In Seven Days (closed to BethJones)


Literotica Guru
May 21, 2002
In Seven Days

Miranda’s Bio:

Name: Miranda Ward
Age: 36
Bust: 34B/C bust size 8 dress (UK sizes)
Hair: just past shoulder length naturally curly often worn in a pony tail and dark eyes to match
Complexion: White (Caucasian) but with some Mediterranean ancestry so browns easily in the sun developing a lovely olive complexion

Miranda is petite at 5'2 but has a toned, curvaceous form with naturally brown wavy hair, that is often worn as a pony Tail. Her measurements are a 34B/C bust, her ex-boyfriend used to joke about being able to predict her period by the increase in the swell of her cleavage. At work she rarely wears trousers, always dresses in a skirt or dress. Her attire is very professional yet she always endeavours to retain a feminine edge, a hint of cleavage, boots- always provocative, alluring rather than totally in your face sexuality! Underneath she often wears fine silk lace bras, thongs, though of course she also has more utilitarian items for more practical usage.

She has an extensive lingerie collection, silks and lace and enjoyed wearing it... Often she would were a pastel shade blouse/top, but with a darker bra underneath, e.g. a navy blue bra under a pale blue blouse... Miranda loved boots, and had a large collection. She had early discovered how sexually provocative they can be, the best way to get her ex to recover was to masturbate him with the toe of her leather boot, her FMB. Whilst they were never in a Ds relationship he would lick and kiss the leather, and his erection would return so quickly...

Miranda is well educated and worked as a regional sales manager for a medical company before retraining as a teacher. Combination of her PhD, and being in the right place at the right time she wa fortunate in gaining a sixth form tutor group immediately after qualification, and after a few years was head hunted into a local all girls school. Whilst that could have a longer term affect on her career if she were to stay there for any length of time, it had its advantages, one of which allowed Miranda to be slightly less thought full on her dress, her attire whilst teaching with not having to worry about those adolescent boys. However it wasn’t long before Miranda had the odd second, third glance from one of her female pupils, which sent a shiver down her spine

She lives on her own and after a long relationship breaking up, has been single. Whilst at university; <Miranda had a couple of Sapphic encounters and found them different, and enjoyable. But she also enjoyed her cock too much and so as her relationships developed she stopped her bi-experimentation, and now has not slept with a female since in her early 20s. True, the odd female did get her curiosity briefly but never long enough for Miranda to act upon it. After all, was that girl also bi or bi-curious?

xxxx XXXX xxxx​

Miranda walked slowly along the platform at St. Pancras watching her six pupils in front of her. They were all eighteen, a requirement of the conference they had been invited to attend. Well not so much of a conference but a European Union financed event, the aim was to mix 18 year olds from across Europe. To be invited, the groups of students had to complete several projects, on how science should make itself easier for the general population. So it was quite an honour for their school to have been selected for this work shop, in a small Belgium town. The only down side was the event coincided with half term, and so Miranda who had not booked a holiday was asked if she could be the teacher who would have to travel with the pupils.

Miranda initially wasn’t too keen, but when she saw the program, thought it could be fun, a few days away from home, paid for by the EU, her spending money mostly covered from either school’s resources or again the EU, so it could be fun. The girls stopped at their carriage, Number 18 and boarded placing her suit case in the suitcase storage area before sitting at the table, surrounded by three of her students. The remaining three sat in the two rows in front of her, and waited.

Dressed in her crag-hoppers travelling short sleeve blouse and matching cargo style skirt, removing the lid of her Costa coffee cup and inhaled the scent before taking a sip. The girls were excited and so whilst normally well behaved she decided a repeat of a warning made earlier back at school was worthwhile.

“Remember girls, I have yet to finish your references for your university application forms!”

“Ohhhh Miss, you can trust us cant you?”

“Of course, to get yourselves into trouble, you lot have never been the same since they remade St Trinian’s!”

At that moment, another party of kids boarded the carriage…
Kate's Bio:

Name: Kate Mason
Age: 24
Bust: 32a bust size 6 dress (UK sizes)
Hair: long, reaching middle of her back, straight, usually tied back into a pony tail although occasionally tied into a bun.
Complexion: White (Caucasian) very pale complexion.
Eyes: Blue

Kate is a slim, tall girl standing at 5’8 but has a toned stomach, and she is not as curvy as she would like. Her blonde hair flows down her back and usually it is tied neatly into a pony tail although on occasion she wears it in a bun. Her measurements are a 32a bust, despite past partners commenting on her breasts being perfectly formed deep down she would love to have slightly larger ones. In work Kate prefers trousers in part because her work in the drama department often sees her sitting on the floor. Her underwear in work tends to be practical, usually adopting a sports bra and thongs.

