An End to Boredom (closed)


Literotica Guru
Jul 24, 2002
Jack Martin sat at his desk in the elegant condo looking out over the hills of Los Angeles. One of his best escorts had left his company, Martin Entertainment. The entertainment he offered was to provide escorts for visiting businessmen and women, local and national politicians and also digintaries from other countries. The escort services he offered ranged from simply being an attractive eye candy at a social event to more intimate endeavors. Scanning the lush landscape, he pondered the need for another escort when Dixie Preston entered his office.

He smiled at the beautiful blonde who had become one of his most trusted escorts. She came to him a year ago as a bored housewife looking for something to excite her dull life. They hit it off fabulously from the beginning during her initial interview. She was not ashamed of her body and was eager to please him in his office. After that first meeting, she had a whirlwind of successful clients who spoke highly of her, giving her rave reviews.

A few months back when one of the escorts left the company, she mentioned she knew some bored housewives, but he was a little skeptical about married women. He felt Dixie was one of a kind but she convinced him that she knew some friends who were stay at home wives with rich husbands. The husbands worked long hours and as such they left their wives alone for a vast majority of the time. She had told him the men in their lives spent a lot of time away from home every day and sometimes late into the night. He was skepitcal at first but after a few successful women joined his firm, he was convinced she knew how to persuade other bored housewives to come work for him.

Jack heard the light tap on his door and saw the bright smile on her face as his eyes scanned her luscious body. Standing in front of his large desk, he admired his best escort and now he mentioned that he had a problem. "Anita is leaving the company. Her husband is being transferred to Dallas, Texas and we have to find a replacement for her."

"Sorry to hear that Jack," Dixie said thinking of the dark haired woman who was one of the more popular escorts. "She's going to be hard to replace. Men and women raved about how open she was to whatever was asked of her."

"Yeah .... I know," Jack said wistfully, remembering the good times they had together both privately and socially. He looked at Dixie, giving her one of his best smiles, knowing he didn't want to place an ad in the newspaper for an escort. An ad brought responses from undesirable persons as well as alerting the authorities of his business. "Do you have any ideas as to who to replace her?" He could see the wheels turning in her brain as she contemplated his request.

Dixie already had a list of potential women and thought of her friend Erika. They had lunch occassionally at the country club and interacted socially at club events. A few times they talked about their husbands being gone a lot and she remembered seeing the familiar look in her eyes that she used to see in her own when she gazed in the mirror. That look changed when she went to work for Jack.

Dixie thought of the young woman. "I think I may have someone who might be willing to give it a go. Let me look into it and I'll let you know."

Jack leaned back in his leather chair, rubbing his chin. "We have a lot of clients on the schedule and with Anita gone, we need to find someone to step in. I hate to turn down clients because they will find some other agency. And I don't like losing, especially my best clients to other agencies."

"Let me see what I can do Jack," she said walking toward him with a smile. She giggled when he grabbed her, pulling her onto his lap. Her arms circled his neck and she loved how she fell into his kiss. When his hand began massaging her breasts she knew it would be awhile before she contacted Erika.


The satisfied smile was still on Dixie's face when she punched Erika’s number into her cell phone. While waiting for her to answer, she wondered if her friend would be receptive to her proposal. A few friends she approached in the past didn’t want anything to do with the escort business and that was ok with Dixie. She didn’t push anyone to do something they didn’t want to do. She simply laid out the deal and if they were interested, she introduced them to Jack.

She smiled, fondly remembering her first interview with Jack. The woman who recruited her told her what to expect and after that first lustful sexual session, she knew this gig was just right for her. She kept her husband, Trey happy and he never suspected what she did during the day and sometimes at night. If Erika agreed, the first meeting with Jack will critical in finding out how far she would be willing to go as a new escort.

