment Angelica…”

The time for teasing was done for now. She could hear it in her fathers voice. Placing her hands behind her head and spreading her legs a bit wider, she stood waiting with bated breath to see how he would punish her.

She’d taken her sisters out into an area that could’ve led to possible danger for all of them and then to top it all off they were late coming home.

Angelica bit her lip as she felt him brush his finger over her and let out a slow breath. Just from thinking about their past experience she was slightly wet wondering how he’d make her sing for him.
Phillip Schuyler

It was the verbal sparring, her ease with tease, that had slowly allowed him to indulge in this latent fantasy, that had turned reality as Angelica reached adulthood. "Can you blame me? She is young and will have plenty of time. When I'm married..." Here she was, having stripped down to her bare pussy, on display and beckoning her father with its sirens call to crash once again into her taboo shores.

”Marriage? Yes, you will need to get married my brilliant and gorgeous daughter, but I do not see how that will change anything between us? Do you?”He took his time to let her think, wanting her to know, that what they had, at least for him, could well withstand what others might suggest were constraints imposed by marriage!

”Will your father not still have need of your care, will my daughter not still have needs than require a Father’s touch, for if it will, I just might have to keep my oldest and wittiest, perhaps not care that the New York gossip is insidious, for to steal your attentions permanently from me, would render your strong father, quite helpless!”

He instructed her to remove her corset, which of course she should have expected. For he could not remember when in the last two years, he had called his eldest into his office, locked the door and not had her soon stripped down to her natural and spectacular form.

He adored how she stripped for him, while the tie may have been overly difficult the way her delicate and agile fingers undid the tie, and slowly unbuttoned her front, allowing her small but pert and delicious breasts to play their own game of peek-a-boo with his wanting eyes, his large cock was at full mast, as she tossed the corset into the breeze and it softly touched down on the oriental rug in his study.

”Every time daughter, your body is a revelation, a reminder to me of how brilliant our lord was in his design of the female form!” The way his eyes consumed her, drinking in every curve, the nubs of her nipples, the sweeps of hr breast and the tantalizing creases of her folds, might have given a lesser man at his age a heart attack. Buit not the General, his heart pumped boldly as his blood rushed to fill and engorge his fraternal cock.

it had been four years since his Katherine’s death, his dear Kitty had been the same type of rare beauty, that displayed itself in the genetics of their daughters. She had caught the pox, and died despite the best attempts of the physicians and slaves who attended her. He and Kitty, had enjoyed a robust sex life, siring several children, although only the three daughters lived to adulthood. But what specimens they were, and how each had things that reminded him of his dear, departed wife.

Angelica was named after Kitty’s mother, Peggy, after Kitty’s grand mother, Margaret, only Eliza was named after his side. Her death had not only taken his companion, but his lover, and left a libido stil vibrant and wanting with no outlet with which to express.

Perhaps Angelica realized it, for corporal punishment was common place, but once she turned 18, her reactions to it were not. And as they exchanged, reprimands, one thing had led to another, each new happening pushing the proverbial envelope further, until now the discipline was just foreplay for the passions ultimately indulged.

There she stood, in position, and he hoped his beautiful daughter was at least close to as aroused as he was. He ran the back of his fingers, up and down the pursed entrance to her garden, and moaned a bit at the dew on her petals. It was a start, but Daddy wanted her dripping.

"There is a reason I told you to be home by sundown!" He was behind her, and the flick of his wrist was precise, he could kill a fly on a stallions ear without ever touching the horse, so as he jerked up, and the shaft of the crop slapped in between her folds, the leather tip curling around to strike exactly where her clit was likely still hooded, but perhaps not? He could feel by her jerk his strike had precisely hit the spot.

Angelica more so from Eliza, seemed to appreciate the pleasure and pain ratio and how under his expert care, he could optimize the formula for her pleasure. "My orders are not suggestions for you to ponder, they are instructions to be explicitly followed.". He was moving around her, now looking in her eyes, even as his eyes glanced momentarily down to see if there was any immediate reaction between her thighs.

