Beyond Time (closed)

"Hopefully not for sixty years at least," Ashien chuckled before sinking slowly into her welcoming body with a soft groan.
Dylan let out a long, low cry as her husband slowly sank into her body. It didn't matter that they had already had sex like rabbits just a few short moments before, Ashien wanted her in the most basic way. She wasn't about to tell him no.
Their lovemaking lasted well into the night, slow and purposeful, and as an afterthought, their first attempts for a family of their own. Ashien slept well, out of sheer exhaustion, late into the next morning until Kitty came knocking to steal Dylandra away to fit her for a gown.
Dylan lifted her head from the pillow as she heard a knocking at the door. She sighed, rubbing her eyes as she pulled herself from bed, dressed and answered, seeing Kitty standing there with such an eager smile on her face.

"Good morning, Kitty. How are you?" Dylan asked, kissing her mother in law's cheek before she gently closed the door behind her. "Ashien is still asleep."
"Good morning, dear. Nice to know Vincenzo didn't have to knock him out again," Kitty nodded. "I decided it's high time I start on that gown of yours, Marri agrees, so we want to get a few measurements and your input before we start."
"Oh, Kitty. You don't have to do that." Dylan said as Kitty insisted that she was there to measure Dylan and get her opinions on the wedding dress. "I can just as well wear one of the gowns that I brought from London. It doesn't really matter to me."
"My dear lass, one of my life's joys is weddings and putting them together. My mind is made up. Now if you want a say in how the dress looks, you ought to come along or I might go a little crazy with it on my own," Kitty chuckled before turning to head back to her own room. "If all else fails, I'll just ask Ashien for your measurements."
"Oh, I'm sure Ashien knows them by heart." Dylan said with a chuckle. "Your son enjoys spending his money on me to show me off at King Henry's court. He wants everyone to know the Lady of Darkwood is just as beautiful as his paintings portray."

Dylan followed after Kitty as she lead the way back to her apartments. Marri was already waiting, a pile of various fabrics sitting beside her.

"Julia sent us quite a few things to choose from." Marri said as she stood and grinned at her sister in law.
"Any color you fancy, love?" Kitty asked as she began flipping through the different bolts. "Ashien will be wearing his uniform and a traditional Ghis tartan sash." From the banners around the keep and tapestries in the halls, Dylandra knew those colors to be blue, white, and black. But the family also kept the banners of allies, including King Henry's red and gold, King Bernard's green and gold, and soon Norway's colors would join as Norway's throne belonged to the Ghis, specifically Kayla.
"Ashien likes me in silver and gold. I think he likes it because it makes my hair stand out that much more." Dylan said as they settled in the parlor. "But I enjoy blue as well. Light blue is probably my favorite."
"We can certainly do a combination of those. Silver and gold go nicely with blue, though we can leave most of the 'golden' part to your hair. I happen to have a lovely braided silk belt around here somewhere that's got golden and silver accents." Kitty went to dig through her wardrobe and vanity while leaving Marri to help Dylandra choose the right shade of blue.

"A lovely armband... maybe a silver torque. Hmmm..." Kitty muttered as she sorted through things.
"You make it sound like I'll be a Greek goddess or something." Dylan said with a laugh. "Although, I'm pretty sure Ashien already thinks that way about me."
"Ashien Ghis is a romantic and a dreamer. You've probably gone far above a Goddess in his mind at this point, beauty, mind, and flaws all," Kitty assured her. "And I wouldn't mind giving him a glimpse of that vision in his waking life."
"Kitty, even that might be a tall order for you. He would love you forever for it, but I'm not a goddess. I'm simply a woman who adores her husband, flaws and all." Dylan promised as Marri chuckled and drew out a few different pieces of cloth from the pile.
"You girls never learn. My children think the world of their loves. And I've always told my children never to marry unless they were certain that they were madly in love. Some took longer than others... but of course, Marri's seen my most decisive son's ways. It's probably Selena who took the longest."
"Durban is as stubborn as they come. You are lucky that Ashien has a heart that enjoys hopeless romance." Marri said with a smile towards her sister-in-law. "Durban just seems to want to wander, which is fine. He takes the boys and I stay home with Elise."

"I think Ashien would be content with a house full of little girls." Dylan admitted. "He always seems to have a sweet spot for women."
"All of my boys do," Kitty chuckled. "I think that's because of little Kayla. None of them care about carrying on their name if there's a chance to have a sweet little lass. Not that they have much to worry about... Ladies in our family tend to keep their maiden name. Most of all I think Durban and Boar needed little girls to calm them down. I think it would do Ashien some good too. He can't resist feminine charms, and he calms down around ladies in his family."
"Elise has her Da wrapped around her little finger. He will drop everything to do what she asks." Marri commented. "It's looking like Boar is shaping up to do the same for Kayla. Brogan certainly does for Annie when she wants to ride."

"We've talked about starting a little family soon." Dylan admitted, glancing towards Kitty. "It seems like the right time."
"Make sure when you do, you make Ashien send me a letter immediately," Kitty told her with a smile. "I can forgive him for hiding you, but not a grandchild."
"If I know him, he'll want you there and he'll make sure that you are." Dylan said with a chuckle. "He won't hide a child from you, Kitty. I promise."
"He'd better not, or I may have to set Carmena on him. She'll be even more outraged."

After about an hour of picking colors and styles, Ashien came wandering by.

"Ashien Vincent Ghis, don't you dare come snooping in here. This dress is going to be secret until the big day," Kitty warned him before he could step in and see what they were doing.
"Well, I wouldn't object if you came to save me." Dylan said with a chuckle as he stood in the doorway with a confused look on his face. "Your ma has been working hard on this though so you better not ruin anything."
"Well I can't save you if I can't come in, so you'll have to come out here," Ashien chuckled.

"Go on, love. We've got all our colors and input now. Go frolic with your troublesome man," Kitty ushered Dylandra toward him.
Dylan chuckled as her mother in law ushered her out of the room and towards Ashien. Once they were outside, she turned and pinched his arm hard. "You left me alone with her!"
"I did no such thing," Ashien insisted after jumping away when she pinched him. "When I woke up, you were gone. So I came looking for you."