Varangian Slavegirl: A tenth century Rus' princess is enslaved. (Closed)


Northumbrian Skald
Apr 24, 2014

Aelfric, at the head of fifty of his men, made his way through the streets of Constantinople leading from the docks. Constantinople is the greatest city in the world, attracting people from across the known world to crowd her streets and markets. Yet Aelfric's passage was unimpeded. No one would dare block the way of the Varangian Guard, the Emperor's personal bodyguard. Especially not so as Aelfric and his men were dressed for war, having just disembarked from campaigning against the Bulgars. Even high ranked officials made way for the iron and steel clad barbarian warriors with their large shields and long axes.

As the warband passed the slave market quarter Aelfric turned aside, instructing his men to proceed to the palace. During the campaign his last bed warmer died from the flux. Aelfric knew he was not getting any younger. He could tell by the difficulty in taking off his boots after a day of battle or march. At this stage in his life and career, he thought it well worth it to have a slave to do it for him. Back scrubbing and bed warming being the other two most important of their duties to their master.

A slim brunette with not overly large breasts and a nice little ass caught his eye. Not surprising as she stood out amongst the usual drudge types. In full armour he strode forward, the other buyers stepped aside respectably, until he was at the front. Aelfric stood and studied the slavegirl, something about her was familiar. The auctioneer noticing Aelfric's interest dragged the girl closer.
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Kaija paced as far as the chain attached to the bronze collar wrapping her throat allowed, she covered herself whenever a man looked her way and hid behind the other women who didn’t seem to care if men browsed them like cattle. Indeed, some of them openly displayed themselves as though they actually hoped to be purchased. It was the slave market of Constantinople. Kaija was ‘for sale’.

A buxom brunette and far cleaner in appearance than the average slave girl, she had several more scratches on her nubile body, evidence of a ‘stupid’ woman who had fought her captors enough to warrant physical correction. Kaija was much more than she appeared and had been brought across the sea to be sold in Constantinople. She supposed that Princess was a befitting title but it was never official. She was the daughter of one of Emperor Vladimir’s numerous concubines. As an obstinate Pagan, Vladimir was entitled to numerous wives and if the rumours were correct – over 800 concubines.

Kaija was never safe, her mother hid her from the world fearfully after hearing of the fate of another of the Emperor’s illegitimate daughters. It was for naught. Her arranged marriage was coming and on her 18th birthday she finally met her fiancé, he was a short, pudgy little boy of a man. He had never lifted his hands to work or fought well with a sword. His boyish face gave his innocence away, he was almost fearful of Kaija, an adventurous spirit.

When Kaija and her mother moved in with her fiancé to make the wedding preparations easiest, things became all too realistic for Kaija. She argued over every detail and her mother constantly hushed her and ordered her to acquiesce to her soon to be husband as was her place. Kaija didn’t like it and after another argument where she was shunned, Kaija took to the sea for the day in a small boat. She loved the smell of the ocean and the wash of the waves against the side of the tiny vessel. It kept her calm and allowed her space and time to consider. This time though, Kaija didn’t make it home. She was beset by pirates, a quality prize for the slavers, she would make them a good amount of coin and no amount of begging and pleading stopped them from stripping away her clothing to ‘get a better look at the merchandise’.

Slaves did not need clothes, they weren’t entitled to anything. Slaves were property. Kaija had been drilled with these words as she was smacked around by the pirates and eventually slavers. She’d been told many times that she was a worthless whore, she was nothing and she had nothing. It was ironic really considering Kaija was a virgin. She had been starved for her insolence many times but fed enough to ensure she didn’t become emaciated.

Kaija’s eyes fell across the crowd in a sweeping manner, she was trying to hide not only her body but her face as well. She’d allowed her hair to fall about her in a tangled mess. Her eyes, her mother often told her, were her father’s eyes. Dark green and sharp, they never missed a thing. They certainly didn’t miss the Varangian Guard moving through the quarter, their commander separating off from the group to enter the Market. Kaija’s eyes flew wide, she froze up as she recognized Aelfric; she had met him years ago when she was roughly fourteen or fifteen years old. He had been visiting the town, Kaija didn’t know why but she was as meek as a mouse when she was introduced to him. She barely spoke and let her mother blither on about the latest news of war and peace. Kaija watched just as she did now…unfortunately Aelfric looked right back at her. She looked left and right as though she hoped he was staring at any other girl there. No. The auctioneer pulled her forward, forcing her to move or be choked. Her arms fell to her sides, her eyes tightening with shame and distress as she tried to appear ordinary among the other slaves as though she had nothing to hide.