Kate went straight from her own schooling on to university to train as a teacher, committing her to the career she knew she would love. Many people criticised her for this suggesting she should keep her options open. After completing her course she applied for hundreds of jobs, just when she was starting to believe those who had doubted her choice she secured a job at the local mixed comprehensive. Despite working hard to fulfil the commitments of her job, Kate still made time for her friends at the weekend.

Kate shares a flat with two other girls, her salary barely enough to pay the bills in the shared accommodation let alone afford a space of her own. Kate has enjoyed the pleasures offered by both girls and guys and due to her blonde hair and blue eyes she is never short of attention. Due to the amount of work she had to do at weekends and evenings relationships seemed to fall apart early on leaving her longing for someone who understood the needs of the job and who was supportive.


Clutching tightly the pack of papers the principal had given her in one hand, Kate came to a halt at the edge of the platform. She counted, for the hundredth time, the twelve students in front of her again she glanced at the sheet checking the names off in her head.

Kate was extremely flustered this was the first trip she had been on since becoming a teacher; thankfully the school had agreed that Louise and older, more experienced teacher could accompany them. Louise was just there for the ride and intended to do as little as possible.

It had been a case of not moving backwards quickly enough when the project was announced in the staff room, Kate had been left standing while everyone else took three steps back. The principal had loved the idea of mixing science and drama and from that moment on had been adamant Kate was going.

Nervously, Kate approached the train, counting the students again as they boarded the train. Despite checking several times before allowing them to board, Kate couldn’t help but check the tickets and carriage number again.

Kate was last to board allowing the students to organise their own seating arrangements she placed her suitcase on the luggage rack and found a seat by Louise.

“Relax, dear,” Louise cooed “It will all be fine, they are a nice bunch.”

Kate was still on edge, although knowing they had made the train did allow a moments relief. She slipped off her blue denim jacket placing it on the table in front of them. She felt a shudder as the train began to pull out of the station.

Miranda saw the larger party board the carriage, led by one teacher it seemed, though Miranda soon saw the second teacher board. Like Miranda she was the last person of the party board. As she saw the second teacher, in one hand she had a large A4 clear plastic wallet containing paperwork, some of which had the same logo as the information she had in her ruck sack.

They were heading to the same work shop.

As the train pulled out, Miranda's pupils by now were reading listening to their MP3 players or quietly chatting. Soon, the train picked up speed as it left North London, heading into the countryside on the new track specifically built for the Euro-star, the carriage virtually still, and the noise was minimal.

Miranda glance dover at he two other teachers, one looked slightly older than Miranda, and relatively content. The younger one around 25-27 Miranda guessed looked tensed as she read the paperwork for the umpteenth time Miranda assumed remembering her first couple of nervous trips.

As the train ntered the tunnel, one of the girls wanted a drink and asked permission to go to teh buffet car. Suddenly all six wanted something, so she delegated two of the pupils to write a list and to go, taking two £20 notes from her bag. The PTA association had given her £150 to spend how she saw fit, just receipts required to ensure the money had been spent on its purpose.

Miranda turned and saw the two teachers and decided to introduce herself and stood up, her blouse opening exposing the navy blue crop top under her paler blue crag-hopper activity blouse as she walked over...

"Hi I'm Miranda Ward. I saw that we are heading to the same workshop so I thought i would introduce myself," offering, extending her hand in an informal manner
Kate looked up with a start, the calm, quit atmosphere being interuppted, her attention had been so focussed on the paper work she hadn't noticed the woman approaching.

"Hi I'm Miranda ward,"

Kate took a moment to catch up, still more intent on checking the aperwork and the students. Louise politely extended her hand to meet Miranda's,
"Hi, I'm Louise Roach, and this bundle of nerves is Kate Cooper," she said chuckling as she pointed towards her colleague.

Anxiously, Kate reached out to take Miranda's hand, a small smile crept onto her face although her nervesouness didn't allow it to grow. The stress of being in charge of the trip was really weighing Kate down, her normal friendly nature had been replaced by a cold hard front.

"Why don't you join us?" Louise asked pointing to the spare seat opposite, "Maybe you can convince Kate that she should relax and enjoy the experience rather than worrying so much."
Miranda smiled as Louise invited her to join her..

"Sure, why not?"

Miranda looked over at her flock including the two empty seats as two of the girls were at the buffet car and t down.

"I will have a coffee arriving in a moment, hope that is okay?"

She saw the two nod yes before one of them said "no problem"

They started to chat, slightly reserved at first as they spoke of their schools, and some of the group projects that were submitted, covering a range of science topics as Miranda's coffee arrived, the pupil being polite friendly and courteous. It wasn't long before a couple of the girls from the other group started to chat with Miranda's group, as well as a couple of the boys, causing some amusement for the teachers!

It was obvious that Kate was rather stressed out, and it wasn't long before Kate asked Miranda

"So do you prefer the girls only school? "

"At the moment yes I guess, though the school is in an affluent part of North London. Whilst it isn't a private school, it is a selective school, and for the most part their parents are supportive of the school, so discipline is less of an issue..."

