Forbidden Desires (Closed)


Mischief Maker
Aug 22, 2001
ooc: This is closed for HT and myself, please enjoy our story and keep all comments to PM's please.

Kassi - 18 college freshman. 5'8" shapely in the right way and knows it. Living at home for awhile and attending a local college.


Summer was finally over and after three long months, she was now ready to face her newest challenge. College, and a certain someone who had caught her attention. Normally she wouldn't get this involved with a stranger, but there was just something about him that made her 'itch' to touch him.

Who was he you wonder? He is her newest neighbor, a professor and a man she had not met yet for a reason. She spent her summer months after high school sun bathing, watching and fantasizing over him. His name was Jeromy, his wife.. well she was a minor glitch but not a major worry to Kassi. She kept it all down in a diary, night after night, each new dream becoming something that kept her excited and longing.

She spotted him the second week of summer as their moving van arrived and the new couple began unpacking it into the house. She noticed him only in passing on her way to the mall, thinking nothing of them or who they were. Her parents however met the new comers with a traditional jello salad of some cheesy kind and filled her in. A college professor and his new wife had moved in next door. Nothing spectacular until you seen him in the day light.. In nothing but shorts!

She eyed the mirror, her conservative suit looked nice and proper for her first day of college. In her mind she went over her check list, all was complete to begin her little 'seduction'. The past two and a half months had been spent on this, she did not wish to fail. Regardless of what happened though, only her diary knew the truth.

Grabbing her back pack and buss pass, she headed out an hour ahead of schedule. She needed to check into the administration office for her job assignment (which she knew already) and make sure she got to her first class on time. Her second class she looked forward to the most. She was looking forward to Biology for the first time and the chance to get to know her Professor a bit better.

OOC: Jeromy Banks, 31 year old teacher, former swimmer, 6'3" tall with dark hair and brown eyes.

IC: It had been a year that would change Jeromy's life forever. It wasn't more than 6 months ago that he had been approached by a college that wanted to have him as a teacher. He had been flattered by their call but that was nothing compared with his surprise when they had told him that the job as Professor for their Biology section was free and that they wanted him and nobody else. It wasn't every day that a young guy with a promising career got such an offer and he didn't have to think twice to make up his mind. Jeromy's wife had supported him in his decision and the papers were signed.

Jeromy and his wife had moved into a house in their new home town two months ago, two months that had been filled with work on their house to get everything ready. Their social life had been affected, the only people they had met were their closest neighbours who had invited them one evening. The evening had been fun even if the talking soon had been about the college and their precious daughter. Her parents had high hopes for her even if they were a bit worried since she was a freshman at the college.

Jeromy had promised to keep an eye on her to make sure she did well, a promise that might not be so easy to keep since he hadn't a clue how he should recognize her. He had seen her a couple of times when she had been tanning in the backyard so he knew all about her sexy body but she had always managed to cover her head with a hat or a towel.

Today was the big day for Professor Banks, it was time for Jeromy to meet his pupils for the first time. He had been working at his office for three weeks already to try to plan the upcoming year. It had been lots of work, work that could have been much easier if he only had had an assistant to help him out. The college had promised him an assistant but with his luck he would probably get one of those gum chewing bimbos who couldn't add 2 plus 2.

His wife had sent him off with a kiss and a "Don't you dare to encourage the girls that have a crush on their Professor."

Her words had surprised him, he had always been faithful to her during their seven year long marriage and he had no intention to change his behaviour.

Jeromy was as far from the stereotype picture of a Professor as you can get when he left his office an hour later dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans. He felt a bit nervous for the first time as he walked towards his class and hesitated outside the classroom, took a deep breath and opened the door to his new world.

All day she was a nervous wreck, edgy and filled with anticipation of what was to come. She worked quickly through her math class, and left early to straighten her appearence for her next class.

Biology. The key to her success. She took the class seriously, she wanted to learn everything she could to become a vet, but at the same time she wanted to do a few 'made-for-tv' fantasies with her new professor. All in due time....

She sat in the center of the room and down in the front row of desks. Her composure relaxed, her face unreadable, her attention on the front of the room. Her fingers lightly played with her pencil, the door opened and in walked the wet dream. Sitting more upright, she made no sign of even smiling at him in greeting. Her eyes devoured him, taking in every little detail. From his brown neat hair to his comfortable looking sneakers.

She smiled slightly then, he was not one to dress accordingly. Good. It would be much easier, nothing to ruffle. He started up the second he reached his own desk, the standard first day greetings and what was expected. He went over which books were required for the class and some of the assignments they would have as well.

Shifting in her seat a little, she crossed her ankles but remained upright in her seat. Taking notes on their reading assignments as well as words he wanted them to know by tomorrow. He was easy going, as she expected him to be. His eyes did not linger on any one person for longer than a second, nor did he take the bait of the blonde two rows up and over. Her skirt was shorter than even Kassi dared to wear.

He would be a hard nut to crack so to speak. A man in control of himself, this intrigued her even further. What would it take to break down his walls? What were his weaknesses? And just how was she going to find out? Her eyes followed his every move as did the rest of the class, but she found him returning to her time and time again. Was he reading her expressions? Did he know what she was thinking did not involve Biology in the sense he was explaining? Did he know of her fantasies? She gave him a polite smile, her pencil eraser bumping against her lips as she watched him pace back and forth.

"Professor Banks?" A male student in the back caught his attention. "Are we required to disect anything?" A few girls groaned and the guy, apparently a nerd, paid them no attention.

Jeromy, that is his name. I love the way it rolls off my tongue, I wonder if he gets bored talking up there? I bet he is a boxer man. her thoughts churned inside her head, her lips smiling a little more. She was not listening to what the answer had been to the question, her gaze instead running over his body when he was not looking.

The class was over, her day done and her job was about to begin. Sitting upright, she waited for him to dismiss the class before approaching him. Waiting until the class room emptied, she grabbed her things and slowly, quietly approached his desk where he sat reading over some list of notes of some kind.

"Professor Banks?" His eyes met hers and she felt her stomach clench tightly, her panties had to be soaked by now. God! She loved those eyes of his!
"Hello Professor, I am Kassi Jones..." She held out her hand to shake his, "I am your new assistant for the semester." Adjusting her backpack strap on her shoulder better, she put on her best nonthreatening/nonsexual smile.
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Jeromy looked up as he heard a soft voice say "Professor Banks?" and gave her a quick smile as she continued with "Hello Professor, I am Kassi Jones..." It was the girl that had been sitting on the front row that now stood there with an outstretched hand telling him that she was his new assistant.