She knew he would inspect her and if he liked what he saw, he could bargain with the auctioneer for her price. Kaija had watched enough of the other women sold off to know what to expect. She was more educated than she hoped she appeared.
Aelfric is impressed enough to want a closer look. He takes off the heavy glove on one hand as he climbs the steps up to the platform. In a rather business like manner, Aelfric inspects the girl. His hand roams over her naked body looking for scars and imperfections. He seems to pause as he caresses her upturned palm. Aelfric lifts her head by the chin and forces her to open her mouth. He holds her mouth open as he inspects her teeth. When finished inspecting the condition of her teeth, he holds her chin and looks at her close.

He knows this girl, he is sure. It must have been some time ago, he would have remembered her otherwise. The girl is quite beautiful and he has an eye for such things. Not to mention the soft hands, good teeth and lack of scars tells him this girl is no ordinary wench. Aelfric has decided on his new bed warmer.

Moving his hand down her body he fondles one of her tits, giving the nipple a pinch. The girls flinch and attempt to evade the treatment of her nipple earns her a swat from the slave dealers crop across he buttocks. When she settles back down again, he roughly puts his large calloused hand between her legs and cops a feel of her cunt. Her reaction to this earns her two more swats. Aelfric waits patiently as she is disciplined. The auctioneer holds the slave's arms behind her head and kicks her legs apart for the prospective buyer's inspection of her genitalia.

Stepping close again, Aelfric again grabs the girl by her pussy and slips a rough finger inside her. The heavy war helmet and full beard cover his abject amazement. He checks again with his finger. Aelfric is sure of it, the slavegirl is a virgin. He touched her maidenhead.
Kaija didn’t like his hands roaming over her, while she had watched it happen to the other women, it was another matter entirely when it was her under inspection. Still, she held still as he examined her hands and when he forced her mouth open, she scoffed quietly in protest but allowed him to look at her teeth which were in premium condition for that day and age, she hoped that would not give much away. Commoners still had good teeth, right?

Kaija squealed as he pinched her nipple and tried to pull away, the chain was yanked and the slaver swatted her with his riding crop as though she were a common horse. She quelled her immediate shock and settled herself by silently berating herself, all the while she scowled at Aelfric openly. Her calm demeanor was short lived however as Aelfric’s hand made a quick movement to her most private of places. She jumped backwards and yelped as though he burned her, her hands moved quickly to stop his invading digits.

The auctioneer was not impressed and hit her hard on the buttocks twice this time. He then took her hands roughly, Kaija was shaking her head as tears of humiliation welled in her eyes against her will. She bit her lip hard to keep from crying out as the slaver kicked her legs open and Aelfric gripped her pussy tightly, stuffing a finger deep inside her. Kaija couldn’t look at him anymore, her head was shaking ‘no’ in protest and she tried to fight the slaver restraining her.

No one had ever touched her there, she saw some glimmer of question in Aelfric’s eyes as she stilled herself and then his finger moved inside her again. This time understanding seemed to dawn in his eyes along with some other emotion. Excitement? Anticipation? Lust? Kaija couldn’t be sure but she was waiting for the other shoe to drop as the slaver released her when Aelfric was done with his inspection and shoved her towards another man, one of the slaver’s worker bees who held her tightly to stop her from running, not that the chain would allow her to go far.

“She’s a fighter milord. To be sure. But she is untouched which makes her invaluable. She is worth hundreds of gold pieces at least. What would you offer for her?” The slaver asked, not wanting to insult the commander by demanding a price.
Aelfric almost chokes. "Hundreds!" he exclaims, "A mature eunuch only costs fifty! I think you value a transient thing like virginity too highly." More used to taking slaves for free or supplying them to market, Aelfric is constantly amazed at the markup on slaves from point of capture to the block in Constantinople. Which is one reason he has decided to directly import his own consignment. He stands back and looks back at the girl again. Skinny and a bit overly spirited. Both can be corrected. Beautiful and pure. Both temporary.

"One hundred," he announces.

It is the turn of the auctioneer to almost choke. "One hundred! Sire, please... I am just a poor auctioneer of goods. I sell on consignment. I would lose money. Please lord, I have a large family to feed and am responsible for the their upkeep until the slave is sold. Two hundred... please lord even at that price I make but a pittance," the man pleads and attempts to haggle. His fear of the barbarian giving way to his greed.

