Blind Date


where it counts
May 24, 2006
Tommy wasn't normally interested in blind dates. He rarely went out on dates at all, though he usually had one or three girls with whom he was "friends with benefits". Although, recently, those encounters had stopped. He hadn't been laid in a couple of months, probably. It wasn't a big deal, though. He hadn't wanted to be in any kind of relationship since he'd broken up with his last girlfriend. That relationship had lasted six years, and at the age of 26, Tommy wasn't really interested in going through that kind of thing again.

But his buddy kept bugging him about this blind date. Apparently, his girlfriend really wanted to hook her friend up with somebody, and had become convinced that Tommy was just perfect for her. Jimmy had sweetened the deal some, promising to buy Tommy a few lapdances the next time they hit the strip joints (just don't tell the old lady!)

Jasmine Carmicheal had never had much luck in relationships. It wasn't because she was hideously ugly or anything. Quite the opposite actually, it was because she'd always been a very pretty girl. Even when she was younger, she'd been said to be 'so cute' or 'such a pretty little girl, she'll be a heartbreaker one day'. Anybody might think that but it was the opposite, the guys always fucked her, then left.

So Jasmine had been determined not to date for a long time. She'd even played with the idea of just being a nun. Her best Allison had convinced her to go out on this one little date before promising herself to celibacy. "It'll be great." She'd said, "He's friends with my boyfriend and you guys seem like you're two peas in a pod."

Ha! She'd have to see it to believe it.

So now, Allison, Jasmine, and Allison's boyfriend were on their way to pick up her blind date.

"So whats this guy's name again?" Jasmine asked, they'd never told her.

"His name is Tommy Carmicheal." Allison's boyfriend said.

Her eyes widened briefly. Quickly she text messaged her brother.

Our friends have set us up on a date, play along please. I'll owe you later, I swear!
Sure, it made more sense to just tell her friend that they were sibling, that Tommy was her older, annoying brother and it wasn't like Allie would know. After all, Allison didn't even know her last name.

Tommy was all ready to go, wearing a nice white shirt and blazer, tight dark jeans, and his black leather cowboy boots. He'd just finished brushing his teeth when his phone buzzed with a text message. It was from his sister. The hell did she want?

Our friends have set us up on a date, play along please. I'll owe you later, I swear!

He groaned. This was gonna be a long night. He texted her back: Okay, fine, but you owe me big time!

He saw Jimmy's car pull into the driveway of his small house. He took a deep breath and tried to remember something, anything from his acting classes in high school. He wasn't sure how to go about doing this at all! He was a terrible liar!

He went outside, locking the front door behind him, walking over to the car. He got in the backseat, and looked at his sister, sitting next to him now.

"Hi. I'm Tommy," he said, a little smirk on his face as he shut the door and Jimmy backed out of the driveway.
She wasn't sure how this was going to end up. Allison pulled up to the apartment and Tommy got in the car with his annoying smirk. She gave a little fake 'timid' smile. "Hi, um...I'm Jasmine. It's nice to meet you." Allie went over the plans for the night and then it was silent. They were supposed to go out to eat then to a club.

If nothing else, at least Jazzy would get a free meal out of the whole thing.

"So..." Jasmine said, pretending to think of some question to ask her brother,something that she probably shouldn't have known but probably did. "So, how old are you?"
"Uh, I'm twenty-six," Tommy replied. This was weird, making small talk with his sister like he hadn't known her his whole life. "Hey, Jimmy, where we going for dinner?"

"Johnny Gitto's, that Italian place down in the city," Jimmy replied.

"And then it's the Red Light Club! You ready to dance til 4 AM?" Allison said, turning around in her seat and smiling at the both of them before turning back to Jimmy. Alli whipped out her cell and sent Jasmine a quick text. I told you he was hot!
Jasmine's phone beeped, and she quickly opened the message. She smirked and thought to herself, if he's so hot, why aren't you on this date instead of me. She shuddered at the thought of thinking as her brother as Ew. She gave Jasmine a smile before giving Tommy a glance as though she were checking him out.