So this was the answer to his prayers, a girl that would help him out this semester. He had noticed Kassi earlier because it had been something familiar with her looks although he was sure that he had never seen her before.

He gave her another smile and said
"It's a pleasure to meet you Kassi .. I hope you can give me a helping hand as soon as possible since the piles are growing in my office"
and let his eyes make a short journey down her body before looking back into her eyes. Her suit couldn't hide the fact that there was a good looking body under it but Kassi's conservative clothes and shy smile made him believe that this wasn't one of those girls that his wife had talked about, but he had noticed a girl in a short skirt in the class room that fitted more into her description.

"I don't mind to do some hard work for you Professor"
Did the tone in her voice change ? He wasn't sure but there was no obvious answer in her face when he looked at her.

"Lets go to my office and I will explain what I expect of you" Jeromy stood up from his chair, picked up his papers and started to walk slowly towards the door. Kassi followed him out and they started to walk down the corridor to his room. The same feeling that had hit him in the class room came back to Jeromy as he thought about the girl next to him. What was it with this girl that made her look so familiar ?

They reached his office after a short walk and Jeromy asked her to sit down on the couch once they were inside. He sat down on the chair next to her and started to describe the work he was hoping she could help her with. Apart from helping him to empty the boxes with books that was still standing on the floor, she would be asked to write a letter or two at times and do the weekly filing of the papers that was bound to pile up at his desk. He also hoped that she would be able to help him with some of his research. Kassi had looked as if she was in an other world but woke up as soon as he mentioned the word research and gave him a smile. Jeromy couldn't help smiling back to her, maybe he had got himself an assistant that was more keen on dissecting rats than doing paperwork.

Jeromy was curious to know a bit about her background so he said
"Any special reason you were choosing biology as one of your subjects this semester? "
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Kassi Jones

She followed quietly behind him, her eyes lingering on his ass and the seductive way they moved in his jeans. She could feel the answering desires inside awakening and fought hard to staunch it quickly.

She sat before his desk, listening with half an ear to him rambling on and on about paper work and filing, boring stuff basicly. But the way his lips moved when he spoke, she knew he'd be a HOT one to kiss.

Shaking herself out of her reverie, she smiled and nodded her head, " I would love to help in researching, it's why I am here." He eyed her a moment and then went on with what was required of her. She knew it all having been an assistant once before, but she let him talk. His deep baritone voice soothing her, seducing her almost. She sank a little in the chair, crossing her legs to keep that ache contained.

She knew her fascination would end sooner or later, perhaps more later than sooner, either way it did not hurt to have fantasies.

"Any special reason you were choosing biology as one of your subjects this semester? " He stopped talking and the spell was lifted some what, for this she was grateful. At least she wouldn't look like a total idiot now. Sitting upright in her chair, she flashed him a sweet smile that showed off her dimple, "My father is a doctor, my mother is a pediatrician.. I wish to be a vet. And to become one, Biology is a required field of study for several years... amoung other classes. I've assisted all my previous professors as I am assisting you Professor. I wish to know all I can, hands on experience is the main key to passing. Knowing what to look for, inside and out. I figured I'd get more from helping than I would out of that text book.. So here I am. Perhaps you know my parents? Ian and Camile Jones?" His face was blank a moment.
"Well it doesn't matter, they are both doctors here in town.. I figured you might have met one or the other at a social this past summer..?" It was true, her parents were always working or off at some party or private club. It didn't matter, she knew who he was, even if he hadn't a clue just yet.
"Is there anything else.. we need to discuss.. professor Banks?" She spoke softly, holding his gaze with her own, wishing he could read her mind and then happy he couldn't!

"Is there anything else.. we need to discuss.. professor Banks?"

Jeromy tilted his head the way he always did when he was thinking, a fact that his wife Janet always teased him about. His eyes lingered on Kassi's face, the more he looked at her the more he saw the beauty in it. It was the beauty of the young and innocent and that combined with the way she was dressed gave her an intriguing look.

"I think we have covered most of what is needed for now" He told her that he had no spare key to the room so she would have to wait for him before she would be able to get inside.
"There is one thing, could you give me a copy of your schedule so that I will know when you might be available ?"

Kassi's answer came at once "I will do my best to be available whenever you want me Professor".
If Jeromy had paid her more attention he might have noticed that her idea of being available was something completely different from his. Her voice had changed, her eyes had a gaze that would have been described as seductive and her body language told the same story.

Their discussion was over, they stood up and Kassi started to walk towards the door when Jeromy finally added up two and two and realised who the girl in front of him was.

"Ian and Camile !!, Did you say that your parents name were Ian and Camile ?" Kassi turned around and nodded towards him.

"It is a pleasure to finally see your ... err … you face to face Kassi" .. ”I think you and I are neighbours”
Jeromy could have kicked himself for his mistake but hoped that she didn't notice his little slip with words.

She gave him a hard stare a moment and then a small grin, "Well I used to know all my neighbors but some have moved on and some new ones have moved in... " She played it off as if she had no idea where he lived, but she knew all too well.

"Which house did you buy?" She gave him a curious stare again falling silent as he explained the house beside her own.

"Ah, I did notice people there. Well I am usually a better neighbor but with all the school work, summer parties.. you know how it is." She smiled again. "I hope you enjoy the view..... lovely neighborhood, but then I grew up there, so I am biased in judgement." She laughed a little.

"Well Professor, I look forward to working under you this semester. Don't worry about the key, the main office gave me one..." She fumbled purposely with her bag until she got her keys out and dangled them until she found his office key.

"I am available whenever you need of me... But I ask that you give me notice if it's over a weekend, please." She had no boyfriend, no plans outside of getting his clothes off, but still she couldn't look that easily accessed.

"My classes are over for the day, do you have anything in mind for tomorrow?" She motioned over her shoulder with a grim face, "I have a bus to catch to get home.." Her father wouldn't buy her a car and her studies kept her too busy to work. Her work at the school was to help pay her way through college, even if her parents were well off, they earned it and if she wanted nice things, she had to earn it as well.

Jeromy had been as faithful as any man could be during his marriage to Janet, but he was a guy who knew how to enjoy a good view when he saw one and to see Kassi tanning in her backyard was definately a view he had enjoyed. Her young body was in great shape and her face didn't do her any harm either, a fact that made Jeromy believe she had lots of fans around her.