He loved how his daugher liked it rough, and his next two strikes, slashed the leather tip of the crop, precisely against the tib of each dark nub of her delcisouly small but gorgeous nipples.

"You are not just responsible for your safety, but your sisters, and there are desperate men out there, wanting to steal my daughters' virtue!" A virtue, that absent a husband he considered to be his own personal playground, and even once married, only on loan to said spouse.

The last three strikes were hard and fast to her ass, and he watched her body jerk and return to each. "Have I made myself clear, Angelica?" He tossed the crop aside, he expected her body was now on high alert and ready for pleasure.
Phillip pressed in behind and just to her left side, his right hip pressed against her left buttock. He took her left hand and guided it down to press her palm against the engorged cock still in his trousers. "You know your are my special girl, how much Daddy only wants to protect you and the others?"

He brushed her hair to the side to kiss down the left side of her neck and across the bridges of her soft shoulder. Kissing and licking her young flesh. And then, letting her hand go, it in place on his cock, he snaked his own hand around to grip her mound, taking possession, only to curl his two fingers up and inside his oldest's, still stinging, but usually very receptive and wanting, cunt!
“I would hope not.” Angelica responded in regards to her being married but often times relationships did change between family members when big life changes like that happened. She giggled at his words about stealing her away and not caring about what the world would say.

Because her father has no sons she was the one who would have social climb and bring good breeding to the family or the first to bring good breeding.

However, she wouldn’t focus on that right now. Right now, she wanted only to focus on her father. Though during these times, these moments he much preferred for her to call him daddy or sir and Angelica was all too obliging. Angelica knew exactly how she affected him as she glanced up spotting his raging hardness.

"There is a reason I told you to be home by sundown!"

“Yes sir.” Angelica whimpered as the feel of the sharp sting of the riding crop slapping at her pussy. She chewed on her lip as her daddy continued speaking.

"My orders are not suggestions for you to ponder, they are instructions to be explicitly followed."

She let out another whimper of pain and pleasure as the riding crop swatted at her nipples. She let out a sharp gasp this time, it was painful but also deliciously pleasurable as well. Her core burned with the need to be filled.

“Y-yes sir…” she whimpered out loud forcing the words past her moans. Her body jerked on the last three strikes and she bit her lip hard enough that it almost drew blood, almost.

"Have I made myself clear, Angelica?"

“Yes, daddy. Most abundantly clear I apologize for my disobedience. “ And now it was time for the real fun to begin. Angelica moaned as she felt her fathers cock press against left buttock and her hand was guided to it. She wrapped her hand around it, slowly licking her lips.

Angelica started stroking her father through his trousers. Apparently the first round of punishments did very well in exciting him. Her head fell back as her father’s lips trailed down her neck and she continued to stroke him through his trousers.

“You know your are my special girl, how much Daddy only wants to protect you and the others?"

“Yes, I do. You make me quite helpless, daddy…” she replied moving her hips against his fingers, trying to find that release.
“I would hope not.” Phillip felt his heart sink a bit, and he closed in on his daughter. “Do not hope my love, I know it, for I don’t believe either of us would want a life that did not allow, for you to be the light in my eyes and flame in my heart.”

Phillip had never spoken truer words, and a life without his daughters, particularly his oldest, but Eliza and his baby Peggy, was an existence he did not want to think about. Phillip had always loved his daughters, but since Kitty’s death, and the evolution and expansion of their relationships as his daughters reached womanhood had moved their love to an entirely new plateau.

Phillip had never thought he would be sexual with his daughters, and how it had evolved had been an epiphany, as emotionally powerful, as it had been erotic. Phillip loved his daughters with all of his heart, but he believed in spare the rod and spoil the child. And while he did spoil his daughters he knew instinctively the importance of discipline and accountability.