Her thoughts vanished when she heard Erika's soft voice. They traded pleasantries about what they were doing and how things were going. There was a momentary pause and then Dixie said, "I have something important I want to discuss with you and if you're available, I'd like to meet you for lunch at the club today. That is if you're not busy." Dixie knew Erika probably wasn't busy as they were on the a lot of the same committees at the country club. She smiled at Jack as she waited for Erika to answer.
Erika was a 34 year old housewife of a very well to do architect in town. 5’6” tall, blond curly hair and blue gray eyes, she was a striking woman. Yes she had a thick body but she was well proportioned and had fairly large breasts. She turned a few heads when she and her husband attended upscale parties in town.
Her phone rang and buzzed on top of the kitchen table. She sees it’s Dixie, a long time friend and confidant she’s known for years. She picks it up, happy to have someone to talk to, it’s been a very boring morning so far.
"I have something important I want to discuss with you and if you're available, I'd like to meet you for lunch at the club today. That is if you're not busy." Dixie says.
”Oh goodness no Dixie I’ve got nothing going on and I’d love to meet you for lunch, thanks for the invite“ Erika says excitedly. They finish the conversation and Erika slips on a fairly tight fitting dress, runs a brush through her hair. Hurriedly she goes to the garage and jumps into her brand new BMW three series and off she goes to meet her friend.
Dixie sat at the table on the veranda at the country club watching a group of men finishing up the 18th hole. She sipped her iced tea thinking about the young Erika. She hoped Erika would accept her invitation to join the group of women who found a new excitement from their present boring existence. Her husband was a very successful architect and as such he was in demand not only in Los Angeles but in other metropolitian areas.

Dixie saw Erika walking toward her with a large smile on her face. She smiled at the young blonde with very nice breasts that bounced suggestively with each step. She knew Jack would, if given the chance, love to stick his face and cock between them.

She rose to meet her friend, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek that was a customary greeting between female friends. "Thanks for meeting me Erika. I thought it would be good to meet in person to talk about a proposal I have for you." Just as she was about to speak, a waiter appeared with a glass of iced tea.

"I hope you don't mind but I ordered you an iced tea." And then before Erika could say anything Dixie got right to the point, explaining how she knew Erika was bored by the way she talked and acted at social functions. She mentioned how, she herself was a bored housewife until she met Jack Martin who opened a whole new world to her. Dixie could see the expection on Erika's face as she explained how Jack changed her boring life as a stay at home housewife.

"Jack runs a certain kind of social business when men and women are in town for business or maybe a convention and they need someone to share the experience." She purposedly didn't mention the sex, hoping if Erika got the drift of the message, she would bring up the subject.

"It's a great way to meet all sorts of new interesting people rather than be bored by staying home or being involved with some charity. You know how snooty most of the women running the charities are, thinking they are better than every one. Well this is an opportunity to meet people, make some money, and most of all enjoy certain pleasures that life has to offer."

Dixie took a breath. "Do you like the idea Erika? If you have any questions I can help you. I know this is a lot to throw at you all at once but I happen to think you'd be a great asset to our team." Dixie picked up her drink and took a sip waiting for an answer.
Erika listens intently to what Dixie is telling her, but the more she spoke about it the more it sounded like an escort service, and Erika was sure she didn’t want to become some escort, but she was curious all the same. She asked questions about the frequency of the visit/visits, along with how much time would be involved with each one. She had to admit to herself the whole thing sounded extremely sexy and she was bored at home, but could she do something like this to her husband Pat. It could possibly keep her from masturbating so much during the week.
“I’d have to get a bunch of new clothes” she tells Dixie almost hoping that that may put an end to the offer. But instead she’s told that new and sexy outfits would be provided, anything she wanted to wear of course.
"Do you like the idea Erika? If you have any questions I can help you. I know this is a lot to throw at you all at once but I happen to think you'd be a great asset to our team."
Erika looked deep into Dixie’s eyes as she gave her an answer.

“Let’s give it a try, I could always quit if I don’t like it, right?”
Dixie knew how Erika felt when she first heard about Jack Martin and his business, leary of the unknown and unsure of herself. Dixie was wary of what would happen to her home life if her husband, Trey, found out. But once she experienced the thrill of meeting different men and women, who had the same sex drive she had, she stopped worrying about her husband. He was a workalcoholic who had a low sex drive and she kept him happy whenever the mood hit him. She was pretty sure Erika's husband, Pat, was the same way ..... work hard and get sex whenever they felt the need which wasn't very often.

When Erika said, "Let’s give it a try, I could always quit if I don’t like it, right?” Dixie knew she had set the hook and now it was just a matter of reeling her into the organization.

"I'm so happy to hear you want to give it a try. Now just to make sure you understand, you set your own schedule as to when you can work and Jack or I will schedule clients for you. So if you or Pat have something planned, we need to know in advance so we don't schedule clients for you. The visits can last anywhere from an hour to several hours depending on the situation.

