To Capture a Captain's Heart (closed)

"I know that well." Kayla said softly as she thought back on the offer of his representative to help her to have a child after having lost her first.

She glanced towards Durban and let out a long, deep breath. "You have to promise me that no matter what is said about myself and what they might know about me, you will not be upset. I will not be writing a letter to Marri about how you got yourself killed defending me."
"Until you say th' word 'r they draw blades, I won' be doin' any fightin'. I may 'ave a temper, but I can 'andle myself in situations like this. If I get too angry, I'll step out."

"Milady," the voice of a royal guardsman came from the door. "Makarikov is approaching the courtyard."
Kayla nodded towards the guard and moved past her brother to greet the foreign prince in the courtyard. Christopher was there waiting, watching with a serious look on his features.

"No matter what happens, we're a team." She said softly, looking up at her husband and gently touching his arm.
"We are," Christopher replied with a resolute nod. Meeting her gaze, he couldn't help a small smile, pressing a kiss to her lips before he composed himself once more. They had all the chance in the world of fending off the Prince of Novgorod and remaining neutral, and he took some comfort in knowing that seemingly everyone in the castle was dedicated to following Kayla's lead with this particular problem.

The courtyard gate was already open, and soon Kayla could see an entourage of black and yellow, and four banners with the bear insignia. Unlike the group that General Nikodim Isaak who had come with few colors and nearly in secret, this escort was sure to let everyone know a Prince was coming to Trondheim. Twenty men in full armor with heraldic shields and longswords rode on battle chargers behind another twenty footmen and archers and two flag-bearers. In the center of a group of light cavalry were five men dressed in decorative armor without helmets, clearly the leaders, the central man in gold-trimmed armor clearly the leader. Behind them were more knights and footmen and two more banner-carriers. It was a parade of strength that would rile and intimidate the common folk. Ulfric knew the tactic- civil unrest meant one more thing for Kayla to worry about, and if the common people insisted on a fight, she would not be able to stay neutral lest she risk their distrust.

The group stopped outside the courtyard, as Christopher had demanded, and only the five men in decorative armor entered. The rest of the soldiers spread out around the courtyard walls in a defensive formation, but still close enough to the gates to rush in should their Prince be threatened.

With a half-suit of fine steel armor trimmed at the edges with gold, Konstantin Makarikov fit well into his group of chosen bodyguards, all of them armored and dressed richly. But Makarikov was lean, thin even, and only a few inches taller than Kayla. Like his bodyguards who sported long hair and beards, his long black hair was pulled back tightly into a ponytail, but his beard was neatly and perfectly trimmed to line his jaw and mouth. His confident mahogany eyes were focused and he almost seemed relaxed compared to the rest of his escort. He was also lightly armed compared to them, his sword belt only holding a blade on one side and a knife on the other while they all carried swords and bows. When they all dismounted, Makarikov straightened his black and yellow tabard and rested an arm against the hilt of a fine rapier at his side- a force of habit- and offered Kayla a handsome smile.

Needing no herald as Kayla chose to have none, he spoke, "Your Majesty, thank you for allowing my presence here today. I am Konstantin Marcos Makarikov the Third, Prince of Novgorod."

His four men all stood at his back, bowing in unison with him. Makarikov had a charming courtly presence, while they seemed stiff, hesitant to be so welcoming or trusting.
"Welcome to Trondheim." Kayla said as the prince greeted her with a charming smile and a low bow. "We are glad to offer you a chance to visit the city and discuss what matters need to be discussed while you are here."

Kayla took a step towards him, extending her hand towards him. "I'm Kayla Ghis. We haven't had the pleasure to meet formally. This is Christopher Callaghan, my husband and Lord Protector of Norway. He will be the one seeing to your guard while you are here."
Makarikov met Kayla in a handshake, followed by Christopher. "Lord Protector. I hope my men outside the walls won't be too much a bother. They have been ordered to keep to themselves. These four with me are my usual guardians, though only one of them will be attending any meetings with me, as my adviser."

"They will be accommodated, and anything your men outside may need will be supplied within reason," Christopher assured him, earning a smile from the Prince.

"Very kind, sir."

"Please, come in and we'll introduce you to our own council," Christopher welcomed him, remaining pleasant but straight-faced.

"Lead on." Makarikov nodded to his men and two went to take their horses outside the walls, and two came with him.

Inside, Kjotva and Kayla's jarls were waiting patiently, all looking up from some quiet conversation as the doors opened again.
"Allow me to introduce Kjotva Arslansdottir." Kayla said as she came to her sister queen, bidding her to stand to keep Makarikov. "She is a dear friend of mine and a fellow ruler. She will be joining us as a representative of the Triad as we continue with our talks."
Recognition registered in Makarikov's eyes, likely that he'd heard of what happened to Kjotva. As she stood, he shook her hand as well, and they exchanged quiet greetings.

Christopher then introduced Ulfric. "And this is General Ulfric Moor, our chief adviser and my mentor." Makarikov was particularly interested to meet Ulfric, and they exchanged words briefly in Rusian before Makarikov was introduced to the attending jarls.

