Mature Women

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Very nice! Love what she is wearing :devil:

PMSL :D Is something mature ladies tend to do quite a lot of so I believe.
Poor bladder control and when they laugh they unfortunately have an accident.
It is text abbreviation for "Piss My Self Laughing." as in LOL "Laugh Out Loud " ;)


ahhhh ok glad I don't PMSL

I think there are some very beautiful discoveries being made here! 💓

Two faithful wives...moms...having served their corporate exec husbands in over 30 years of marriage...raised their kids...sent them to college...seen them married. Whew! Finally...some time for just me, she says. By themselves, initially...they begin to rediscover their bodies...their needs...their desires. Some of those desires...the ones they've kept carefully hidden and secretly denied for so many years...are so kinky that they're scary...those forbidden hungers surprise even themselves! And then, one day, it happens...

Two old friends...taking a break together at a day spa...once more sharing their thoughts and emotions...and their long hidden desires! And then, they're in the sauna together...soooo relaxed...purring with the day's sensual pleasures. In this utterly relaxed atmosphere, they begin sharing their deepest secrets...the wine they had at lunch has eroded their inhibitions...and before they know it, their towels are on the floor! Hungrily, their eyes caress each other's naked body, and they feel such an amazing sisterhood...drawing them together with an irresistible magnetism. Suddenly, they're in each other's arms...their nude bodies fit together soooo sensuously...soooo perfectly...their feminine softness flowing together...causing some mutual tingling deep in their loins. They melt into one another's eyes...their lips meet and cling...their tongues gently dance together...

This is soooo different, they think, as one! Soooo amazing...soooo loving...soooo warm...NO! Soooo HOT! And, with a mutual sigh of release, they give up and give themselves completely to each other... 💕💋
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