Dixie thought of something important and reached across the table, taking her hands in hers. With a very serious look and tone she added, "The only thing I'll warn you about is if you have a preplanned meeting with a client, Jack does not take kindly to last minute excuses not to fulfill your obligation unless it's an emergency." She saw her think about it and then nod her agreeement.

Then to wrap up her proposal, she smiled brightly. "On top of the new clothes we will provide, you didn't ask about the money. You will make 40% of the prearranged deal the clients make with Jack and if the client enjoys your services, any tips he gives you at the end of the session, is yours to keep. I set up a separate bank account so Trey doesn't know how much money I'm making and Jack takes care of all the taxes. I suggest doing the same if you do decide to join us."

Dixie saw Erika thinking about what she had said and then added, "If you truly want to do this, let's meet with Jack this afternoon for your initial meeting."
Erika’s mind was racing with Dixie’s proposal. She did have plenty of time on her hands but to spend it with strange men or my goodness, strange women was just not something she had ever thought about, ever. She’d like to discuss it with her mother before she made any decision as she always talked to her mom about important decisions in her life. She’d always talked to her Father about very important matters but he had died just a few short years ago and her Mom was the next best thing. But Dixie wanted an answer and to be honest Erika was flattered just being asked.
It was just a meeting to see if she’d be actually be willing to do it, so what would it hurt? It’s not like she is going on a “Date” or anything. She trusted Dixie explicitly so what would it hurt?
”Okay, let’s give it a go” Erika says with a smile
Dixie could tell Erika was thinking about the offer. One moment she thought the blonde would back out and then in the next moment, she hoped she would agree to meet Jack. She was about to ask her again if she wanted to meet Jack when she smiled and said, ”Okay, let’s give it a go”

"That's great," Dixie said excitedly. "Let's order lunch and then I'll drive you. It's not the easiest to find from here and bring you back." Dixie was excited as they ate lunch and discussed various committees they were on just to appease their husbands. Afterwards, she linked her arm with Erika, making sure she could feel her breasts rubbing against her arm.

Dixie smiled at the young parking attendant who drove the Mercedes Benz to the front door. She smiled and gave him a wind as he held the door open for her. When she pressed a $50 bill into his hand whispering that she hoped to see him later, she saw him blush as he raced around to the passenger side to hold the door for Erika.

She gave Erika a big smile when she was seated and they were heading out of the parking lot. "Some day you'll have to try Jamie. He has one of the nicest cocks I've ever seen." She saw the look on Erika's face and chuckled as if she had just shown Erika a little of what she might expect.

As she sped to the hills of Los Angeles, she put her hand on Erika's bare thigh. "Don't worry honey nobody is going to make you do anything you don't want to do. Just keep an open mind and I think you'll see the possibilities." She wondered how Jack was going to react to the young blonde with the very nice tits. She felt a little moisture between her legs thinking about Erika meeting Jack.
Dixie’s fingertips felt as though there was electricity in them. They traced the top of her bare thigh as she drove the silky smooth Benz through the hills of LA. Erika didn’t move her hand or object, exactly the opposite she wanted them to linger. Erika looked her attractive friend from her heels to the top of her head as she drove. Her make up just perfect, her outfit fit wonderfully, her hair done to perfection, is this the way they’d want her to look, well obviously.
She’d always thought that Jamie was an absolute hunk, I guess Dixie found out. She leaned her head back against the leather headrest as Dixie drove trying to imagine what she’s getting herself into. She came to the conclusion that she had no idea and she’d have to wait until after she met Jack.
Dixie smiled as she drove the slick Mercedes through LA traffic which at times can be a nightmare. Her fingertips were just barely touching Erika's bare thigh and her friend didn't seem to mind. In fact she seemed to enjoy it and if she didn't mind her fingertips sliding effortlessly on her thigh what other things would she enjoy.

She was about to find out as Dixie pulled into a drive with an iron gate. She put in a card and the gates swung open allowing them to take the long winding road up a steep incline to the entrance to Jack's house. They walked inside and were greeted by Jack's secretary who told them he was on the deck.

As they entered the spacious foyer, Dixie was always awed by the large aerial view of Jack's house in the hills that hung on the foyer wall. She thought he put it there so everyone visiting could see just how big his house was overlooking the city.

They found Jack on the deck and again Dixie found the view from Jack's deck overlooking the city astounding. He was sitting at a table with his computer and smiled when he saw them. "Jack I want to introduce my friend Erika. She may interested in joining our team."

Jack stood and gave Erika a bright smile. "Nice to meet you Erika. I've heard a bit about you from Dixie and I'm glad you came to visit. I believe she told you about our business and you are interested. If that is the case, hope our relationship will grow. Please have a seat and tell me a little about yourself."
Erika sits on the firm couch facing Jack. “Well, I’m 34 years old and have been happily married for 10 years to my husband Patrick. She shifts in her seat a bit feeling a bit weird giving out her personal information to a stranger. We have no children and really don’t plan on having any as Patrick’s business just does not give him time for that. She puts her head down briefly as she says it. She tosses her head slightly allowing her thick curly blond hair to cascade around her neck. “I graduated from college with a BA in business, at the top of my class, I can provide my degree if you would like to see it.“ She sees Jack just nod as she speaks. “Um“ Erika gives a sultry pouting look without realizing it as she ponders her next sentence. “I am very outgoing and have done some work in customer service if that would help at all”
”I’m also very active in our community and at the Country club where both Dixie and I are both members”
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Jack listened to Erika's brief background, interested to learn more about her. She said she was happily married but he could tell from the way she shifted on the couch, there might be trouble in paradise. What he was really interested to find out was just how good was her sex life at home. And it was evident from the way she mentioned that her husband Patrick had no children because he was too busy with his work.

That key statement about his working long hours stuck in his brain while she told him about her college degree in business. Her sulty pout was another sign that she just might be what he and Dixie were looking for, an escort for his clients. He wasn't interested in her past customer service, now he was interested in something much more than her experience. How far was she willing to go to satisfy a clients desires? There was only one way to find out.

"Your education sounds like it lines up with what our organization is looking for. We cater to a very special type of customer and I think you might just fit right in." It was time to find out just how willing Erika was willing to go to satisfy his clients.

Smiling at Dixie, he stood and moved to sit on the couch next to Erika. Placing his arm on the back of the couch but not touching her, he smiled. He placed his right hand on her knee and looked her straight in the eyes. "As I'm sure Dixie told you, our clients have certain requirements," he said slightly squeezing her thigh just above the knee.

"Some clients want arm candy while they are in town for social events," he said moving his hand up just an inch, feeling her thigh muscle tighten. She wasn't stopping him and he glanced at Dixie who wore a I told you so smile.

"But some of those same clients and others want a bit more from our staff," he said in a lower tone, pushing his hand upward to the hem of her dress. He refrained from using the term "escort" until he was sure she was coming on board.

Pushing his hand further up under her dress, he was pleased she didn't stop him and he was a bit surprised when her thighs parted just a few inches. He was gaining more confidence that Dixie had correctly identified Erika as a bored housewife who wanted more than just a casual friendly relationship with her husband.

Jack leaned closer, seeing her eyes glance at Dixie and then back at him. "Our company goal is to satisfy our clients completely and that all starts with me." He pushed his hand upward on her thign until he felt her panties, smiling when he felt some dampness as his lips almost touched hers. "Do you think you can satisfy me and join our staff?" he whispered lightly kissing her lips, waiting for her reaction to his fingers pressing agaisnt the thin material.

Dixie sat watching them knowing it was a critical point in the interview. She felt her pussy moisten more knowing personally that the sex with Jack was wonderful. Her hand unconsciencely touched her breast as she waited the outcome. Erika had a choice to make and either she gave in and submitted to having sex with Jack or she would reject his advances and Dixie would take her home with no questions asked.
Erikas soft lips brushed Jacks. “I think I can become just about anything you’d like me to be.”
she says, her tongue slowly slipping between her lips and touching Jacks. It’s been so long since she’s felt a man’s hand near her pussy her body reacts. Her nipples stiffen and the area between her legs grows moist and warm. She feels herself being pushed back against the cushions of the couch as Jack kisses her deeply, his hand between her legs. She allows her legs to spread for the stranger.
Jack was encouraged hearing Erika tell him she thought she could become just about anything he wanted her to be. After a short kiss, he whispers, "I like that you are willing to do what is necessary." The following kiss was more demanding, taking her tongue into his mouth, sucking on it before releasing it and thrusting his tongue into her mouth, loving the feel of her lips capturing it.