He listened absentmindedly as Kassi talked without noticing words like "enjoy the view, lovely, working under you, available whenever you need me"
but he heard her saying that she had picked up a key which made hime happy since she would be able to do some of her work without him.

"My classes are over for the day, do you have anything in mind for tomorrow?" "I have a bus to catch to get home.."

"As a matter of fact I do" .. "but don't you worry" He winked towards Kassi with a smile on his face. "I promise that I will not be too hard on you, I can't risk to make a neighbour angry"

"Nice to meet you Kassi ... and please don't hesitate to call me Jeromy in private"

Moments later she was gone and Jeromy sat down at his desk. His thoughts soon went to Kassi, she seemed to be a keen student and he was sure she would do a god job for him and it also ment that he would be able to fulfil his promise to Ian and Camile. Having her both in his class and as an assistant would make it easy for him to keep an eye on her most of the time.

It had been a day filled with work for Jeromy, he hadn't been back at home and the waiting dinner until 7. The first thing a smiling Janet said when they finally sank down on the couch two hours later was "You got to tell me what happened during your first day and don't you dare to hide anything for me Professor Banks"

The smile was melting, the wink made her pulse leap wildly and she knew she wa hooked even further. This was the first time she had ever sat and talked to him, and it only confirmed the ache she had for this man.

Married or not, teacher or not, she'd have this one ... if it killed her! God kass! Get ahold of yourself! Her thoughts were lecturing her, warning her that this was not something to do nor how to go about it either. Her morals were at war constantly since spotting him three months ago. She was torn between desire and shame. She managed a smile as they said their good byes, "It was ... nice to meet you too.. Pro.. umm Jeromy." She flashed him a tentitive smile and grabbed her things.

She couldn't bring herself to touch him, not any part in fact. She knew she'd break down and do something really embarassing if he touched her.. no, not even to shake his hand. She had to get control back, get used to this before proceeding.

She made her way to the bus and home, her mind the entire time on nothing but Jeromy. The way he stood, the hand guestures he made... The tilt in his smile and those eyes. She smiled a little, liking how his hair was always a little unruley, it gave him a rakish kind of look, very appealing to her. Sighing, she shook her head and entered her own home.

"Mom? Dad?! I'm home.." She paused, hearing nothing. Moving into the kitchen she spotted the note on the fridge. Mom went to her aunts for a few days and dad was working in the charity part of town in the clinic for a few days.. Which meant he would not be seen or heard from for at least four days.
"Fucking figures..." She crumpled up the note and tossed it into the trash can. She got herself something to eat, a can of coke and sat watching tv until the head lights of Jeromy's car lit up her window as he swung into his drive way. Smiling, she didn't move for the longest time, her eyes fixated on nothing as she thought about today.
"SHIT!" She had some work due. Scrambling like made, she worked on her Algebra and then her chapter work for Bio, but by the time that was all done it was closer to eleven pm.
Moving upstairs to her room, she noticed out her own darkned window that her neighbors were asleep.. Or perhaps they loved the total dark? She walked into her room, leaving her window and curtains wide open. She did not care, the only people who could possibly see her were Jeromy and his wife..

And she knew their bedroom was on the other side of the house.. Kimberly used to live there before moving away, her parents often let them stay in the master bedroom when they went out of town. Kassi knew the lay out of that house just as well as her own, it came in handy. She wondered if they took use of the Den Kimberly's fther had across the way? Or did they turn it into another bedroom?

She put her books on her desk, switched on that lamp as well and began to strip down slowly. A shower, something for lunch tomorrow... she needed to think of a way of luring one serious professor into flirting with her.. That was as far as her fantasies ever went with Jeromy. Touching and kissing, never the actual act of having sex.. She didn't know why though? She was no virgin, her boyfriend Tommy in highschool cured her of that..

She shuddered visibly, Tommy really fucked up that night for her, she never seemed to enjoy sex since then either. Oral yes, that was pleasureable both ways, and of course teasing and caressing. The actually get-down-and-do-it fucking did nothing for her.. She got off better by herself with her toys. Sighing, she strolled around the room in her panty set and socks, turning on some music as she went.

It wasn’t much to tell since Jeromy had only had one class on his first day at college, but he did mention the blonde girl as well as the guy that seemed to be worried about the laboratory work.

“Didn’t you get any questions about the birds and the bees ? ”

Jeromy shook his head, chuckled and said
“I’m sure these kids knows as much as I do about that, if not more”

This was probably not the truth since Jeromy did not only new the names of all the parts of the body in latin he also knew how to use them, a fact that could be verified by Janet. They changed subject for their talk and went over to Janet and how she had spent her day without Jeromy mentioning that Kassi, the neighbours daughter had turned out to be his new assistant.

A yawn was followed by another and they decided to go to bed. Jeromy’s hands was soon around Janet’s body once they were in bed. He leaned towards her, kissed her neck softly before whispering
“Do you want to do the same thing as I do ?”

Janet’s answer came quickly, a bit to quickly for his liking as she said
“Yes Jeromy, I want to sleep and I want to do it now” before turning away from him.

It was a another disappointment for Jeromy, this had been her answers more often than not during the last months. They had never had any problems with their sex life before, but everything had changed after the move to their new town. Jeromy hoped that it was coupled to Janet's nervousness for the new job, tomorrow would be their last day together before she would have to go away to a conference that lasted a week.

Jeromy’s thoughts started to wander but it was with an image of a naked couple making love that he finally fell asleep.

She jerked awake instantly as the alarm loudly blared the local music station. Groaning, she was sweating and wet. Her chest heaved up and down with her labored breathing, her eyes sleep clouded and twinged with a darker shade of blue than what was normal.

She was aroused.

The dream was like most nights, haunting her, tormenting as well. Reaching out she slapped the snooze button and kicked off the blankets. A half whimper gasped past her lips as she moved.

"Oh jesus!" Her clit throbbed with need, her body awakened to a hunger that was all too familiar these days. She needed to cum.

"Fuck!" She groaned, licking her lips as she fought the urge to reach down between her thighs. She didn't have time for this, she'd be late to school, but the images were too damned clear in her mind to stop it.

"Jeromy.... The things you do to me...." She whispered harshly, her voice gritty sounding. Her fingers found her clit and gave a hard rub, the sensations shot up her legs instantly as she pressed harder into the bed.

