Forbidden Taste (Closed)


I blew a monkey once.
Dec 30, 2004

My name is Jason Stanson I live in a small county of Ventura, California which sat on the very northern tip of what could still be considered Los Angeles. Actually since they call it Ventura County I suppose we can't even be asossicated with L.A. even that far. I lived in a small house that sat just off the highway that led up to Lake Casitas. The house was tucked against the woodlands that began here and led up into Sequoia national forest much further northeast. It was really rather nice, seculded and if you went for a walk you could find wild deer roaming the area not far from the front door. Of course that brought the danger of mountain lions and botcats, but they never really bothered people unless you went well off the beaten paths and started asking for trouble.

My father Sam, and I moved here about ten years ago just after my mother Emily passed away from breast cancer. I was only eight at the time and most of the things I know about her I had to learn second hand from my father. He started his own plumbing and carpentering business upon moving to Ventura and was well known by the locals. My father had always been good with his hands and was the only man I knew who enjoying working dirty. Personally I'll pass.

Ventura itself is a medium sized town of a little over half a million. Yet despite the size it always had a kind of small town feel, everyone knew almost everyone. The town nestled against forest and led right out to the California coast, it added a diverse culture to the people here. One of my favorite things to do with my friends was to hang out down by the beach and watch the surf. I wasn't a surfer but my friends were, I usually just watched and waved at them when they caught a good swell. That being said, in order to feel truly at home in Ventura surfing definately had to be an interest of yours. Which is probably why I never really like it here. I liked getting out, watching the waves, but I was afraid of the water. A fear of mine I guess. I'm not deathly afraid of it but, I will avoid it as much as I possibly can. So my friends go surf and I stand guard over their clothes and my friend Tim's car. Give me a good vampire novel and I
am a happy camper anywhere....except the water, keep that shit away from

Ventura High School held a whopping 689 students, one of which was me, across five grades which meant a little over a hundred kids per grade and all of them spread out amongst themselves at lunch time. However the student body was still large enough that a new student wouldn't cause that much of a fuss, sometimes nobody even knew about a new kid until they showed up in class. Considering how all this began, it's kind of funny to look back on.

Eliza Worthington was not the case. She showed up on a Thursday which alone was odd, but the whole school was alive with chatter about this student. It was just two weeks before Christmas Vacation so she would be fresh for the second semester come January. Girls in the hall already talked about hating her for her looks. The jocks whispered about seeing the most beautiful girl they'd ever seen. People would look around and act far more alert than the normal behavior of drudging through the halls simply hoping to survive another day. High scholl really is the best and worst of times isn't it?

My best friend Tim Brand, who we just called TB to get a rise out of him, and I saw no sign of this girl except the impact and buzz she had started among the student body. That changed when we got to fifth period. Tim and I had the same math class for fifth period which we both hated equally. Not only was the class boring because our teacher looked a hundred years old but also acted like math was the fucking greatest thing ever invented....Okay maybe it might be the greatest thing ever invented, but when you are eightteen the greatest thing ever invented was a nice pair of tits. Sad but true, well if you were male. Anyway despite having a class with my best friend, he sat across the room from me so we couldn't even toss answers at each other or snicker behind the teachers back. Snickering was a past time of ours, like baseball.

Anyway I sat in class waiting for the bell to ring, doodling on a spare piece of notebook paper. I like to doodle, I can't draw for shit, but I doodle like a Greek God. I glanced up when the class suddenly went silent. There handing our teacher Mr. Hoover a registration note was the new girl, Elizabeth Worthington. My breath caught in my throat and I fought against myself to not stare but couldn't control myself. The entire class was doing the exact same thing.

When the murmurs in the hall said that this Elizabeth was gorgeous they had been grossly understated how truly magnificent she really looked. Her skin was a soft pale perfect, with a slight hint of rose in her cheeks. She had long wavy raven black hair that fell around her shoulders perfectly. Her body looked like it was carved from stone to be perfect, her every movement held an uncanny grace that only a ballet dance ever could hope to achieve. She was instantly every guys fantasy come to life. The kind of girl you will remember for the rest of your life. Sixty years from now people will think back on high school and they will remember Elizabeth Worthington like they had only seen her yesterday. Yet her eyes are what called to me more than anything else, they were the most amazing color of brown I had ever seen. A brown that was mixed together with a flat gold, they pulled me in like they fueled life itself.

I instantly was in love with her. I guess not true love, enamored is probably a better term, but still the fire for something more than a simply crush burned in my chest waiting for only a single spark of hope that she would acknowledge my existence to ignite it to a passion. Let me tell you something about me. I'm not that guy. You know that guy from school who just had whatever it was that some guys had that made getting women to go for them just as easy as breathing. That wasn't me. That was Drake Rivers the quarter back, why is it always the quarter back, of the Ventura Cougars. Dude had the entire cheerleading squad wrapped around his finger ready to dance with any direction he happened to tug on the string. While it sadden me that I could barely speak to a girl without my voice cracking, watching Drake slip between an endless array of feminine wiles was fascinating to watch.

Anyway I watched as she got her slip signed by Mr. Hoover and tucked it into the pocket of the black book bag she had slung over her shoulder. She shifted the weight of the bag and straightened out the white blouse she was wearing. The color of her top brought out the rosy color in her cheeks even more, and her black skirt revealed flawless legs from blow mid-thigh, which was to comply with school dress code something that needed to be revised in the worst possible way. It seemed like she had tried every possible way she could to blend in, to fit in with the crowd, but was held back because she was so goddamn beautiful. I mean I can say it a hundred times and use a million methaphors but only know this, picture in your mind a beautiful woman, doesn't matter who, maybe a celebrity you find attractive. Got one? Okay now take her, this ideal woman, take her in your mind and zoom in on her. Now take everything about her and make it perfect, utterly and completely perfect. That's Elizabeth Worthington and the sad part about it is even after you have done what I've told you, you still can only manage to scratch the surface of her beauty. Truly sucks to be you.

Mr. Hoover pointed her to an empty seat and I inhaled sharply when I noticed it was right next to mine. I tried to watch her walk toward me without staring but I failed miserably. I couldn't not look at her, she held my attentions like a magnet. My eyes still hooked on hers as she walked down the row of seats toward her new desk. She held herself with confidence, seemingly unaware of all the eyes on her as she walked through the room. A woman that beautiful probably had to learn quick that people were going to look at her, and either learn to handle the attention or move to a deserted island somewhere. Yet she seemed perfectly fine and comfortable with all eyes on her. She brushed away each amazed, and in some cases hungering, gaze without much effort.

Until her eyes met mine.

She stopped short when her gaze met mine and something crossed her thoughts that made my chest swell in happiness. I'm not sure if it was amazement or shock, but maybe it was a little of both, perhaps it was even interest. Her eyes locked onto mine and something filled them, some kind of I dunno realization I guess. I had no idea what it could be, but my heart skipped a beat when I thought that I might have a booger hanging and she was staring in simple disgust. I had to force myself to look away, I didn't want to freak her out or appear like a tool bag just staring at her. Plus what if I really did have a boog hanging? I poured fake interest in the chapter of the textbook we would be looking at today. God math sucks.

I remained aware of her gaze still on me as she slowly took her seat. It
was a hard fight to not glance at her every five seconds throughout the class. I never concentrated on Mr. Hoovers lecture so hard in my life, but I did it. I think I actually learned something too, which just shows how much I was listening. Elizabeth didn't seem to have that same fear of appearing foolish; I felt her eyes on me the entire lecture. Unsettling as it was, it didn't completely bother me. I felt like the choosen one or something. There was no reason for her to have even a remote iota of interest in me, but something was going on and I have to say by the end of class I started to like it. It built my confidence, maybe I could ask to sit with her at lunch after this period ended and guessing by how she never took her eyes off me she had to be interested.

The bell finally rang and I turned to ask Elizabeth to hang out at lunch.
When I turned in my seat to look at her, she was already gone. I looked around, catching a glimpse of her just as she left the room. How had she gotten there so fast? I frowned and stuffed my books into my backpack and left class. I wonder if I had daydreamt the whole thing. Maybe I only hoped she had been staring at me. It certainly would make more sense that I had made it up all in my mind.

Tim was waiting for me in the hall as usual with a dumb grin on his face. He fell into step beside me as we made our way to the cafeteria. The eleventh and twelfth grade students had a separate lunch period than the rest of the school to prevent over crowding at the lunch lines, so the halls weren't that crowded as we headed down to the lunch lines. As we made our way toward what should be pizza day, I overheard people talking about the new girl. A few of them mentioned her name and that made me perk up and look for her, but she was nowhere to be found. I wondered how someone who had the entire school buzzing could be so hard to spot. You figured she would have a circle of people following her every movement.

Tim was bursting with excitement. "Oh man. Can you believe her?" He asked me. "The hottest of all hotties in our class. I can't believe your luck, man. I mean she sits right next to you. Did you see the rack on her? It is like a pair of the worlds greatest pillows."

Tim was a great friend, the kind of guy that would always get your back no matter what the odds. He only had one flaw, a maturity of a ten year old, most of the time. Tim could be really deep and mature when he wanted too, but most of the time he was a joking big mouth that sometimes could rub you the wrong way if you didn't know him well enough. He was a tall guy, standing a good five inches over my five foot ten inch tall self. He had short dirty blonde hair that he kept spiked, and never wore anything other than surf T-shirts and blue jeans. Today his shirt was yellow with a picture of a large wave on it, one of several shirts like it he owned in a plethora of colors.

I shrugged. "I'm sure she'll enjoy being called a hottie." I said flatly. Goddess would probably be more fitting.

"Of course she would man." Tim said with a grin. "Chicks love compliments. Hey I saw her staring at you in class, did she talk to you at all?"

I shook my head. "She was staring at me?" I asked in ignorance.

