Editor Wanted



Hi! I'm writing a series called "Joker's Wilde". I submit chapters in pairs and have just finished lucky number seven. I plan on categorizing it as Non-consent, but it includes incest, BDSM, and anal. If you aren't familiar with any of the previous installments, I'll warn you that I get pretty down and dirty.
I would appreciate anyone who would be willing to give me edits and feedback via .doc attachments.
Not an official volunteer editor

I'd be willing to take a look, but you should probably take a look at my soon-to-be-revised-and-expanded Hawaiian Punched series first. That way you can avoid taking editing advice from someone whose writing you don't like. You can find the first chapter here. http://www.literotica.com/s/hawaiian-punched-ch-01

Then pm me or use the 'send private feedback' option at the end of the story if you're still interested.