"No.. NO time! damn it!" She missed summer and her hour long masturbation fests.. but now she'd have to make due. Rising from her bed, she moved across to her closet on wobbly knees. The molten lava of juices instantly coated her thighs. Moaning loudly, she wasn't sure if it was from the pleasure or annoyance, but she reached down and stroked her two fingers up and down her slit.

She hit the wall beside her closet, her back pressed against it as her legs and hips spread outward in an awkward position. She needed it so badly! The burning inside, that twitching, it was killing her. The images, once vivid now flashed clear in her mind yet again. "Oh god!" Bent over the desk, her teacher kneeling behind her, she could almost feel his hands on her ass, stroking her as he slipped her thong off. His lips and tongue teasing her..

"Damn it!"

"Kassi are you alright in there?!" Her father called from the bathroom across the hall.

"I'm fine Dad!" She bit back a groan as she sank two fingers inside her aching hole. Her legs trembled, threatening to give out on her.

"Alright! See ya after work honey." Her dad walked past her room and down the stairs, her fingers shoving in and out quickly. Her nipples tightened, her body melting, the snooze went off again. The music blared and woke her up even more.

"FUCK!" She had twenty minutes to get dressed and get to the bus stop. Pulling her fingers out of her cunt, she suckled one clean while twisting her nipple. The other was soon cleaned up a little more, she had no time to shower this morning, but that didn't matter. She was floating on cloud nine and so close to orgasming...

"Later.. God, later I will...." She let her thoughts and words trail off as she searched her closet. Picking out a skirt and blouse, she tried them on. Smiling, she put on a demi bra, black under her white blouse. The skirt reached just above her knees and was proper attire, but her blouse was all but non-existant. The material so sheer anything could be seen under it.

"This will be an eye opener." She left her long hair down, added very little make up. Getting her thigh high stockings and garters, she was soon dressed what seemed properly, until she removed her jacket or crossed her legs....

Heels completed the outfit and she was out the door. Arriving at the school almost ten minutes late, she made her way to Jeromy's office.

Jeromy heard a knock on his door, looked up and said

"Come in !! "

Kassi came in like a whirlwind with a huge smile on her face.

"Hi Professor B .. I mean Jeromy"

"Good to see you Kassi, I was hoping you would be early since there are tons of things I need help with today"

Jeromy noticed her skirt and a hair that was down but didn't think twice about it as he continued to read the pm he had got from the headmaster. Kassi dropped her back pack on the floor, removed her jacket and walked up in front of his desk.

He heard her soft voice say
"I'm ready whenever you are Jeromy" but failed to notice the sexual undertone in it. He was about to speak when the view in front of him took him by surprice. He couldn't help staring directly at Kassi's black bra not to mention her breasts that were resting in it. He had only seen them from a distance before but to see them as close as this was something completely different. In his mind he compared them with Janet's, a comparison that Kassi won without problems. Not only were Kassi's breasts a size bigger, they also had the advantage that any teenager has compared with a 33 year old woman.

The spell was broken as Kassi said
"Where would you like me to start ?"

Jeromy saw a mischievous smile on Kassi's face and knew that he had let his eyes linger too long at her breasts. It was a new experience for him that he had failed to keep his composure, the reason, she had taken him off guard since he had judged her from yesterdays classical outfit and never expected a blouse like hers. He was sure that Kassi was more than aware that her body could turn the head of any guy, and her dress only confirmed the fact that some guy at the college would be in trouble today.

She smiled sweetly, watching his eyes devour her exsposed body. Yeah, he noticed alright! Good.. If he noticed and stared, he was prime for her.

She said nothing for the longest time, letting him check her out, his eyes glued to her breasts made her nipples harden slightly. That warm tingling was returning to her yet again, that ache inside she did not get to quench this morning thanks to her inconsiderate father! Even now, in this inappropriate place and time, her lust was rearing its head. The thought of being bent over his desk flashed hotly in her mind, her panties instantly soaked through.

God Damn! He is going to drive me insane! biting back a groan of need, she pushed away from his desk and eyed a stack of folders he had been preparing for his new cabinets.

"Shall I file these Professor?" She did not use his given name, it only fueld her desires more to utter is name. DAMN! She needed to get control over herself, and badly.. She'd have to visit Matt today and ease up some of this ache she had inside.

"Professor? You here?" She teased, waving her hand infront of his face. "Did I interrupt your concentration on.. what is that?" She bent over and looked at the paper. "Ahh our second day and you already have a quiz in mind.. Good thinking." She picked up the folders without asking him and moved to his filing cabinet beside his desk.

"You know, I think the harder you push the students, the more rewarding the class will be. Even though many groan over surprise tests and such, I like the challenge.. It wets the appetite for something more.. Feeds those desires to learn.." She flashed him a smile over her left shoulder and popped open the door. Placing them inside neatly, she went one by one, taking her time and letting him see her profile from head to toe.
"And maybe, just maybe they learn something.." She shut the door with her hand and turned back tot he desk, "Anything else Jeromy? Oh, is that my desk?" She pointed to the corner noticing the new addition to the room. Her eyes raked his face, his lips mostly, wishing they were between her thighs right now, shiney with her juices she knew was going to waste in her panties right that particular moment.

My hell! That mouth was made for sinning! Her eyes met his and she smiled brighter.

Jeromy found himself staring at Kassi as she tucked away his files. She had a body that was worth studying, not only her perky breasts with nipples that seemed stiff and inviting or the butt that was hidden under her skirt but also for her long sexy legs. He couldn't help feeling a bit aroused as he looked at her even if he knew that she was forbidden territory or maybe that was the reason why he felt like he did, not the mention the lack of sex life in his marriage lately. He knew that he had to get rid of these thoughts quickly or his appetite would continue to grow.

"Anything else Jeromy? Oh, is that my desk?"

Her words stopped his thoughts and he answered her quickly, maybe too quickly for his own good since he said
"I thought it was better to give you a desk of your own since you are my assistant and not my private secretary"

There was a wicked tone in her voice as her reply came
"And what would you require from a private secretary that I couldn't do ?"

Jeromy could have killed himself, he had always joked about getting a secretary and let her taking notes while sitting in his lap, a joke that had been safe to say as long as it had been said to the guys when he was studying in college. There was no room for thoughts like that as a Professor and especially not when you had an assistant like Kassi who was both a sexy student and a neighbour.

He finally tried to save himself as he said
"Nothing, but she would probably have a room of her own".