"Yeah dude, I don't think she looked at the board once. I know these things, cause I was staring at her. Hey you didn't have a boog hanging did you?" He laughed and slapped me across my chest. "Hey you should ask her out tomorrow night. Take her to a movie or something like that. Bloodlust opens tomorrow." Bloodlust was Hollywood's latest vampire flick. Promising gore, sex, violence and screams from start to finish or whatever. I was a fan of vampire books, and stories, but something about movies always bothered me. I never felt like they could do vampires justice because it took more than a cheap half-ass explanation that was given in any vampire movie. It probably had to do with the fact that a movie could only be so long and a book could be as long as you wanted.

I chuckled. "Yeah, right man like a horror flick would be a perfect first date."

"Of course man. It's so simple, look, you take her to a scary movie and she clings to you every time something scary happens." Tim explained. I'll be honest, it did sound like a good idea. Which was a rare thing coming from Tim, but of course the whole idea hinged on Elizabeth actually being interested in me which I wasn't convinced was the case.

We got our food and headed to our usual table where our small niche of friends waited for us. Max Newton, sat on the left. Max was a very big, very round fellow who tended to be the most down to Earth guy in the group. Whenever we had a crazy idea or something dangerous, Max was always there to say "Don't be stupid." Despite his love of safety he never felt like a bummer to us. Left alone we'd probably all would have broken bones and a mental disorders by now. Like usual he wore a flannel button up shirt and large slacks. He had curly red hair and a beard's worth of scruff on his face. The guy was kinda like a ginger lumberjack.

Next to Max sat Stacy Wilson and her boyfriend Todd Carmander. Stacy was a petite little blonde with a kind face and pretty freckles. She kept her hair curly and short, since I've known her I don't think I've seen her hair once fall past her chin. She was the best dresser of the group and as the only girl she should have been. Today she wore a casual pink dress and flip flops. It looked good on her, everything she wore looked good on her. I only dressed so I wouldn't come to school in the nude, and I usually dressed in the dark so when shit I wore matched it was nothing short of a miracle. Today I matched.

Todd was a short stocky guy with dark brown, almost black, hair. He kept his hair short and neatly trimmed mostly because Stacy would never let him go out looking like a circus clown, as she so called it. Todd was usually dressed by Stacy and as a result was the best looking out of us guys. He wore a dark grey button up shirt and black khakis. Tim and I teased him for not only being whipped but for always looking like he was about to go on a job interview. The only exception being when he was surfing.

"Hey guys." Tim said cheerfully as he and I took our seats across from the rest of our group.

"Hi, Tim. Hi Jason." Stacy said. She always greeted us individually, she said it was a sign of respect and friendship.

I smiled but kept quiet as I sat down.

"Have you guys seen the new girl?" Todd asked us. "Oh my god, she's gorgeous." He winced as Stacy elbowed him. "Oww, but it's true."

Stacy smiled. "I know, I just wanted to keep your mind on me." She said cheerfully.

Todd shrugged, "She wouldn't want me anyway."

Stacy elbowed him again, "Why not?"

Todd blushed, "Because I'm with you...obviously. Stop elbowing me, it hurts."

Tim nodded. "Yeah she's in our math class. You guys are never gonna guess who she as a crush on."

Max grunted. "Been in school less than a day and already infatuated with a jock. Typical."

Tim grinned. "Not exactly." He threw his arm around me. "She couldn't keep her eyes off this guy!" He cried excitedly.

Stacy's eyes went wide and Todd looked amazed. "Really?"

"Naw, he's exaggerating." I said simply. I looked at her and asked, "What do you mean really? You don't think she could be into me?"

Stacy shrugged, "I don't even think she could be into Todd, I've seen her and she's amazing, but she also has not given anyone two seconds of attention."

I sighed, "Yeah probably. It was probably a mistake or something."

Tim nudged me. "Look whatever man, she likes you. I was watching her the whole time in class." He said turned his attention to the cafeteria obviously looking for the subject of our conversation. "She didn't look away from you for a second, so don't give me that crap. There she is." He said pointed toward the back corner of the room.

We all looked over. Sure enough in the far corner of the room Elizabeth sat looking disappointed in the school food on her tray. She seemed uninterested and unconcerned with the looks people gave her as they walked by. As we watched a couple of girls from the cheerleading squad went up to her and said something. They blocked our view of Elizabeth, but whatever was said had the girls walking away confused.

Tim elbowed me. "You need to go over there and talk to her." He told me. "Go ask her out to the movie."

Stacy ever the matchmaker agreed with him. "Yeah Jason you should. You two would make such a cute couple."

Todd scoffed, "More like cutie and the beast. Ouch. Stop elbowing me."

"Then be supportive."

Todd waved his hand, "Go go Jason."

I shook my head. "No I can't, come on. What would I say to her?" I wanted more than anything to go over and talk to her, but at the same time I was scared of what she would say. What if Tim was wrong about why she stared at me? What if I smelled bad or something and she just wanted me to go away? Was staring someone out of existance a thing? Did that happen?

"Saying 'Hi, I'm Jason' would be a good start." Stacy said rolling her eyes. She kicked my shin under the table. "Just go talk to her."

I stood up. "Alright love connection. Take it easy I'm going." I got up and turned toward the table where Elizabeth sat. I took a deep breath and started toward her.

"Good luck." I heard Stacy say behind me.

My pulse began to race again the closer I got to her. She seemed to not notice me approaching, I watched as she continued to play with the stack of French fries on her tray. She had them stacked into a little house, obviously completely uninterested in eating them. That was good news and meant she was at least smart enough to realize that the school didn't actually serve anything edible. I had hope at least. I figured I'd start with a joke. My sense of humor was my best quality I think. Maybe it was just annoying. Either way I was nervous, and I joke when I'm nervous.

"You know with a little ketchup you can almost hide the taste of the cardboard." I said with a smile.

She didn't answer me and I panicked. My heart thudded heavily in my chest and I noticed her tighten her grip on the plastic fork she was holding. Cleared my throat and forced another smile on my face. While she seemed uninterested in things before I arrived, now she seemed tight and tense, like she was trying to hold herself back from screaming or stabbing me with the fork. I figured she was already sick of people trying to talk to her, but I was already too deep to stop now.

"I'm Jason. You sit next to me in math." I said. "I know it's hard being new and all, so I was wondering if you would maybe like to go see a movie or something with me. I could show you around town and what not."

She was silent for a long time her hand crushing the plastic fork in her hand. "No." She hissed. "I can't."

I took a step back and my stomach lurched. She sounded angry and hurt, the feeling in my chest tightened when I thought that it was mostly likely because of me that she was so angry. Yet at the same time her voice, oh her voice was like music to my soul. In three words I learned that her voice could make my entire being sing with joy. Even if she delivered those words with anger.

"Ok," I said roughly, trying to recover from the shock her voice had hit me with. "I'm sorry. Uh, if you change your mind, I sit right over there with my friends." I said jerking a thumb toward the table where we all typically sat.

She nodded only slightly and said nothing else.

So my first encounter with Elizabeth could have gone better. It could also have gone worse, my shirt didn't have food on it and nobody was laughing at me. Still the exchange had left this hole in my stomach, like a pit had opened up and was flooding my entire body in disappointment. My mood back at the table was empty. I suddenly had no care about anything, I wasn't hungry, I was empty. I grabbed my tray off the table without saying anything to my friends and stalked off.

"I guess that didn't go so well." Tim said to the others as I walked away.

I tossed my lunch in the trash and left the cafeteria as fast as I could force my legs to go without breaking into a run. I couldn't be in the same room with her, not right now. Even from the table my friends hung out at I could feel her pull. It was subtle but constant, like someone was gently tugging on the back of my shirt, not hard, but enough to always be on my mind. What the fuck was going on with me? She wasn't even a thing to me. I didn't know her, and I have certainly been rejected by girls before. So why was this consuming blackness in my gut so overpowering? What was it about her that ate at me?

I felt better when I got outside, the fresh ocean air and sun finally breaking through the mornings fog all helped calm me. I took a walk around the campus. Ventura High had a large wide open from campus, with an elegant fountain in the center. The fountain almost never worked but even dry it was still a nicely carved image of a man teaching a young student. The child on the fountain was facing the teacher and everyone assumed it was a little boy because he wore a baseball cap. This week the fountain was working properly and the small sound of running water echoed across the campus.

When the bell rang for sixth period I was myself again. The pit in my stomach was still there, but it seemed to have collapsed enough that I could ignore it. Though the rest of the day seemed to drag and I found myself looking forward to the next day in math when I'd be able to apologize to Elizabeth for my behavior. I don't know what exactly I did wrong it just felt like it might be a way to make amends with her if I apologized. The thought of being able to do that made me feel much better. I mean of course probably a hundred guys had already tried to ask her out or worse on her first day of a brand new school. How could I have been so stupid or thoughtless. The more I thought about it the better I felt and I knew that by apologizing would make me stand out from the countless other dumbasses on campus who had tried stupid pick up lines. Hell that was probably the reason she seemed so angry, just thinking about it make me feel irritated.

That night my dad made Linguini and meatballs for dinner. I ate slowly, my stomach not feeling quite right yet. I cleaned my plate though and washed the dishes. I needed the extra task to keep my mind off of that girl. Every time I turned around though I could see her almost golden eyes staring back at me. If my dad noticed anything he thankfully kept quiet. We were both men and I was nearly nineteen, my age had me all offset because I had to take almost a full year off school when my mother passed, but even still it was hard to talk to each other about some things. If I was ill my father would be on top of it, but if it was something social that ate at me, he tended to let me be and get over it on my own. Tonight I honestly was glad he did that, I couldn't imagine having to tell him I fell for a girl at first sight and she seemed to hate me. Though like I said it was probably more likely being overwhelmed on her first day that genuine hatred toward me.