Miranda took a sip of her coffee before continuing, "But I am aware that if I stay here too long, it will be harder to get back into main stream teaching, which could limit my longer term career prospects"
Miranda took the seat opposite Louise, politely mentioning she had ordered a coffee. Kate's eyes still surveyed her group, not letting anything escape her gaze.

The strong aroma of a freshly brewed coffee filled the carriage, the homly smell of the coffee seemed to allow Kate to relax a little. She allowed herself to rest back into the seat feeling her shoulders loose some of the tension they had had. The seat was much more comfortable than she had expected.

Glancing at her watch, a gift given to her by her parents on her graduation day, Kate once again began shuffling papers, aware that they would soon be arriving in Paris.

Polite conversation began, Kate still watched her students like a hawk, noticing every movement they made and every sideways glance.

Kate asked about Mirandas preferences for teaching, listening but not really hearing as she half listened to the students conversations.

Picking up that the school was in London, Kate began to explain their background and how they taught in an inner city school, which was quite tough and how they had already travelled down from Manchester.
As the three teachers chatted, the train soon emerged from the channel tunnel in France.

"The train will arrive in Brussels in 50 minutes as scheduled." the conductor announced over the PA system

Miranda stood up and reached for her Kindle before returning and turned it on, and flicked through a few PDFs as she searched through her thumb nail 'tabs' until she soon found out what she was looking for..

"Yes there is a coach scheduled to transfer us to the market town where we are staying for te work shop."

As Miranda spoke, Kate panicked as she shuffled through her lose papers before she found the same letter with the coach details....

"Seems we are on the same coach" stated Kate.

"Looks like it " Miranda replied softly.

The two chatted for a while longer before the train started to slow down, obvious that the train was entering an urban environment.

"Please excuse me I have my sheep to attend to!"

Miranda stood up and spoke to her pupils, as they put away their belongings back into their bags, and soon the train came eventually to a halt.

Seconds passed before the hiss of the hydraulic doors opened with the usual rush of people trying to get of the coach. As briefed earlier, despite their natural instinct, they waited patiently before the carriage was empty. then Miranda stood up...

"Lets go and find the coach girls, and welcome to Brussels"
Kate was amased by how calm Miranda was, for weeks Kate had been planning in detail, she had covered every eventuallity.

Louise gave their children 'the look' the one that told them to stay where they were and not to move. kate flicked through her sheets trying to locate the one with the information about the coach again. Louise placed her hand on kate's and shook her head,
"We already know we are on the same Coach as them, why make work for yourself?" Louise then turned to the students and instructed them to collect their things and to follow Miranda.

Kate was relieved that Louise had taken the inititive, she picked up her own suitcase, which was much larger than anyone else's and twice as heavy. She struggled down the train and out onto the platform.

The noise from the hustle and bustle shocked kate at first, she had never been to Brussels before. She looked up at the arched roof, admiring the architecture before following the students along the crowded platform. They snaked in and out of people dodging trolleys and people not watching where they were going.

The coach was there as expected and after loading evrything on and counting heads again Kate climbed onto the coach taking a seat behing her students. The doors closed and off they went, they travelled through the busy streets between the tall buildings before eventually finding their way onto the narrower country roads as they headed to the venue.

As the children climbed aboard the coach, they seemed unnaturally quiet. On total, four parties from the UK had been assigned onto that coach, and whether it was the presence of other, unknown kids but suddenly the energy, the youthful confidence seemed to have escaped them, and soon as the bus pulled away into the streets of Brussels, they gazed out of the windows, for the most part in total silence, just the odd comment being passed onto their closer friend who they sat next to.

Miranda looked around those near her, including Kate and Louise, the two fellow teachers she met on the train. Kate was younger and obviously still relatively new in her job, though Miranda suspected they graduated at a similar time, though Miranda’s life experience had helped her to settle in quickly.

The trip was uneventful as the children looked outside. For those who came from some of the inner city schools this was their first time aboard, or at least their first time visiting abroad other than a holiday resort. Even for Miranda’s group, she wondered how many of her pupils have travelled beyond a tourist attraction.

As the coach pulled up, and the door hissed open, Miranda smiled as a tall man entered the coach and climbed the 3 steps to take centre stage. He was dark, and looked quite muscular under his well fitting double breasted jacket, almost certainly bespoke. He wasn’t overly hand some though, but his face looked weathered, and then he spoke obviously relatively quiet for him, but Miranda recognised him as almost certainly ex-forces, probably infantry!

“Welcome to the workshop. Can I ask you all please to stay on the coach other than one teacher from the four parties? I will then give you your keys to your rooms. All teachers have their own single room, whilst the majority of the pupil’s students are in double rooms. Where ever possibly we have kept children from the same schools together.”

He paused before he continued making eye contact with everyone including the teachers, obviously forming first impressions of the participants and the supporting staff.