Then she text back, Oh yeah, smokin hot. Then she said outloud, "Dancing til 4 a.m, I'm so ready." She brushed her brown hair behind her shoulders and started to stare out the window then cleared her throat, twirling her hair which was a clear sign she was nervous.

"26, and not taken? That's....surprising." She said to Tommy as she finally looked back at him.
Tommy raised an eyebrow at her. "Well, uh, you know, I was in a relationship for a few years and it all went sour so I'm, uh, I'm only now starting to date again," he said. "But... uh, that was about a year ago, I'm totally over her." He looked over at his sister. If she wasn't his sister, he'd have thought she was pretty cute, but... no. Just no! Sure... she had a really nice body. The type he usually went after, but... no. Just fucking no!

"So, uh, Jasmine, how old are you, and how come you don't have a boyfriend if you're so cute?"
Jasmine found herself blushing. This was really, really awkward. If she hadn't been related to Tommy,she would've thought he was flirting with her and had he just...briefly checked her out. No way! She was imagining things, he was probably just doing it to keep up the act, make it seem more natural.

"18, freshmen in college. Are you saying I'm not cute or that I am? " She said , she was teasing him slightly or making appear that way "And I guess I've always been thought of as the...pretty girl nothing more, nothing less. A great fuck, but not a great girlfriend." She gave tiny shrug, "Anyways, my so called ex broke it off with me 2 months ago, or rather just stopped calling after he'd fucked me."
Tommy's mind boggled at the thought of anyone screwing his kid sister. "What a shit-head," he replied, at a bit of a loss. He was even more confused because his cock had twitched a bit when she said she was a great fuck, and he didn't know that meant. Surely, if any woman admitted straight out that she was a great lay, his cock would twitch. Surely it was just hearing those words being said with a female voice that caused that reaction. He looked at her, confusion in his eyes.

"Uh, yeah, well, I've never been the type to use 'em and lose 'em. In fact, most of my hook-ups have gone bust because chicks apparently freak out if I call them in the next day or two."
"Ah..." There was that awkwardness again."So, then...if things work out, I can...count on you to call me?" She flashed him a brief smile. It came to a huge relief at the very least for Jasmine when they pulled up at the restaurant. Maybe she could find a way out of this date or something, tell Allison things didn't seem to be working between her and Tommy.

When they were escorted to their table by the waitress, she flashed the guys a smile. "I have to use the bathroom, Allie you comin?" Allison glanced at her boyfriend Jimmy and then nodded.

Once they were in the bathroom, Allie said, "You two seem to be hitting it off..." She nudged Jasmine playfully as Jasmine reapplied her red lipstick.

"No, actually...I've had better dates from the users. I really don't think things are gonna work out. He seems more...boring than anything else."

Allison raised her eyebrow, "Boring? Tommy? Nah, he's probably just feeling awkward. Jimmy said he didn't even want to go on the date to begin with. Just give it til the end of the night. If it doesn't work out, I won't set you up again. I promise."

"Fine.." Jasmine said, so much for that idea. She walked back out, Allison following closely behind.

"So, Tommy...I think you need to kick up your game..." Allison said teasingly, "It hasn't even been an hour and already, Jazzy is finding you boring."
Tommy and Jimmy sat down at the table as the girls headed off to the bathroom.

"So she's pretty fucking hot, man. I'd be juiced if I was on a blind date with her!" Jimmy said. "Figures you'd be the guy that gets a hottie on a blind date. I've only ever gotten fugly girls when I've done it."

"Yeah, well... dude, I don't know... I guess she's pretty cute and all, I don't think she's really my type," Tommy protested.

"Not your type? Dude, hot-college-coed is every guy's type! And I've seen the girls you go after. Don't give me that shit, she's totally your type. Are you nervous or something?"