I tossed and turned with a nightmare that night. I dreamt I was chasing someone, I couldn't see who. It was pitch black, only the occasional oil lamp hanging over the cobblestone street gave off any light at all. It didn't matter; I could see my prey as clearly as if it were high noon. The buildings around me as I pursued where old, centuries old it seemed the street beneath my feet an old cobblestone. I turned a corner to come upon my prey stuck at the end of an alley with nowhere to hide. The fear on her face excited me, the panic made her blood race and my desire boil over. She was wearing a dress that had to have been from the 1800's, her corset restricting her breathing and stifling her rising hysteria. I came upon her, slowly. She had nowhere to run so there was no reason for me to rush things. Even if she screamed it would not make a difference, I would have her anyway. In front of her now, I could smell her breath; feel the terror pouring from her bright golden eyes. I licked my lips and a single name came out of me in a breath. "Elizabeth."

I gasped and jerked awake. My breathing came in heavy gasps as it took
a moment for the dream to fade away. When it didn't linger in my mind I let out a sigh of relief. I rolled out of bed a sweaty mess and yanked my towel of my desk chair before heading to the bathroom.

After my morning routine I felt better. The nightmare long forgotten and washed away in the warm water of the shower, cleansed by my body soap. My mind began to plan out my day, or more specifically, how I would confront Elizabeth today to make my amends. I decided I would grabbed her attention right before class got out to make sure she didn't dart out the door as quickly as she did yesterday. At lunch I would have the time to tell her how sorry I was and how I hoped that we could still be friends.

The day started slow, my old Nissan was a hand-me-down from my Dad for my sixteenth birthday, and when he gave it was a shitpile, but together we had worked on it and now it ran like a dream and looked like a disaster. He had gotten a big diesel pick up to help his expanding business. As a birthday present he gave me his old car. I was just thankful I had a car to drive. It was like an escape pod, I could leave whenever I wanted and my dad never gave me grief about when I needed to be home. I guess so long as I didn't come home drunk or high he was happy and willing to trust me with whatever I was doing.

By the time fifth period rolled around I was a wreck. My knees wouldn't stop bouncing as I sat in my seat staring at the door. I felt a rush of disappointment for every person that walked in who wasn't Elizabeth. The bell rang and still I watched the door.

Elizabeth never showed.

I felt defeated and I put my head down on my desk, only to get a swift bark from Mr. Hoover to wake up and pay attention. I woke up as he commanded, but didn't pay attention. My mind was someplace else, thinking of a new way to get back in Elizabeth's good graces, if I had ever been there in the first place.

The bell rang and Tim met me in the hall. His T-shirt was bright green today, and had the same logo on it that his yellow one had from yesterday. I figured his must buy them in variety packs.

"Who the hell misses the second day of school?" He demanded in my ear.
Clearly he was just as aware as I was of Elizabeth's disappearance. "It doesn't make any sense to me." He muttered when I didn't reply.

"Technically, it isn't the second day of school." I told him.

"Well it's her second day." He insisted.

Our friends greeted up at our usual table. Stacy frowned at me and reached across the table to pat my hand. "Hey Jason, how are you holding up?" She asked me, like a sister full of concern. Stacy and I had a bond like family. I imagine if things had only got slightly different for us it would be me instead of Todd who kept his arm around her. From early on in our relationship though we became more like family than friends and it worked out for us.

I took a breath and nodded in reassurance. "Look it sucks, but I'm alright. I've been rejected before, it's not that big of a deal. I was gonna apologize to her today, but it looks like she isn't in school." I was totally downplaying the level of dispair I had felt yesterday to my friends.

Max raised his eyebrow. "What?"

"She wasn't in class today." Tim stated.

Max laughed. "Ever hear of new student orientation?"

Tim and I both looked at each other. "You saw her today?" I demanded.

Max nodded. "Sure, actually if you two boneheads would turn around. I think she's coming to us."

My head whipped around so quickly I think I gave myself whiplash. Tim joined me and I heard Stacy giggle and mumble something to Todd. My heart jumped when I saw her, the living beauty walking toward our table with uncanny grace and pose. I suddenly pictured her in the dress from my dream. The style fit her like she belonged to it. I shook the image out of my head. Elizabeth actually wore a short skirt and matching red blouse today. Her stockings came up past her knees and prevented anyone from staring too hard at her nimble legs.

She looked at me as if I were her target, completely ignoring everything and everyone else around her. Tim must have seen her gaze, intent and almost cold, but completely meant for me and he slid himself out of her way. Told you he could be smart when it really came down to it.

She stopped in front of us, all stunned and maybe honored by her very nearness. "Jason right?" Again her voice filled me with a warmth that made me feel better than I've ever felt before. Though there was a much more relaxed tone to her voice this time. I think that my heart actually skipped beats.

I nodded. "Yeah." I breathed, my voice lost in my throat.

She heard me though. "Can I please speak with you?" She eyed the rest of my friends, her eyes passing over each of them only once before her focus was once again on me. "Alone."

I was only to eager to climb out of my seat. I turned back to the table quickly. "I'll be right back guys."

Stacy mouthed, "Good luck." And gave me a hopeful smile.

"Lucky fuck." Tim muttered.

I turned back around to face Elizabeth but she was gone. How did she disappear every time I glanced away? I needed to put a bell on her or something. I spotted her heading out into the front courtyard and darted after her. Outside the fog bank was yet again just barely starting to burn off and the cool mist filled my lungs with every breath. I took several full gulps of the fresh moist air. I needed to slow my pulse and calm myself.

Elizabeth sat on the edge of the fountain her legs politely crossed while she waited for me to gather my nerves. She looked pristine sitting there, like a great painting should exist of this moment and how she looked against the fountain. I took a final breath of the cool misty air and went to meet my fate with Elizabeth.

"Hey Elizabeth. It's good to see you." I said.
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Elizabeth Worthington

Decades, that is how long it had been since I stood in the hallway of an adolescent nightmare called High School. Another city, another home and to settle down for the short time in which I could possibly live here before Micha found me once again. I managed it, I looked the part though I was hundreds of years older than those around me, I had been eighteen when Aiden had turned me back in good ol' London. I missed it, at times. I missed him far more than I missed home. So now, here I stand in some god aweful hell hole of warped selfish minds of immuature nature, hiding like a scared little girl from Micha.

What a place to choose of all possiblities. Ventura, California and in a damned high school of all places. Its sunny, beautiful and hopefully a good distance from Oklahoma that Micha may head east instead of west. One can hope anyway.

You might think I am a bit crazy, hell sometimes I wonder if I am too. Micha is goregous, just over six - two, about one eighty and sinfully sensual, sexy, male model wanna-be. However he is cruel, cold and a sick disgusting soul. Perverted mind, angelic body.. He has this stupid notion that since he killed Aiden, he owned me. HA! Told you he is fucking nuts, no one owns me.. no one ever will own me.

However, I seriously am doubting my sanity in returning to a high school of all places to hide. Modern technology and their cluttered minds are giving me one hell of a head ache. I-pods playing so loudly, in so many different sets of ears, its just a roaring mass of crap music. The clicking of texting on their phones, their 'lingo' and 'slang' they use now is just.. sighs. They don't think I can hear their thoughts, who would imagine anyone capable of such ability? Its in movies, but no one thinks it is real. Hell, no one thinks I am real either. Which is a good thing, because if they truly knew the monsters that walked among them, they would drop a few nukes on my head.

"Miss Worthington?" The secretary was snapping at me with a pinched expression and impatient gaze. No ring on her wedding finger, a grumpy looking expression on an older body. This woman didn't look like a mothering type and yet she worked in a school? Go figure.

"Pardon me, Ma'am." My hand moved out to take the schedule from her fingers, blushing a bit to be caught being so rude as to not pay attention to her, she was trying to help me after all. "It is quite loud.." Looking sorrowful for my lack of manners, the woman actually smiled with sympathy at me.

"It's quite alright dear. It is between classes, you have three minutes to get across the way and two halls down. Turn right and second door is your new Math class." She handed me another piece of paper and with a yellow high lighter quickly traced the path I needed to follow, incase of course I managed to not hear her or get lost.. This woman had no idea who I am, nor what I am capable of. Yet still, I smile a friendly way and thank her politely, accepting the last paper before I head across the mass of youth and lanes of student body traffic to merge successfully and follow the flow.

Yes people stare at me, but you get used to it after a few centuries. Doing my best not to make eye contact unless I have to, not to focus on any one person if I do not need to as I really do not want to hear their thoughts, read their minds or give them any impression I am remotely interested in them. Thankful to be a senior and yet, so much happens in this modern day during one's senior year. Have I bitten off more than I can chew?

"Hey bae.." His words incorherant, I wonder where the hell he got the impression that his slang terms were endearing or a turn on? "Gimme those digits.."

Simple enough to smile and duck under an arm, keep going. Many thoughts were flattering, most were dirty and a third were assuming, rude and just plain out bitchy. Sad to say, it doesn't phase me. I have seen it all, heard it all. A been there and done that T-shirt came to mind. I made it inside the door just as the bell rang, quickly finding the adult who was to be my teacher and handed him the slip of paper that the lady had given to me.

"Mr. Hoover?" my smile was friendly enough but I did not smile overly bright, lest it draw attention.

"Ah.. A new student.." He took a moment to read over my schedule, name and even made a show of checking the list with his finger tip to be sure I was in the right class. As if someone would sneak into a math class of all things? "Well Elizabeth, please be seated." He motioned with his hand to the only empty desk in the room as if I could not find it on my own. Maybe he felt more important instructing me where to sit? Who knew, who cared?

It was there, winding my way past back packs, legs and large feet. Avoiding eyes and smiling a bit at those who bothered to smile at me. Excusing myself between to larger guys in letterman jackets who thought it was some how cool to block the walk way, that is when I saw a goddamned ghost! That is where I near stumbled into a desk and over my own feet for the first time since I was turned.


But, not Aiden! ....?

Like some clumsy teen, I sat my ass into the chair right beside him and just could not stop fucking staring. It was Aiden! Holy - shit.. but it wasn't and it was his human scent that finally triggered in my conscious mind to poke a painful jab into my dead heart. He was a human male, he was not her Aiden. Yet they looked alike, almost uncanny the similarities. Almost. This one had no self confidence that Aiden possessed and was not nearly as hard bodied either. Nor the same style of clothing, or hair style, and yet I can not get past this. My heart is beating like a hummingbird's wings. I can not help the mouth watering reaction to his scent as I feel the prick of my teeth to tongue, and I know.. I know if I sank my teeth into him and drank of him, I would not stop.. NO! I could not stop until I had consumed him entirely.