Kassi's smile told him the story, she knew or at least thought she knew what he had been thinking but she let him be for the moment and walked to her desk and sat down. She was like a kid who had got a new toy when she checked out her desk and her new chair. Jeromy looked at her for a while before going back to the quiz he was planning to have with his class the next day. His work was interrupted as he heard Kassi saying
"How do I look Professor?"

He should have known by now but he was still surprised when he saw her sitting in her chair with her legs crossed, her skirt had been gliding up along her leg and revealed part of her garter. When he looked up at her face he could see the pencil that she held between her lips, a pencil that she pulled out slowly as if she was sucking on a lollipop.

"Like an assistant that is longing for something to work with"

"Well professor.. Going to give me something to work on?" She had been sitting there, idle for awhile, just staring at him work over his papers.

This was boring her, and tormenting her as well. With nothing to do and no way to get off right now, she sure as shit didnt want to sit and stare at him! She wanted to sit in his lap, thread her fingers into his hair and grind herself against his cock til he grew so crazed with lust, he fucked her silly...

ALRIGHT! She shook herself outta that fantasy and moved towards his desk.

"Jeromy? Is there something I can do for you? Or should I get going until after Bio class?" She had an itching and she knew right where one 'boy toy' was.. he'd give it to her hard and fast, it'd help.. Even if it wasn't the professor himself, anything would help right about now....


As her eyes scanned his face, his torso and shoulders, she again got mental flashes in her mind of her dream..

Sitting on the end of his desk, she swung around and placed her legs right next to his chair, ultimately closer to him as well.

"Alright, at least tell me how you like the area.." She smiled brightly, playing innocent and charming as possible.

He was about to answer Kassi's question when she come towards him. His eyes followed every move until she sat down on the desk and it was impossible for him to not take notice of her long legs as close as they were to him. He got a quick flash of him having his head buried between her legs, the image so strong that he almost thought he could feel the scent of her pussy.

The image disappeared as she said
"Alright, at least tell me how you like the area."

Jeromy saw a smile on her face and hoped that she wouldn't notice the bulge that had started to grow inside his pants.

"I have enjoyed everything that I have seen so far even if I haven't had the chance to check out anything properly, it has mostly been a quick glance here and a quick glance there."

Jeromy and Janet had been so busy since they moved to their new home that they hadn't been able to do any sightseeing in the neighbourhood and to be honest, Kassi was probably the area he had studied the most even if it only had been from a distance until now. It happened more then one time that his eyes found their way to her breasts as he talked with her.

"We had planned to take the car and have a closer look at the surrounding area this weekend but it got postponed since Janet has to go away for a week"

Jeromy never saw the grin on Kassi's face as she heard that he would be home alone for a week. This was something that suited her plans perfectly, her parents were gone and apparently also Jeromy's wife. What opportunities this would open up for a hot and horny girl over the next days.

"Are there any places worth exploring that you can recommend ?"

Jeromy saw an image of Kassi’s nipple brushing against the tip of his cock in his mind. He tried to push away the thought as he waited for her answer but he couldn’t avoid that another image of them together showed up, this time with his cock buried between her breasts.

"I have enjoyed everything that I have seen so far even if I haven't had the chance to check out anything properly, it has mostly been a quick glance here and a quick glance there." She was betting his words had a hidden meaning by the tone of his voice, the way his eyes landed on her breasts. However briefly they rested there, she got the idea he was noticing more and more.

The game was getting more thrilling with each and every passing moment.

"I know several places Professor.." She kept her friendly 'neutral' smile and leaned in closer. "I know all the hot places in this town..... having grown up here." She sat back upright and made to look as if she was thinking about it.

"My parents are gone as well for two weeks to Aspen.. Guess we'll both be ordering pizza huh?" She laughed lightly. Shifting on the desk, she again noticed his eyes moving over her breasts. Against her will they began to tingle and tighten, her nipples becoming more prominate in her shirt. He had that effect on her, he might as well witness it.

"Perhaps if you are interested in seeing things I can help you out? I know all the swimming spots, picnic spots, a cave as well.. Also a few dance clubs in the area..? Anything to your liking so far?" She cocked her body a little, her breasts now more at an angle he could see her cleavage if he but looked.

Time was running out for the daily sparring, class was due to start in fifteen minutes.. In her mind alot could be accomplished in that time, but she knew better than to hope. She had to wear him down gradually, not come on too strong. Besides, it was just a game... She grinned with the thought of teasing this handsome man into wanting her.

”Anything to your liking so far?"

Jeromy looked at Kassi or to be more honest at her breasts, he had noticed how her nipples had stiffened under her blouse earlier but he was now more focused on her cleavage. A cleavage that looked as if it was made for a guy to bury his head between.

He pulled himself together and answered
”Yes, I have seen a few places I would like to visit.” …. ”and I assume that it wouldn’t come as a surprise if I say that I love to explore the nature, no matter if it is a forest, a river, a mountain or two, a valley or a secluded cave.”

He saw her face lit up and he couldn’t help wondering if she wasn’t one of the hottest places in the town herself.

”I know the perfect place Jeromy” …. ”I promise that you will enjoy it if you give me a chance to show it to you”

Jeromy was sure he would, no matter what she would show him but a flash of a naked Kassi bending over in front of him showed up before him.

His thoughts were interrupted as he heard a knock on the door and a voice was heard
”Jeromy don’t forget the meeting within 5 minutes”

It was Diane, one if the other biology teachers that was outside.

”Give me a few and I will be there Diane”

Jeromy looked at Kassi and said
”I better get going ” … ”I hope to see you again tomorrow Kassi” before starting to pick up his things from his desk.

"Have a nice evening Professor and see ya tomorrow.." She smiled at him one last time before retrieving her bag and leaving. She smiled all the way to her algebra class and through it as well.

He was definitely coming along nicely, in fact she could even bank that he was hard as a stone in his office... It appeared he was but he wore a long shirt, damn the luck!

She made it through her only class of the day and with no home work as well. Caught her bus and arrived to her empty home right after lunch. Spotting Emily's car in her driveway, she called her friend.

"Hey, want to come over and sun bathe?" She asked Em.

"That sexy neighbor home yet?" Em chuckled on the phone.

"Not yet, but he will be.. Come on over here damn it, got the place to myself.. Oh and bring that string bikini so I don't feel naked alone.." She hung up and jogged upstairs laughing out loud as she went. Poor Jeromy was in for it now.. If he took the bait. She'd see..