"What? Nervous? No, no, of course not. It's just..." she's my sister! "I don't know, I'm not really feeling it, that's all."

The girls came back to the table and sat down.

"So, Tommy...I think you need to kick up your game..." Allison said teasingly, "It hasn't even been an hour and already, Jazzy is finding you boring."

Tommy turned and looked at his sister. "Boring, huh? Well you're not all that exciting yourself," he said, and then his eyes shot wide open. That was exactly the kind of teasing he would normally give his sister, but definitely not the kind of thing he would say on a date! "Uh, I mean, well," he stammered, "maybe we should get to know each other a bit better before rushing to, uh, judgment."

Jimmy and Allison exchanged looks. Maybe setting these two up was a bad idea...
"Boring, huh? Well you're not all that exciting yourself,"

Jasmine had been taking sips of the water that the waiter had set down for them while they looked over the menu. When Tommy said that, however she nearly choked on her drink and glared at her brother. She had to fight back laughter as he quickly corrected himself.

"Uh, I mean, well," he stammered, "maybe we should get to know each other a bit better before rushing to, uh, judgment."

God, he's really bad at this. She thought, while noticing the looks Allison gave Jimmy. It looked like Jasmine would have to save the day. That figured.

"Yeah? Well..." she looked over her manicured nails as though she were really bored. She was at least 80 percent certain that if he hadn't been her brother, she would've been in total flirt mode because, Allie was right, he was cute. She quickly shook the thought from her head and continued, "Can't really get to know me if I'm the only one asking the questions." She challenged.
"Well that's fair," Tommy replied. "So which college are you attending? And what are you studying there?"
"Um, I go to University of California." She said, "And my major is fashion design. Um...." She chewed on her bottom lip, trying to decide how to ask a question that didn't seem like she already knew everything about him. "Are you in college still or do you work?"
"Well, at twenty-six I'd hope I'd be done with college!" he said. "I was never much for schoolwork, really. I tried college but couldn't quite get the hang of it, so I work in construction now. Got a union welding job. Lots of sparks flying everyday," he said. "Fashion design, huh? I can't say I've ever paid any attention to the latest fashions. What go you into that?"
Allison smiled at Jimmy, she knew they'd get along. They seemed to be getting along much better than earlier, and if nothing could be a totally awesome quick fuck. That's what she thought Jasmine needed anyways. Hell, if she wasn't dating Jimmy she would've gone for Tommy any day of the week.

Jasmine took another sip of her water. "I've always liked fashion, my mom says its a fools dream but...whatever. And my...sister says I should make lingerie, because it would probably be more fun to make." Another lie, that had been alll Tommy's suggestion.
Tommy smirked when she said that her "sister" thought she should make lingerie. He'd been the one that had suggested that, and she had given him a little well-deserved smack at the time.

"Lingerie, huh? Well, who doesn't love lingerie?" he asked, looking at his friends across the table and then back to his sister. "I'd love to see your lingerie designs, if you have any," he said, turning on his charm, pretending that it wasn't his sister he was blatantly flirting with. Hell, she'd upped the ante by bringing up lingerie, and it would be totally unlike him to let a comment like that just pass! After all, Tommy knew that he could be a horndog sometimes, when the right woman was pushing those buttons, and Jasmine was most certainly pushing them.
Aha, she got him acting just the way he would if he were actually on a date. Perfect, she knew that was Tommy's weakness, lingerie. Jasmine smiled flirtaciously, "I'm sure I could dig some up...I've had a few lying around in my portfolio for awhile. Stupid professors don't take to kindly to that kind of designing though."

She paused for a second, "Maybe, if things go well after tonight you'll get a peek." She winked at Tommy. Damn, it was a good thing she was such an awesome actress.
"That's silly that your professors don't like it. There's got to be a lot of money in designing lingerie," Tommy said. He leaned in closer to her. "And I'd love to check out your 'portfolio'," he said. It was all for show, right? He wasn't really coming on to his sister like that. Although he most certainly did take a peak at the bit of cleavage she had on display, and he couldn't lie to himself, he liked what he saw, and kind of wanted to see more.