It is as if a hole has opened and I have fallen within it's inky cold recess, and am still falling. So shocked, I do not hear a word any say, a thought any have, and I can NOT read this young man's mind! Who is he?! I really, desperately have to know his name. And as I scoot closer, the hunger crawls out, despite being well fed and saited but moments ago to safely traverse amongst the living! I AM NOW STARVING! Tongue lapping lower lip, I know my heart beat has sped up to match his own, I know I have an affect on him because I can smell it. I can not hear his thoughts but I am fairly accute in knowing a body's reaction to me and my nearness. I really, just need to...

Eyes lower to that pulse beating at his throat and again I wet my lip, my thighs pressing together in response to the notion of tasting him. Nervously I glance about, no one would notice, no one would pay attention if I just close the distance.... WRONG! The warning signals are warring within me, and I know simply one ultimate fact. This human guy, this weak being has got me so out of my norm that I would risk world wide exposure to bite him right now, right here and consequences be damned!

The bell rung loudly, shocking me from the drunken stupor of nearly crawling over desk and chair to bury myself into his vein and sup til the fat cat dozed off. I have to get out of here! Grabbing backpack, without conscious thought of moving like a human, I was at the door and out. Out of that too small class room, out of his scent and his range, out the side door and into the near by court yard where it seemed that lunch would be served and eaten from.

Without thought, I took tray in hand and hit the line first. Fishing out two single bills to pay for my lunch, I slid along ahead of the line and let them slop on their crap, grabbed a coke and made for a corner out of the sunlight and near the water fountain. Watchful, waiting to.. for.. Sighs.

Thoughts race, wild and unhindered. Ignoring the passing crowd and jokes, cat calls and loud music. I hear none of it, I see none of them. My thoughts in the past, on Aiden. My tormentor, my Sire, my lover and my long time friend. It was one hell of a rocky road we had traveled together in our time period. He pursued me with a vigor none could ever have reached, he scared me, he drove me crazy and wild at the same token. I had no desire to marry and older man, I had no desire to be some rich fops concubine either. It was Aiden who came from no where, who had nothing but mystery about him, wealth too disgusting to measure and had ...

A shadow fell over me, over the table and nasty food. A comment on ketchup and then his scent hit me like a full force slap in the face. A fist formed, the poor plastic fork a victim of desperation.

"I'm Jason. You sit next to me in math." He said. "I know it's hard being new and all, so I was wondering if you would maybe like to go see a movie or something with me. I could show you around town and what not." He spoke, his voice on the cusp of deepening to it's final adult stage. I could imagine many things of the Aiden I knew that this version was hiding so well under baggier clothes, and I felt horrible for such thinking.

"No!" squeezed out past parched throat and elongated fang. If he did not move, if he did not get away from me! I was going to bite him! Sorrow hit me for snapping at him, I longed to give him what he wanted. But I know better, by god I sure as shit know better! "I can't.." I tried to explain past the terrible growing ache to pounce on him that by the time I got SOME rational control to relax and behave like a damned normal person, he was gone.

"Shit!" Without thought, leaving tray behind with meager offerings, I hit the parking lot and got into my car. I had to get home, I needed distance, I needed to feed and I needed mostly to think!

What the fuck am I going to do??

The question continued to haunt me all the drive home. I could move on, leave this place before I invested any time or ruined any lives. I could move to .. Hell any where but here would do nicely, but I could not bring myself to order the hired help to pack up the house we just barely unpacked the night before. If I left, I would not understand why I had another version of Aiden living here. Centuries since Aiden died, and I have been many places. Lived in so many of them, they all tended to blur together some nights. I met so many people, have done so many things but always I have been searching for something. When Aiden died, despite the hatred that grew into desire and into love, in the end when he was snuffed from life, taken from me.. I had wanted to follow him into oblivion but I knew that was a weak route out of existence and would not do my Sire proud by acting like a spoiled child. His lineage must carry on and it is in MY blood that he thrives. His blood, became mine.

So. I better learn, quickly, how to deal with this or move the hell on. But I sure as hell could not go back to high school and murder a student. So now what?
It was the wee hours before dawn that I had a solution to my problem. I would feed better before I went to classes this day, but I would investigate. I HAD to. I can't tell you why, I don't know why of it myself, I just know I need to remain here and I need to figure out this puzzle of the doppleganger. I do not believe in reincarnation, seemed too silly to me to be real. Maybe a descendant? Aiden was human for a time too, perhaps he had sired human children as much as he had sired undead?

--- An Hour Later ---
Dressing in jeans and a Billy Idol T shirt this time, I looked more like a high school student and not well over 418 years old. Not bad for 418, if I do say so myself. Admiring the reflection.. Yes, we have reflections. Sighs. Movies .. Shaking head. Hair pulled back in a couple of clips off my face, I didn't bother with more than lip gloss and book bag as I hit the road once more, only to be ambushed at the front door for Orientation day.

Seriously? Who makes movies on exits? Who makes movies on fire safety? WHO WRITES THIS CRAP!? I wish I could sleep, that I could nap through this to show them just how utterly boring this entire thing is. We're not stupid, folks. Okay? By highschool we know every single damn route OUT of this building undetected AND detected that is possible. Why do you think we need to watch a video on exits? So read their rules, their policies for this and that, for dress code, and for suspensions. Even parking policies? Really? They kept me prisoner until lunch bell, never was I grateful for an early release than I was right at this moment. That was boring as hell, worse than knitting circles and book clubs.

I had fed well, I was dressed more normal and I wasn't drawning the same amount of attention as I had yesterday.. Thank God. Now to find this Jason.

He was in his usual spot in the court yard, sitting with his friends. His back was to me but I knew him anywhere, it was shaking me up inside but thankfully no one but me knew this. Againv oices swarmed my head, other's thoughts and teasings. Their music, the melodious laughter and each set of people in a cloisture of groupings but only one stood out for me.

"Jason, right?" That got every pair of eyes in range turned my way, and yet it was only him I wanted to speak to.


"Can I speak with you?" His friends all seemed to lean in closer, all listening intently and it was... awkward. "alone?" I asked of him, quietly. I did not want an audience, I had no idea how to approach him as it were, without gawkers.

"I'll be right back guys." And he stood but I was already moving the moment he excused himself. To the only place I knew to be silent and devoid of awkward teenagers, teachers and his friends. I sat because knees wouldn't continue to hold me without knocking. It was awkward to say the least.

"Hey Elizabeth. It's good to see you." He spoke after a pause, after reaching me, yet he stood over me.

"Would you sit a moment, Jason?" It was odd to call him Jason when every pour screamed AIDEN at me. This too, in time, would change. But was he the same man? "I would like to apologize for my behavior yesterday." A blush crept up into cheeks once more, fair complexion allowed for blushing, but god I hated it.

"Please?" Patting the stone near me, "I don't bite..." I had to stopped there, that was a bald face lie! "I won't hurt you." Chuckled out instead.
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As I greeting Elizabeth sitting on the fountain's edge, I don't know what I expected from her. Had I done something wrong that made her flee with what I swear was a growl? If so, why the sudden change in demeanor? I figured it was merely going to be an apology, if even that. Probably give me the typical girl bullshit of "I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend, I'm sure you are really nice and thank you for asking but, blah blah blah fucking blah." Yet there was something more to her reasoning. I could almost feel it in the way she sat there, this beautiful woman, this stunning creature, had something else in mind.

I smirked as she made a joke about not bitting and patted the stones beside her. As I moved closer I said, "I think you'd bite if you had the chance." I don't know why I said that, but with her it seemed to fit. Something otherworldly about her called to me. Although any one of my friends would simply dismiss it as my nuts tingling for a hot girl. Elizabeth was hot, I've said that before, but she seemed to transcend even that. She was perfection realized in the mortal plain, an angel crafted by a deity and somehow sent to Earth by some tragic mistake.

As she waited for me to sit there beside her, I suddenly got this flash of the past. Not anything specific, but rather I came to understand how all those artists and poets of the past must have felt. Before me was woman perfected, the women that inspired countless songs, paintings, poems, and even tragedies.

I turned to sit, but grabbed the book out of my back pocket before I took my place beside her. I removed the book because the hard stone would break the spine and I hate damaging my books. The novel I cradled in my hands was an old vampire classic called "The Vampire Lastat" by Anne Rice. I loved vampire books, I loved reading up on them and learning the different lore authors would come up to describe their origins and powers and limitations. Some I liked, especially when the vampires came across as powerful as fuck, others I didn't *cough* sparkles *cough cough*.

I held the book in my lap and looked over at her. "No biting now. You promised." I made jokes because I was nervous. Here I sat next to a girl so many light years beyond anyone I have a normal right to talk to, and I was scared. I wanted her to like me more than I ever wanted anything in my life. Her aprioval seemed more important than breathing.

We sat in silence for a moment, as if both of us were unsure what to say or how to say it. I took a deep breath and caught the scent coming from her...a sweet and soft scent. Yet there was something else....metal almost, maybe copper? Flowers and the scent of some sweaty pennies in her pockets maybe.

I sighed, desperate to break the silence I turned toward her and said, "Elizabeth I'm sorry for coming at you like that. I am sure you were being bombarded with date requests from any number of the local assholes and I should have thought more carefully about that before I acted like an asshole myself."

I took a deep breath after that mouthful of words. Whew. At least that was out on the table now.

Shit - He is so damned young!

"Are you a virgin?" Could not help that one! It JUST fucking escaped my uncensored mouth and I could feel the heat raise in my face, to a bright humiliated crimson!

"S-sorry!" Fumbled and had to look away from him, could not shake off this reaction and god forbid he be snow - friggen - white pure! "I did not mean to ask that, it is not my business." Inhaling deeply, I had to regain some self control, SOME resembles of it anyway...

