Mint and Honey

"Alex, I highly doubt that he will suddenly regress without the both of us there. He is a smart drake and he'll understand." Yasmine said softly as she watched Alex gathering his things. "And if he doesn't, I know that you can handle him."
"Hm... I'm sure he'll find a place in the family before long. My siblings will love him." Alex smiled slightly to himself. "And Ruari will get into even more trouble."
"They're all going to want to know about you, you know," Alex murmured. "When you'll be back so we can have you over for dinner, what our plans are... All the typical nosy questions."
"And you can tell them anything that you wish to tell them about me. I trust that you'll keep the details quiet that we aren't ready to share." Yasmine said as he spoke about his family wanting to know all about the both of them.
"They respect boundaries, even if they like to be nosy." Alex nodded. "But when you get there, you'll have all kinds of questions."
"I can dodge questions with the best of them." Yasmine murmured as she stood and wrapped her arms around Alex, resting her head against his shoulder. "I'll miss you. I'm not afraid to admit that."
Alex paused to drape his arms around Yasmine, laying his head against her own with a deep sigh. "It won't be long, hopefully... Things are looking up here."
"Well, it depends on how stubborn my uncle is. I'm not leaving until he is married to his sweetheart." Yasmine said with a small smile. "I want him and jiddo happy."
"Good. Then we won't be apart long." Yasmine said with a smile as she leaned in and kissed Alex gently. "And if he drags his feet, I will do the task for him."
"I look forward to seeing him come into his own next time I'm here." Alex gladly returned her kiss, his hands resting lightly on her lower back. "And I look forward to seeing you explain all of this to Durban when you come back up north." He chuckled at that.
"He might give me a high rank in the Axemen." Yasmine said with a small grin, her head resting against his own.
Yasmine held Alex for a while longer before she finally let him go and took a step away. "Go and finish packing before I change my mind."

She gave him a small smile as she sent him on his way and she returned to bed. She was wearily tired and needed some sleep. She figured she would get that sleep while he sorted through his things.
Before Alex stepped out, he turned to look back at Yasmine. "I love you," he murmured with a soft smile before disappearing out the door.
Yasmine glanced towards the empty door and gave him a smile that he never saw. "I love you too." She murmured softly before she climbed back into bed.
Alex was ready within the day, but he chose to stay until the next morning so he'd have plenty of time to say goodbye. He spent part of his evening showing Fatin to the harbor, so that the next morning wouldn't be too big a surprise.
Yasmine and Bahir went to the harbor with Alex to help his drake with the idea of traveling in the ocean. She sat in the sand next to the water, watching as Bahir encouraged Fatin to explore.
Fatin didn't seem afraid of water in any shape or form, but it was getting near ships and docks that seemed to make him nervous. Thankfully, the captain who would be taking the journey up to Scotland was happy to let Alex show Fatin the ship. As there was really very little room for Fatin, it was decided he'd be spending most of his time on deck both for his sanity and the save cargo space. Enough space would be left to give him cover in a storm.
Yasmine chuckled as she saw Bahir showing the other drake how to hunker down on the deck comfortably. It was amazing how caring her drake could be to others of his kind. Coming from a background of abuse, it was clear that he could understand how other drakes felt.
Bahir and Fatin quite happily huddled together on the foredeck for a while, looking out into the sea and watching seagulls while Alex spoke with the captain in French as it was a language they both spoke fluently.

When it was time to go, Bahir nuzzled Fatin toward the gangplank and they all disembarked. Alex let the two walk freely, knowing they wouldn't run off. If Fatin was spooked and ran, Bahir would track him down and being him back.
"You're more than welcome to take him with you if you feel the need." Yasmine said as the small group approached her while she was sitting in the sand. "I have other drakes that I can ride just as easily."