"Two hundred!" Aelfric roars, "Are you mad? Has the sun got to your head man?" Again the helmet and beard conceal his true emotions. Aelfric is enjoying himself. "One hundred," he reiterates. Then decides to sweeten the deal. "Plus... I have a consignment of slaves coming in. One thousand to be delivered in four batches this season. Half grown males the rest women and children. I need some one to handle the trade. Say ten percent to act as my agent."

The auctioneer does a quick calculation. "Done lord," he agrees, "One hundred for a virgin slavegirl and a ten percent agent fee on your sales." "Thank you Doux Aelfric for your business," he says using Aelfric's Byzantium military rank. Turning to a slave worker he orders Aelfric's new slave's chains struck off and replaced with a coarse rope leash.

Aelfric disappoints the dealer by proffering his seal on the bill instead of coin. Payment will come but the dealer will have to deal with palace bureaucracy to get payment. He is led to a tent and offered wine while a scribe writes up the dealer arrangement. His personal seal on the document completes the deal.
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Kaija watched on helplessly, restrained by the oaf behind her who could barely speak let alone say anything of intelligence. She watched the tennis match as Aelfric and the auctioneer bargained for her life like a piece of meat. When the auctioneer finally agreed, Kaija felt the last tiny remnant of hope leave her. The brute holding her then decided to drag her off, her chains were struck from her neck but the metal cuffs surrounding her wrists remained and her bronze collar had a length of coarse rope threaded through it. These were symbols of her enslavement as well as useful trinkets for her new owner’s use, should he wish it. Kaija was no fool, she knew what a slave looked like.

When her ‘leash’ was finally handed off to Aelfric, Kaija took the steps toward him numbly, her eyes remained downcast on the stone beneath her feet. She finally had to lift her eyes when it was time to leave, Aelfric had signed and sealed the paperwork and Kaija found herself wondering curiously about his living quarters, he was a soldier so she wondered if he had any permanent residency or if they would share quarters with his men. Kaija shuddered at that thought, her eyes drifting down over her naked and nubile young body, the thought of it being sullied and destroyed by that many men was almost too much to bear for young Kaija.

Kaija wanted to run but her feet stayed planted, she forced herself to remain calm in the face of tremulous imaginings that trampled through her mind. It was no easy task, the visuals she set herself were terrifying but the idea of being caught after an escape attempt was just as bad, if not worse. She had watched the auctioneer ‘discipline’ a girl who had run from him, she couldn’t have been more than 18, naked, hungry and scared when they found her. She was hiding in an alley but had fallen asleep behind some barrels out of sheer exhaustion. When the barrels were removed, the butcher had discovered her lying there. She was whipped until her back poured deep red blood and she passed out but only after screaming herself hoarse. All of the slaves were permitted (or forced) to watch as a reminder and a warning that the auctioneer did not like to lose his property.

Property, Kaija realized, ‘that’s all I really am now’, she thought to herself in silence and waited for Aelfric to lead her to home – wherever that might be.
Aelfric is hungry. Slinging his shield over his shoulder, to free a hand to lead his new bed warmer by her leash, he acknowledges the bows of the slave dealer and stalks off up the road, heading for the Forum of the Bull. The day is warming, so he removes his helmet and hangs it from his sword pommel. It's a ten minute walk to the market and public space. Except to give a tug to her leash a couple of times, Aelfric ignores the slave.

A taberna between two columns is Aelfric's destination. The beaming, bowing proprietor serves Aelfric personally. Aelfric takes the proffered stool. With barely a glance at her, he snaps his fingers at the slave girl and points to the ground beside him.

"Dolmades," Aelfric orders. He looks at the girl, noting her skinny condition. "For two. And wine, water one."

The proprietor signals a young girl who brings a skin of wine. She pours two large tankards, one she adds half water. The girl is pretty and reveals large breasts as she leans over to pour the wine. Aelfric has a good look. The wench giggles and smiles at the bearded warrior. He winks at her and gives her a bronze piece from a pouch. Taking it eagerly, she walks away saucily. Aelfric watches as she walks away.

The food appears promptly. Taking the flagon of watered down wine he puts it on the ground in front of his slave girl. He turns his attention back to his food. After a few minutes of stuffing his face and washing it down with copious amounts of wine, he hands the girl a grape leaf wrapped, spicy rice mixture dipped in a lemon sauce, feeding her from his own hand. He looks at her.

