adrina is a communist

What would you know about English? If it weren't for your word a day calendar you wouldn't even be able to complete a sentence.

Enough to sufficiently characterize your lack of intellectual significance both to my own satisfaction and your complete understanding and chagrin. :D
Enough to sufficiently characterize your lack of intellectual significance both to my own satisfaction and your complete understanding and chagrin. :D

You must have passed out while writing most of your posts as well as reading the replies that handed you your ass numerous times. You're in a position to judge the intelligence of no one.

You should be happy every day you've woken up and not shit the bed. That is your victory. Everything else in your miserable day runs down hill.
You must have passed out while writing most of your posts as well as reading the replies that handed you your ass numerous times. You're in a position to judge the intelligence of no one.

You should be happy every day you've woken up and not shit the bed. That is your victory. Everything else in your miserable day runs down hill.

Except for opportunities to trigger the left or have fun, in general, I don't care about replies to what I post. The value to me is the knowledge that I can so easily trigger weak minded people like you on the left. After all, one cannot have a meaningful exchange with a box of Corn Flakes like yourself. So knock yourself out trying to hurt my feelings.:D
Personally I'd prefer it if you didn't go out of your way to be so irritating.

You make broad sweeping generalizations about men intended to insult everyone who has a Y chromosome without regard to whether they actually did anything to deserve it or not. Recently you even made a reference to "their kind" as if men are some sort of unwanted disease. And went along with someone's comment about women having a monthly period as being worse than a man DYING.

And then you wonder (and/or gloat about) why people put you on ignore. Or rag your ass.

I'm not saying you can't have your opinions. What I'm saying is that your opinions BEGIN WITH degrading many very good men here. And then the dogpile starts where you and your "friends" start berating anyone who objects to being callously mistreated and abused while you stand on the sidelines and egg them on. This shows who you are more than anything you say otherwise.

It's pretty obvious that I'm not very likable because I'm on just about everyone's ignore list. In person, I'm even more of an ass because I like hurting people. I like it a lot. I like it best when I'm hurting someone who deserves it. Quite a few of those people are women. Yet I don't paint ALL women as bitches or worthless beings merely because they aren't men. Nor do I like hurting them just because they're women. Why? Because good people don't do that sort of thing.

You need to get over your self-aggrandized-pseudo-genetic-superiority complex and start acting like the human being your parents taught you to be. Otherwise, you're going to end up wondering where and when you went wrong. Usually that's just about the time you realize that you ALSO missed the exit to retrace your life and grab the opportunity to take the right highway.

Have a great day.

Last night was a horrible night for myself, and my neighborhood. Our next door neighbors house caught fire, and this morning, it is a total loss. It was about 5AM this morning, when I witnessed about 50 firefighters, all men, taking turns rushing into a burning home to save the family, and put out the fire. These are the same men, Y chromosomes and all, that Adrina despises. She is also protected every night when she goes to bed, knowing that she is safe from attack because there are military men (and a few women, about 10% I think) who keep her disrespectful ass safe from harm. There are police who keep our streets safe, whom she joins in shouting against and applauding those who cover their faces to foment mayhem in our streets. To her, they are the 'enemy'.

It's truly a sad illness to hate the people who not only perform these services she uses every day, but also those who build and maintain the bridges, highways, and services she uses every day without thinking how they got there or how they're kept in repair. She despises those who invented the airplane, the car, who discovered the mechanisms to provide electricity to her home, and the sewer that takes away her waste. She hates the sanitation crews that pick up her garbage, and the many, many functions that make her life one of ease.

I'm sure her response will be to point out that women make babies, and make many sarcastic comments about not being grateful to my mother (she's already joined that crowds song and dance). Fact is, I don't hate women. But she will never find it in her soul to EVER be so much as respectful of the gender she has chosen to hate with every fiber of her being. And it's why I chose to ignore her. She simply has revealed herself to be absent the qualities that I know to be worthwhile, and that make our world and our lives great in every regard. She'll point out that not everyone in the world has it so good, and never acknowledge that such things are a successive approximation that requires building up, and not tearing down, and setting examples of how to do it better. She'll probably even say all of this should be free. But who will she say needs to be the backbone, the expenditure of effort and capital that it takes to deliver the freebies will be lost on her. She seems to think it all just grows on a tree for her dainty hand to pick from, and that she is entitled to whatever her heart tells her she deserves. But her appreciation for anything from the males of the world will never come. She will hate us for the very fact we have a Y chromosome. Hate away. We don't need your appreciation, but it would be a nicer place if that were to happen. Again, I'm not expecting anything remotely close from the likes of her. She's what appears to be an irredeemable person, or what she likes to call a 'basket of deplorables'.