Once all introductions were finished and Makarikov was seated with his adviser and his other three men went back outside, refreshments were served and Makarikov watched all around him with quite a bit of interest. He seemed intrigued by how the Trondheim court worked, and mildly impressed at how smoothly things went and how polite even the most aggressive-looking warriors were.
"I will tell you now, my lord, that I do not know what you intend to accomplish here." Kayla said as refreshments were brought out for those in attendance. "I have a deep friendship with Monomahk and I have no interest in upsetting that friendship."
"I understand that," he nodded. "And I have come to express my concerns in a less... aggressive way than my general did. Which I must apologize profusely for. Though I gave him the power to deal in my stead, he was not meant to insult you. But let's leave that distasteful matter aside. I have come not to ask that you break your friendship with Monomakh, but that you amend your treaty with him."

"And what amendments do you believe we should apply?" Christopher asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The treaty includes such things as an understanding of his borders, his allies, the separation of Kiev from the other states in the Rus... all trivialities which I care little for. The two glaring mistakes which I wish rectified are first, that he is addressed as the future Grand Prince. He is not a Prince, and therefore cannot rightfully become Grand Prince. Secondly, his son is addressed as heir and future Prince of Kiev should Monomakh take the Grand Prince title. Again, as Monomakh is not rightfully a Prince, neither will his son be. A simple change of phrasing is all I ask." He offered a smile as if it were truly nothing, that he really had come all that way to ask for a piece of paper to be rewritten with more appropriate titles.

"What exactly does this one treaty matter to your issue with him?" Kjotva finally spoke up after a long silence. "Surely one peace treaty won't stop either side from coming out the victor."

"This is not about winning some fight over the title of Grand Prince. That was settled some time ago. This is about observing the will of the people who rebelled against Novgorod generations ago, who wanted their own leader to take over. Monomakh comes from the old line which was dethroned, but his predecessors managed to trick the Princes into agreeing to his legitimacy and moved the capital of the Rus to Kiev."

"Even though the common people of the Rus today have chosen him by a landslide, as well as the Princes?" Kjotva asked, earning a concerned glance from Makarikov.

"They do not know the usurper they have uplifted. I aim to unveil him for what he truly is- a commoner from a family deemed unworthy to rule. And I must start small, first by revealing his illegitimate claims to those around him. Even if it's as simple as changing 'Prince' to simply 'lord' on a small treaty document. He and his family do not have the right to such a high title as Prince."
"By that logic, neither do I." Kayla said as she listened to His demands. "I am the last daughter of a minor king of Scotland. I happened to marry the king of Norway and upon his death, I inherited the kingdom. Simply because my path to the throne is unlikely, it doesn't mean that it's wrong in any way."
"Your path was legitimate. As the widow of the King, short a time as you were married, the throne is rightfully yours," Makarikov insisted. "The privilege of succession was taken from Monomakh's family by means of rebellion, and given to my own family for having led the way. For him to claim he is a Prince now is like a beggar claiming he's rich just because his grandfather once was, before gambling it all away."

"You speak of succession and privilege, but that privilege is given and taken by the people. If the common people love him, their choice should stand," Kjotva insisted.

"This is a difficult subject. Yes, the common people's opinions do matter, but so does the proper ascension of nobility."

"But aren't your predecessors commoners?" She asked, and Makarikov's charming demeanor seemed to dampen slightly. "By your logic, only true nobles can take the titles. Monomakh is from a noble line. You are not."

"Nobility was taken from his family and awarded to mine. Until that change is reversed, he is no Prince," Makarikov told her, something of a challenge in his voice though he remained civil.

"And that nobility is taken and given by the people. If they have chosen to love Monomakh, then he is nobility to them."
"I refuse to help someone usurp a throne, no matter how firm or legitimate their claim is. The very last thing I want to do is involve my country in a bloody war. There has been too much suffering as it is under Olaf. I know that my Jarls will agree with me on that." Kayla said, glancing to the men assembled and her brother who was standing as her guard just behind where she was seated.

"I do feel for you, my lord. Don't think that I do not understand what you wish to happen. I am saying that you will not find much support here."
"Am I to take this to mean you support Monomakh?" Makarikov asked.

"He may be a friend, but Norway has had enough war. We intend not to throw our lot in with either side," Christopher explained, not liking the way Makarikov fixed him with such an unreadable expression.

"We all must choose sides, my lord. Because in the end, whoever wins will reward his friends and single out his enemies. Neutrality is simply being against both sides."

Durban's hand laid on Kayla's shoulder, standing a bit closer beside her.
"No. Neutrality is having the peace of mind to step back and look at both sides of an issue." Kayla said as Christopher tried to explain their position. "Your fight is with him. I'm afraid that you will not find many here willing to help."