So how did I explain the council? How did I tell this pure little insecure human being about something I am forbidden from ever revealing? He would not understand ANY part of who I am, what I am nor where I came from. Fuck, my age alone would have him in a damned panic.

Looking at him now, sitting there and as stunned by my rude question as I am, he is in no position nor capabilities of handling the Elders.. - double shit fuck! - Yes, swearing is new but the Americans do it so creatively and to blend in.. Really took some time to learn the internet and slang and the differences between cultures AND to sound american. Not always pulling that off with my accident peeking out at the worst possible times. Anyway..

"Look.. You don't need to apologize to me, you didn't DO anything wrong, Jason." Tried to smile and regain calm, centered.. self controlled.. God he smelled GOOD!

Head shaking to clear thoughts, I hoped to hell I did not look as insane as I felt? "It was really just sensory overload. Being new, awkward and clumsy, lost. And all these people weren't very helpful, but gawking monkeys.. I asked one guy where the loo was and he looked at me as if I had three heads, after staring at me a good five minutes." A smirk lift at that memory, "You did not bother me, I was just... I was really.." brows knit and looked to him to fill in the word for me, reaching to take his hand in mine, drawing him nearer and smiling as his eyes finally met mine.

"A movie would be great.." .. it would!? FUCK ME! Alone, in the dark with him? AND I am not supposed to bite him. Jesus! "I don't know much about you though.." Again brows knit together and expression went pinched, "Oh! But I want to!" Nodding my head, smiling to change the expression upon his face. "Really, I do.." Pearly white teeth, peeked in a grin before remembering to keep my smile not so bright and pointy teeth hidden better.

He wasn't prepared for Doc or his sons, he wasn't HER Aiden either. Which was Doc's middle son, but it was the eldest, Micah that they all needed to be wary of and avoid. He was losing his ever-lovin'-mind as time went on and no woman or companion would turn for him nor stick by his side.

"There's a few movies playing, are you over eighteen yet?" Asking as if an innocent question. "I saw some gore matinees listed when I came through town last night."
I didn't know what to expect Elizabeth to say to me. Sitting there in the wide open courtyard of campus, sitting on the center fountain. Maybe simply accepting my apology, or hell refusing it and giving me some bullshit about not being in the right place. Maybe she would tell me that she just needs to focus on her right now. I've heard all the rejections before, each one a different excuse as to why I wasn't good enough to go to lunch with or a fucking movie or something.

I wasn't good enough for anyone.

What actually came out of her mouth was, "Are you a virgin?"

I jumped so violently, that I dropped my book making a feeble attempt to catch it only to have it tumble to the ground with a crumple of pages. I quickly doubled over to snatch it off the ground before the water from the fountain ruined it and before I could straighten my back, even more questions and babbling responses came from her mouth.

My eyes widened as I looked at her. This vision of unbelievable perfection, was fumbling over her words with me. I was so nervous I my throat felt like sand paper. I expected nothing but raspy squeaks to come from my mouth when I spoke to her.

Yet Elizabeth seemed visably shaken for the first time since I've seen her. Then again, I had hardly seen her long than twenty combined minutes. Yet my first impression of her, had been an extremely confident and poised woman. Not the rattled girl before me.

Honestly it was wonderful, because for the first time she seemed approachable now, falable....human. I smiled as I listen to her go on about seeing the movie that I had first asked her too.

"Yeah Bloodlust just came out. But I hope you don't mind seeing a vampire film." I said, blushing. "I like vampires movies, it's a weird thing I have."

I looked at her and sat up straighter, "Yeah I'm nineteen, I got held out of school for a year when I was a lot younger so I'm now the oldest student here." I raised a fist and said, "Yay." weakly.

I felt better knowing that my hopes were true. She hadn't been mad at me, merely overwhelmed with being the hottest girl in school on her first day and the universe wanted to come at her all at once.

I paused and looked down at my hands a bit. "Can I tell you something honestly?" I asked, glancing her way. "I wont answer the V question, but I can tell you that you will be my first date." I confessed turning beat red.

Embarassed enough for a single lunch period I cleared my throat and stood. "Great. This is great Elizabeth, so why don't we plan for I don't know....errr....Friday after school?" I asked. That would be early enough in the day for us to still catch the cheaper matinee showing. My allowance wouldn't come in until next week so we would have to see the cheaper showing on Friday so I could have enough money to buy her soda and popcorn and maybe sneak in a bag of Skittles or whatever. Goofy and embarassed as we might be together, there was one thing that held true more than anything else.....Elizabeth felt important to me.

I know stupid right? A girl I barely knew meaning so much. But I couldn't really help it, you know? The way she looked at me, like no other girl had ever looked at me before. Almost like she was the first girl to truly see me. Sure I talked to other girls, but the few words I spoke to Elizabeth.....those few pitiful words....Elizabeth looked and listened to them as if she were drinking them in, memorizing them.

She made me feel important being beside her. I wanted to show her that same grace.

The lunch bell rang to save us form making terrible small talk and I reached out my hand to help her stand up. "Friday then?" I asked, hopeful that she wouldn't suddenly come to her senses and blow me off.

Could not help the chuckle that came out, the disbelief in my eyes must have shown as he glanced away from me and to his book. It was then the title caught my eye and his comments about vampires.

"Vampires huh?" I could not keep the grin from my face, the laughter in my tone was just.. IF HE ONLY KNEW! Hell.. "You don't have to answer that horrible V question... But seriously, are they all blind or what?" I stood and lift the backpack carefully, mindful he was present and he could not see me yank the heavy thing up like it were a napkin or something.

"Whats the appeal?" The cosmos were playing freaking tricks on me... on us! This is just nuts. I really, really should just walk the hell away and fast! But, looking at Aiden in these human eyes and human form, though smothered in baggy cloths and too large shirts. He stayed shaggy, armour maybe? What was it, why was he hiding himself away? I had so many questions, so many things to ask him, who he was, where he came from, who his family was? It is just...

and I am standing here, gawking at him like a complete moron!

"Sorry, did you say something?" Blinking away the cob webs and day dreams. "Want to walk with me to english lit?" Reluctant to let him go, I wanted to snuggle into his throat and bite.. just ONE .. one teeny tiny little taste..

WHY did I sense Aiden in this ..within Jason? Why?! I would find out, there had to be some hint or something in all of Aiden's journals back at the house, some clue to what I was seeing what I was seeing, why i was drawn to this mortal in such a way, WHY I saw a twin to a thousand year old vampire?

"I think it's the same direction as your next class?"
I didn't get an answer from her immediately. Instead Elizabeth stared a bit into my eyes, here face examining mine again as if she were trying to memorize me. Was I attractive to her. Did this goddess find me attractive enough to hold hands do....V breaking.....things with? I don't know if I could believe such a thing was even possible.

She blinked and shook the cobwebs out of her head. At least that's what she appeared to do. Then asked if I would walk with her to English? How could she ask such a thing. It was like asking me if I wanted bacon.

Fuck yes I wanted bacon....Errr....I mean fuck yes I wanted to walk her to class.

I straightened up and smiled, "Of course. I have to go that way anyway." I gestured and we walked down the halls side by side. I wobbled in my steps, almost bumping against her side and panicking to jerk away. I was drunk with disbelief of being beside her.

From the looks we got from the other students walking past us, I wasn't the only one. Sadly we reached her class quickly and had to part. I opened my mouth to say something, but I got lost her in eyes again. I felt her gaze pull me in, I could feel myself leaning toward her, maybe to kiss her, maybe to smack our foreheads together, I don't really know.

I do know that one moment she was there, then I blinked and she was in the classroom, leaving me at the door. I found her taking her seat, giving me a soft wave goodbye. I sighed and turned away, walking to my class like a zombie. I couldn't tell you what the lesson in class was that day. I couldn't tell you what my friends were talking about in my ear as we heading for the final period of the day.

Next thing I knew, the school day was over. I wondered when I would see Elizabeth again.

God I was hopeless.

Heart was hammering, not sure what book the teacher handed over for us to read. The discussion was a total blur and I really didn't need to focus on it right now anyway. There wasn't a book written I hadn't read at least twice and once was enough to recite word for word.

Had to close my arms, folding them over my breasts, nipples were standing erect at the wrong damn time, wrong place but good lord! He had loomed nearer and nearer, and if it weren't for his pulse leaping into a maddening rate, alerting me to his intent, alerting me to his scent....

Groaning in class drew a few eyes my way, but hell with it. They had no idea how sensitive we are to them, how heightened our senses are and when we feel something, WE FEEL. Not much moves you after a few hundred years, not much is interesting, nor arousing, or scary or even blah. So when he moved in to touch me, I knew I had to move away and quickly!

Two good points, he was into vampires and he was old enough to play with.. but just because I can, doesn't mean I should.


When the final bell rang, I was out of there faster than any one would or could take notice. I had to get home, to sanity and silence and history.. I needed to read up, and maybe.. maybe I'd visit him in his room tonight, of course while he slept. We're not allowed to have sex with mortals, damn it...
I can't even begin to describe how much I wanted to see Elizabeth after school. Every fiber of my being wanted to see her, hell I wanted to touch her, to somehow find a away to touch the skin of a God. Even if it were only to cup the perfection of her cheek. Sadly my hope was all for nothing, she was nowhere to be found. I was left to walk home alone.

I hoped she didn't disappear Friday when we had our date. Then again, I don't remember if she actually agreed to going Friday. Well that was a bummer, I mean I assumed she had agreed, she DID ask me to walk her to class right? That was kind of like a yes wasn't it?

My front door had a note from my father on it. He was working late again tonight and I was on my own for dinner. Luckily I wasn't feeling particularly cheerful, or eager to talk to anyone. Plus it felt like a Macaroni and Cheese night. Nothing helped drown the woes of women like cheese and carbs.