At 17, Kitty had passed. Angelica being Angelica, often found herself in her father’s study for one transgression or the other. He would bend her over his knee and give her a swat or two or four, through her thick petticoat. He would feel her wiggle and squirm, and increasingly he could smell of her musk as he applied more and more swats.

It was the night of her 18th birthday, she had found herself a bit tipsy, and speaking in less than respectful tones. But this time, as he bent her over his knee, he watched as his daughter lifted her petticoats, and he slapped his palm against her knickers. The noise she made from the first two spanks was unlike any he had heard before, and when he stopped, she made no effort to move. ”Do you deserve more discipline my daughter? … “ He waited, “Or maybe you are truly of the age you need to feel the sting of your transgressions?”

It was only then he gripped the waistband of her knickers, and he felt her raise her body up just enough for him to slide them over and down her slender hips. He would never forget the first time he saw his daughter’s bottom. The sweetest little peach, he had ever seen. He felt his mouth water and his cock harden and press into his daughter’s upper thigh. There could be no disguising her affect on him. And by the glistening he witnessed in the soft pink between her thighs, his affect on her.

He gave her bottom two hard smacks, one to each cheek, purely to guage her reaction, his eyes glued to her pussy. He watched how she moved, jerked, and settled, and then how her legs slightly spread. It was then he began to rub out the red, rubbing and rubbing, and watching her reaction, his fingers inching closer and closer to her soft, tender slit. But it was when he let his fingers slide over, and his finger tips slide within and up her tender folds, that their relationship changed forever.

Never again would his daughter be disciplined without baring her bottom, and it was only the very next time, that she first began to enjoy his cock! As his daughter stood before him his fingers now dipped within her soft folds, curling his fingers to slip inside her, did he whisper in her ear. “Daddy has missed you sweet girl!”
Angelica remembered it as if it were just yesterday. It had started as nothing more than just reprimanding as usual, she’d said something to him that had been considered disrespectful and perhaps even unladylike. Regardless, her father had disliked it.

”Do you deserve more discipline my daughter? … “

“Yes.” She remembered telling him and then when he continued.

“Or maybe you are truly of the age you need to feel the sting of your transgressions?”
Angelica didn’t know why that made her feel all warm and tingly but her response was the same.

She recalled feeling his hand rubbing her buttocks and the way his hand hand inched towards her opening ever so slowly. It was then that they’d start exploring each other further in secret.

Angelica would sometimes push his buttons just to get a rise out of him so that he’d punish her. Other times, it would be by pure coincidence though this time she wasn’t certain whether it was the latter or not.

She whimpered as his finger slipped inside of her, “I’m sorry, I’ll never worry you again.”

His fingers felt like pure bliss inside of her as her head fell back some and she let out a small moan of pleasure.
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He heard her whimper and felt the warm wetness of her need. “I’m sorry, I’ll never worry you again.” Phillip laughed. “Oh my daughter, you are such a sincere, sweet and sexy liar, you would not be you, if not being both the devil and angel I most desire.”

And oh how he desired, his cock pulsed in her hand, she made him as strong and needy as when he was the age of Burr, Hamilton or Jefferson. Yet he had far more knowledge than any of them in truly how to pleasure a woman, a knowledge that as of today would finally begin to bestowed on all of his daughters, but Angelica had been his first, and was still a most wanting, eager and gloriously talented pupil.

Curling his fingers in, his two middle, he rolled his hand over her mound, sawing in and out as he pumped her young pussy, gripping her possessively while striving to have her shudder in delight. “My cock has missed and craved you my daughter, tonight after supper and your sisters are down, I would like to have you share my chambers. I am vigorous from my travels, and my body wants to ride and partake of your tender folds and spectacular saddle!”

They had been together in some sexual way or another for a month, before they began to experiment orally, and it was another two months before they fucked. And it was only a few nights a month that Phillip expressed his desire to have her spend the night in his chambers, and only in the last year had Eliza also been requested to join him in love making. He hoped they each enjoyed the honor, as he enjoyed their company and tender touch, and young, tight, wet, cunts.