Kayla took in deep breath as she felt her brother's hand on her shoulder. "I would also advise you in the future to not plant spies in the inner circle of a country's monarch that you are hoping to gain favor with. Yes, I lost my child and it pains me greatly. However, you will find that I have my mother's vicious spirit when it comes to my family and no matter if I lost that child or not, I will fiercely protect it and it's memory until my dying breath."
"In that case, I suppose I can't buy your temporary loyalty either," Makarikov sighed. "You've made a mistake, Your Majesty." That made Kayla's men rather tense as Makarikov finished a glass of wine and stood. "A wasted journey. What a shame. Come, Brovik," he said to his bodyguard, and the man rose to join him. "You have one week to change your mind, Your Majesty," Makarikov warned calmly. "I have some business down the coast to attend to, so send riders should you make the right choice."

Makarikov and his guard stepped out, and almost immediately, Kjotva murmured, "He's not going to let us stay neutral."
"No. But I will not be bullied." Kayla said softly as the Russians departed. "Nor will I back down. Let him do his worst."
"Will we take Monomakh's side if Makarikov threatens us?" Jarl Elgrif spoke up, an older man, thin and tall but secretly as powerful as any of his muscular counterparts. "Or will we remain neutral? And what if Monomakh calls for help, should he be overwhelmed?"

Everyone looked to Kayla at that. They could still maintain neutrality, and half were of a mind to stay just that way and keep on the defensive. But the other half saw Makarikov's threat as a clear sign to join Monomakh and end the threat to both the Triad and the rest of the Rus.
"I do not believe he will simply stop at regaining his throne. If he gets a taste of power, what is to say that he won't turn his sights to any other members of the Triad? Would we be willing to sit by idly as our borders are attacked? I personally will not. I will not see innocent people killed or forced from their homes." Kayla said resolutely, looking at her jarls. "I might not have been born in your country, but Norway is in my blood now. I will not see her fall or fail. I promise that to everyone here."
"We strengthen our defense and await him to make the first move," Ulfric spoke up at her side. "We have enough sources and scouts along the border of Sweden and at ports along the Baltic and the Barents Seas to know if Makarikov's men mobilize toward us or if a part of his navy sets sail in our direction, enough warning to organize a defense to pre-empt most plans of attack. If he wants to make trouble, he's going to be met with calm, prepared warriors who are ready days before he arrives, with a plan in place. I intend to keep civilian casualties to an absolute minimum. There will be no raiding on the coasts or in villages. No matter what numbers he has, our strength lies in our distance from him. If he's smart, he'll figure out quickly how much it costs to mobilize a sizable force across the Scandinavian wilderness and seas... if he fights. If he does not... It's up to Kayla what we will do should someone call for help. I doubt he'll keep to just the Rus. Lithuania's probably in for more trouble, the same with Finland."
"We must all be ready for what may come." Kayla said softly as Ulfric addressed everyone around them. "Prepare those under your care for war and pray that it does not come to that."
As the council of Jarls began to disperse, one approached Kayla. She was one of only two women amongst all Kayla's Jarls. The other was an older woman of great respect and strength that Kayla had only gotten the chance to meet once in person so far. This young woman, barely Kayla's age, was just about the opposite. Kayla had heard some talk of her small hold, simply called Fjordshold as it was still young and had no proper name yet. Jarl Sajal Rogeirsdottir had been appointed when her father and only brother died defending against a pirate raid during Olaf's attack on Inverness. Sajal was capable, but she had never learned to run a hold as her older brother had been the heir. And being in a harsh place on the border of Sweden on the Baltic coast, she was struggling both with domestic issues and with the very real possibility of being the first Norwegian hold to suffer attack by land or sea.

Sajal came before Kayla, bowing her head. "Milady. I know you must want to organize defense immediately, but may I have a moment of your time?" She was young, brave as any of the warriors, and able, but she seemed to quake in the presence of royalty. Kayla had seen the same of other young jarls who were scarred by their time serving Olaf.
Kayla looked upon the woman as the approached, seemingly nervous at addressing her. She gave the woman a warm smile. Looking towards Christopher and Ulfric.

"I'm sure the two of you can handle things at the moment." She said softly before she stood from her seat and bade the girl to follow her.

As they entered her office and Durban closed the door behind them, Kayla glanced at her with a look of apology. "This is my brother, Durban. He is acting as my guard while we are under threat and my Ma would be very upset if he let me alone."
"No, that's understandable," Sajal murmured with a respectful nod to Durban. "What I have to say is somewhat private, though. I'd appreciate it if it didn't leave this room."

"No' a word," Durban assured her, keeping near the door while Kayla and Sajal sat down together by Kayla's desk. He didn't intend to intrude, respectfully distracting himself with some papers Ulfric had given him to read over later, pulled from his belt.

Sajal looked at Kayla with an expression of fearful helplessness, though she was trying to conceal it behind a calm mask. "I need help, milady. I hate to ask with all the tension and the threat of possible war on the horizon, but..."
"I can only help if I know what the problem is." Kayla said with a kind, warm smile towards Sajal as she tried to seem so calm and collected with the monarch of her country. "I know that you've had a difficult time with the death of your brother and father, but you have been doing a beautiful job from what I've heard from Ufric."