American Sentences

Jewelry Box

Not carved ivory, but plastic. Inside, the velvet bed lies empty.
And even my fingers grieve, remembering how they once grazed her skin.
The Forest for the Trees

I see the trees one leaf at a time so I am blinded by the fall.
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The Illusion of Symbiosis

I watch wasps drink from the birdbath after killing one that stung my hand.
He worried how his surgeries would affect them. Then she purred, Come here.
It is easy to make the bed these mornings, now that I sleep alone.
This Thing

More than you knew you wanted, but never quite enough to satisfy.
End of the World

If the Apocalypse came with no Rapture, who would even notice?


Her voice is not enough. Can one separate the blossom from its scent?

I prune my thoughts in public - just a shade better than trimming my pubes.

Throw your cow patties, if it pleases you to believe your own bullshit.

The following is not my sentence but rather a sentence written by a much more famous poet than I - Gord Downie. I thought it rather appropriate for our little corner of poetic culture.


Don't tell me what the poets are doing; don't tell me ... they're talking tough.

A Shared Life

Your fur coat was still soft and warm when I closed your eyes and said goodbye.
I wish we could have coffee together, although I don't drink coffee.

The Queen of Spades, portent of danger or key to power, keep or pass?