Bantering with Octagons

Turkeys can't speak, 'cept on Tuesdays, of course. Though, in their behalf, they did invent the flower teleporter. Truly a marvel of modern plumbing.
Atlantis sinks but the double dragons are forever tatooed on my arms as everything becomes nothing becomes less than nothing. Tao, baby, Tao... What do you get when you subtract the Universe from itself? Tao, baby, Tao...
Perky - Not to break the flow of this thread but you're wrong. Tao is intimately related to tantra and some of the innermost secrets of magick.

This very body is the lotus of the true law, linking human beings to birth and death by the red thread of passion. This concept is closely related to Tantric Buddhism, which uses sexual union as a religious ritual. This is a a non-dualistic interpretation of the sexual act, realising this very body is the Buddha-dharma.

From the world of passions returning to the world of passions:
There is a moments pause.
If it rains, let it rain; if the wind blows, let it blow.
-- Ikkyu

In whom does Buddha cause
passion? Chao-chou said, Buddha causes passion in all of us.

The monk asked, How do we get rid of it?

Chao-chou said, Why should we get rid of it?

And let me add one more:

Isnt the secret intent
of this great Earth, when it forces lovers together,
that inside their boundless emotion all things may shudder with joy?

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

Tea for tao, and tao for tea, me for... ah to be young and in a musical revue again that features large unidentified creatures taking on the form and substance of stuffed dumplings.
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haahahahahah, dilly we weren't bantering<teasing on some level), right? LOL, I was wondering if you could resist. And youuuuuuuu couldn'ttttttt..haahaha. You're wonderful, Dilly:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

I am amused to the depths of my kitkat bar.
Resistance is textile said the turtle to the Walrus in the John Lennon suit as they watched the strippers in the Kit Kat Club.
Resistence is futile, but the kitkat club is always elusive to some. Are you worthy of sauce?
In the Klub's cellar

Sauce or not, Magritte's Daliance with the eyeball offends the Host, who opined "Don't be a chump. Be a smarty - come along, don't leave the Party"
Mel Brooks dances the tango with Pretty Boy Floyd to the tune of Dali's Midnight Sonata while the many pears of desire float in tabasco.
The streetcar runs over the yellow Morgan, while the goggle-eyed Stormtrooper reaches inside his jumpsuit for the Mime.
Jimi6996 said:
The streetcar runs over the yellow Morgan, while the goggle-eyed Stormtrooper reaches inside his jumpsuit for the Mime.

The Mime shot the sheriff; his fingerprints are lethal.
But...what will become of the dirty Barbie Dolls when the frogs slither in their remarkable time?
They'll wrestle in butterscotch pudding until their wings dry.
It seems obvious that butterscotch frogs in sparkly stockings would leave fingerprints. Therefore heralding the arrival of the fat Stormtrooper's ass.
If the stained brown jackboot is made for walking, why must the RuePaul wig be found in the foyer of Godiva's Secret?
To Sinatra or not to Sinatra that is the question. Or maybe its the anchovy?
Tap the vain, touch the sane, and be done with it man. There are only so many daggers in a day - don't waste them on backs with targets on them. Talking about Targets - did you drink a bit of the flask marked "Drink Me." Here's a shot gun for your troubles. ;)
Feed your head, get some head, give some head, find some head. Its all about the head baby. Cheese.
Baby cheese, in those little individual mini wraps are really like a microcosm of humanity except for the cheese part... and the wrapper part.... and, did I mention the cheese part? Butterscotch wings and jackboot daggers, that's where its at!