He was a lucky man, he had magnificent daughters, and they had a very unique relationship. A relationship he treasured, daughters he loved and spoiled. He slipped his hand from Angelica’s pussy, and licked his slick fingers. “On my desk Angelica, the very edge and spread for me, I want to enjoy more of your sweet nectar?”
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“Oh my daughter, you are such a sincere, sweet and sexy liar, you would not be you, if not being both the devil and angel I most desire.”

Angelica couldn’t stop the the satisfied smile though in truth she knew she would never be satisfied, especially when it came to her father. He’d always left her curious and wanting to learn more when it came to pleasuring men and more specifically him.

She enjoyed making him moan and she most definitely enjoyed how he made her moan and all the many different ways he found to pleasure her. Angelica gripped her own hair as her father’s fingers sawed in and out of her.

She had at some point paused in her stroking of his cock as she ground her pussy against trying to move with him, gently squeezing his cock.

“My cock has missed and craved you my daughter, tonight after supper and your sisters are down, I would like to have you share my chambers. I am vigorous from my travels, and my body wants to ride and partake of your tender folds and spectacular saddle!”

A sly smile graced her features as her lips parted and another illicit moan slipped pasted her lips. “I couldn’t …deny you..even if …I…wanted to which I do not.”
She loved when he called for her to stay with him through the night and loved even more so when she was able to do it and when he said it was okay.

At his request, she quickly climbed on his desk only after releasing his cock through his trousers. She was incredibly aroused, practically dripping at this point. “Daddy, please. I’m not quite certain how much longer I can wait…”
After Phillip‘s dear Kitty had passed, Washington had sent, the then Colonel to France, where he was greeted and entertained in the court of King Louis, in the beautiful castle and courtyard of Versailles. While Phillip was very rich by Anerican standards, and their estate gorgeous, complete with all modern conveniences, including an ice house, never had he seen such opulence or the wanton display of women and receptivity and celebration of sexuality. It was moe than just statemenship that had kept Thomas Jefferson a loyal and enthusiastic ambassador there throughout the war.

While Phillip only sampled the copious use of opiem within the court, he enjoyed liberally of their other vices, wine, liquor, the finest cigars, and of course, the beautiful, sensual, and extremely talented Courtesans. Throughout his marriage, he had greatly enjoyed their sexual interaction, but it had exclusively been traditional intercourse, either missionary or doggy.

In Louis court, he had been one of the nobles invited into the Morning Toilet, where various women, from the Queen herself, to the Ladies and courtesans to which Phillip was invited. Would be brought out for display, having their make up and hair perfect, but otherwise naked. Visitors would enjoy the dressing ceremony, and Phillip cultivated his enjoyment of voyeurism.

In the case of the courtesans, he learned how a woman could pleasure with her hands, breasts, mouth and ass, in ways he never dreamed possible. Lastly, he saw how women could enjoy and encourage sexual pleasure with equal fervor to any man, and had so many ways to achieve that pleasure. He returned an enlightened man, where in France he had been the student, back at home, with first Angelica, and eventually all his daughters, the student became their Master! The French had taught him all about erogenous zones, and the power of pleasure and pain, edging and delayed gratification. He would be each of his daughter’s first lover, and quite potentially their best, leaving those that could never be satisfied, like his dear Angelica, to need ot explore options outside their marriage.

And it was that man, who had encouraged his daughter to mount his desk and display herself for him, just as he had her stand in the room as he enjoyed her at ever angle. “Daddy, please. I’m not quite certain how much longer I can wait…” He smiled at the declaration of her need, like the Courtesans, he wanted his daughters to be unafraid of expressing their own needs, embracing their sexuality, and communicating their desires. “Patience my love, has Daddy ever not delivered?”

He began to undress himself, his eyes moving to hers, then her pussy, only to take his finger and spread them, expecting him to do the same. He was slow in removing his clothes, letting her watch how despite his age, his body was powerful, and his cock large and impressive. “Touch yourself like I’ve taught you, show me what you want?” He challenged her, they had spent much time on masturbation as not only a source of self enjoyment but in arousing your lover.