“With your tickets will be two vouchers for alcoholic drinks tonight hence why we insisted every one is 18! The bar is a free bar, but all participants are only entitled to two alcoholic beverages. If I catch anyone who is mildly intoxicated, their entire group will be sent home including the teachers. But if you will act like adults I will treat you like adults, act like children and I will treat you as children! The welcome party starts at 7pm, all teachers are requested to be in the restaurant at 9pm for our own little introductory period”

As the gentlemen got of the coach there was a stunned silence; most of the children it seemed had not met such an individual. Despite talking softly, his voice had authority stamped all over it. Miranda looked over to Louise and Kate as she got of her coach and met the gentlemen and was soon handed a large envelope of keys.

Already the pile of luggage was being formed as two men were unloading the coach, and as much as they could from the labels putting the luggage in piles according to the school party.

Miranda opened the envelope and got the keys together with the list of girls and which room they had been assigned to, and soon she headed inside as she guided her flock. She pasued in an area of space and called out the room number and then the girls as one of them stepped forward and took the key.

The hotel looked quite old, and was based around a four cornered star courtyard, five storeys high. In the centre of the courtyard were a fountain as well as chairs and tables laid out. There were a few kids already sitting sipping coffee whilst others walked around exploring. They followed the signs to the floors and soon Miranda was opening the door to her little balcony, overlooking the courtyard. She stood briefly inhaling, contemplating before she turned to go back and collect her luggage. As she did so, she saw the balcony opposite her open up, to reveal the slender form of Katie.

“I wonder what the week will hold” thought Miranda as she left her room and headed down the stairs.
The coach pulled up into the grounds of an old chateau, which had been converted into a hotel with conference facilities. The building was like nothing Kate had seen before, her admiration of the surroundings was abrubtly brought to an end as a man at the front welcomed them to the facilities.

Kate listened intently, more through fear than admiration, his voice brimmed with authority and Kate felt intimidated, her life had been fairly sheltered. Kate glanced over to Miranda, taking her lead she followed down the steps onto the gravel drive to collect her tickets.

Kate distributed the keys and lead her students into the reception area, as they stepped through the doors she was stunned by the vast space that greeted her. Although no art expert she noticed the quality of the pieces on the wall, only imagining the cost of each. Her students were silenced by the elegance of the interior, most had seen the inside of the discount hotel chains, but nothing as spectacular as this.

Kate made sure each of her students found their room, making a mental note of where each was situated. Eventually she arrived at her own room, her heart pounded in anticipation of the delights that would wait for her. She could hardly belive her eyes, a large four poster bed dominated the space.

Once the initial excitment had settled, Kate moved towards the window, to her surprise it wasn't a window, but a door opening out onto a balcony with views over the courtyard and fountain below. Resting her hands on the balcony, she took a deep breath enjoying the fresh country air.

Kate returned to her room, deciding to take a shower before heading for a coffee. Leaving the doors wide open she slowly slipped out of her clothes, placing them neatly on the chair, she entered the ensuite bathroom, shuddring as her delecate feet touched the cold tiled floor.

She enjoyed the warm water as it cascaded over her bare skin, lathering up her body with the sweet scented soap, letting it wash away. After fifteen minutes of enjoying the warmth Kate wrapped herself in the large soft white towel and emerged from the bathroom. After drying herself she slipped on a tight pair of black pants and a white blouse and bra, she opted for a more formal look, feeling that over dressed would make a better impression than underdressed.

Taking the stairs she walked down to the cafe to meet Louise for a coffee before heading through to the welcome reception.
Miranda went to visit her little flock, in their rooms close to hers. She knocked on their doors and popped in ensuring all was well...

Ten minute or so later, she returned to her room, and locked the door, and started to head to her balcony when she stopped. Across the courtyard, in the similar room to hers, she saw a woman, starting to undress; with her curtain, and netting completely open.

Quickly Miranda recognized the teacher as Kate. Miranda was slightly shocked, taken back by how open she seemed to be, or was she unaware that her curtains were open... Miranda watched, not because she was attracted to Kate but intrigued by the younger girls total confidence, compared to earlier when she appeared nervous as hell.

The woman, Kate was already topless, as she unzipped her skirt, allowing the skirt to slide onto the floor, before she picked it up, and carefully diligently folded it up and place it on the chair. She stood now in just her white bra and thong, the back piece of the gusset snug between her bum cheeks. Miranda was shocked, speechless yet glued to the spot as she watched her undress. She reached behind her, and unclasped her bra, letting it fall into her hands before she turned and placed it on the chair. Miranda saw the soft swell of the breasts under the arms, but she didn't turn round to offer Miranda a frontal view. Finally she reached for the waistband of her thong and eased it down, as she stood out of the thong, before she turned and headed to the bath room leaving Miranda gob-smacked that she just watched her undress.

As the bare back turned away from her, Miranda finished unpacking before taking a shower herself.