Emily arrived with a flourish of slamming the door and stomping/running up the stairs. "Alright!" She was winded but only slightly. "Spill the beans! Tell me how it is being in his class and his assistant..." Em plopped on her bed and sat staring expectantly.

"What's to tell?" She played it cool and knowingly teased her best friend.

"Don't give me that shit! I know that devilish grin anywhere kas.. Fuckin' tell me or I won't shut up.." Em threatened well, and did have a big mouth on her.. Damn her hide!

"Alright! Bitch.." She laughed and changed as she told Emily about how her days were going so far with Professor Sexy-ass.

"He is a well educated man and his teaching techniques are very modern.."

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT KAS!" Em threw a pillow at her and barely missed while Kassi broke up laughing.

"What the hell do you think? He's fuckin' sexy as hell, married and not taking any bait!"

"You tramp!" Emily laughed wickedly, loving every minute of this story. "How ya going to get him Kas.. And don't tell me you aren't thinking about it.."

"Bait baby.. bait.." She whispered in a husky actress style. Emily grinned and winked as well, Em knew Kassi well enough to know she'd succeed.

"Well what do you think?" She turned to show off her new bathing suit to Emily.

"MY GOD! Can it be any skimpier? Damn, where'd ya get it?"

"Victoria's in the mall.. Think it will attract attention?" Kas asked with a little smile of knowledge.

"Yeah.. hell I'm tempted to rape you myself!" Emily let her eyes scan her friend up and down, its too bad Kas wasn't bisexual.. Not for lack of trying, Emily has been since the age of 18 to get Kas to try it..

"Cute Em.. Change and let's go down.." Turning Kas grabbed her towel and lotion then headed down stairs to the back patio. "HURRY IT UP!" Kas yelled back at Emily before stepping out the door. She laid out her towel on a lounge chair and put on some music. She got them both ice cold lemonaid and laid down on her lounger as Emily came out.

Kassi wore a white g-string bikini, the material barely covering anything to begin with, would show more wet. Emily who had black hair and pale skin wore a seagreen suit much like Kassi's only it had more crotch material.

"Your mother sees that suit Kas and you will be in a world of hurt.."

"Fuck her... She's screwed every gardener we've ever had.. I can wear what I like.."

Emily just chuckled and laid down as well. "Think his wife noticed we're out here?"

"Em, I seriously doubt his wife is.. well bi.. With a husband like that, who needs more?" Kassi flushed and appologized, "I didn't mean that you weren't worth it Em.."

"It's alright, I didn't take offense.. I know you're in lust with that man.. So I forgive ya.. As long as you share.." Em winked and laid down as well. Both face down on the lounge chairs smiled at one another and listened to the music, waiting for who knew what?
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It was one of those boring meetings that Jeromy hated. They were always the same, lots of never ending talks about nothing and quick decisions about those things that really mattered. He followed the discussions absentmindedly, said a few words here and there but mostly he was thinking about his class. There were a couple of facts that he needed to check out for next week, all he needed to do was to find the books he knew he had somewhere in his office. He had been procrastinating the search for a long time so it was high time to do something about it, or to be more specific, to let Kassi do the search for him. An image of Kassi popped up in his head, this time in a short skirt bending over as she reached for a couple of books. His eyes were drawn to the butt that was barely hidden under the skirt, a butt that he wanted to touch, to squeeze and to rub his hips against.

He got hold of himself in time, there was no room for thoughts like that, Kassi was forbidden territory and he knew it even if his mind played him tricks at times.

All of a sudden the meeting was over and it came as a nice surprise when he looked at his clock and saw that the meeting had ended two hours before schedule. It was perfect for him, it was the last day Janet would be home and he had promised to give her a helping hand before she went away. Jeromy arrived at home after an early lunch at the college, jumped out of his car and as always managed to slam the door when he closed it.

It was another warm day and he couldn't wait to get rid of his clothes and slip into his shorts, so he went upstairs for a change of clothes as soon as he had said his hi to Janet. Something must have caught his attention because he went directly to the window. What he saw outside made him stay there, tanning on the patio next door was not only Kassi but also another girl with a body that was shaped in the same form as Kassi's. Who was this dark haired beauty that had stretched out besides Kassi ? He had now idea, not that it matter to him as his eyes moved from one butt to another. He had seen Kassi naked before but the way the g-string cut in between her ass cheeks was even more tempting.

Jeromy moved in behind the curtain so that they wouldn't be able to see him so easily as the laid there chatting to each other. What was happening to him ? He hadn't bothered about her tanning naked last week but now he was watching her with a growing bulge inside his shorts with all sorts of naughty thoughts about him and her, and a few even including her friend.

He heard Janet shout "Jeromy, Where are you ?" and knew that it was time to go down to her. He never felt that he pushed the curtain to the side as he turned and walked out of the room.

"I am on my way"

"He's home.." She whispered as she lay facing Emily.

"Yeah, and he was at the window watching too." Emily smirked as she whispered back.

"No... Really?" Kassi made no move to look, but she got that familiar tingling inside.

"Yeah, really.. Twit. I think he was checking us out.." She giggled a little and rolled to her back.

"Did he glance or stare?" Kassi was shifting on the lounge chair, the fire in her center growing.

"How the hell would I know Kas? There are curtains on the windows... But I am betting he stared for at least a few minutes.. Who wouldn't?" Emily sounded bored with it but the state of her erect nipples told a different story.

"Topless time.. Let's really give him something to watch.." Kas was feeling brave, very brave.. If it wasn't for the foggy haze of lust in her mind, she'd probably not suggest what she was about to.

Kassi sat up on the lounger and pulled off the scraps of material that covered her breasts.

"My god Kas!" Emily stared hard at her friend, "You are one determined girl.."


"Whatever! You must really want to lure this one in.. Thinking of sleeping with him?" Emily was a little stunned having not thought Kas would really go topless and all.. But as always, Kassi was proving Emily wrong.

"I doubt he would actually have.. you know.. Anyway, it's just a little flirting and knowledge he is attracted to me.."

"Kas.. Your games are going to get you into trouble one of these days.. What if he mistakes your flirting for an actual desire to have sex.."

Kassi held up her hand at her friend to halt her speech, "Stop right there Emily, I do not want to hear preaching.. Now be a doll and come rub oil into my skin.. Oh and shed that top Prissy.." Kas grinned at her friend, the sparkle in Kas's eye usually led to trouble, but Em could not refuse Kas anything, even if it was a bad path to travel.