Damn... just damn!
Last night was a horrible night for myself, and my neighborhood. Our next door neighbors house caught fire, and this morning, it is a total loss. It was about 5AM this morning, when I witnessed about 50 firefighters, all men, taking turns rushing into a burning home to save the family, and put out the fire. These are the same men, Y chromosomes and all, that Adrina despises. She is also protected every night when she goes to bed, knowing that she is safe from attack because there are military men (and a few women, about 10% I think) who keep her disrespectful ass safe from harm. There are police who keep our streets safe, whom she joins in shouting against and applauding those who cover their faces to foment mayhem in our streets. To her, they are the 'enemy'.

It's truly a sad illness to hate the people who not only perform these services she uses every day, but also those who build and maintain the bridges, highways, and services she uses every day without thinking how they got there or how they're kept in repair. She despises those who invented the airplane, the car, who discovered the mechanisms to provide electricity to her home, and the sewer that takes away her waste. She hates the sanitation crews that pick up her garbage, and the many, many functions that make her life one of ease.

I'm sure her response will be to point out that women make babies, and make many sarcastic comments about not being grateful to my mother (she's already joined that crowds song and dance). Fact is, I don't hate women. But she will never find it in her soul to EVER be so much as respectful of the gender she has chosen to hate with every fiber of her being. And it's why I chose to ignore her. She simply has revealed herself to be absent the qualities that I know to be worthwhile, and that make our world and our lives great in every regard. She'll point out that not everyone in the world has it so good, and never acknowledge that such things are a successive approximation that requires building up, and not tearing down, and setting examples of how to do it better. She'll probably even say all of this should be free. But who will she say needs to be the backbone, the expenditure of effort and capital that it takes to deliver the freebies will be lost on her. She seems to think it all just grows on a tree for her dainty hand to pick from, and that she is entitled to whatever her heart tells her she deserves. But her appreciation for anything from the males of the world will never come. She will hate us for the very fact we have a Y chromosome. Hate away. We don't need your appreciation, but it would be a nicer place if that were to happen. Again, I'm not expecting anything remotely close from the likes of her. She's what appears to be an irredeemable person, or what she likes to call a 'basket of deplorables'.

Damn... just damn!

Last night was a horrible night for myself, and my neighborhood. Our next door neighbors house caught fire, and this morning, it is a total loss. It was about 5AM this morning, when I witnessed about 50 firefighters, all men, taking turns rushing into a burning home to save the family, and put out the fire. These are the same men, Y chromosomes and all, that Adrina despises. She is also protected every night when she goes to bed, knowing that she is safe from attack because there are military men (and a few women, about 10% I think) who keep her disrespectful ass safe from harm. There are police who keep our streets safe, whom she joins in shouting against and applauding those who cover their faces to foment mayhem in our streets. To her, they are the 'enemy'.

It's truly a sad illness to hate the people who not only perform these services she uses every day, but also those who build and maintain the bridges, highways, and services she uses every day without thinking how they got there or how they're kept in repair. She despises those who invented the airplane, the car, who discovered the mechanisms to provide electricity to her home, and the sewer that takes away her waste. She hates the sanitation crews that pick up her garbage, and the many, many functions that make her life one of ease.

I'm sure her response will be to point out that women make babies, and make many sarcastic comments about not being grateful to my mother (she's already joined that crowds song and dance). Fact is, I don't hate women. But she will never find it in her soul to EVER be so much as respectful of the gender she has chosen to hate with every fiber of her being. And it's why I chose to ignore her. She simply has revealed herself to be absent the qualities that I know to be worthwhile, and that make our world and our lives great in every regard. She'll point out that not everyone in the world has it so good, and never acknowledge that such things are a successive approximation that requires building up, and not tearing down, and setting examples of how to do it better. She'll probably even say all of this should be free. But who will she say needs to be the backbone, the expenditure of effort and capital that it takes to deliver the freebies will be lost on her. She seems to think it all just grows on a tree for her dainty hand to pick from, and that she is entitled to whatever her heart tells her she deserves. But her appreciation for anything from the males of the world will never come. She will hate us for the very fact we have a Y chromosome. Hate away. We don't need your appreciation, but it would be a nicer place if that were to happen. Again, I'm not expecting anything remotely close from the likes of her. She's what appears to be an irredeemable person, or what she likes to call a 'basket of deplorables'.