She Decided to wear a wrap over dress from monsoon, a lovely dark orange with a plunging neck line. Aware of the younger boys, she wore a cream silk camisole underneath, the lace of the camisole obscuring her cleavage, so reducing slightly the unwanted aattention of those teenagers. Complete with a pair of light tan boots, she entered the courtyard and saw Louise.
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Kate entered the court yard feeling slightly less stressed having now settled her students in. She glanced around the courtyard noticing the small cafe, she walked slowly towards it still slightly over come by the elegant surroundings. After ordering a small coffee, she walked over to where Louise was sitting, noticing that Louise already had company.

Kate placed her coffe on the table, "Mind if I join you," she said smiling, realising that it was miranda the teacher they had met on the train earlier.

Pulling up a chair next to the table, Kate enquired about their rooms, wondering if they were as extravagent as hers.
Miranda blushed when she saw Kate approach carrying her coffee. It wasn't more than an hour ago at the most that Miranda had watched her undress, mesmerized as she was glued to the spot.

They soon started to talk about their rooms about the plush nature of the rooms, the hotel in the converted Château. The three of them chatted, wondering what the week will have in stall, glad that for the most part they were there as guardians rather than teachers, and whilst they were expected to be involved, the lead was from the organizers, their time table some what less hectic than the time table of the children.

Soon the pupils started to arrive and it wasn't long before it was time to head to the main dining all, where they were expected to congregate for the evening's activities.

As Miranda entered the hall,she saw three of her flock already and gave her aplogoes to Kate and Louise as she went over to join them.
Between sips, Kate glanced around the courtyard, she realised that so far she had seen no teachers who were close to her age. The thought lingered in her head, that the students were closer to her age than the staff.

She continued with the polite conversation, enjoying Miranda's company more than Louise's, which was strange given that she had known Louise for nearly a year now. Time seemed to pass very quickly and it was soon time to enter the dining hall. They were some of the last people to enter the grand hall, and Kate scanned the room again, her fears confirmed she was the youngest teacher there.

Her heart sank further as Miranda excused herself and headed to join her own students. Louise gripped Kate by the arm, directing her to a corner of the room where some of their own students were seated. Although, now facing a small dilema of whether it would be professionally acceptable to socialise with the students, Kate enjoyed the three course meal that was presented. The meal passed fairly quickly and the teachers headed through to the meeting room for their briefing, while the students headed through to the bar.

Kate found herself sat between two older male teachers, who insisted on discussing the latest football results across her, almost as if she was invisible. The meeting dragged as the man from the coach, Jason as she found out when he introiduced himself, talked through the numerous pieces of paper that she had read a thousand times already.

Eventually the meeting ended, still not entirely sure that sociallising with the students would be looked upon favourably, she decided to hunt out Miranda, at least she was someone to talk to.
Miranda chatted with her pupils and soon all six had arrived, and then listened to the brief presentations before they sat down for their 3 course meal. Food was excellent as was the timely service.

Miranda had a student to one side and another teacher opposite her. on her right was another student from another school and they chatted. Miranda was soon the focus of attention as not many people especially other European countries
were totally familiar with all girls schools, being quite rare outside the Uk,

Finally the teachers were called into their own briefings were various organizers, including Jason, the former RSM from the British Army took control. His main role was sort of a Matradee, a person who made things happen. He was qualified as a military instructor.

After the briefing, they were allowed a glass at the bar, before being informed they can help them selfs but on no account to offer any to the students. Jason also reminded the teachers that they were guardians of their students and whilst could indulge in a glass, hang overs would not be tolerated, and the entire group sent back tot eh school in utter assimilation of the teacher or pupil involved.

Even the foreign teachers seemed to fear Jason. Miranda seemed to be one of few who were not scared of him, though Miranda respected him. But she was from a military family and was aware of the importance of the RSMs in regimental life.

When Miranda rejoined the pupils, they had been assigned to groups. For thee most part students were in a group of strangers though they would always know a colleague, a fellow pupil where ver possible. The idea was to get them to mix, and to work as a team..

Later that evening as she was chatting to a couple of her students and those of their group when she saw Kate approach.

Miranda introduced Kate to the group of students and they chatted, before Miranda's glass was empty. She smiled and gave her apologies and walked over to the teacher's bar, where she started to chat with Jason,.
After working her way through the bar areaKate's eyes fell on Mirnfa who was seated with a group of students. Kate approachd slowly, smiling at Miranda hoping she would be able to join the group.

To Kate's delight Miranda smiled back, taking a sip of her wine before introducing Kate to the group. The group comprised of two male students and four female students, who all seemed to get a long well and welcomed Kate joining them.

Kate listened with interest as she heard about the different schools the children had come from, enjoying the company of those closer to her age. Miranda excused herself as she made her way to the teacher's bar, Kate remained at the table, the students grumbled that the teacher's had a free bar, while they were having to pay for their drinks.