Emily got up from her lounger and picked up the coppertone oil. "Kas, all I am saying is he is a man.. Not some boy.. If he takes the bait, he is going to press for something more than a little blow job.."

"I doubt it Em, most men only care about getting off. Trust me, I know this already."

"Don't you think you are judging him a little harshly without knowing?" Emily squirted the liquid into her palm and began to massage the oil into Kas's back.

"Em, I want him so badly I am suffering wet dreams.. God! If he wants to fuck me, by god I will give in.. Even if it isn't that great.. Just.. He does something funny to my insides.. I want to explore it." Kas lifted up and rested on her elbows, turning her head towards Em, "Besides he is married Em.. I doubt he will give in. But it sure is fun hoping.."

Emily said nothing more about it, her attention focused fully on Kassi's ass. Slowly Emily worked her hands down over the firm flesh, stroking Kassi as any lover would.

"Mmmmmmmmm that feels so good Em.. You are right to go into massage therapy.. You have magic hands girl.." kassi groaned as Em worked her magic, massaging as she went, back, ass, upper thighs and down to her daintly little toes.

"Roll over.. I think he is watching again.." Emily whispered as she worked over Kas's toes and arches.

Hoping he was, Kassi rolled to her back on the lounger and rested her hands behind her head. This left Kassi open to anyone's view, including her friend at her feet. Bare breasts showed little to no tan lines, which was a blessing for Kassi. Her breasts had little sag to them, age hadn't kicked in just yet. Kas's nipples were erect, tingles shooting right to her groin, thinking of Jeromy stroking himself while watching her.

"My god Kas.. you're too much.." Emily said nothing more and began to massage her way back up Kas's body, wishing for once she had the nerve to try something with Kassi. She didn't let that get her down, even if Kassi was showing off to a man out of her league, Em would still be there to help mend her friends heart... And enjoy the show as much, if not more than the neighbor.

Emily reached her breasts and paused, "You want me to do these babies too?" Emily was a little cautious about touching Kas there, not without permission.

"Yeah Em.. I want you to give him a real good reason to sleep with a tent.."

"And who is going to help me sleep in the puddle?" Emily growled lowly at her friend but did not draw back. Oiling up her hands yet again, she began to massage more oil than what was needed into Kassi's breasts. She worked slowly, feeling each little nipple harden more into the palm of her hands, hearing Kas moan so softly, it made Emily heat up as well.

Kassi was lost in the fantasy of it, of Jeromy.. Emily was lost in Kassi and let it show by caressing and tugging her friends nipples. Emily could faintly pick up Kassi's scent, arousal was in the air, Em felt the same urges and knew she'd be having a cold shower or calling her other friend to screw later.

"Kas.. you're playing with fire.."

"Oh hush Em, please.. Do that again, it feels so good.." Kassi groaned her lips parting so invitingly, Em was having a hard time resisting the urge to press.

"When's the last time you got laid?" Emily asked out of curiousity.

"Oh god.. I don't know Em.... nine months? Ten? I dont know.. Viberator does it .."

"That's not the same as human touch Kas.." Emily fell silent, knowing the viberator gave her friend pleasure where other's had failed.. That was ainly what fueld kassi's crush on her Professor.. he is the first man around to make Kassi wet with just his voice.

"He's gone again..." Emily whispered, wanting to get out of this and wanting too to remove Kassi's strings and see all of her bared.

"Alright we best stop here.. let me put some oil on you now.." Kassi slowly sat up, the two friends coming face to face, close enough to kiss if Kassi but made an effort. They stared long and hard at each other before someone slamming their door interrupted.

"Damn, ok you can rub some on me.. but dont be fuckin teasing me like you do... Well you know who.." Emily rose from Kassi's lounger and moved to her own and waited. Removing her top, she watched Kassi rise and again wished she had more balls to just try Kassi.
Jeromy and Janet had a short discussion downstairs, a discussion that ended with a decision to do some outdoor work in the afternoon. Jeromy’s thoughts went back to the two girls next door and what might be happening outside, he made a quick excuse and went upstairs again with a
”I will be outside within 5 minutes” still hanging in the air.

He went directly to the window and looked down and could see the unknown girl give Kassi’s breasts a thorough massage. It was a turn on for him to see them together, the way she took care of Kassi’s nipples almost made him believe they where lovers. It was the kind of massage he would give her himself if he ever got a chance.

Jeromy thought that the show was over when they stopped but he smiled for himself as he saw them switch places and Kassi started to pour lotion into her hand. The breasts that were facing him now seemed to be as full as Kassi’s. His mind was full of naughty thoughts about what would happen next and a bulge was starting to grow within his shorts as he saw Kassi placing her hands on the other girls shoulders and slowly move them down towards the waiting breasts.

He might have suspected what was about to come if he only had known what was going on in Em’s head and to be honest Kassi had no idea about her thoughts either. To feel Kassi’s soft hand brushing along her skin made Em’s body hotter for every second and a moan came over her lips as soon as Kas hands touched her breasts.

Em saw a shadow in the window and suspected that it was Jeromy, a fact that she would try to use to her own advantage.

”Kas, he is watching us again … I bet he will get hard as soon as you apply lotion on my breasts”

A smile game over Kas lips and she started to massage Em’s breasts over and over, her hands were squeezing the breasts and at times her fingers pinched the nipples. Em was starting to get real hot, her body was aching for more since Kas had been her number one target for so long, a target that always had been out of reach for her.

”Is he still watching ?”

Em knew her friend well and what a turn on it was for Kas to make Jeromy hot and bothered.

”Mmmmm yes, .. and it looks as if his hand is between his legs. He is probably stroking himself for us Kas”

Jeromy was indeed getting hard as he stood upstairs but his hands was still behind his back.

Em winked wickedly down at Kas.

”I know you don’t … but I wonder what he will do if you lean down and kiss my breasts … I bet he will be rock hard at once”

"God Em, you are wicked.." Kas grinned and hesitated a moment as she thought it over. It was true that Jeromy would probably be hot enough to cum if she did such a thing, but did she dare? She had never touched a woman, only herself. This was strange, but thrilling at the same time too.

Em had perfect breasts, a size smaller than kas, but they fit into her hand so nicely. Em's nipples were long, erect and a shade paler than her own, tempting Kas the longer she stared. She thanked god for the eight foot privacy fence, but still felt exsposed to all her neighbors.