He watched all she did, as now naked he walked toward her, looking down as she performed to his request. “Mmmm, I am a lucky man that my daughter has the most gloriours flower with the sweetest bouquet in all of New York state, and it is all for me.” He moved closer, and gripping his long, thick cock, he looked into his daughter’s eyes, as he moved her fingers out of the way, and rubbed his bulbous tip, up and down her glistening slit, pushing her folds to the side.

He wanted to watch her reaction, but this was just to tease himself, and her, he would not enter, and fuck her perfect pussy until tonight, where he was already contemplating all their night might bring. He pushed his throbbing tip in ever so slightly, moaning as her lips caressed him seemingly sucking him in. “You are such a delight my daughter, I had to feel you a moment, keep me needy and wanting until later.” He so loved the feel of her pussy. Up and down he ran his prick, using the very tip to massage her button.

Only then did he drop to his knees, and bring his mouth to her sex. He used his fingers to spread her wider, extend his tongue, and begin traversing the trail his cock had just enjoyed…
Angelica watched her father with a needy gaze as he undressed himself. She admired his body. He’d always managed to stay in fine shape even after her mothers passing. The grief of it all didn’t overwhelm him to the point of overindulging despite how good their cook was.

Though after his time in France he brought back far more education on the female body and taught her so many things.

Her and Eliza and soon Peggy would learn as well.

“Touch yourself like I’ve taught you, show me what you want?”

“Yes daddy…” she murmured softly as she spread her legs a bit wider so he had a better view of what she was doing. Her fingers brushed over her opening and she sighed pleasurably, lightly she circled around her clit. She didn’t press on it too hard yet lest she wanted to cum too early.

Well— she did wish to cum but last time she did and it was too rushed. Slow. Her father said not to rush it. She whimpered some, gripping the edge of the desk and moved her finger away and slid a finger inside her pussy slowly moving in and out of her pussy.

She stared at her father as she continued to finger herself watching as he stroked himself while watching her. She let go of the desk and moved her hand up to her breast and began massaging it and teasing her nipple.

“Mmmm, I am a lucky man that my daughter has the most gloriours flower with the sweetest bouquet in all of New York state, and it is all for me.”

“Daddy…” she moaned when he moved her fingers and replaced them with the tip of his cock. Her body jolted and she moaned a bit more as he pushed in only slightly, only enough to tease but not enough to actually fuck her. “Daddy, pleaaassseeee…”

“You are such a delight my daughter, I had to feel you.”

She shuddered and moaned grinding her pussy against his cock as he rubbed it against her, moving with him. The minute he dropped down to his knees and used his tongue though was probably when Angelica lost it though. Her head fell back as she used her hand again to grip the sides of the desk. Her free hand grabbing his head.
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His daughters likely had no idea of the role they played in not succumbing to the grief of the loss of his beloved wife. And when he realized his life of a man, a lover, a person of passion was not over, and if anything he was reborn.
The body he presented to Angelica and soon Eliza, and then for the first time in full glory to young Peggy, was a function of their inspiration to him.

He could not bear the thought of any of his daughters, allowing him to be intimate, and not desire him completely. So it was, each morning and night, he did arduous and incredibly unusual for not just their time, but his age, to do his best to present a sculpted form of a vibrant, virile and handsome older man.

He loved how Angelica had learned to reciprocate, losing any sense of shyness and learning the power of her sex, and the display of her womanhood could arouse a man, as she could drive him nearly insane with need. Not just how her delicate fingers teased her soft lips, and massaged her clit but the way she purred “Yes daddy” as she sensuously submitted to his request. He bit his lip “You have gotten very good at this my beautiful girl, I wish we had more time for your show for Daddy is one I could watch and watch!”

