Northwest on Earth (closed)

Misha giggled, squeaking in surprise at the spank he landed on her ass. "Ooo yes, I'm so ashamed of the man whose cum I'm currently wearing," she teased in response. She couldn't help but pause to simply look at him as he settled into position at the front of the boat. Even doing something so simple, he looked so utterly sexy that she seriously contemplated jumping him again here and now. Only, then her stomach grumbled, and she promised herself that they'd spend the rest of the evening in bed together when they got back home, and she guided the boat slowly toward the village docks.

The town was relatively busy, mostly with other tourists heading to dinner, like they were. Misha climbed out of the boat and only the dock, feeling awkwardly aware that her dress was short enough to flash someone if she bent over too far. It took her longer than normal to get up onto the dock in her effort to keep herself properly covered. She was blushing by the time she straightened, and the look on Charlie's face told her that he found her efforts at least a little amusing, so she stuck her tongue out at him.

They walked together down the street a little ways, and Misha remained aware that entire time of Charlie's eyes on her. She couldn't help herself - she found herself adding a little extra swing to her hips with each step, and her skirt ride up ever so slightly (not enough to be improper, but certainly enough to be tempting). And all the while, she wore an impish expression that said she knew exactly what she was doing. however, thankfully for Charlie (or maybe sadly, depending on how much he was enjoying the view) the restaurant Misha wanted to take him to was only a little more than a block away. The entrance was quite humble, but the smells wafting out the door were exceptionally appetizing.

"I know it doesn't look like too much," Misha observed as they walked in, "but they have the best food and the best view on the island." As she spoke, the dining room came into view, revealing an entire wall that was open to the air and gave the entire restaurant a stunning view of the ocean and the blazing sunset.
"I thought the best view on the island was when you were getting out of the boat and your dress rode up," Charlie said, in a quietly conversational tone as they walked into the restaurant. It was typical of restaurants in beach towns the world round, decorated with fishing nets and crab traps, buoys and fittings from boats, with actual brass hurricane lamps on the tables.

"It's perfect," he said, looking around, taking in the decor and the spectacular view. He started to reach for her and then remembered they weren't touching, and awkwardly covered for the slip by scratching behind his ear. "And it smells spectacular."

He couldn't help holding her chair for her to sit, and when he sat, he gave her a slightly forced smile. They had been spoiled by a week of indulging every erotic impulse, and now that they were restraining themselves, he found it frustating to hold back from touching, kissing, fondling her.

"So, what's good," he said, opening the menu to distract himself. He looked up, and then his eye was caught by a TV screen over the bar. "Look!"

He pointed, as the trailer for Northwest started to play. With the sound off, it lost a lot, but for much of the next half-minute, he was on the screen, mostly in leather pants and no shirt, looking brave and heroic as things blew up around him. At the end of the trailer, a date. Less than two months away. In a few weeks, he'd be back in the states, doing promotions. It was a dream come true, but it was slightly soured, because he knew it meant leaving Misha.
Misha smiled awkwardly when Charlie reached for her and apparently remembered halfway through the motion that he wasn't supposed to. She shot him a grateful look - he wasn't the one risking everything by having this relationship, and that he still put such effort into keeping it secret for her sake was incredibly sweet of him.

They sat down and Misha was about to suggest a few things from the menu when Charlie's gaze suddenly snapped to the bar and he exclaimed, "Look!"

She did. And at first she didn't quite understand what she was seeing. It was Charlie, looking like some kind of action hero, flashing across the screen doing various exciting things. It wasn't until the title came up at the end that she realized it was a movie trailer. But of course it was. Charlie was an actor. He'd been joking about going back to LA to be famous, but she had always kind of assumed he was kidding. Something about his attitude had made her think that... but then, if she was in his position, she probably wouldn't quite be able to believe it either.

She stared openly at the screen until the trailer ended, then stared at it for several seconds more before turning to look at Charlie again, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. She tried to speak twice before words would even come out.

“Was that you?!” she asked, her voice low, as if it was some kind of secret. Then she shook her head. “Wait, no, that was a stupid question. I mean, does that… is that…” She cut herself off, frowning at her inability to straighten her thoughts out enough to form a coherent sentence. She took a moment to take stock of the various emotions that were all vying for her attention.

First and foremost, there was surprise or, perhaps more accurately, disbelief. Not of the “I think you’re lying” type, but rather of the “I can’t believe something so amazing is happening” type. The surprise was followed immediately by joy. Words couldn’t even come close to expressing how happy she was for him. Given how hard she was falling for him, it came as no surprise to her to realize that there were few things in the world she wanted more than his happiness and success. And buried beneath both of those was a kernel of anxious doubt - Charlie, it seemed, was a movie star. Could she really compete with the women that doubtlessly threw themselves at him back in LA? Did he even want her to try, once the month was over?

But her concerns were easily pushed aside for happier emotions, and she grinned a wide, genuine smile at him. She forgot herself for a moment, reaching across the table to grasp his hands. “I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it!” She realized, as she was speaking, that she’d broken her own no-touching rule, and withdrew her hands with a sheepish grin, fully aware that if there hadn’t been a table between them, she probably would have kissed him. But even with her little mistake, her expression didn’t change from her smile. She doubted that much of anything could ruin her mood at the moment. “I can’t even… I don’t…” She laughed, shaking her head. “I’d say that I’m happy for you, but that would be the understatement of the year.” She leaned across the table toward him, her expression turning a bit teasing. “You should wear leather pants more often,” she informed him in a low, conversational tone. “They’re quite flattering on you.”