"Just a little, Kas.." Emily pleaded, her voice husky with desire and need. Kassi was making her pussy wet since Kas revealed the bathing suit! "Do it!" She pleaded with Kas once more and Kas decided to go with the flow of things.

Leaning down slowly, she brought her lips right above Em's nipple and blew over it. Em stirred and squirmed, letting out a long low moan. Kas watched as goose bumps rose over the breast and the nipple tightened even further.

Extending her tongue she lapped it once over Em's nipple and then moved to the twin mound to do so again.

"Kaaassi!" Emily parted her thighs and slid down in the Lounger, making Kas move more over the top of her. Kas moved back to the other mound and flicked it a few times, her fingers pushing Em's tit up into a cone, thrusting the nipples out further.

"MMmmmmmmm oooh yess! Like that.." Emily whimpered, her eyes closing, no longer watching for Jeromy.

Back and forth kassi moved, from nipple to nipple, flicking and blowing but would it be enough?

"Suckle them Kas! I know.. God.. I know it will make him blow his load.." Em urgently whispered.

"You sure?" Kassi's voice sounded hoarse and husky as well, her hands trembled slightly. This was actually turning her on!? Did that mean something?

Kassi moved between Em's spread thighs on the lounger, and knelt over her. Readjusting a little, she finally bent down and suckled Em's entire nipple into her mouth with no warning.

Em's voice started to carry as she growled and groaned, her hips lifting to rock against Kas's knee and thigh.

Kas again moved from nipple to nipple, sucking and tweaking and at one pointed noticed Emily had her hands threaded into Kas's hair and tugging.

"Keep going.. his hand is moving..Oh god Kas.. I think he is going to join us from his window.." Emily could not longer see Jeromy, her eyes closed but it was enough to convince Kassi to go further.

Her hand roamed down over Em's body, reaching Emily's cloth covered crotch and rubbing in slow circles. Emily let out a yelp and began to hump herself against Kassi. The purring grew but a sudden voice interrupted.

"Jeromy?!" His wife was calling his name from their yard.

Kassi and Emily jerked upright on the lounger and hurried to scramble inside Kas's house.

The telephone call that invited him over to Kassi's house had surprised him at first but he decided to take the opportunity that was up for grabs. The girls were hotter than he ever had expected, he was naked in no time and before long his cook was buried in the tight pussy he had in front of him. Jeromy’s cock was throbbing inside her as he moved in and out of her pussy, the tempo slow at first but soon got faster. His hands were holding her hips in a firm grip as he continued to pump his cock into her when he felt a hand sliding in between his legs and start to fondle with his balls.

He soon felt a pair of breasts rubbing against his back and heard Kassi’s husky voice as she whispered
”I hope you save some of your energy for me Jeromy, I want to feel that hard cock of yours inside me before you cum.”

He turned his head backwards and froze at once. The voice had been Kassi’s but the face he saw was Janet’s. Jeromy woke up instantly and he was still trembling when he turned around and saw that the clock was only 1 a.m. Luckily for him Janet seemed to be sleeping.

What was happening to him ? The only thing he was sure of was that his mind seemed to be running wild since he met Kassi and what he had seen earlier today had turned his thoughts in a naughtier direction. The way Kassi and her friend had played with each other had turned him on in a way that had surprised him. He had finally forced himself to go away from the window since he knew he had to calm down. He had been in the bath room splashing cold water in his face when he had heard Janet calling for him but she had probably not noticed anything when he joined her outside moments later.

The afternoon had disappeared fast but they had managed to do what they set out to do. The flowers Janet had bought were planted and the new chairs were assembled and had found their place on the patio.

It had been their last evening together for a week and Jeromy had been hoping for a chance to make love but all he had got was a quick hug and a soft kiss when they had gone to bed. He usually didn’t mind but he had been hot and bothered since he first had seen Kassi at school today. It was with a hope that he would be able to forget about Kassi that Jeromy closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

Thursday morning was bright and cheery, perfect for Kassi and her disposition. She smiled as she strolled to the bus stop, noticing all the eyes swiveling in her direction. They all stared, openly, whistles and knowing grins from passing men. She had their attention alright, would it get Jeromy's?

She sat on the bus, her eyes closed as she remembered all of last night. Em had been so frustrated, she left the second she hit the house, calling out she had somewhere to be. And of course, leaving Kassi by herself. With nothing more to do, she showered to get off the oil.. Instead she ended up pleasuring herself to three screaming releases before the water ran cold.

She dried off, crawled into bed and again rubbed herself until she cried out one last time. Sweating and tired, she drifted off to sleep. Again she dreamt of all sorts of things, all erotic, all involving Jeromy.

She had dressed with care this morning. Putting on her stockings and garters, a tiny little thong and matching lace bra. Victoria's Secret and Kassi's as well. She had stood infront of her bedroom mirror, just eyeing herself and trying to see how Jeromy would see her? Today was just class, no after school help.. Another reason to leave something imprinted in his mind.

She slipped on the flannel plaid mini skirt, purple blue and black and extremely short. It barely went to mid thigh, just barely covered her garter belt. It made her feel slutty, naughty, fuckable. She pulled on a tiny little purple sweater shirt, again VS and very sexy. She adjusted her breasts in the mirror, letting the v-neck show it off for her, placed a tiny little dangle heart in her belly button and finished up.

She did little to her face but put on some shiney lip gloss and brushed out her hair. Letting it trail down her back, the end brushed against the bare skin on her lower back. She felt and looked the part of a naughty school girl.. She winked at herself and left, hoping Jeromy caught a peek before he headed to the campus?

The bus let her off at her College with plenty of time to spare. She walked along slowly, past the library and faculty parking area. She spotted Jeromy's car pulling in and smiled to herself. She walked along, slow enough he might catch a glimpse of her backside, but would he know it was her?

She stopped at a group of guys who had fallen over themselves to say hello. She flirted a moment, really not paying attention to anything but Jeromy walking by her without looking at her. This burst her bubble a little but the hour was near. Time for class.

"Excuse me fellas, Biology calls.." They made groaning sounds and a few said good bye as Kassi headed off to class. Arriving just as everyone else was coming in, she slipped past Jeromy without being noticed. Smiling, she sat to his right and on the bottom row, again seperated from the rest sitting in the middle and up higher. She got out her note pad and book, waiting for him to notice the long barely covered legs folded quite nicely to his right...