adrina is a communist

Awesome..... Vette and coach dumbass combine their intelligence.. Put together, if it were tnt, wouldn't be powerful enough to blow ones hat off.

It's like a bargain-basement Captain Planet knockoff.


My mom died three years ago. I'd appreciate the civility to stop with the mom taunts.

You're long past deserving of any civility.

One of the pitfalls of being a keyboard warrior with no filter.

Snip from your post:

"She was castrated by God, and has never forgiven him for such an offense against her, nor will she ever forget...."
You're long past deserving of any civility.

One of the pitfalls of being a keyboard warrior with no filter.

Snip from your post:

"She was castrated by God, and has never forgiven him for such an offense against her, nor will she ever forget...."

Just like most of them. They can dish it out but can't take it. There is a certain irony and a definitive hypocrisy in demanding respect while giving none.

"Snowflakery for thee, but not for me."
You're long past deserving of any civility.

One of the pitfalls of being a keyboard warrior with no filter.

Snip from your post:

"She was castrated by God, and has never forgiven him for such an offense against her, nor will she ever forget...."

Do you even realize that
while many men think that you're angry and unpleasant, most women find you creepy?
Do you even realize that
while many men think that you're angry and unpleasant, most women find you creepy?

I'm assuming this was meant for me. :rolleyes:

Oh my. Someone with an alt account makes an accusation they don't have the courage to make with their regular account. Although I agree with FS, you sound like Hash. Which is further irony if so considering the universal dislike for him.

If the RWCJ finds me unpleasant it is no skin off my nose.

Most of the women I've talked to like me just fine, and have sent many messages of support and even thanks.

I will not be the quiet demure stereotype to soothe egos. If that is what is needed for some people to like me, then they aren't people I'd get along with anyway.
Do you even realize that
while many men think that you're angry and unpleasant, most women find you creepy?

If you're a query alt, you know that isn't true at all.. Remember getting your ass completely handed to you when you tried that on the playground?

I'm not angry at all.. I have an incredible life.. I only treat these people as they deserve.. With complete derision. Typically they are of the rwcj group.. And the other dummies that "claim" they're not right wingers.

If you're a query alt, you know that isn't true at all.. Remember getting your ass completely handed to you when you tried that on the playground?

I'm not angry at all.. I have an incredible life.. I only treat these people as they deserve.. With complete derision. Typically they are of the rwcj group.. And the other dummies that "claim" they're not right wingers.

Impotent "derision" from an empty jock in search of a credible life.
I'm assuming this was meant for me. :rolleyes:

Oh my. Someone with an alt account makes an accusation they don't have the courage to make with their regular account. Although I agree with FS, you sound like Hash. Which is further irony if so considering the universal dislike for him.

If the RWCJ finds me unpleasant it is no skin off my nose.

Most of the women I've talked to like me just fine, and have sent many messages of support and even thanks.

I will not be the quiet demure stereotype to soothe egos. If that is what is needed for some people to like me, then they aren't people I'd get along with anyway.

Personally I'd prefer it if you didn't go out of your way to be so irritating.

You make broad sweeping generalizations about men intended to insult everyone who has a Y chromosome without regard to whether they actually did anything to deserve it or not. Recently you even made a reference to "their kind" as if men are some sort of unwanted disease. And went along with someone's comment about women having a monthly period as being worse than a man DYING.

And then you wonder (and/or gloat about) why people put you on ignore. Or rag your ass.

I'm not saying you can't have your opinions. What I'm saying is that your opinions BEGIN WITH degrading many very good men here. And then the dogpile starts where you and your "friends" start berating anyone who objects to being callously mistreated and abused while you stand on the sidelines and egg them on. This shows who you are more than anything you say otherwise.

It's pretty obvious that I'm not very likable because I'm on just about everyone's ignore list. In person, I'm even more of an ass because I like hurting people. I like it a lot. I like it best when I'm hurting someone who deserves it. Quite a few of those people are women. Yet I don't paint ALL women as bitches or worthless beings merely because they aren't men. Nor do I like hurting them just because they're women. Why? Because good people don't do that sort of thing.

You need to get over your self-aggrandized-pseudo-genetic-superiority complex and start acting like the human being your parents taught you to be. Otherwise, you're going to end up wondering where and when you went wrong. Usually that's just about the time you realize that you ALSO missed the exit to retrace your life and grab the opportunity to take the right highway.

Have a great day.
This is when I wish I had a keyboard instead of this damn hunt n peck phone keyboard.

So suffice it to say you are a freaking hypocrite of the highest order. Somewhere between your condescending asshattery and your blatant hypocrisy I'm really not giving two fucks what you think.

Physician heal thyself.

This is when I wish I had a keyboard instead of this damn hunt n peck phone keyboard.

So suffice it to say you are a freaking hypocrite of the highest order. Somewhere between your condescending asshattery and your blatant hypocrisy I'm really not giving two fucks what you think.

Physician heal thyself.


I'm trying to.

Thank you for your understanding and concern.
She was castrated by God, and has never forgiven him for such an offense against her, nor will she ever forget....

Could you manage to squeak a bit louder, little fella?:rolleyes:

I'll give you a couple minutes to have your diaper changed, and you can put your hearing aids in.. and have someone read my post to you, since English is obviously not your first language.
I'll give you a couple minutes to have your diaper changed, and you can put your hearing aids in.. and have someone read my post to you, since English is obviously not your first language.

Make sure that "someone" can both amplify and translate your "Mouseketeer" into proper English.:rolleyes::D
Make sure that "someone" can both amplify and translate your "Mouseketeer" into proper English.:rolleyes::D

What would you know about English? If it weren't for your word a day calendar you wouldn't even be able to complete a sentence.
Do you even realize that
while many men think that you're angry and unpleasant, most women find you creepy?
you again? how long before you get the boot? huh?

You write like hashtag.
indeed it does

Personally I'd prefer it if you didn't go out of your way to be so irritating.

You make broad sweeping generalizations about men intended to insult everyone who has a Y chromosome without regard to whether they actually did anything to deserve it or not. Recently you even made a reference to "their kind" as if men are some sort of unwanted disease. And went along with someone's comment about women having a monthly period as being worse than a man DYING.

And then you wonder (and/or gloat about) why people put you on ignore. Or rag your ass.

I'm not saying you can't have your opinions. What I'm saying is that your opinions BEGIN WITH degrading many very good men here. And then the dogpile starts where you and your "friends" start berating anyone who objects to being callously mistreated and abused while you stand on the sidelines and egg them on. This shows who you are more than anything you say otherwise.

It's pretty obvious that I'm not very likable because I'm on just about everyone's ignore list. In person, I'm even more of an ass because I like hurting people. I like it a lot. I like it best when I'm hurting someone who deserves it. Quite a few of those people are women. Yet I don't paint ALL women as bitches or worthless beings merely because they aren't men. Nor do I like hurting them just because they're women. Why? Because good people don't do that sort of thing.

You need to get over your self-aggrandized-pseudo-genetic-superiority complex and start acting like the human being your parents taught you to be. Otherwise, you're going to end up wondering where and when you went wrong. Usually that's just about the time you realize that you ALSO missed the exit to retrace your life and grab the opportunity to take the right highway.

Have a great day.
if this is true you are either in a position of power which you abuse, or a felon yourself since you'd be admitting to committing offences against others - and enjoying it, which says bucketsfull about you

if it's not true, then you are simply yet another wannabe badass pretending they're a mean motherfucker on teh nets :rolleyes: