Seeking a Timelord...

Looking down at the glittering gems and crystals on his tableau, the Primarch sighed. "There will always be witches. Some will just be innocent people In the wrong time. Some are witches and wizards. Some are just innocent. Victims of hate and desire."

"I have an errand to run. A wrong to right." snapping twigs on the tableau he moved with alacrity, faster than possible to watch and duplicate. Moments later the doors opened and he was rushing out to drag a moldering corpse inside. Another trip to his weird tableau and he was back outside. But this time there was screaming and yelling. And a great deal of heat.

Staggering back in he was dragging a youngish female inside.

"Well that's done. And gonna cause a great deal of havoc with the timey-whimey nonsense everyone is always yammering about. But not as much as it could." Back over to the tableau and the doors shut with him looking at a scrying mirror. "Nope, no lasting effects on time. So, all is good. Except for the Meddler."

Looking at the three female he gave them a warning glance. "Not his name, but he does meddle in things not his business. A lot. Oh, and yes that's your daughter.. your mum. But you knew that already.. catch on quick you do."

A sudden loud thumping on the doors had him toggling and twiddling like a mad man. "Hmm.. where won't he go so I can have a moment to think and speak with the three of you.. Tranzalore.. Perfect."


Three hours the Primarch rushed around his strange table of magic and wonder. Three hours before he slowed and stopped.

Then he took a seat on a step inside his weird and wondrous cave inside a tree.
The corpse collapsed in on itself and became a disturbing pile of dust as soon as Firelight reached out to touch it. She softly gasped but didn't shy away.

Greenly was occuppied with stopping Ember from screaming. She held her daughter close, as she did when she'd been a young child, whispering assurances and humming soft lullabies as she rocked her in her arms. Ember went limp, sensing the worst was over and she was somehow safe with her mother, she grew quieter, softly weeping.

Firelight sat back, simply watching the scene before her. She daren't speak, lest the spell be broken. This was her mother! But, the problem she saw here was that here she was, ten years older...Her mother would not likely know her in this form. She feared frightening the woman, now just five years her senior. Still, it was amazing, having her mother back! Firelight found herself at a loss for how to react. She regarded the ashes and then finally looked back to The Primarch. He was incredibly busy but she wished she could comprehend what he was doing better. She had so many questions!

It took a full hour before Ember was calm enough to look at her mother and see how different she was. "Mother, what's happened to you?" She whispered.

Firelight's foreboding increased and she turned her face from her family, fighting her tears.

In another hour Ember had finally taken notice of the others in the space with them. Her attention settled on Firelight. Firelight still couldn't meet Ember's gaze. Ember finally said, "You remind me of someone..." in a groggy voice as she lost consciousness.

"What do I do? What do I say to her?" Asked Firelight tearfully as they guarded the young witch in Greenly's embrace."
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"Speak only true, hide nothing, embrace the future." The man said as a thunderous sound shook the tree they stood within. "We are here. Tranzalore. The end of all things. The Endless Graveyard."

Walking over he opened the doors once more and stepped outside. "Privacy I give you. For what must be shared. For what must be spoken."