Damn... just damn!


...somebody's penis sure got all up in its feels from getting shoe-heeled last night!



i realize that the picture i put up was from a movie but it's much more plausible than the story of his neighbor's house burning to the ground. he spent all day and night arguing the superiority of men and then conveniently a house catches fire and only male firefighters were called to the scene. if the male firefighters were much more qualified than the women, why did it take fifty of them and they still lost the house?
i realize that the picture i put up was from a movie but it's much more plausible than the story of his neighbor's house burning to the ground. he spent all day and night arguing the superiority of men and then conveniently a house catches fire and only male firefighters were called to the scene. if the male firefighters were much more qualified than the women, why did it take fifty of them and they still lost the house?


My neighbor's home today...
...and Fuck You, you unfeeling sack of shit!
I never ever, EVER want to hear again how Lit is a community where people support each other, and that there's the least ounce of humanity in this group..... EVER!

My neighbor's home today...
...and Fuck You, you unfeeling sack of shit!

Hope the bitches had insurance. If you were any kind of man you would have put the fire out yourself. The fact that you didn't leads me to suspect that it was YOU who started the fire just to see all the sweaty firemen. You really are pathetic.
I never ever, EVER want to hear again how Lit is a community where people support each other, and that there's the least ounce of humanity in this group..... EVER!

Hey, lit is a community where we help each other out, unless you're a total fagwad like yourself.
Coach dweeb has preached at the altar of phony Christianity, for sure. Any bets that he's a repressed homosexual?
He isn't gay???????:confused::confused::confused::confused:

I thought he had one of them queer mental disorders.
I actually don't think I've ever seen Adrina say she hates all men. But, you know, don't let facts get in the way of a good story ... a story that happens to exploit someone else's misfortune to make a point.

Feminism didn't burn the house down.
Socialism didn't burn the house down.

Last night was a horrible night for myself, and my neighborhood. Our next door neighbors house caught fire, and this morning, it is a total loss. It was about 5AM this morning, when I witnessed about 50 firefighters, all men, taking turns rushing into a burning home to save the family, and put out the fire. These are the same men, Y chromosomes and all, that Adrina despises. She is also protected every night when she goes to bed, knowing that she is safe from attack because there are military men (and a few women, about 10% I think) who keep her disrespectful ass safe from harm. There are police who keep our streets safe, whom she joins in shouting against and applauding those who cover their faces to foment mayhem in our streets. To her, they are the 'enemy'.

It's truly a sad illness to hate the people who not only perform these services she uses every day, but also those who build and maintain the bridges, highways, and services she uses every day without thinking how they got there or how they're kept in repair. She despises those who invented the airplane, the car, who discovered the mechanisms to provide electricity to her home, and the sewer that takes away her waste. She hates the sanitation crews that pick up her garbage, and the many, many functions that make her life one of ease.

I'm sure her response will be to point out that women make babies, and make many sarcastic comments about not being grateful to my mother (she's already joined that crowds song and dance). Fact is, I don't hate women. But she will never find it in her soul to EVER be so much as respectful of the gender she has chosen to hate with every fiber of her being. And it's why I chose to ignore her. She simply has revealed herself to be absent the qualities that I know to be worthwhile, and that make our world and our lives great in every regard. She'll point out that not everyone in the world has it so good, and never acknowledge that such things are a successive approximation that requires building up, and not tearing down, and setting examples of how to do it better. She'll probably even say all of this should be free. But who will she say needs to be the backbone, the expenditure of effort and capital that it takes to deliver the freebies will be lost on her. She seems to think it all just grows on a tree for her dainty hand to pick from, and that she is entitled to whatever her heart tells her she deserves. But her appreciation for anything from the males of the world will never come. She will hate us for the very fact we have a Y chromosome. Hate away. We don't need your appreciation, but it would be a nicer place if that were to happen. Again, I'm not expecting anything remotely close from the likes of her. She's what appears to be an irredeemable person, or what she likes to call a 'basket of deplorables'.

Damn... just damn!
you again? how long before you get the boot? huh?

indeed it does

if this is true you are either in a position of power which you abuse, or a felon yourself since you'd be admitting to committing offences against others - and enjoying it, which says bucketsfull about you

if it's not true, then you are simply yet another wannabe badass pretending they're a mean motherfucker on teh nets :rolleyes:

When you have the backing of the government for what you do, it's not a crime. It's also not a crime to enjoy punishing those who deserve it so long as the punishment is lawfully done and within the limits imposed by the law. Nor is it an abuse of power to imposed punishment which is truly earned.