I showered quickly, and made dinner in quiet. Outside the sky darkened and I felt myself grow weary. Normally I would be up late playing video games, but I wasn't feeling it tonight. My little elf warrior would have to take a night off. I dug a book off the bookshelf, another vampire novel that I haven't read yet called Bloodties. Supposedly this was a book about a vampire cop who solved crimes during the day and hunted killers at night. A B-movie idea if I ever heard of it. Which usually meant that the book would be fucking awesome.

I got through two chapters before passing out completely, snoring loudly with the book flopped oddly on my chest.

He looked much different in his bedroom, sprawled out and making that racket of noise with snores. It was hard not to laugh, took a lot of self control, if I must say so myself. Charming, some what sweet in it's loud but vulnerable condition. On the cusp of manhood, his hands large and his form sturdy. The journals did speak of Aiden's family he lost track of, so her Aiden had sired offspring. Which was highly possible that Jason was a descendant.

His room was standard, male, bland. Posters, gaming system, and a few book shelves full of all sorts of titles. He was NOT kidding when he said he had a thing for vampires. Was he some junky with some fountain of youth fantasia? Shaking my head at that thought, I could not help but move closer to his sleeping form. What if a part of Aiden was resting, dormant, within this human vessel?

In his night clothes and flat on his back, he was not as soft as he seemed to be. His stomach was peeking out just a bit from under his shirt before his waist band started, and it were flat. He looked fit but not a steroid popper, which in my book was much appreciated. Humans went ape on that shit, vampires were worse. Not that I needed added strength, but yeah..

He looked sweet, young and the tremor skirting down my spine was a clear indicator that he was sexually stimulating as well. Perhaps it were memories of Aiden? Perhaps not. I wouldn't really know until I worked up the nerve to tell him about me, dare I even touch a human male? It is forbidden, we tend to break our toys in the throes of passion...

Chewing at that lower lip, a bad habit of mine, I pinched his book off his chest and scanned the pages. A book I had not read? It had been awhile, though I do tend to skip vampire books. So many theories, but no solutions.. and trust me, I've tried to find a cure for this. Well, after Aiden's loss. Slipping into the corner with his book held before me, I watched him sleep in the darkness. He would not see me if he did open his eyes, using my masking ability to hide my presence from him was as easy as breathing. His window was open, would be easy enough to escape the scene before he fully roused from sleep anyway.

Eyes traveled over him, tempted to crawl into the bed with him but if I did that, I would bite him, I could harm him and we'd wake the house up. Of that at least I am sure of. So I sat, watching him sleep until dawn was coming and it were time to dress for the coming school day..

With a groan and sigh, I left him waking and without book.
I had looked everywhere and I could not find the Goddamn thing. I know I had it when I went to sleep but it was gone. I tore my room apart looking for it. Under the bed, nothing. I pulled off the blankets and sheets and shook them out for it bit that yielded nothing. What the fuck happened to my book?

Finally I had no choice but to give up. I dressed and brushed my teeth and hair, leaving my room behind in order to make it to the bus. On the way out the door I grabbed my DS to play a little Pokémon or something. God I was hoping to read my book but so much for that. How had it just vanished like that? I'd probably find it right on my nightstand or some shit when I got home.

Despite not having a book to read, I was in good spirits because at some point today I would be able to see Elizabeth. I might even get to sit and have lunch with her. I smiled as I walked to my first class.

Tim came up beside me and asked, "What's with the shit eating grin fuckface?"

I laughed, "I have a date."

Tim jerked to a pause. "Wait what!?"

"You heard me."

He leaned toward me and whispered, "With Elizabeth?"

I smiled wider.

"Fuck you! You are a fucking liar!" He shouted.

A teacher walking down the hall said, "Language Timothy."

Tim blushed and lowered his voice. "You fucking liar. How? Why? I mean no offense, but....How? Why?"

I shrugged, "I wish I knew. But she and I will be going to a movie Friday afternoon."

Tim relaxed. "Oh okay then. That makes more sense."

I gave him a confused look. "The fuck does that mean?"

Tim shook his head. "Man you are going on a day date. That is like a pity date. Nothing ever happens on a day date. Hell you'll be fucking lucky if you get to hold her hand. You ain't getting to no bases and therefore I don't have to go to sleep this weekend thinking the universe is about to explode."

I scoffed, "You are a dick."

"Whatever man I just wanna live through the week...." He jerked to a halt. I followed his gaze and saw Elizabeth waiting at our classroom door. Tim blushe'd and said, "Err hi Elizabeth." As if he assumed she heard our conversation.

I smiled and walked over to her with him. "Hey Elizabeth this is my friend Tim." I said wondering if that look on her face didn't reflect the fact that she had heard Tim's comment.

Oh yeah, I heard you bucko.

Golden brown eyes flickered over Tim in passing before turning on my brightest smile for Jason and tugging him closer with a reach of hand, clasped into his and yanking him my way.. Again, mindful not to hurt him. "Hi there.." cooed out in greeting, smile spreading wider. "You're about to be late, Mr. Stanton." scooting up closer, I had to step on tip toes to brush a kiss to his startled lips before turning on pricey heel and into the waiting classroom that seemed to be bent on spying. "Nice to meet ya, Tim." tossed over one shoulder as I made my ass swaying way towards desk.

"Dirty..." taunted out at the gawking class, a soft laughter rung as I made my way back to my seat, right next to Jason. Before Jason could see it or what I was up to, I set his book on top of his desk I had stolen the night before. Seemingly distracted with preparations for class, I unpacked my book, note book, pencils and then sat as if angelic and eager to learn, eyes on a racing Math teacher entering the room.

"Settle down class.. Turn to page one seventy-nine." Already he was erasing the chalk board, grabbing a stick and scratching out math problems.

A soft sigh escaped, utterly bored with this archaic math. Shit, the roman's did better than this. Did they not teach anything new?

Turning my eyes and my head just a bit, I caught a few stares and not so subtle glances, but turned my attention to Jason. "Sleep well?" Chewing on eraser, a smile toyed at each corner of my mouth, eyeing him with intent that screamed much more than an innocent flirt. So Tim didn't think Jason a capable date? Perhaps it were purely due to lack of experience with women that Tim tormented Jason with those rude doubts?
Okay I don't want to admit this about myself, but I have never done anything with a girl. Not a fucking thing.....Well I guess I've hugged a couple, not including parents and family. But literally nothing else. I didn't expect Elizabeth to react the way she did, I didn't expect her to pull me away from Tim. Nor did I expect her sweet soft lips to press softly against mine.

I wish.....I wish I hadn't been so stunned by the whole thing. I didn't even get a chance to kiss her back before it was over. I was just kissed by a goddess and all I had done about it was fucking stare off in shock. Then she was walking away teasing me about being late, and dismissively greeting Tim.

He and I looked at each other and Time shook his head, "You motherfucker." He said slowly. "Hey when you're done with the horseshoe you have shoved up your ass, can I borrow it?"

I laughed, "No homo right?"

"Of course." Tim muttered and went to his seat.

I took my place besides Elizabeth and stared at her. I couldn't believe those perfect little lips had touched mine. My body literally trembled with the thought of it. I hoped that she hadn't done it just to show off to Tim, because I really liked her and I wanted to get a real chance to kiss her.

I went the set my notebook on my desk and froze. Sitting there was my book. The book from last night. The book I couldn't find this morning. The book that should NOT be here. I looked around, but even Elizabeth wasn't paying me any mind at the moment as she was preparing her paper to take notes.

Am I going crazy? Had I packed the book into my bag last night and it simply fell from my notebook just now onto the desktop? I didn't remember doing that, but I must have because here was my book. And I sat on the bus staring out the window for no fucking reason. Wonderful.

I sighed and tucked my book away, before getting ready to listen to today's boring ass math lesson.

After a moment I heard Elizabeth ask if I slept well.

I turned my attention to her and saw the sexiest little look in her eyes. The way she was looking at me, sent chills down my spine. The wicked little smirk, the way she nibbled on the edge of her eraser, the hint of heat in her eyes. It was a look I had always fantasized a girl would give me. She looked at me like she wanted me, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This stunning woman, was warming up to me so much faster than I thought possible.

I swallowed and felt my lips tingle as if remembering the feel of her kiss on my breath. I took a deep breath and smiled gently back at her. "Yeah I did. Although to be honest....I had a crazy dream." I blinked suddenly remembering the dream in a flash. My eyes widened as I remembered a dream in which Elizabeth was chasing me down a dark alley. She was completely naked, but in the shadows of darkness I didn't get to see any goodies. I only saw her face, her eyes glowed in rage and hunger, her mouth dripping blood that wasn't hers. She had been a vampire.

"I don't remember anything other that it was crazy though." I added quickly. "How about you? I didn't get to say goodbye afterschool yesterday."

"MR. STANTON!" The teacher roared, "Shut your mouth, the girl is trying to learn!"

I jerked back into my seat and put my head down as if I had been taking notes all along. How much longer before the bell?

Damn this teacher was really getting on my last nerve right now!

A menacing growl on my face was what greeted the old coot when he tried to give me some sort of sympathetic glance. As if Jason was bothering me! HA! I spoke first, fucking sexist.

Writing my phone number on a slip of paper torn from my note book, I waited until the fuck-weasel turned his back and passed it to Jason. Below was a "text me later" and a small doodled smiley face. His expression was charming, stunned and thoroughly shocked and, for some reason, it amused me greatly.

Had he any notion what I am capable of.. He would be running from this room..

Eyes fell to his book again. Alright, maybe not. But he had some wet dream about vampires in his head, they all do. None had any idea of the reality of things, some ideas but not the whole concept. Being ageless and prime and beautiful was not all it was cracked up to be. Watching everyone you love die of old age, sickness, accidents and nothing you can do about it. We're allowed to turn one per century of life, no more than that. No children, ever. No one mentally diseased or physically disabled. There was a mile fucking long tiny fine print text list of precursors that must be cleared before one can make another into vampire.

Had to wonder, despite the rules and my mind telling me NOT TO GO THERE.. I did have to wonder, was he or would he be good in bed as Aiden had been? Perhaps better? Aiden was cocky, self confident and an utter bore towards the end but he knew how to hunt, how to fuck and how to make his enemies pay. He raged about Micah far too much, sullen about the threat to HIS once more, from a jealous spiteful brother. He hadn't been pleasant, but then again, Micah was trying to eradicate all of Aiden's line from the face of the earth.