Of course he was performing as well, stroking his large, powerful cock, as she could see and indulge in how her actions inspired and aroused him. He ran his tip up and down her slit, pressing in so her juices bathed his aching tip. He so wanted to fuck her, feel her sex grip him, swallow him, enjoy him, but if he did, he knew he would have to cum, and then what would he have left for his other two daughters. So no matter his diet or physical condition, there was only so fast he could achieve erection after erection, and for today, this moment, he needed to hold back his cum.

So dropping to his knees, he gripped Angelica’s ankles and spread her legs to place the back of her thighs on his broad shoulders, her legs draped over his back. He wrapped his strong arms up and around her legs, and brough his mouth to her sex with the fiercest of hunger. “I’ve thought of this for nearly two days, how badly I wanted to spread you, eat you, enjoy you, my daughter!”
He kissed up and down her folds, only to then run his tongue from taint to clit and back again. “Ohhhh, my Angelica, you taste so good… your pussy, is soo, sooo good!”

He moved his hands to spread her lips, his thumb working her clit, as he hardened his tongue and finally, pushed his slick muscle inside of her. Oh how he wanted to to be his cock, but as he felt her hands grip his hair, his daughter’s hips moving grinding, wantonly fucking his tongue, he could not have been happier.

He had been working, training, teaching Angelica on the pleasure of delayed gratification and the joys of sexual submission. It was a process, but she was such an outstanding pupil! “I love how you fuck Daddy’s tongue sweetheaart, how you move your hips and feed me your need. You are spectacular my love, mmm… soo good… but now… NOW … cum for me… cum for me hard!”
Angelica’s head fell back and she moaned at her fathers words. It would be something she would replay in her mind over and over again in her imagination when she was alone in her room at nights when she could not be with him which happened more often than not.

Pleasuring herself alone though was hard because for one it was unseemly for a lady to do such a thing and two even if she did she couldn’t moan her for who she truly wanted, her father.

Servants would talk, rumors would spread. She would become unfit to be wed and her reputation as difficult was a bad enough reputation as it was. Still, that didn’t stop her from finding times to pleasure herself alone when she could and thinking of her father.

Her body rocked against against his tongue as he pleasured her, she could feel her orgasm approaching and bit her lip hard until she waited for his command to do so. Angelica whimpered, practically to the point of tears. “Dadddyyyyyy, p-please …I—I need…”

“I love how you fuck Daddy’s tongue sweetheaart, how you move your hips and feed me your need. You are spectacular my love, mmm… soo good… but now… NOW … cum for me… cum for me hard!”

Oh thank god!

She let out a harsh breath that she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding until that point as she came hard, her body convulsing and trembling with need. She wanted to feel his warm cum filling her up but knew that would be later. She wouldn’t be selfish, knew that her sisters would need their turn to be “punished” if one could even call it that.
This was what separated Angelica from any woman he had ever had, even Eliza, who had her own particular need, although Peggy was still an unknown, a new and special land for Phillip to explore!

“Dadddyyyyyy, p-please …I—I need…”. He could barely stifle his chuckle, as he felt her fingers grip his hair, her gorgeous young body, spread and needy, yet somehow resisting until he gave her his command!

And then, what a show, a gorgeous display, as her legs tensed, her body spammed, and her firm, spectacular ass slammed up and down on her father’s large, mahogany desk!

”YESSS, YESSS cum to Daddy… cum like Daddy’s whore, Daddy’s gorgeous wonderful, spectacular Whore!” Only recently had they fully embraced what the French called, expression vulgaire, and the trigger mechanism certain words used in the height of passion could do to increase the effect!

Angelica was his love his life, as were his other girls, but the joy of being teased, enjoyed as Daddy’s dirty secret, his special whore, brought a whole new charge to the aesthetic.

Angelica had a wonderful body, the body of a Goddess, strong legs, supple movements, he gripped her, held her, and rode her sweet slit, her spectacular cunt, through every spasm and thrust. When she was done he was soaked from his cheeks to his strong pecs, coated in his daughters cum!

