A moment of uncertainty nearly ruins 3 lives who are looking for LOVE.


Apr 16, 2020
I am not confident in my writing but this story has been troubling my mind for 3 years. I would be so grateful to see this as a multi-part Novel. I would like to help with inputs and proofreading and help provide the skeleton for the story. I would be very grateful to anyone who would help me write this story. So here is the skeleton of the story.

The story consists of 4 main characters and one secondary character.

The first main character (1st MC) in this story is a male who is fresh out of college in the world of finance. He has huge admiration for his dead parents and his father was his role model but after his parent's sudden death, he is struggling with many life decisions until he is recruited in his last year of college while doing an internship for a high-powered financial firm. There he meets a man in his early thirties (HEAD BOSS of the Firm) who is the epitome of confidence, integrity, and intelligence. In his boss, the first MC finds a role model during his internship. When he gets the job offer after his internship he jumps with both feet into working with the company.

The second main character (2nd MC) in this story is a female and she is First MC's sister. She is a teacher at a local high school. She is shy and an introvert. She is a little naive and hardcore romantic at heart which is one quality the 1st MC resents because he can't see too much goodness in anyone except his sister because he is lost after their parent's sudden death. She adores her brother but her love life is a little disappointing since every time she thinks she found the ONE she gets hurt. So for the last 2 years (after their parent's sudden death) she is a little focused on getting her brother ready for the world and helping him through his last year of college in the workforce. She always pushes her brother to see good in humanity and find the love he always pined for since 1st MC is adored to find what his father had with his mother.

The third main character is the boss of the company where 1st MC does the internship so let's call him BOSSMAN for reference. He is a decedent of an old money family in New York. He resents his father for what he had done to his mother during their marriage and divorce. His father nearly ruined his mother but after one moment of weakness, his father showed mercy to his wife and let 3rd MC and mother go with a healthy allowance. His father remarried a snobbish, fake-personality woman who is good-looking and has nothing else going for her. She is his father's trophy wife. Father has a daughter thru second marriage who is neglected and brought up by butlers and nannies. After his mother's sudden death 3rd MC moves in with his father and stepmother. There he hates everything and understands a little better about his father's true character since he is a little grown up. He hates how the workers in his father's mansion are treated. His step-sister is just 5 years old and hungry for love and nurturing. In his step-sister, he finds unconditional love which makes growing up in that mansion bearable. He makes a promise to his dead mother in heaven that he would grow up to be the dead opposite of what his father represents. He gets out of that living situation as soon as possible. He worked hard to pass a year in advance from high school and get a full scholarship to his college and master's. There in college, he does not reveal his lineage or his father's wealth and graduates with honors with some true friends who would give anything for him and vice versa. The 3rd MC's only mistake (which he himself agrees with) has done, leaving his stepsister back with no guidance thru her teenage years. In his urgency to get out of that hell hole (mansion), he forgets about keeping in touch with his step-sister during his college years or holiday season. His promise to be not like his father has the 3rd MC develop some hardcoded qualities like Integrity, no-compromise with any type of cheating, and loyalty.

The fourth main character is a female who comes into the story late. She has a moment of weakness at a party and ends up having a one-night stand which results in pregnancy. When she is out to have an abortion at a clinic since she is brought up by a single mother. There she meets 2nd MC who is out there herself contemplating whether to have an abortion or end her life. 4th MC saves 2nd MC from making a wrong decision and in turn, finds a friend for life in 2nd MC and love interest in 1st MC (2nd MC's Brother).

One secondary character which is pivotal in shaping this novella is 3rd MC's stepsister. She grew up admiring and loving her brother who took her under his wing and loved her when she was a little girl of 6 years. She was 12 years old when her stepbrother leave for college. She does not understand why her brother left or did not take her with him. She is angry and at this moment her mother takes an interest in how her daughter is growing up to be a beauty and molds her daughter into her image. The next time she sees her brother is when he is back in New York building up his financial firm. She has this image of her brother where his whole world revolved around her but got shattered when he left for college. Now she loves/hates him in her own way. She tries to get back into her brothers' life in rebellion to her parent's indifferent attitude to seeing her as a screw-up. Her mother gave up after her daughter's 16th birthday. She has dropped out of college and had a fight with her parents regarding her monthly allowance when she run into her brother.

Now the story starts with 1st MC's fourth year in the firm and after closing a huge deal they host a NEW YEAR'S Office party. 1st MC is following in the footsteps of the 3rd MC and has become a successful fund manager. For this party 1st MC brings his sister (2nd MC) as the date. There the BOSSMAN (3rd MC) is immediately smitten with the 2nd MC and asks for the dance during the night. BOSSMAN promises to pursue her romantically and asks her out on a date in the coming weeks, being a hopeless romantic she gives a positive indication that she might be interested to go out with BOSSMAN. While this is happening BOSSMAN's step-sister who was invited to the party during the recent run-in with BOSSMAN is pissed at 2nd MC for stealing BOSSMAN's attention which the stepsister was hoping to get to reconnect and establish a healthy relationship.

So the STEP SISTER tries to seduce the 1st MC to hurt the 2nd MC for stealing BOSSMAN's attention and it goes well but not that well to have sex during the party but they decide to go out on a date the following week. All 3 main characters are happy to see each person they love and admire be with someone they respect.

