American Sentences

The Sum of Our Struggles

In some roads the outlines of stones are clear-past bumps that now pave the way.

Her heartbeat missing from my bed. This is why I sleep so anxiously.
But I Vault Like a Champ

Training in mental gymnastics: I keep falling off the balance beam.

We only "talk" online. What if we met face-to-face for some coffee?
Overheard on a Waterfront Patio in Toronto

Baby ... the most expensive thing you will ever eat is my pussy.

Beauty is the Bones

We see colours in stained glass but without the lead there is no story.

He knows me like a fav'rite book; still wants to read me repeatedly.

Three Nights Could Be Different

Your home happiness is what I would rather own than two nights of glorious sex with you.
Shall I Compare Thee

When rain falls on the lake we think it's gone home but really it's drowning.
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Five Sensetences

Lines written to remember, as red lipstick washes from my collar.
Feral moans dispersing through the ether, as surface memory fades.
The fragrance of fevered fucking lingers until the housemaid cleans the room.
Traces of your tang persist on my stubble until at last I shave.
The pain from your bites and scratches slowly recedes but the ache remains.

I apologize for jumping the gun on gm's upcoming challenge but had to try one first.

There is nothing that would change my world more than if you were not in it.