Miranda lingered at the bar talking to Jason, a little longer than Kate had expected her too. Neil and Molly, two of the students from the group, excused themselves as they headed off to bed. Soon the other students began to retire to their bedrooms, to avoid being left alone Kate decided she would follow them up too. A little disappointed that she hadn't had more time to get to know Miranda.

Upon returning to her room, Kate was met by a cool chill, a litght breeze blew through the open doors onto the balcony. The cool air penertrated the thin material of her blouse, causing her nipples to harden. Closing the door behind her, Kate walked over to the balcony, her hands reached out to close the doors, her eyes drawn to the windows still illuminated by the bright yellow night.

Her eyes landed on one window in particular, from her elivated position she could see into some of the bedrooms. As she looked she noticed two of the students in the same room, Molly and Neil who had excused themselves first of all.

To Kate's amazement, Neil's was seated on the edge of the bed, Molly's head bobbing close to his crotch. 'Surely not,' she thought to herself as she watched the sscene before her. Soon enough it was confirmed as Molly's head moved to the side revealling Neil's hard cock, a light gasp escaped Kate's lips as she admired Neil's package, his cock was easily 8-9inches long with a thick girth. She felt a warm sensation inside as she watched, suddenly a switch inside flicked as her hand had reached her own crotch, pressing gently against herself, the realisation almost disgusting her.

Kate broke her gaze, clsoed the doors and shut the curtains, 'how could she watch?' she questioned herself. She climbed into bed drifting off quickly, ashamed at herself for watching the two students and for getting aroused in the process.
Miranda chatted to Jason for a while. Despite his wedding ring, she was partially attracted to him, because of his looks, his physique and for what he stood for. Miranda was from the officer class of the British army, and so had been asked out by various officers and a few ORs as well.

She had always declined, but there was something about Jason...

They talked for a while, before she gave Jason her apologies wondering if Kate had gone to bed. She looked around the room before entering the larger dining hall. whilst student and teachers were still mingling, chatting Miranda couldn't see Kate and so went up to her room...

Closing the door behind her, she stood in the room, her balcony door still open cooling the room. She could see the light emerging from around the closed curtains...

"cow" she thought smiling. But she was also shocked. Why was she suddenly interested in Kate and her undressing. Quickly she commented to herself that she wasn't attracted but rather intrigued, like when at the gym, or other changing rooms, always sneaking in glances of the girls, almost comparing them subconsciously...

Soon Miranda was in her bed, the Mattress firm, the duvet light. Suddenly she felt tired, and despite being in an unfamiliar bed, she was tired from travelling and the glasses of wine had only exasperated her tiredness....

She woke early, the cool morning breeze blowing open her netted curtains. She stood up, nude and walked over to the complimentary kettle and switched it on, having pre-filled the night before. As it heated up, she switched on the TV and soon found the BBC news channel and started to watch.

As the kettle turned it self off, she walked over and made her self a mug of tea and returned to the bed, now in her silk kimono as she opened the curtains and stepped onto the balcony. There were a fe early risers already enjoying breakfast,

As she turned to shower and dress, she heard a door open, and turned to see Kate step onto her balcony..

The sunlight crept through the cracks in the curtains, hurting Kate's eyes, she had spenty the night tossing and turning, despite the luxurios duvet and bed, she hadn't forgiven herself for watching the students, let alone for touching herself.

Dragging herself from the bed Kate stumbled towards the bathroom, Neil's hard cock still clear in her mind. As the warm water washed over her body in the shower, she tried desperately to think of something else. Worse still, it hadn't escaped her attention how good Molly had looked. She knew it was wrong, but what she would give now to turn back time to last night to watch the pair in action.

A quick shake of her head trying to remove the image and refocus on the day ahead, she stepped out of the shower forgetting the stone floor was so cold, with a hop, skip and a jump she made it back to the bedroom.

Wrapping the white towel from last night around her, Kate stepped towards the balcony, opening the doors to be greeted with the warm rays of light that had woken her in the first place. No sooner hadthe doors opened, kate heard a voice, a quick glance round revealed the voice had come from Miranda.

The first thought in Kate's mind was, 'is she alone' seeing her get on so well with Jason had made Kate wonder if tjhe pair would embark on a holiday romance. "Good morning," Kate called back, trying to sound more awake than she was.

"good night?" Kate called, wondering if she would find out if Miranda had spent the night alone.
"Yes thank you, slept reasonably well, though I guess travelling can be tiring.... What time did you leave, I came looking for you for a night cap but I guess you had left the bar..."

"Yes, came to bed early" Kate replied

"well any plans for the morning? We are not needed until 11 am....."

"No not really..."

"Well I will see you in ten for breakfast!"

With that Miranda turned and headed into her room and closed the door behind her and sipped her tea as she decided what to wear... A pale blue blosue and a bespoke pencil skirt that she had made when she was in sales, just below the knees but with a v slit at the back, slightly over the left leg; and a pair of shoes. Underneath a blue silk bra and thong set.

