A Dragons Sacrifice or Treasure? ~ Closed ~

"My desire is to cum for you.. to scream again. I want to pleasure the three of you......"

She finally spoke in a soft, distant voice as she forced herself to go on autopilot for what is to come next. Preparing herself to go numb for as impossible as that may seem with the lashings.

"Please... use me for your desires."

The little daemoness seemed festinated by the soft tears that stained Sylvia’s crimson cheeks as she begged them to take her and use her as they wished. The young daemon caught one of the young beauty’s tears on the tip of her finger and slowly suckled it from her own finger tip. Her dark crimson eyes lit up as she savored the taste of Sylvia’s tear,

“Ummmm so deliciously sweet Pretty, Pretty!!!”

The sensual little daemoness caught another of Sylvia’s tears to let her dark brother taste hopelessness of this young human beauty’s need, and surrender to them in that delicious little tear.

“Yes very sweet sister and yet there is something missing”

One more sweet tear caught on the sensual bow of Sylvia’s flawless cheek was offered to the silent brother. A dark wicked smile bowed his sever lips, his tentacles seemed to become agitated, withering curling weaving and dancing.

“Pretty, Pretty, is hiding in the corners of her mind, she wants the pleasure, even the pain we offer but wishes to save herself from giving her soul as well as her body to us.”

His voice was like no other, it touched Sylvia in ways she could not put into words, it stung her like the lash had, excited her as never before, and left her hungering for more and yet when he fell silent , again there was no words for the emptiness it left in its silent wake.

Three sets of demoniac eyes devoured young Sylvia her young soul bared to them as never before.