This goes on for months where BOSSMAN and 2nd MC have gone out on multiple dates and are serious about committing with each other while the BOSSMAN's stepsister's intention to hurt 2nd MC has not gone well since she has failed to seduce the 1st MC. On their recent date, 1st MC sees what the BOSSMAN's stepsister is really up to and tells her he can't be with someone who is so hollow and snobbish then breaks up.

BOSSMAN's stepsister immediately runs to BOSSMAN for help but he says he can not interfere with someone's personal life decision since it is against his moral code this has the step-sister fuming at all 3 MCs so to have her revenge she starts plotting. She plans to show up at BOSSMAN's house during his date night hoping to have it canceled but she runs late so she lets herself into BOSSMAN's apartment.

While out on a date BOSSMAN and 2nd MC are really at the threshold to take their relationship to the next level and commit with each other. During the course of their date, BOSSMAN against his better judgment asks the 2nd MC to talk to her brother (1st MC) about giving another chance to his stepsister but the 2nd MC dismisses it and says the 1st MC's weakness is looking for the worst in everyone. This would only hurt BOSSMAN's stepsister in the future but the BOSSMAN takes it the wrong way. BOSSMAN thinks his stepsister is the worst match for 1st MC (which BOSSMAN has come to like as his own),. This triggers the BOSSMAN into ordering and drinking costlier scotch to show how wrong 2nd MC is for him and gets drunk. This makes 2nd MC feels hurt by how wrong their date went and decides to drive BOSSMAN to his apartment.

While dropping BOSSMAN at home and helping him undress for the bed, results in BOSSMAN takes this as a sign to have sex with the 2nd MC and forces himself on the 2nd MC. BOSSMAN's stepsister who was waiting for BOSSMAN in the apartment records it. BOSSMAN keeps going even after 2nd MC's reluctance and saying NO throughout drunken sex and sleep. 2nd MC runs home after gathering her clothes unaware of BOSSMAN's stepsister at the apartment.

Days after their date BOSSMAN does not remember what happened and keeps trying to get in touch with 2nd MC but fails miserably. BOSSMAN asks 1st MC to help him talk to 2nd MC but learns she (2nd MC) has gone into her shell and has not left her apartment for the whole weekend after the date then goes thru every day in a daze. First MC's effort to learn what happened during or after the date has not gone well and 2nd MC has shouted at him to leave her alone for the first time in his life.

While this all is happening BOSSMAN's sister sends the video to the 2nd MC as revenge, which results in the 2nd MC being even more withdrawn from life. BOSSMAN and 1st MC try to get a huge client to sign up with their firm and work hard day and night. After a grueling week of work, they both end up in BOSSMAN's apartment sharing their life story over a glass of scotch. BOSSMAN's sister shows up at the apartment drunk, half-dressed, and kicked from the party. Both BOSSMAN and 1st MC help her to the bathroom so she can freshen up. After the shower step sister shows up a little sober and embarrassed and BOSSMAN makes a little joke this has both BOSSMAN and 1st MC laughing at the floor. This hurts BOSSMAN's sister so in the heat of the moment she swears to herself to break them up. After 1st MC leaves the apartment and BOSSMAN retires to his bedroom, stepsister sneaks into Bossman's home office and uses the BOSSMAN's home computer to send the video of BOSSMAN forcing himself on 2nd MC to all employees at the firm.

This results in a huge fight at the office between BOSSMAN and 1st MC and for the first time in his life BOSSMAN loses his moral code and fight.

1st MC resigns from the firm and takes his sister(2nd MC) to their hometown. This is where the 2nd MC finds out she is pregnant from the drunken date and the 4th MC enters the scene saving the 2nd MC from taking a handful of pills in the parking lot of the Abortion clinic. 4th MC takes 2nd MC home and recounts what nearly happened to 1st MC. After some time all three (1st MC, 2nd MC, and 4th MC) decide to move to a big city away from the judging eyes of their hometown people on 2 pregnant ladies.

BOSSMAN is totally broken down about what he had done to the person he fell in love with and dreamed to be his future missus. The turmoil he is in has him not concentrating on his firm resulting in losing the huge client (1st MC and BOSSMAN) worked on to sign. His business is down. BOSSMAN's stepsister regrets since her tantrum has her brother destroyed and any chance of establishing a healthy relationship is up in smoke.

This is where I am stuck in the development process I don't know how to bring back the arc and reunite BOSSMAN and 2nd MC or develop a romantic relationship between 4th MC & 1st MC. Whether to make 4th MC lose the baby in the process to establish an emotional symbiosis between 1st MC and 4th MC

Help me develop this beautiful story into a multi-part novella that explores each character in depth and hot sex in between. I am not a writer and I know this because I could not even write a basic dialogue between 1st MC and 2nd MC.
I recommend you edit your first post to include a very short, one-paragraph synopsis of what the story is about. (AKA, the "elevator pitch.") Nobody is going to read that wall of text without first knowing if it is in their interest zone or not.
I am not confident in my writing but this story has been troubling my mind for 3 years.

I really get tired of seeing this. Exactly how is that an excuse to NOT give YOUR story the attention it deserves? NO ONE is going to care about your story as much as you. If YOU don't care enough to even try to write it, who will? None of us popped out of the womb being able to write. Sit down, write it. Find the tools available to help you. Write and write and write.

A tourist in N.Y. City approached a street musician. He asked him, "Pardon me but how do you get to Carnegie Hall?"
The musician just smiled and said, "Practice man, practice."