He licked and kissed her up and down loving her in this most erotic and vulnerable state, before kissing up her body to kiss her moUtah, and allow her to also enjoy her heady nectar.

”Oh I love you my daughter, now it is time for presents.” He handed her a package with a large satin bow. Inside was a long, Scarlett red silk robe, and a matching scarlett and red corset. Only a woman strong and confident in her sexuality could hope to do such garments justice. Her skin was the darkest in complexion of his daughters, Eliza the fairest, and teh contrast in colors would be gorgeous on her, almost as gorgeous as she was in this moment still spread wide on his desk!

Phillip also slid on a robe, and went to the wash basin to prepare for Eliza. He kissed Angelica one more time, “I look forward to tonight, I have something special planned. Now, please tell Eliza to come down in her robe, and speak with Peggy, let her know the surprise I have in store for her, I believe she is ready, more than ready, don’t you?”
”YESSS, YESSS cum to Daddy… cum like Daddy’s whore, Daddy’s gorgeous wonderful, spectacular Whore!”

Angelica let out another moan of pleasure as another orgasm washed over her. His words only setting her off once more. It was his vulgar words, calling her a whore that did it.

She had a soft contented satisfied smiled as her father moved to kiss up her body and she eagerly returned his kiss when he found her lips.

Angelica slowly slid off his desk as he moved to grab a box and handed it to her. “I love you father, but you shouldn’t have.”
She said demurely though it was no secret that Angelica did so adore receiving gifts especially from her father.

When she opened it, her fingers trailed down the beautiful corset along with the matching silk robe. “It’s so gorgeous…” she murmured looking up at him and then kissing his cheek. Once she made sure she was clothed well enough to walk back out into the hallway, she turned to look back at her father standing straight.

“I can’t wait to wear it for you. Let me go fetch Eliza.”

She gave him one last seductive look before leaving his study.

Phillip smiled as he watched his oldest and wittiest, his New York citiest, open his present. “I’m glad you like it, I can’t wait to see it on you, and take it off you!” He kissed her goodbye, sent to go retrieve his second oldest, and prepare his baby for their first time.

Where Angelica was bold and brilliant, Eliza was no less intelligent, but her approach was soft, and inherently submissive. Where Angelica had taken the intitiative in expanding their father/daughter relationship into something sexual, embracing the exploration and education her father could give, Eliza had been softer, shy, hesitant.

She would never demand, so it was up to Phillip to investigate, explore, and while Eliza was sweet, always receptive, she never had the same visceral response to his touch and pleasing until, quite unintentionally, he had ventured where he would have never guessed his daughters deepest desires lay.

As Eliza left, Phillip put on his robe. There was no reason to redress, only to undress, and if Eliza did as he anticipated, she would soon knock at his door, dressed only in her robe, which would soon be discarded.
To be honest, Eliza‘s desires and reactions had also ignited a side of Phillip he had not anticipated, for never had Kitty entertained or alluded to any such need.

But Eliza, dear sweet Eliza, loved and responded to the most taboo of teasing, and so, Phillip would pleasure his daughter in her own special way, as he found himself biting his lip, eagerly anticipating the enjoyment of his sweet Eliza’s ass!
Elizabeth Schuyler


Elizabeth Schuyler jolted at the sound of her name being called. It had felt like hours though she hadn’t actually been keeping time.

“Angelica?” She said softly.

“Father will see you now.” Angelica said,”Also please make sure to change into your undergarments to make the punishment flow more easily.”

Eliza held her chin up bravely and nodded she wasn’t scared. It took about 15 minutes to shed her clothes due to the layers but she was in her corset laced pink panties that her father had purchased her from his last long trip. She pulled her white blue silk robe over her body and made her way down the hallway.

In the beginning, she was because the way father had begun their punishments had been scarcely different than when they were young and would’ve been frowned upon should anyone else have heard.

Thankfully, most of the servants had gone to bed for the night. Still, the word punishment sent a bit of electricity through her body excitement and fear? No. Not fear because again, she didn’t fear her father because everything that was done was done with consent.