"What are you called slave?"
Kaija walked silently behind Aelfric as he tugged her along, her eyes remained firmly planted on the cobblestone beneath her feet as she tried to ignore the lecherous stares and lustful gazes of the men they passed by. Her nudity made her feel extremely vulnerable and appealing but Aelfric’s battle armour and prominent reputation were enough deterrent for even the boldest of men who wished to touch her.

He led her a little way before they came upon a tavern, much to Kaija’s dismay, she was eager to be out of public view but was immediately grateful for the dingy lighting in the brasserie. She looked at Aelfric as they stopped and he gestured to the floor with a snap of his fingers, she felt pitiful as she sunk to her knees with as much dignity and grace as her leash and owner would allow. Kaija tried to wipe the scowl from her face but the indignation she was feeling was overwhelming. It was one thing to walk and talk and be touched like a sex slave, it was another to take your meals on the floor like a common dog!

Kaija tried to contain her eye roll as the barmaid practically threw herself on Aelfric, her breasts almost suffocating the man as she poured the wine. But it worked, Kaija looked on in amusement as Aelfric flicked a piece of bronze her way and the maiden shuffled off with a shake of her derriere. Kaija smirked, men were all too easy in that way. As Aelfric set the watered down wine before her, Kaija wiped the look from her face and realized how thirsty she truly was, being paraded on the auction block eight hours a day was a long time between drinks!

She picked it up in both hands and drank deeply of it, even watered down, she enjoyed the sweet tang of the wine as it slid down her throat. Kaija was also grateful, this would certainly not get her drunk and she wanted to maintain her wits. Aelfric drinking pure wine had Kaija scheming on ways she could escape if he perhaps drank too much and passed out…

Aelfric offered a hand to Kaija and she snapped from her daydreams, setting her watery wine down on the floor half empty, he held a grape leaf with spiced rice aloft. She sensed rather than asked and took it from his hand in her mouth, her cheeks blooming bright red with humiliation, now she really did feel like a dog begging scraps from the table and being handfed. But by oath, she was hungry! She tried to eat slowly when all she really wanted was to swallow it whole!

"What are you called slave?"

Kaija swallowed the food down hurriedly and licked the remnants of sauce from her lips, this was the first time he had addressed her directly, “Ka-“. Kaija froze and stopped short of telling him her actual name, she thought better of it lest he might remember who she was and hurriedly covered it up by finishing, “-rina…Karina Sir, my name is Karina…it’s Nordic…” She finished in a mumble and dropped her gaze to the floor in case he might know she was lying.
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Watching with amusement as the girl devours the dolmades, Aelfric takes it as a good sign that Karina, so she says is her name, is healthy and strong. Nothing wrong in a slavegirl with healthy appetites, he thinks. The hesitation in stating her name could be just due to fear and nerves, but Aelfric runs through the Karens, Catherines and Karas in his mind he might know, trying to put a another name to her face. Nothing comes to mind.

"Karina. Pretty enough name, I guess it will do," he admits. "I am the Doux Aelfric Cild, Commander of the Varangian Guard to the Emperor Basil II. Obey and please me and you will find I can be fair if not kind," Aelfric instructs his new campaign bed warmer, "You will live in the Imperial Palace, your duties will be light and you will not want of food or wine. Please me and you will be arrayed in fine silks and adorned with gold and jewels." "Displease me and I will give you to my men as a barracks slave."

"Oh yes. One more thing."

Aelfric cuffs her across the back of her head. Not hard, more to get her attention.

"You will refer to me as Master from now on. Don't forget that," he states as he rises.

Tossing a couple of bronze pieces on the table, he tugs at his slave's leash and steps out into the square. Aelfric summons a four man palanquin waiting in the square. One of the porters straps his shield to the back of the chair for him. Deciding to divest himself of his thick bearskin cloak, he drapes it over the girl's shoulders. Seating himself in the chair, Aelfric takes up his slave's leash.

"The Imperial Palace," he orders, "And be quick about it."

