X-Men: Lost Planet (OOC)

The Jeffinator

Super Saiyan Blue
Mar 13, 2005
The Infinity War had raged on for over a year. The X-Men had joined forces with the Inhumans, the Avengers, and the Guardians of the Galaxy against the armies of Thanos, traveling in a spaceship modeled after their Blackbird jet, christened "Starhawk". In the height of the battle, Thanos managed to secure the Tesseract -- the Space Gem -- and ripped open several wormholes to unknown locations. The Starhawk was pulled into one of these rifts, flinging the X-Men into distant space. Then, the wormhole slammed shut behind them, trapping them in a far-off galaxy where none of the constellations were familiar.

The team spent weeks searching the area with long-range scanners, until finally they located a habitable planet. They were almost out of food and fuel and and soon life support systems would begin failing. They descended through the atmosphere, discovering it was mostly a tropical world with thousands of islands scattered about, some big enough to house jungles and rainforests. The planet is also populated by a variety of monster-like animals, and then the prisoners they have in the brig on the Starhawk break free and begin trying to tame some of the monsters.

These villains are led by Dark Phoenix, who is able to compel the monsters to obey her and their team. This becomes our characters' primary struggle, but it won't be just the fighting. It's also about the survival and the relationships that develop.