looking for help from riggers and rope connoisseurs


Literotica Guru
May 10, 2016
First of all I'm a complete novice so please forgive me if I ask something dumb. Links to information are always welcome.

1. I'm looking for body bondage that I can wear discretely under my clothes. It can encompass my whole abdomen and torso or just my waist and below, or just my upper body. I'm not particular, and different options will let me pick and choose what I want to wear depending on my day and what clothes I'm wearing.

2. What types and lengths of rope would you recommend for this type of wear? The options are dizzying so I wanted to get the opinions of those who are experienced and know what they're doing. Any links or information on where to buy suggested ropes is also appreciated.

I want to preface this by saying that I'm not a pro rigger at all, so take from this what you wish.

There's this simple tutorial that has gone 'round the Internet for years and years. That's pretty discrete if you wear a bit heavier clothes, use rope that's quite thin and steer clear from bulky knots. It's also very easy to make different versions of it once you get more familiar with bondage. There are also different types of rope corsets that you could wear under clothes. Do a search for tutorials, there are plenty.

As to how long a rope you should use, it's hard to give an exact answer. I think the best method is to make the tie and see how much rope you need for it and cut the rope accordingly. How much rope is needed varies a lot depending on your body size, the diameter of the rope (thicker rope = bulkier knots, twists and wraps = more rope needed) and simply how tight you want it to be.

And what kind of rope to use, well that depends on your preferences too. For longer wear something soft is probably preferable, so maybe go synthetic.
First of all I'm a complete novice so please forgive me if I ask something dumb. Links to information are always welcome.

1. I'm looking for body bondage that I can wear discretely under my clothes. It can encompass my whole abdomen and torso or just my waist and below, or just my upper body. I'm not particular, and different options will let me pick and choose what I want to wear depending on my day and what clothes I'm wearing.

2. What types and lengths of rope would you recommend for this type of wear? The options are dizzying so I wanted to get the opinions of those who are experienced and know what they're doing. Any links or information on where to buy suggested ropes is also appreciated.


For rope, you'll have to decide what will work for you and the sensation you're hoping to achieve. Synthetic rope (usually nylon) is easily available and extremely cheap so you might go for that on a budget. If you want something more expensive, you might try a rope vendor that sells prepared, natural fiber ropes specifically treated for bondage. Both of these options also come with different ways of caring for them. And anything you get at the hardware store is likely to be treated with chemicals, so properly wash it before using it.

This link has general knots and rope information that can help.

As with the safety info posted by Consilence, thinner rope covers less area and can put pressure on bad spots (this is why rope is usually doubled up to put more even pressure that is less likely to cause damage) and thicker rope covers more area but also is harder to hide.

If you plan to wear it for extended periods of time, be aware that chaffing (if you're going for chaffing ;) that's cool too) can happen and that the rope will also move and could tighten or loosen over time. Synthetic rope like nylon doesn't have a great grip and will move around over time. Natural fibers have drawbacks too, you'll have to weigh the options for what fits your situation best. Also, think about how you'll be cleaning your rope.

Rope length depends on what you need. I have different lengths, 10-50ft. depending on what I'm doing. 50 ft. is a little excessive, but I'm lazy and don't want to measure, cut and whip the rope properly. Shorter lengths are easier to work with and if you need more, it's easy to add more. If you have too much, you'll have to figure out something to do with the excess.

A quick google search will bring up tutorials and safety information as well as some comprehensive fiber charts to help you choose the rope for you.