Hefting their load to their shoulders, the porters set out at a jog up the southern branch of the Imperial Road leading to the palace complex about two kilometers away. The road, the Mese, is a broad avenue twenty five metres wide lined with colonnades. Shops and various trades operate from between the columns for the next kilometer.
"Karina. Pretty enough name, I guess it will do. I am the Doux Aelfric Cild, Commander of the Varangian Guard to the Emperor Basil II. Obey and please me and you will find I can be fair if not kind. You will live in the Imperial Palace, your duties will be light and you will not want of food or wine. Please me and you will be arrayed in fine silks and adorned with gold and jewels. Displease me and I will give you to my men as a barracks slave."

Kaija’s jaw dropped, at first she felt indignant as he said her name ‘would do’ and then that she should obey and would be fed well for her services and spoilt. When she was free, Kaija wanted for nothing and now she suddenly had to work for it? Apparently, with her legs spread. Kaija’s cheeks heated, she wanted to yell at Aelfric but she held her tongue until he was done, she was glad she had and clenched her legs together tightly, shaking at the idea of being given to Aelfric’s men to do with as they pleased.

"Oh yes. One more thing."

“Ow!” Kaija exclaimed as he cuffed her over the back of the head, it didn’t really hurt but where Kaija was from, that was rude!

"You will refer to me as Master from now on. Don't forget that."

“Yes…Master.” Kaija said between gritted teeth, holding back the waves of indignation as his threats and promises were still fresh in her mind.

Kaija scrambled to get up as Aelfric tossed coin on the table and tugged her leash, she followed him outside reluctantly, the breeze coming across her breasts and forcing her nipples to attention as goosebumps travelled over her skin. They walked over to the palanquin Aelfric had hailed, Kaija was surprised when he took his coat off and draped it over her shoulders, and she gripped the edges of it together tightly, trying to hide her body as much as possible.

Aelfric ordered the bearers to the palace and Kaija groaned softly, a palanquin was meant for a single passenger so Kaija would have to keep up on foot. Her leash would mean she would have to stay close or be choked. As the bearers took off at a jog, Kaija kept up, she had no shoes on and every so often she would kick a rock but otherwise, she was in good health. The cloak flickered open as she jogged alongside, offering peeks of her naked body to passersby every so often.

She tried to enjoy the scenery as she jogged but she never really saw any of it, her mind was far away thinking on her future and scheming about how she could escape this big pit she suddenly found herself in. Her plans of escape all entailed some small liege lord purchasing her when she was on the auction block. She never dreamed she would be bought by a military leader who would live in a barracks with hundreds of other men much less the Palace.

“My luck could not be worse…” Kaija mumbled too softly for anyone else to hear.
The interior city wall, the Severan Wall, causes a bit of a bottleneck in traffic up and down the Mese. Like all city gates and palace doors, Varangians stand guard. Dressed in blue tunics and red cloaks over their armour with their man high single bitted axes, plus the greater height of the Northman make them quite distinct. Several Varangians ensure that each person or cart passing through gets at least a look over. Certain contrabands can be slipped through the gate with a judicious coin in a guard's hand. Weapons, assassins, or fugitives are the main reason for the checking of goods and people here. One guard notices the approaching palanquin and recognizes it's occupant. With a quick shout, the guards begin to clear the road. Carts and people are shoved and bullied aside to make a clear path for Aelfric.

Aelfric halts the palanquin inside the gate and chats with his men. Being away from Constantinople for three months, campaigning against the Bulgars, he is a bit behind in palace gossip. An older veteran guard brings him up to speed on who is in and who is out at court these days. Aelfric takes the time to inform the guards on duty that in the next duty rotation, they are to be sent on campaign. This is greeted with a cheer. No Varangian prefers palace duties to a good battle. No matter the good pay and what can be fleeced from the citizens. All his men take the time to ogle his slavegirl. No one touches but the bearskin cloak is parted by a couple of soldiers. The voiced remarks are complimentary but crass and rude.

Looking at his new slave, Aelfric laughs, "And she came cheap too."

"We'll have to see how well she dances, eh boys !? And if she don't dance well. We'll just have to see how well she can entertain in other ways, eh!?"

This gets a laugh from all the guards.
Kaija watched in amazement as the sea of people parted before the palace at the mere sight of Aelfric approaching the gates. She had never seen so many people scurry out of the way before. She stayed with the palanquin, constrained by her leash which Aelfric still held tightly. Kaija was uneasy and uncomfortable soon enough though as she quickly drew the attentions of the soldiers in the quarter.