He feels her legs open a little wider giving his fingers better access to her damp panties. Pushing her panties to the side, his fingers slide over the silky smoothness of her pussy and he loves the fact she is clean shaven. Jack pulled his lips off hers, glancing at Dixie.

She is enthralled with Jack and Erika and thinks about joining them. But she knows this meeting is all about Jack getting to intimately know her friend. And if he's satisfied with Erika, she will become another member of his escort staff. Watching them on the couch, she reaches down and pulls her dress higher on her thighs and begins to rub her pussy while watching Jack begin to finger fuck Erika.

Smiling at Dixie, Jack turns his full attention to Erika, slipping a finger between the moist tulip lips, hearing her soft gasp as his fingers slides past the tight muscles guarding her sex. His fingers slide up and down the slick wet channel finding her swollen love button as his tongue flitters along the ridge of her lips before pushing past them and into her mouth.

After a deep kiss, he pulls back, he himself gasping a little and stares into her eyes. "I want to feel you cum on my fingers before you get to see what I have hidden in my trousers for you." Jack was in no rush to get to the main event and was measuring just how responsive Erika was to his fingers and lips. "Do you like watching your friend Dixie touch herself? I think you got her all excited."
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Erika turns to see Dixie with her hand between her legs looking at them, she sighs loudly. She turns her head back to Jack and kisses him deeply once again. “
“Do you like watching your friend Dixie touch herself? I think you got her all excited."
Erika pulls back “Mmmm, I love it” she coos softly. She feels an orgasm approaching, something she hasn’t felt happen from being stimulated by a man in ages. Jacks fingers were slipping in and out of her wet pussy with ease as they continued to kiss, she’s glad now she shaved it the night before. Jacks pressure on her pushes her back into the couch, she feels the large bulge in his pants and wonders how long it would be before she saw what he is sporting between his legs.
Oddly enough she’s not thinking about her husband, her mind is tuned to what is happening at the moment, is this what Jack is looking for?
With Erika's admission that she loved watching Dixie tease her own pussy, Jack knew the young blonde was not afraid to watch other women. But he's looking for a woman who is willing to do more than watch and be touched. He needs a woman willing to do almost anything to satisfy a client.

He feels her body responding to his fingers sliding inside her tight silky walls. He felt her pussy muscles pulsing around his fingers and wondered how it would feel when his cock was inside her.

Her kisses were becoming more insistent ..... more hungry and he knows she is close to going over the edge. Then he feels her fingers touch his semi-hard cock and he's encouraged that she is not shy about wanting to see his cock. Would she be willing to do this with his variety of clients?

Instead of letting her enjoy an orgasm, he pulled his fingers from her slick hole, seeing them glistening in the sunlight. Licking his fingers, he grinned, “mmm baby you taste great.”

Standing in front of her, he grinned as his fingers began to unbutton his shirt. He stared into her blue eyes and whispered, “the service my staff offers is complete satisfaction of the what the client desires. Presented with me unbuttoning my shirt what do you think I want you to do?”

Jack knew Erika knew what he was alluding too. Would she take the initiative and release his cock and enjoy it?
Erika lays back as Jack moves away and stands up in front of her. She watches him as he slowly begins unbuttoning his shirt starting at the top down.Her eyes move from his face down to his hands as she watches him slowly unbutton his shirt. Her curly blond hair cascades down onto her shoulders somewhat covering her eyes as she looks up at him. Her eyes move down seeing the very large bulge in his pants, then back up to his face, she smiles. Ever since she’s been young Erika’s always had a big set of tits and the boys went wild for them calling them “Torpedo tits”
While she watches Jack unbutton his pants she quickly unbuttons her blouse and opens it up exposing a white lacy bra barely containing her full ripe breasts. She’s decided to leave it on to tease Jack maybe just a little. Jack removes his shirt and tosses it behind him onto a chair, then proceeds to unbuckle his belt and unsnap his pants. All the while neither Jack nor Erika have taken their eyes off each other.
Pushing down his trousers Jack allows a very thick and semi erect what appears to Erika to be a nine inch cock, she gasps softly. He runs his fingers the length of it making it twitch and grow while keeping his eyes locked on Erika’s. She sits up quickly onto the edge of the couch the thick tool bobbing in front of her. She reaches out and grips the shaft pulling the cock down to her mouth, all the while her eyes on Jacks. She feels Jacks hand in her hair as he gently pulls her mouth to it, she gobbles it greedily.
Jack had presented Erika two options when he started to unbutton his shirt. She could either begin to unbutton her blouse or she could unbuckle his belt and trousers. She opted to unbutton her blouse to show him just how big her tits were. He felt a surge of lust in him when she revealed the lacy white bra which did little to contain the large mounds of flesh.