When the items were on her bed, Miranda showered, enjoying the hot water running over her body. She closed her eyes as the water cascaded down over her breasts her labia, the vision of Kate unclasping her bra appearing on her closed eyelids. She wasn't sure why that sight has caught her attention, her focus, but it did. That it had scared her but also intrigued her...

Miranda stepped out into the courtyard, and saw the head waitress standing at a lectern style desk.

"Room number please" she asked in perfect English, other than the slight European accent

"Room 213" Miranda replied showing her the room key and lookign around to see Kate or Louise

Neither in sight Miranda asked "Table for 3 please my colleagues will join me shortly.

She was lead to a table and offered hot drinks whilst she sat down and waited, the blouse discretely unfastened to give an onlooker temptation yet nothing was revealed. As she waited, she looked around, it seems the majority of the students were mixing well, as is often the case, most people were communicating in English, even the brits...
Kate returned to her room, pleased that Miranda had also had an earlyish night and a night alone. EShe wasn't quite sure why it pleased her so much to know Miranda hadn't got anywhere with Jason, it wasn't like she had any interest in Jason herself.

The warm weather had inspired Kate to wear one of her summer dresses, she slipped on the light cotton material, the hemline and bust contained a floral design, adding colour to the crisp white material. Unfortunately for Kate, as with most of her clothes, the dress didn't fit her petite frame properly, despite it being labbeled as a size 6 it hung from her in places. The dress fell below her knee, reassuring Kate that it was appropriate to wear around the students.

She slipped on a white, strapless bra and a white cotton thong, aware that in some lights the material would reveal any other colour of underwear. Slipping on a belt to draw in the dress at her waist to allow some of her figure to be revealled, she smiled before heading down to breakfast.

On the way she met with Louise, who seemed in a very mellow mood, a side of her Kate had not seen before. Putting the mood down to the good weather, and limited stress kate thought nothing more of it. The sun bathed her pale skin as she stepped into the courtyard, she spotted Miranda already seated and approached with a smile.

"Mind if we join you?" Kate asked, knowing deep down there was no real need to ask.

"Of course," replied Miranda.

Louise and Kate sat at the table and idily discussed their first impressions of the conference venue and Jason.

Breakfast was delicious, Kate enjoyed the company, although the waiters constant looks down her dress, which gaped slightly at the neckline due to it not fitting as tightly as she would like, had made her a little uncomfortable.

The students had begun to drift inside as their first session was scheduled for nine am prompt, most students had realised Jason was not a man to ignore and dutifully had made sure they were early. Although the courtyard had not been overly noisy, the lack of students had definitely resulted in a change, the birds tweeting in the trees was much more clear and the water trickling through the waterfall now dominated the air.

As the teachers sipped their coffee, conversation returned to plans for the day, the itinery suggested that teachers should join the group at eleven although there was some flexibility in this. Kate being Kate had already decided she would be there at eleven after all this was about the students. Louise however, was planning to explore the grounds a little to take in the wonderful setting.
Kate returned to her room, pleased that Miranda had also had an earlyish night and a night alone. EShe wasn't quite sure why it pleased her so much to know Miranda hadn't got anywhere with Jason, it wasn't like she had any interest in Jason herself.

The warm weather had inspired Kate to wear one of her summer dresses, she slipped on the light cotton material, the hemline and bust contained a floral design, adding colour to the crisp white material. Unfortunately for Kate, as with most of her clothes, the dress didn't fit her petite frame properly, despite it being labbeled as a size 6 it hung from her in places. The dress fell below her knee, reassuring Kate that it was appropriate to wear around the students.

She slipped on a white, strapless bra and a white cotton thong, aware that in some lights the material would reveal any other colour of underwear. Slipping on a belt to draw in the dress at her waist to allow some of her figure to be revealled, she smiled before heading down to breakfast.

On the way she met with Louise, who seemed in a very mellow mood, a side of her Kate had not seen before. Putting the mood down to the good weather, and limited stress kate thought nothing more of it. The sun bathed her pale skin as she stepped into the courtyard, she spotted Miranda already seated and approached with a smile.

"Mind if we join you?" Kate asked, knowing deep down there was no real need to ask.

"Of course," replied Miranda.

Louise and Kate sat at the table and idily discussed their first impressions of the conference venue and Jason.

Breakfast was delicious, Kate enjoyed the company, although the waiters constant looks down her dress, which gaped slightly at the neckline due to it not fitting as tightly as she would like, had made her a little uncomfortable.

The students had begun to drift inside as their first session was scheduled for nine am prompt, most students had realised Jason was not a man to ignore and dutifully had made sure they were early. Although the courtyard had not been overly noisy, the lack of students had definitely resulted in a change, the birds tweeting in the trees was much more clear and the water trickling through the waterfall now dominated the air.