They flicked at the coat she wore, leered at her and pulled it up at the back causing her to twist and turn as many hands moved the garment to inspect its hidden treasures. One of them actually came to the front of her and parted the cloak more properly, his eyes burning into her breasts and exposed nether regions as he took a long look, encouraging the others to take their time as well. Many paid Aelfric compliments on his purchase without ever really speaking directly to Kaija. Her cheeks were red and enflamed with embarrassment and shame, she would never forget the humiliation of this. It was worse than the auction block in many ways, she was now the only naked woman and there was no one and nothing to hide behind.

Aelfric joked with his men about her ‘dancing skills’, Kaija felt her stomach drop then, dancing? What kind of dancing were they expecting? She doubted it would be the kind of formal dancing she was accustomed to. She whimpered so softly, none would hear it. She swallowed and folded her arms tightly, determined to be strong and formidable – or at least, appear to be. She really felt quite naïve and vulnerable, she was a virgin and Aelfric knew it, he couldn’t really expect her to understand much of what he was talking about, could he? Even a common girl wouldn’t know much of anything if she were an inexperienced virgin.

She lifted her chin and squared herself up, waiting for Aelfric to instruct her. She was not going to crumble now, she wiped the confusion from her face and rearranged her expression – hoping beyond hope that she appeared confident and sure of herself. Her feet and legs were sore from the long walk, she suddenly felt glad that she was not a palanquin bearer – those poor bastards would be sore after doing that all day surely!
"All right, men! I think we've held up traffic enough," Aelfric bellows out to his men, "Boring duty I know but it's not all about battle and glory..." This elicits a laugh from his men. Aelfric returns their laugh and waves the palanquin onwards.

The palanquin carriers hoist the carriage to their shoulders and set off on the same quick trot. The last kilometer to the Sacred Palace rises as it ascends the First Hill. The traffic on the road lightens but the richness of business increases the closer to the palace on comes. A top the hill, dominating the view of the city is the Hagia Sophia the greatest cathedral, therefore building, in the world. Currently the Orthodox cathedral's west side is enclosed in scaffolding after the collapse of the western dome during an earthquake the previous year. South of the Mese avenue the Hippodrome, the Byzantine capitol's arena and horse racing venue, fills the horizon.

The entire palace complex is just that. A complex construction of individual buildings, some connected, some free standing. A veritable maze, although a marble and gold one. The Mese terminates at the Chalke Gate. A massive bronze set of doors, thirty feet high, wide enough to drive two four horse chariots through. This is the main ceremonial entrance to the palace.

As the palanquin sets Aelfric down before the gate, a single horn sounds. Then with only the slightest of sounds the massive gates begin to part. Aelfric retrieves his shield and pays off the bearers. Without even glancing at the slavegirl, just giving her leash a tug, he stalks through the opening portals. One thousand Varangian warriors pack the hall beyond the gates.

As one they loudly call out, "CILD!"
Kaija was grateful to keep moving even as her legs screamed painful protests at her for forcing them onwards – not that she had much say in the matter. She was quickly distracted however by the picturesque buildings surrounding her. Kaija gaped openly, her head up and her eyes darting from side to side for the first time since they had begun this journey. Technically Kaija had royal blood flowing through her veins but her mother’s good senses had kept her far from cities, this was the first palace Kaija had ever seen that wasn’t sketched in ink. The real thing was far more amazing than the scrolls and books depicted it.

When they finally approached the Chalke Gate, Kaija couldn’t hold back an audible, “Wow…”

The gates loomed ominously and Kaija couldn’t fathom how men had ever built them. Then the gates began to open and Kaija was jostled from her thoughts and imagination by a sharp tug to her leash which brought her plummeting back to reality…and slavery. She jerked forward and shuffled quickly to keep up with Aelfric as he strode through the parted gates.


Kaija jumped, startled by the loud cries of a thousand warriors as one. Her eyes widened in awe and fright as she looked upon the owners of the voices for the first time. She clutched at the coat on her shoulders and held it tightly together from the inside with firmly clenched fingertips so as to not allow it to unveil her nudity at all. She gulped and whimpered softly, she decided then and there that she didn’t want Aelfric to give her to his men…so many men…like being thrown to the wolves…a thousand wolves.

‘Stop it, you look scared! Focus! Smooth your features, you’ll be fine’ Kaija barked at herself inside her head and struggled to obey her better senses. Still, her fingers pressed together until they were white beneath the cloak and she tried not to tremble…or bite her lip.

“It’ll be fine…” She mumbled very softly and tried to believe herself.
"BASIL!" Aelfric returns the cry.