Once she reached the study she pushed the door and slowly closed it curtsying. “Father, you wished to see me.”

Regardless, whenever it came to her father even as a child she had always been helpless because while Angelica had been the first born, Eliza had always been daddy’s little princess.
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Phillip had watched his eldest leave, giving a sigh of both desire and need. Angelica got his blood to a full boil, and it was on her inspiration that Phillip had not only indulged but cherished the extremely intimate and physically passionate and deliciously lurid relationships, with his daughters.

Angelica was his first and primary lover, a woman with passion and fight, and tested his every resolve in earning her complete and total submission. She was his fire and his whore and she seemed to delight and thrive in both roles. As he watched her leave, he was filled with not only lust but inspiration on how he would enjoy her that night, fuck her hard in as many ways as their time and bodies could last and allow!

Yes, Angelica was his magnificent whore, but Eliza…sweet E L I I Z Z Z A!!! Was his Princess. Phillip had at first not considered indoctrinating Eliza into the relationship that they so lovingly and lustfully enjoyed! “I know my sister like I know my own mind …” She had made clear, and it was true, “I would choose her happiness over mine… every time!”
Angelica spoke with such knowledge and certainty, “Daddy, yes she is pure, wants to please, but do not overlook her, dismiss her, or think she does not have needs.”

She had convinced him to invite his princess in, take his time, explore her, enjoy her, celebrate her, and watch, listen as her reactions would reveal what she most wanted, desired, but would never voice. Their exploration had been slow, sweet and sensuous. Increasingly deeper, more passionate kissing, the teasing of her body, the awakening of the embers of her soul into flames that burned!

Phillip was still hard, for other than Anelica’s early fondling his cock had gone unattended as he ate his eldest’s pussy. The knock was soft, the door creaked open, and there she was, purity and sweetness personified, but it was a purity, that Phillip coveted. She curtsied as she would always do, and their was a blush on her cheeks as her voice spoke softly “Father, you wished to see me.”

“Come in Princess, Daddy has missed you.…”. She crept closer, and it was this shyness this playful reluctance that made his desires flame. “….let me enjoy my Princess… remove your robe please?” He waited and enjoyed, her eyes would look down, lashes fluttering as he scanned up and down her body. “You wore my present, it looks beautiful on you… come here please?”

She did as told, she always did as told, but he watched the grin how her eyes flashed to his, only to cast back down. “It has been far too long, hasn’t it?” He brought his middle finger to his mouth and slipped in the tip of his middle finger. He sucked on it so she could see, and gave her a little wink. She was now in front of her and he watched her eyes, as he removed his finger. “You were naughty, Angelica has taken accountability, but you did not object, did you Princess?”
He knew what being called Princess did to her, as was evident as the nubs of her breasts hardened, and attempted to push through the corset she was now only wearing!

He reached down and behind her, and gave her ass, three firm, loud spanks. “As I have told Angelica, my commands are not suggestions, I do it for your and your sisters safety.” Then he smiled, “But enough of that, you are my good girl, aren’t you?”

He gripped her waist and tugged her toward him, only then did the tie on his robe slip, falling open revealing his muscular body, and his large, erect cock! He ran one hand up her torso, only to cradle her face, and bring her face to his kissing her. They always started softly, but soon lips parted, hearts began to beat harder, and lips would part, and tongues would play.

He heard her soft moan, echoed by his. “So sweet Princess!” He smiled and kissed her again…but this time, the hand that had spanked her ass, slipped inside her panties, gripping her cheek, while the lubricated finger tip, ventured deeper to tease and rim her pucker. He felt the difference in her kiss as she responded to the early anal stimulation which was only a taste of the pleasure Daddy would provide.

But first there was critical preparation and Phillip released both the kiss and his grip on her ass. He gently pushed her down, encouraging her to drop to her knees in front of him. “Daddy’s cock has missed your sweet mouth Princess, get me nice and wet, so I can enjoy my princess just like you like Daddy to do….”