Sibling rivalry... eye roll.

A side long glance at Jason, again I smiled at him as I caught his eyes on me. i wish I knew what he was thinking, feeling right now. He looked to be one busy man, mentally mulling over me. I am sure of that. I am an enigma wrapped in a puzzle shrouded by fable and lore... Lovely being me! A grin lift and spread wide, almost wolfishly so. I too was distracted, wondering and pondering what to do next.

Jesus. What a trip! There was no groove just yet, but there was a symphony swelling about us. I just did not know how to burst it open and fill our heads on the same tune. This was going to be a difficult task. How can I go about revealing without risk and without spoke word, just what I am. What He could be?

The bell rang and lunch was upon us, now I had to play little human girl and maybe discuss pizza or something teen related? What were kids watching on television these days anyway? I have to admit, I was fond of television for a long time. Black and white movies were phenomenal! And when colour came out, Oh! What a wonderful invention.. Now, movies were made with computers and odd screens and.. Well its just complicated, weird but action movies were down right addictive!

I stood, waiting on Jason with a smile and curiosity shining. Would he ask me to lunch or he would slink off without me?
Finally the bell rang. This class seemed to drag on and on, and it didn't help that I couldn't talk to Elizabeth any more as it seemed the teacher gave me a dirty look every free moment in the lecture. What a fucking dick, how could I not look at her, it was like torture. I wanted to scream and storm out of the class and I wondered if Elizabeth would follow if I did that.

But the bell did finally free me from this torture and I quickly turned toward Elizabeth, hoping to catch her before she did another one of her disappearing acts. "Hey you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch today?" I asked her hopefully. I wanted her to feel included in the school. I wanted her to find friends, so long as I got to be her boyfriend.

Whoa wait a second, I should hold off on that. I was getting ahead of myself, we hadn't even had our date yet, she couldn't be my girlfriend and if I started to throw that word around there was a good chance she would go running for the hills. A thought that almost hurt to even think of.

I gathered my stuff, keeping my eye on her. She was so much fun to simply look at, her beauty at a level I could never get tired of. Christ I'm starting to creep myself out.

I sighed and hefted my backpack over my shoulder and smiled at her. "Oh! And I sent you a hello text with a smiley." I blushed, "I guess there is no point in reading it now though." I shook my head, "Damn I'm dumb, anyway how about lunch?" I asked gesturing toward the door.

Laughter welled up, nearly choking off my words entirely but I was enjoying myself.

I must be sick.

Is that what happens when one gets to be as old as I am? Do we slowly go insane and find odd things funny, charming? I mean, he is so awkward! He is most definitely a virgin.. HOW, I do not know. WHY? Makes no sense to me either! He didn't seem gay or act violent and he sure as hell didn't smell bad either.

So why was he alone?

Perhaps it was he who chose to be alone? It had to be it, nothing else made much sense. Or I was so desperate for company that I was imagining things and feeling odd emotions towards some virgin guy who I just met and had no real idea of what he was, who he was and if he was remotely sane. Shit, he could be an axe murderer.. If he didn't stumble over a simple HELLO. .. yeah right!

Dimples sank with my grin, I just can't help it. Guess I don't really want to? I mean, here I am waiting on a human to be polite to me. "Thought you'd never ask, Jason." A soft tone escaped saying that name. "Whenever you're ready." A shoulder shrugged, trying to play it off as if it were no big deal.

So what if I want to bite him and feast on him awhile. Its norm, right? And SO WHAT if I want to make him blush and stutter and form a tent in his jeans. Who can fault a girl for such things when his reaction is not calculated nor fake.

Shit. He is seriously getting to me!

Having to bite back a groan and eye roll, I look at his bag he is packing and book I stole last night. "Is that a good story?" Chin tipping up to peer at him through thick lashes, my books are digging square corner dents into my breasts, I am going to end up breaking the curriculum book's spine at this rate.
I smiled and walked with Elizabeth toward the cafeteria. Along the way I told her I wasn't sure about he book being good as a total, but I gave her the rundown of the story as we walked. I couldn't help but having an excited tone to my voice as I exampled the vampire detective, I didn't know if it was the vampire part that had me excited or the simple fact that I was talking to Elizabeth close enough that I could put an arm around her if I dared to be so bold.

I was not bold.

My hands did gesture wildly as I explained what I had read so far. I even told her about how upset I was that I couldn't find the book this morning, only to find it in my backpack like the dumbass I was. Together we got in line as the lunch staff handed us trays of low quality food. Today's special was spaghetti and meatballs, with stale bread that was supposed to have a garlic flavoring to it.

I looked down in sadness at our trays and I looked at Elizabeth. "Hey this looks like shit, you wanna sneak off campus with me and go to the Burger King across the street, because at least it will be good tasting shit?" I asked her.

Out of the corner of my eyes I could see my friends already laughing and eating at our usual table. I really wanted them to meet Elizabeth, but if I was totally honest with myself, I wanted to spend a little more time alone with her before I threw her to the wolves and shitbricks that were my friends.

I mean let her meet them when I've already gotten to second base with her at least right? I wondered what breasts felt like, I was betting on fucking magic.

If that remark was some how supposed to make me feel a little guilty, it didn't. So I took his book! So what if he panicked over not finding it, I didn't know I had carted it off with me until I got home. Sighs internally.

"Yeah.. It's got to be cuisine compared to this slop." A curl of disgust adorned my face, to which the lunch lady was glaring at me for. Budgeting had to improve in MANY aspects of the American Educational System. This was just... worse than gruel! Someone recycled bad 1970's horror movie props by the looks of this sh-crap..

Oh hell! Now I am censoring my own damn thoughts!?

"Let's get out of here.." Leaning closer to him and tugging his arm so that he would lower to my level, "How do we sneak out?" Whispered against his ear. I really did not relish sitting with his friends, listening to their trivial prattle about facebook this and hashtag that. It was completely crazy how this modern world worked. Everyone always had their face plugged into some machine! Even out in the middle of the forest, in the right spot, you can hear a fucking cell phone at some point, ringing.. and worse, the twirp ANSWERS IT! Fucking morons today.

So yeah. We have little in common, but maybe more than I know... I could hope anyway. Forgetting a moment there I was holding my breath, I let out a soft gasp for air, hand gripping him a bit to steady myself. "Sorry.." Mumbled out, "I get a little distracted around you.." A grousy revelation, perhaps more grumbly than it should have been, but I did not really mean to speak that admission aloud.
i smiled as she agreed and whispered into my ear. So close I could smell her sweet skin, smooth and soft, like breathing in a fresh clean set of sheets. It was wonderful, I just wanted to bury my face into her neck and breath her in. Ugh and she said I distracted her! How was that even possible, I was a nothing and she was walking talking perfection in woman form.

I took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Follow me." I told her, pulling her along and out of the cafeteria. I expected it to be hard to pull her along, but she matched my steps almost without error, like we were in perfect sync as I led her to the back of the gym, where we could dart across the street to the Burger King.

I laughed as I pulled her into the restaurant, giving her hand a delighted squeeze. Her fingers and palm felt so soft and dainty in my hand. I had to fight from just caressing her skin along my fingertips. What kind of lotion did she use to had such flawless skin? I hoped this burger didn't give her a zit, I would kill myself if I knew I hate fucked up her perfection.

I ordered a Whopper meal and gestured for her to get whatever she wanted. I handed the guy a my last twenty dollar bill and took my cup to the drink fountain as Elizabeth ordered for herself. I smirked as I caught the guy behind the counter oogling her. I thought about getting mad about it, but really, I couldn't blame the guy. Fuck I was STILL oogling her every chance I got.

I met up with her as she took her cup from the counter and the clerk gave me change. I walked behind her sipping my soda, tilting my head a little as I freely gave her ass a good long look while she filled her cup. I jerked my eyes up as she turned around playing the innocent guy.

I flopped into a booth and grinned at her. "So what in the world are you Elizabeth?" I asked her. "I mean don't take this the wrong way, but you can't possibly be human. You are walking perfection and it is not possible for just a regular person to be as perfect as you. I'm sorry I sound retarded but I couldn't keep that shit in any more."

I sighed and looked around, "Now that I got that out, you can run screaming if you want. Or you can wait for your burger, then run away." I told her with a smile. DEspite my teasing and my confession, I really didn't think she would run for the hills. She would have done it long before this, if he had planned on running.

It was like DĂ©jĂ  vu, step for step. Hand size, stride. I felt shivers down my spine, as if we had been here before, it was so... reminiscent! Yes, it reminded me of the past, another time and another place, but it was so familiar to me. I took his hand in mine, reminding myself not to crush his fingers in my grip was the hardest thing to keep in mind and ON MY MIND the entire time.

Wasn't his scent or his touch, not the dorky hair style he was sporting this go 'round.

What am I thinking?! No one believed in reincarnation. I mean.. Yes, I heard rumors of soul sharing. Some things we can do are so well guarded that the Vatican could learn a thing or three about guarding secrets in our home land. As we age, as we drink, read, travel, learn, as we go we use more and more of our brain than any normal human ever thought possible. And with age comes ... I guess you'd call them super human powers. But with it also comes the down slide of age. Its said that Doc is mostly mad and partially insane, it is why he was bled and slept in a secreted tomb.

Not too sure, its the age thing. I hope like hell it never happens to me though.

I tried to find the books of knowledge, Doc's journals and research, even the genealogies of his bloodline were well guarded. No one got in without Micah's say so.. Well now that Aiden was gone.

But, was he truly gone? I felt something here with this geeky human kid. While the others saw this 'worm' and 'dork', I saw the man he truly is and would be, could be.. I saw girls checking him out, but not for long. With his hair in his face and glasses on he didn't really need.

Maybe if i give him some of my blood?