Part of what I did before I semi retired was sit as judge in a Superior Court. I enjoyed it immensely. I enjoyed making decisions which punished wrongdoers and my decisions carried the LAWFUL weight of authority and NEVER went beyond the limits imposed by the law. That doesn't mean I didn't like it.

My current semi retired work requires that I meet with people who are being sued and making them understand what's going on. Some of them hate me because I am the face of Karma coming to haunt them. I enjoy seeing them squirm and try to wiggle and deny responsibility. I'm not responsible for what they did to themselves, I just enjoy seeing it come home to roost.

So you see, you CAN enjoy the pain of others without being a criminal. And, unless you actually meet me in person, you can't judge my level of debauchery.
I dare anyone, including the pathetic piece of shit coward that put me on ignore only to make a personal attack against me based on his own insecurities as a human being, to find one single instance of me saying I hate men let alone all men.

The pity party performance of this piece of shit coward is one of the most self indulgent bits of garbage I've ever had the displeasure of reading. He nor anyone else will find any instance of me denigrating the work of men. However one will find many instances of him denigrating women, women's issues and actual women here. Repeatedly.

This craven example of a human being - and I use that designation very loosely - is hurt because I reject men who hate and loathe me, who at every opportunity will insult me, my beliefs and my philosophies. On the playground with his number and word games where there is no accountability for his hatred he can be charming and flirtatious. However if as a woman you do not kowtow to his opinions or if you show any disagreement he will turn on you like a snake in the grass.

This ignorant and assumption making troglodyte believes that I should welcome and accept into my intimate circle those that actively wish me harm, who believe I deserve at best their pity or even their contempt. Considering how he deals with those who challenge him or show hostility to him - putting them on ignore - I find his expectation of my respect, reverence and/or attention to be highly ironic and downright hypocritical.

This lily-livered invertebrate pounding away at his keyboard in impotent rage sowing lies because he's been exposed for the miserable oaf he is has nothing left but to make baseless accusations against me and other women.

I have no use or time for someone so piteously inadequate and hateful as him. And it's not because he is a man. I have had many pleasant and enjoyable experiences here with men. Just not ones who hold me in such disregard. But of course being the wretched excuse of a human being he is, it is far easier to project his deficiencies onto someone else.

Coward - and this is directed at you, you miserable fool - find a single instance of me saying I hate men, disregard men's work or saying anything about your mother. Good luck. You'll need it. And not just for that.
I dare anyone, including the pathetic piece of shit coward that put me on ignore only to make a personal attack against me based on his own insecurities as a human being, to find one single instance of me saying I hate men let alone all men.

The pity party performance of this piece of shit coward is one of the most self indulgent bits of garbage I've ever had the displeasure of reading. He nor anyone else will find any instance of me denigrating the work of men. However one will find many instances of him denigrating women, women's issues and actual women here. Repeatedly.

This craven example of a human being - and I use that designation very loosely - is hurt because I reject men who hate and loathe me, who at every opportunity will insult me, my beliefs and my philosophies. On the playground with his number and word games where there is no accountability for his hatred he can be charming and flirtatious. However if as a woman you do not kowtow to his opinions or if you show any disagreement he will turn on you like a snake in the grass.

This ignorant and assumption making troglodyte believes that I should welcome and accept into my intimate circle those that actively wish me harm, who believe I deserve at best their pity or even their contempt. Considering how he deals with those who challenge him or show hostility to him - putting them on ignore - I find his expectation of my respect, reverence and/or attention to be highly ironic and downright hypocritical.

This lily-livered invertebrate pounding away at his keyboard in impotent rage sowing lies because he's been exposed for the miserable oaf he is has nothing left but to make baseless accusations against me and other women.

I have no use or time for someone so piteously inadequate and hateful as him. And it's not because he is a man. I have had many pleasant and enjoyable experiences here with men. Just not ones who hold me in such disregard. But of course being the wretched excuse of a human being he is, it is far easier to project his deficiencies onto someone else.

Coward - and this is directed at you, you miserable fool - find a single instance of me saying I hate men, disregard men's work or saying anything about your mother. Good luck. You'll need it. And not just for that.


My ignore list does not lie.