He saw a movement out of the corner if his eye, seeing Dixie move to get a better view of what was about to happen. He saw she had hiked up her dress when she sat in another chair, revealing her shaved pussy. Jack knew how that pussy felt on his cock and as he started to unbuckle his trousers, he wondered how his thick long hard cock would feel inside Erika.

Revealing his cock to Erika, he stepped out of the trousers, seeing the look of admiration on her face. It was the same look other women gave him when they saw how long and thick his cock was and he was sure they were mentally comparing it to their husband or boyfriend.

Jack smiles and hears Dixie's moan when the young blonde reaches up to touch his cock, gripping it and begin to kiss the thick crown. "That's it baby .... mmmmm yessss ..... take your time and get to know my thick cock that's going to fuck you." His hands rested in her curly blonde hair and he groaned seeing her take more into her mouth until it was touching the back of her throat.

Dixie had picked another winner, he thought as he leaned over and his hands found the clasp on her bra. It was easy work, releasing the clasp and smiled brightly when her breasts came into full view. He pulled his cock from her mouth for a moment and said, "my clients are going to love you." And then he thrust his hips forward, loving the way his cock fit in her mouth.
“That's it baby .... mmmmm yessss ..... take your time and get to know my thick cock that's going to fuck you." Erika adjusts herself on the couch with Jacks dick in her mouth. It’s like a steel rod, something she isn’t used to as her husband just doesn’t get that hard anymore. Whether he has too much on his mind or he simply didn’t find her all that attractive anymore, she isn’t sure, but Jacks cock is extremely stiff, very flattering. Her lips form around the shaft while her tongue swirls around the head as he pushes more and more into her mouth. She looks up at him making eye contact, but he pulls out and backs away momentarily allowing her bra to slide off her tits exposing the magnificent torpedoes. The bra slips off landing in her lap, then onto the floor in front of her.
"my clients are going to love you." she hears him say. Just before he stuffs her mouth full of his cock again. Her soft warm hands move to his upper thighs caressing them as he slowly thrusts into her mouth.
Jack doesn't force his cock into her mouth but slowly slips it deeper then withdrawing it, allowing her to feel its girth. He sees her mouth open wide, and he gives her as much of it as she wants and can take without forcing it. He enjoys watching how his stiff muscle slowly disappears and then reappears, covered in her spittle, glistening in the sunlight.

Pulling his cock from her mouth, he grabs it, swiping it across her lips. "There is plenty of time for you to enjoy this but now I want to see all of you." He pulls her off the couch and into his arms, feeling her torpedo tits bore into his muscular chest. His hands move down her back until he finds the zipper on her skirt. Pulling it down, he smiles into her deep blue eyes, pushing as she shimmys until it falls off her hips and onto the ground.

Pushing her gently back onto the couch until she is lying on her back, he spreads her legs, seeing the damp white panties. "My turn," he says pulling the panties off and then lowering his head, kissing the inside of her thigh until he reaches his destination. "Very nice," he mutters seeing her recently shaved pussy, as his tongue slips between her wet lips to tease her clit.

Just a few minutes ago, he had her on the verge of an orgasm using his fingers. He wasn't going to stop licking and sucking her until her body was gyrating uncontrollably.

Dixie watched Erika, pleased she didn't resist Jack's advances. It told her alot about her enjoyment and acceptance of sexual pleasures with men other than her husband. She didn't realize the doors that would soon open for her in the world of sexual pleasure and satisfaction. As she watched Jack begin to attack her cunt, Dixie felt a shudder of lust course through her, knowing her own orgasm was soon to overtake her.
Erika is breathless as Jack pushes her back against the couch cushions, ”My turn” he tells her as he pushes down, then removes her panties. She watches him as he kneels in front of her knowing exactly what he’s about to do. It’s been so long since she’s been eaten, she spreads her legs to provide him access to her pussy. Her head turns to Dixie who’s been watching her the entire time, Erika smiles at her as Jack kisses the insides of her thighs. She slowly moves her arms down, putting her hands on Jacks head guiding and encouraging him. Dixie smiles back seeing Erika’s face glisten from her own saliva around her mouth. Her head leans back as Jacks lips meet hers.
Jack was very pleased with the way Erika reacted to him. She was open and accomodating, allowing him to explore her body with no hesitation. Her demeanor told him a lot about the blonde woman who, if she agreed, after this interview to join the staff, would be required to open up for many different types of clients, both men and women.