"Pardon?" Startled I had to look around me, so lost in thought I wasn't even sure where the fuck we were. Colorful menus and the stench of over cooked meat hit me like a stagnate oasis and it took a LOT of self control not to make a face.

"I'd like a double cheeseburger, rare as legally allowed. Fries.. coke." Fishing out a wad of crumpled bills from my pocket, tossing out Ben Franklin. Grabbing a cup from the counter, I let Jason handle the change and what not, looking for a good place close to the bathroom.

Have I mentioned how much I hate pretending to eat only to toss it up in the bathroom later? Yeah, it's not much fun but we got to appear human, always.

Dumping ice into the cup until it was half full, I filled it with caffeine. Liquid juice of energy, didn't taste too bad either. I could keep down a lot of things these days, another perk of age. Stronger will power, stomachs, able to hang out, day or night. Don't need nearly as much sleep as I did a couple centuries ago. And still not too bored with sex to give up the pleasures in life.

No we aren't DEAD or undead. We're very much alive. Our hearts pump blood just like yours. The movies these days and the things they come up with is just astounding to me. But I got a drink, I found a booth and sat in the corner, facing the door and back near the safety of bathroom and windowless wall. No surprise attacks on my ass today!

Remembering to smile as Jason makes his way back to me, I can not help this feeling nor shake this thought that some where within this human is my Sire, sleeping. Its silly, I know it is.. but.. sighs

"hey.." A semi-bright smile greets him. "They didn't ruin the fries did they? I hate it when they are burnt or cooked in old pig fat.." Scrunching my nose in distaste, as i had seen many girls 'my age' do, I pointed to the tray he held, "Which is mine?" Hoping it was bloody!
I patiently waited at the counter for them to fix our fast food, tough the patience ran thin as fast food became slow food. I think it was Elizabeth's request for a rare burger as the little Spanish I knew from last year's class told me they were arguing about how to cook the meat. Luckily when it was all said and done we had fresh fries because the old ones sat too long, and her burger was extra juicy through the wrapping paper. I turned and made my way to the table she had picked, and for a second I froze. The way the light came through the shitty poster on the window onto her skin it produced a weird little halo effect around her, as if she were glowing. My breath caught in my throat as she seemed to glow.

I shook my head and moved over to her carefully, setting the tray down before her with a smile. "You confused the hell out of them, but I think they managed to barely cook your burger." I told her, pointing to the dripping wrapper. "The fries are fresh." I assured her with a grin.

We ate together, and I honestly tried not to watch her bloody burger drip onto the table before her. Even though it was just a burger, it was somehow savage to see her beautiful face tearing into a pile of blood on a bun basically. Yet as jarring as it was, it had no affect on how beautiful she was and how attracted I was to her. It was like watching a lioness tear into a gazelle, and still wanting to fuck it...err her.

I blinked and focused on my own food, eating quickly as our lunch time was running short. I took a breath and looked over to her, I didn't want to wait until Friday for our date, I desperately wanted to spend as much time with her and she would allow. "Hey Elizabeth....umm....what are you doing after school today? I uh....I know we set up our thing for Friday, but I figure why wait? I mean I'm not exact eager to sit around and do homework and to be honest, I would much rather spend time getting to know you better."

I blushed as I realized the sexual hints in what I had just asked. I felt the fool for even saying anything. As if this goddess would even consider doing anything of the sort with me. Hell I was fucking lucky that she had seen fit to hold my hand on the way over here. The idea of her kissing me, or doing the naked dance with me was just foolish.

"I mean I'd love to hear about where you lived before you moved to this dumbass beach town, and your hobbies and well....anything you want to tell me." I insisted trying to kill the sexual tension out of the air.

It was then I noticed that her burger was gone, while mine had merely a few bites taken from it. It must have been staring off into space to miss her eating her entire burger barely before I had dented mine. I took a few big bites quickly to help catch up so she wouldn't have to sit there waiting for me. Besides with my mouthful I wouldn't be able to continue to open my mouth to spew more embarrassing shit.

The fires were ignored after a few forced blobs were chewed and managed to swallow. It helped having the very rare bloody burger to wash it down and a huge mouth full of coke. It wasn't ideal, but it would do in a pinch. Watching him as he stared at me as if I were his next meal.

It was disconcerting, but it was sweet I could suppose. Had I been a human girl, his adoration would be very flattering, had I been that kind of girl, I knew I could make him to anything I desired and more.. No, not with some vampire mind trick or blood bond, but purely because he was attracted to me. I could hear his heart beat quicken when he looked my way and I could pick the scent of arousal from him as if he were bathing in it daily.

"Thank you for getting me out of there.." Fumbling for small talk, forcing myself to eat and keep it down, to appear normal as possible.. God, this shit was hard as hell to do! And those glasses he wore, those had to go! But how? How could I heal him...

"Hey Elizabeth....umm....what are you doing after school today? I uh....I know we set up our thing for Friday, but I figure why wait? I mean I'm not exact eager to sit around and do homework and to be honest, I would much rather spend time getting to know you better." As if he read my damned mind, he opened the door and invited me right in.

Smiling brighter, would shift closer to him.. as far as a table width would allow. "What do you have in mind, Jason?" A coy play, an innocent wide eyed look and sweet smile in response to his offer as he stammered on about wanting to know more about me.. How droll.

"Me huh? I'd like to know more about you too." as if the confession was a secret, it whispered in a manner I knew he would respond to. Could feel his eyes on my mouth, watching as I lapped my lips and smiled yet more inviting than ever before. "Meet your parents? Mine are long since gone.." Forgetting that such news may be a downer, it was centuries ago and affected me not in the slightest.

BUT! I needed to know if he were related to Aiden or not.

"Let me use the ladies room before we head back.." Pushing what was left over towards the tray but taking my coke with me, I head to the restroom just behind me. Pausing at the door to capture his gaze and smile back in return.

Was he just staring at my ass?!

It wasn't pleasant but turning on the water and locking the door, thankfully a single room and not stalls. I emptied the meal from my stomach in a few quick , silent-as-can-be moments and then proceeded to was my mouth out with water from the sink and the flavor and stench away from the vomiting with a few pulls from my large coke. A process I hated, but sitting around trying to digest human food for the next few days did not appeal to me in the slightest.

If he invited me to his place, as he seemed keen on doing, it would allow me access into his life, his family and meet his father as well. It would open up the possibilities of being in his bedroom, alone..

Am I even ready for that temptation?!

He'd want to kiss and... it was growing extremely warm in the bathroom and Jason was lingering out there, waiting on me like a gentleman should. No doubt though that his thoughts were anything but pure.

Trying not to laugh aloud, I exit to find him right where I thought he would be. Leaning against the seat backing, waiting near as he could to my location.

"Let's skip the rest of the day, shall we? Go to your place?" Asked with a smile, an idea coming to me on how to get him a bit of blood, clean his complexion up and get those ugly glasses gone..Just a little rough kissing and blood donated..
I threw out the trash from our food and moved back by the bathrooms to lean against the booth back. I tried to make myself look as carefree as possible so she wouldn't feel bad about the time she was spending pooping or whatever. Woman as a rule were supposed to take a long time in the bathroom. I wasn't experienced with women but I wasn't clueless and knew this to be a hard and fast rule.

So when she appeared finally I was making a point to be looking at my nails as if the shame of them was fascinating. The smirk on her face said she knew what I was doing but she didn't call me out on it, so I guess that gives me an extra point.

I heft ed her book bag toward her, wondering how many fucking books she carried in that thing to make it so damn heavy, and prepared to ask her if she was ready to get back to the grind.

My breath caught as she suggested we ditch and go back to my place. My body froze and I had to do a double take to make sure that I had heard that right. Go back to my place? But if we went there now we would be my bedroom. I would be alone with a beautiful girl in my bedroom. Alone. Nobody to walk in on us. Nobody to listen outside the door. Nobody to stop us from getting very naked.

I felt the heat creep up my face as the thoughts ran up my mind. "Sure." My voice squeaked. I closed my eyes and cleared my throat. "I mean yeah, I wouldn't be missing anything and my house would be a totally awesome place" I let the words between the lines hang there.

"Do you drive here?" I asked. "I mean my place isn't that far but in this weather we would both be sweating like monkeys if we walked." I explained. Not that I would mind walking but if today was the day when I would finally become a man...I didn't want to have to take a fucking shower because of sweaty stinky nuts.

I explained to her how we would get to my place and told her that my dad wouldn't be home until much later in the evening so she would have to stay for dinner if she wanted to meet him. Though I couldn't explain her intrest in meeting my dad. He wasn't that exciting and he definitely wasn't as funny as he thought he was.

"Yeah, I drive." a smile lift as I spoke, wondering how he'd like my car when he did finally see it. One thing guys seemed to do more than jerk off, was get hot over my car. "My adopted family gave me a few to use while here." A vague bit of information there.

"Come on.. We got a lot of.. " Eyes roved over him and back to those eyes hidden behind nerdy glasses, "talking to do.." Chuckled out as I grasp his hand in mine, threw my pack over my other shoulder, and tugged him out the door with me.

"I can hang out until your old man comes home.." Would give me snooping time and maybe see some family history some where in their house. Photos maybe? Names, hear stories and such. And if nothing more, allow me to try and exchange a bit of blood with him and heal him up a bit more healthy than he was.

My car was candy apple red, a sinful lusty colour.. the shade of blood, desire, lust.. "Here we are. You want to drive or should I?" Giving him the option as keys dangled from my finger tips with a even wider grin at the widening of his eye sockets. "You having an eye-gasm, Jason?" teased out, wiggling the keys to bounce and clink against each other.

The poor guy was going to cream his jeans before I ever got my hands on him. Maybe it wasn't the car, maybe the price this car cost? And how could a high school girl be driving such a car? I knew all the thoughts he was possibly having, having heard it before.

"Here." Turning my hand to toss the keys his way, I moved around to the passenger side and slid into the seat. "Since you know the route to your home and I do not, you should drive." Discussion settled in my mind, had to sit back and wait and watch but I already knew where he lived..