Pure Moonlight (closed)

"Mhm," Kreston rumbled. "She had a migraine so I gave her a little something for it from my herb garden and she's apparently contemplating just sleeping at the table." He turned to look back through the window into the kitchen where Selena just had her head down on the table with tea beside her. She was still awake but she didn't want to be.
"I'll go take care of her." Luna said, kissing her father's cheek before she moved into the house to tend to her ailing mother.

It was shortly after Luna helped her into bed that Telma appeared out of the darkness, a worried look on her face. When she saw Kreston, she relaxed a little bit but still looked completely concerned with something.

"Kreston? Would you come and talk to Ruben?" She asked in a soft voice. "He's starting to worry me."
"What's the trouble?" Kreston asked, leaving his mug on the inside of the will and sliding the window shut from the outside. It was easy to see her distress and he hugged her close. "Don't tell me you two are having problems already."
"No, it's not trouble between us. He's so haunted by what he saw." Telma said as her father in law hugged her tightly. "He won't talk to me about it but he's not sleeping and he's starting to frighten me with his moods."
"Ah, I see... I was hoping he'd never get that particular bit of Selena," Kreston murmured. "And me when I was a teenager," he added quietly. He opened up the door and called softly to Luna that he'd be back soon, and he took Telma's hand. "Are you going to come back with me or wait here? I know Ruben might say he doesn't need the support but he could certainly use it."
"I'll go with you. I just want him to be alright." Telma said, the concern written clearly on her features. "I've never seen him like this before."
"He broods with the best of them," Kreston murmured, taking her arm and looping it through his own to head back to her home with Ruben. Ruben was working on a garden fence to keep rabbits away, but he was so restless that he hadn't even stopped for nightfall.

"Ruben?" Kreston asked softly, and his son looked up from the fence. He was using a candle to light up just enough so he could see where the notches and nails would go.
Telma held her breath as Kreston finally got Ruben's attention. She had been trying to get him inside for hours, first to eat and then because she was concerned. It looked like Ruben didn't even want to stop as his father called his name.

"I'll go and get some tea for us all." Telma murmured softly, giving her mate an apologetic look before she let go of Kreston's arm and left the two of them to talk.
Through the open window, Telma could hear Kreston begin. "You can't do this to her, son. I know you're afraid and I know you're worried, but making your mate go for help because she can't reach you is just too much."

"I know... But I just want to bury myself in work until I forget what I saw..." Ruben murmured.

"You'll never forget, Ruben. No one who has ever seen those horrors will ever forget. But if we don't continue with our lives, we'll just run in circles and end up hurting the ones we love."
Telma heard Kreston trying to soothe his son's wounded mind as she got the water boiling and three mugs set out for all of them. She had been scared that she was losing Ruben all together. She was scared to tell her family that there was trouble with her mate. She didn't want to add to their burden or concern her father with the mess.
Kreston managed to bring Ruben inside, and Telma would see tears in Ruben's eyes. He'd never been one to show fear, not since he was very young. Kreston spoke to him softly, talking him through the choices he needed to make for himself and Telma and a future family.
Once the mugs of tea were ready, Telma sat down at Ruben's side and took his hand in her own. She squeezed it tightly, worried that she was losing him to the horrible thoughts in his mind. She knew that Kreston would try his hardest to help his son through this difficult time.

"Ru, I know you hurt but you've really scared me." Telma murmured softly, feeling guilty for putting that burden on his shoulders. "I want to help you, but you push me away."
"I'm sorry, love," Ruben muttered, hugging her close against his side. He hadn't realized exactly how much he'd been pushing the world away and her included.

"I think he just needed dear old Dad to give him a wakeup call and remind him that he can't be ruled by fear," Kreston said with a reassuring smile.
Telma pressed her cheek against his chest as Ruben apologized to her for pushing her away. She let out a soft sigh, hoping that what Kreston had been telling him would really sink into his brain. She had been horribly terrified for her mate the past few days, even if everything had started to look up briefly.
Kreston only lingered long enough to make sure Ruben had really come to, and for all of them to finish their tea. Before he left, however, he and Ruben shared a few words at the door and Kreston kissed his son's forehead and headed home. Ruben remained by the door a long moment, lost in thought, until he glanced back to Telma. He didn't say a word, but she could read the determination in his amber eyes when he came to wrap her up in his embrace again with a very serious kiss. When he made up his mind about something, he could hardly be dissuaded. And apparently he'd decided to prove she had gotten through to him and he was listening.
Telma clung to her mate, shaking like a leaf as he kissed her and hugged her tightly. She needed to believe that he was alright and would continue to be alright.

"Don't hide from me, Ru." She murmured softly as she nuzzled against his shoulder. "I go crazy when you do."
"I'm sorry, love," he murmured and kissed her once more. "I let it all get to me and I couldn't handle it. I promise... If I ever start to feel like that again, I'll open up and get help."
"I know." She murmured, looking up into his honest, amber gaze. "And I should tan your hide for hiding from me to begin with."

Telma mustered up a small smile before she rested her head against his shoulder, letting out a sigh as she forced herself to relax. He was alright and they would be fine.
"You could, but I don't think either of us would enjoy that," Ruben teased her gently while he cradled her form close to his chest. "I think I just... Lost my way. But I'm back on track now, for my sake as much as yours," he promised her. "After all... If I'm going to have cubs of my own, I don't want them to bury their own problems like that. I have to be a good example."
"Cubs can wait just a while longer, Ru. I want you to be 100% when we take that big step." Telma murmured softly as he cradled her so much closer. "I think you'll be a wonderful father one day, Ruben. Just like your Da and mine. We have a lot to live up to as parents."
"I'm not in a rush. But I do need to make sure everything's right when they do come. For all our sakes." Ruben took her hands then. "Let's get to bed, love. It's getting late."
"I've been waiting to hear those words from you for days." Telma confessed as she pressed a kiss to her mate's cheek and let him lead her to bed.

She snuggled up next to him after he had secured their cabin, happiness showing in her eyes as she simply lay next to her handsome wolf. She loved him deeply and had been incredibly worried for his mind. Now that he was back, Telma was going to make sure that he never disappeared from her again.
The next day, Ruben was right back to work but he seemed more alive, more willing to stop and talk with passersby or just slow down to follow Telma for a while. Kreston made sure to stop by and check on them once he was sure Selena was alright at home with her rough morning and racing thoughts. When Ruben went out to the lumber and fishing operation, he took Jan with him to get him back into the swing of work.

As for Luna, it was quite the surprise when Karn, usually just as busy as Luna herself, came to visit.
Luna had been packing some herbs to take to her grandfather when Karn arrived. She was surprised, but very pleased to see him. Putting aside her work, she invited him to sit outside under the great oak tree in front of their home.

"I'm glad that you found some time to come see me." Luna said with a smile for him as she leaned back against the thick trunk.
"After all that's happened, I wanted to make sure you're doing well. And I have some happy news." Karn smiled as he settled across from her. His expression softened. "You know I've always loved you Luna, but I'm glad you found your love even if it's not me. I knew it wouldn't be me, so I kept my eyes and my heart open. And... I think I figured out who I really want."