Her pussy is wide open and it's glistening with her moisture. The taste of her nectar is intoxicating as his tongue slips back and forth between the twin lips that guard her sex. He feels her hand on the back of his head, not pushing or pulling but just lying in his hair, as if waiting for the moment her fingers will grab a handful and pull his lips agasint her pussy.

"Mmmmm baby you taste so wonderful," he moans as he contiunes to lap at her pussy, not attacking it but simply teasing it with the tip of his tongue. Flattening his tongue, he runs it up and down the wet slit, occasionally dipping between the fleshy lips to her moans.

Pulling back, he smiles up at her while he runs a two fingers over her pussy lips and then moving it down to her hole. "You have such a wonderful cunt honey," he says as his fingers circle the tight hole and then pushes against the muscles until they give way. He hears her moan and then with his other arm draped around one thigh, uses his fingers to pull the lips apart, exposing the swollen nut. "That's what I'm looking for," he groans putting his mouth over the sensitive bud and begins to suck and tongue it, feeling the fingers tighten in his hair.
Her orgasm approaching her hips rise and fall, her legs beginning to tremble. Erika pulls Jacks face to her gaping pussy. Her breathing becoming erratic the orgasm washing over her. “Oh yeah…Oh yeah” she groans, her full ripe tits wobbling and quaking on her chest. She hasn’t experienced an orgasm like this in years. It was in this moment that she knew she’d be working for Jack.
Holding her puffy lips open for his assault, Jack feels Erika's body tremble and begin to undulate on the couch as his tongue swirls over and around the sensitive clit while two fingers slide back and forth inside her pussy. He feels her fingers pulling and pushing his head hearing her heated groans of pleasure as he takes her closer to a pleasurable orgasm.

It doesn't take long for her to reach the pinnacle, feeling her body thrashing about in the throes of orgasm. Jack continues to finger fuck her and lick at her clit as she moans and calls out.

Dixie watches the couple wishing she were part of the action. But she knows Jack wants to experience Erika's body firsthand without any interruptions. Her pussy is aching for the big cock between his thighs as she uses her fingers to rub her clit and fuck her pussy. "Ohhhh fuckkkkk," she murmurs, watching Jack eat her pussy while the blonde wiggles and thrashes about in sexual pleasure.

When Erika starts to calm down, he feels her pushing his head away from her over sensitive clit. Pulling back, he smiles as he rises above her, his hard cock swinging between his legs. "We're not done with your interview yet honey," he calls out as he crawls between her open thighs. Rubbing his cock up and down her sopping wet pussy, he pushes the head against her hole feeling the muscles tighten. They are no match for his rigid cock as his hips thrust forward sending his cock deep into her pussy.

Both Jack and Dixie hear her scream of pleasure as Jack's hips begin to move back and forth.
Jack pushes Erika’s leg apart forcefully, “We're not done with your interview yet honey," he growls as his thick cock enters then bottoms out in her sopping twat, “Ohhh fuck” she groans.
“Ohhh fuck is right” Jack grunts himself feeling the velvety slick pussy engulf his dick. He looks down at her, sees the beautiful tits hanging off her chest as he begins to thrust. Her eyes roll back into her head as the huge cock assaults her cunt. It doesn’t take long and she’s ready to climax once again.
Jack's cock is lodged deep in Erika's pussy feeling her tight vaginal muscles squeezing it. He reaches out to grab her wobbling tits, finding the excited nipples. Twisting and pulling on them his hips begin to drive harder, each thrust impaling her on his hard rob.

Dixie watches the action and finds herself on the doorstep of cumming. Breathing hard, her fingers rub her clit harder until her body arches in the chair and her orgasm washes over her.

Jack hears Dixie and feels Erika's orgasm hit her hard, her pussy quivering on his rock hard cock. He feels himself getting closer and pulls out and positions himself over her, his aching cock just inches from her mouth. "Open up baby," he calls out seeing her mouth open ready to accept his hot creamy load.