Stop it!
he thought to himself. Not okay!

"So," he said, "here's the most boring question ever: where'd ya go to high school?"
As Tommy leaned in closer, Jasmine could've sworn her heart stopped for the briefest of seconds as he mentioned taking a look at her...portfolio. Tommy had a way of making the cleanest things sound dirty and that had most definately sounded like a come on.

Breath, damn it! He's your older annoying brother. He's just getting into his role, thats all. Jasmine thought to herself desperately as she tried to calm her fast paced pounding heart. She also took note of his wandering eyes moving towards the little bit of cleavage she had decided to have shown by the V pattern on her shirt. She deduced that to him being a male.

"Gateway High." She said, "And you're right that was very boring." Jasmine paused then smiled, "You?"
"Well, that's crazy, I went to Gateway High, too. Although, I'm, what, eight years older than you, so there's no way our paths would have crossed. Jesus, are you really eighteen? You look and act a bit older than that," he said. He was really getting into his role now, trying to butter her up to take her home. He knew that because she was his sister, that certainly wouldn't happen; he wouldn't let it, that would just be so wrong! Although, he had to admit, he was having a bit of fun hitting on her.

"So what, did you play any sports? Do you still? You look pretty athletic..." he said.
Jasmine was starting to get into her role too. Of all the guys Allie had to set her up with, it had to be her brother. She was sure that had he not been related to her, they would've hit it off pretty well...maybe even had a second date, she shook the thought from her head.

"I was a cheerleader. It's not as easy as it's cracked up to be though, learning all those routines, making sure you know how to do facials correctly....not the cosmetic facial either." She said. "And no, I don't cheerlead anymore. I'm so past that phase in my life. Cheerleading is so highschool."

Jasmine paused and then grinned, "But, I do still have my cheerleading uniform that I tend to get dressed up in...for special occasions. Oh! But I am involved with gymnastics still. What about you?"
Tommy's cock twitched when she said "facials", his dirty mind instantly conjuring up an image of his kid sister taking a load of cum in the face. That was so wrong! Eww! Fuck!

"You must be pretty flexible then," he said after her gymnastics comment. "Me? Uh, I played hockey in high school in the winter and volleyball in the spring. Weird combination, I know, but I always played hockey, since I was like five, and I started playing volleyball because, you know, there's like ten times as many girls that play volleyball than guys. I still play hockey every now and then, just pick-up games though."

He searched his mind for something else to ask her to keep the conversational charade going. Fortunately, dinner arrived. Tommy dug into his pasta, and let the girls dominate the conversation for a while, chatting about teachers and classes and parties and such.
Jasmine sighed a small sigh of relief as the food came. She'd ordered a salad and some pasta. It was really odd having a 'dating' type conversation with your brother. After this, all they had to live through was dancing and then they could go home. Jazzy would tell Allie that he lied and never called back. It was simple as that.

After eating and paying, they went to the club.As Jasmine scooted into the backseat, her thigh brushed against Tommys and shivers ran down her spine. She shivered slightly moving her leg away from Tommy's. "Um, sorry." She gave him a sheepish smile.

Allison just rolled her eyes but said nothing, not wanting to embarass her friend then thought against it. "You'll have to forgive Jazzy, she hasn't had physical contact with a guy for a few months."
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"Well," Tommy said, "she better get used to it if we're gonna be dancing til 4am!" he said, scooting over a bit so that his thigh was touching hers again. He even put his hand on her leg, giving her a little wink when she looked over at him. It felt weird there, but he kept his hand on her thigh.

They drove through the city, finally coming to the downtown club. They got out of the car, having parked it around the corner. It was about ten-thirty at night, still a little early to be getting to the club. Tommy wasn't sure he could dance for five and a half straight hours, either, so he suggested they hop into the little bar around the corner for a couple of drinks first.