As the teachers sipped their coffee, conversation returned to plans for the day, the itinery suggested that teachers should join the group at eleven although there was some flexibility in this. Kate being Kate had already decided she would be there at eleven after all this was about the students. Louise however, was planning to explore the grounds a little to take in the wonderful setting.
Miranda smiled as she saw Kate and Louise approach, and soon the three of them were chatting as they retrieved their breakfast from the servery and sat down.

As 9am approached, the students headed of to their respective meeting rooms, leaving the outdoor courtyard strangely quiet, those who remained were mostly teachers, chatting like the three of them.

Shortly, Louise gave her apologies and left leaving Miranda and Kate at the table. Miranda finished her coffee, and closed her eyes briefly, as he did, the image returned from the early evening of Kate unclasping her bra.

Miranda opened her eyes and looked at Kate in her summer dress, and smiled.

"More coffee?" Miranda stood as she spoke grasping her cup and saucer.
Kate smiled as Miranda suggested another coffee, she was relieved to have found someone with whom she could sit and chat. Since finding out she would be accompanied by Louise, Kate's biggest worry had been she would have to spend her whole time with her, while Louise wasn't a bad person, conversation was often quite lacking.

Relaxing in the warm sun, Kate sipped a second and third coffee with Miranda. Time flew by and before they knew it it was time to join the groups. The two women agreed to meet up for the evening meal before heading their seperate ways.
Miranda enjoyed her chat with Kate. Despite their age gap, and differing experiences they seemed to be able to chat so naturally. Miranda was interested in the more main stream school from a inner city, and reversely Kate was intrigued about the al school..

"One thing i do not have to worry about as such is what to wear not to encourage the pupil/teacher fantasy, though i have a odd problem with a male colleague!"

Kate grinned at that, and conversation turned away from teaching to life and interests..

As the Students, pupils were released at 10:20 for a break, the court yard was noisy with several hundred kids running a mock.

Well they were well behaved, and a couple of Kate's pupils joined them, and chatted. During the morning, the time with Kate, every now and then she felt a slight unease. She couldn't put her finger on it, other than the feeling was similar to when she is aware of men looking at her, as if mentally undressing!

But Miranda shrugged those feelings off and as 11am arrived, all headed to their respective rooms for their sessions.

The day went quickly with the activities designed to get the students talking, discussing, and at times debating the merits of differing education systems within Europe.

Finally, the session were closed, and students lingered in the courtyard or grounds chatting, flirting. One occasion Miranda went to one toilet to find a contraceptive machine, which made Miranda do a double take1 she had seen them in the odd club but not in a hotel. The unit also looked some what temporary making Miranda wonder!

Miranda headed to her room, with an hour before diner, and with her kindle, she sat on her balcony in just the crop top she wore travelling up and the crag-hoppers skirt she had also worn.

Despite enjoying the book on the kindle, Miranda kept looking at Kate's room, almost wishing to see her undress again..

"Why" she asked her self. she is pretty Miranda replied in her mind, a tad skinny maybe but yes pretty pert breasts and lovely eyes..

She returned to her kindle but kept having to repeat paragraphs, she was not really focussed.
The day passed much more quickly than Kate had expected it to. Soon enough the session was closed, Kate stepped into the warm sun in the courtyard. She was greeted by one of the students from another school, although this young lady had been in a different group, her interest in Kate's work made her feel at ease.

When the student asked Kate to join her for coffee to discuss aspects of Kate's latest performance, naturally Kate obliged. Ami, was a French-Canadian student, the accent alone meant Kate would happily sit and listen for hours, it had strange seductive qualities which glued Kate to her seat.

The pair sipped coffee after coffee, until the cold chill in the air signalled it was time to retire and get ready for dinner. Ami stood first, Kate's eyes were drawn to her young curvy body, her clothes hugged it tightly yet revealled nothing. The tight leggings clung to her perfectly round ass, the tight white tshirt hugged the ample breasts it concealed, the soft smile and the twinkle in her blue eyes. Kate bit her lip trying to control the strange sensation she was feeling.

The hot weather was having an affect on Kate, stirring desires that had been burried under a mountain of paperwork. She enetered her room and took a shower, her conversation with Ami still playing in her mind, the accent pleasently on repeat.

Wrapped in her towel, Kate made her way to the cupboard to choose an outfit for tonight, she pondered for around 15 minutes before settling on a long flowing black dress. She wondered how she ever got ready at home as she glanced at the clock, fifteen minutes to choose between two outfits.

After dressing and heading downstairs, Kate found a table which seated five, expecting Louise and Miranda to join her. Ordering a bottle of wine, after enquiring about the meal and taking the waiter's suggestion, she settled on a 2007 Chateau Millegrand, hoping the others would approve. She sipped on the wine, savouring the rich, fruity taste.

The room began to fill with others, obviously she hadn't been the only one too busy enjoying the weather earlier.