"BASIL!" comes the reply from the barbarian warrior army.

The cry still echoes through the huge open space of the building interior when a figure in gold lamellar armour steps from the crowd of soldiers. Escorted by four large armoured Varangians, in blue tunics and red cloaks with gilded axes, Basil II Emperor of the Roman Empire walks toward Aelfric and his slave. Only in his early thirties, Basil has reformed the Empire's administration, won his civil wars, made peace with half his enemies and is in the process of wiping out the rest. A gifted horseman and brave fighter, Basil's actual appearance speaks nothing of these traits and accomplishments. Slim, of average height, blond haired and having what some refer to as a "baby face", Basil is not the typical image of a conquering warrior with a reputation for ruthlessness.

Aelfric gives a vicious tug on Kaija's leash downward.

"Kneel and get your face on the ground before the Emperor, slave!" he hisses at her.

Aelfric kneels as Basil walks up. All other's in the Empire kowtow in the presence of the Emperor. All that is except for Aelfric and the Guard. Your bodyguard does you no good with their faces in the dirt. In Aelfric's case even then the Aenglish kowtowed to no one.

"Get up, dear friend," Basil commands Aelfric and embraces him, "Glad your back. Honestly I never feel totally secure unless you are within the palace." "How are you?"

"I'm fine, Sire," Aelfric replies, "Needing a bath badly though. I must be getting soft. I miss having hot baths. Don't have them in my country or in the Bulgar lands."

"Soft never!" scoffs Basil, "You might be becoming civilized though."

"Civilized!" Aelfric replies in mock horror, "God forbid!"

Basil laughs and releases his bodyguard. "Dine with me tonight. We have much to discuss," he orders Aelfric.

Without even a glance at his step-niece and Aelfric's slave in her bearskin cloak, Basil leaves. His sister Anna's marriage to Vladimir I of the Rus is the reason Varangian Rus now makeup Basil's personal guard and why the Rus are now Christian.
"BASIL!" Aelfric responded and his men did in turn, this time Kaija was more prepared for the screaming and wondered if all the women had disappeared because they got frequent headaches! The thought brought a fleeting smile to Kaija’s lips.

So immersed in her thoughts was Kaija that she did not notice the Emperor’s sudden appearance with his personal guard, the sharp tug on her leash gave her whiplash though as Aelfric used a good deal of strength wringing Kaija’s poor neck. Kaija yelped in shock and then whimpered before Aelfric’s ire. She quickly fell to her knees and put her head on the floor, barely sparing her uncle a glance.

Aelfric and Basil exchanged short pleasantries and Kaija was surprised by the conversation that only a few so close to them would hear. The coat provided a cocoon of safety as she stayed on the floor, not daring to lift her head or draw attention to herself in any way. Aelfric and Basil seemed to be, well, friends! She didn’t know why it surprised her so, Kaija surmised that it must be because she never considered that rulers would actually have friends, they always looked down upon their people and no one was ever their equal. It made Kaija wonder what kind of man that made Aelfric and ponder the thought that short of a brief introduction, she didn’t really know anything about Aelfric at all. Women are rarely told anything thought to be of importance…not on purpose anyway.

Kaija peered up as she sensed the Emperor’s disappearance from the room with the shuffling of soldiers standing up and the clink of armour all around her. Kaija slowly rose up, keeping her nervous eyes on Aelfric lest she displease him. Her legs, breasts and forehead were covered in a thin dirt from where they had been pressed to the floor and Kaija wiped first her forehead, then her breasts – hurriedly, it exposed her body to do so. Finally she bent over and gave her legs a quick dust off. Floors weren’t clean but a slave wouldn’t dare complain for want of a bath and neither would Kaija lest she expect a whipping.

She wasn’t sure if she ought to speak, she felt like a background ornament or a dainty medal hanging from Aelfric’s neck – pretty to look at but no one actually speaks to it. Kaija was bursting with questions for Aelfric but she was biting her tongue rather hard as she feared it would give away her lies about her identity thus far and much more.
Over a hundred Varangian warriors get an eyeful of Aelfric's slavegirl as she wipes the dust from herself. The act of brushing off her forehead opens up the fur robe to reveal her slim body. The glimpse of skin attracts their hungry gaze, moving her hands to clean of her breasts holds the gaze. There is a collective exhalation of breath when she leans forward to run her hands down her long, slim, well formed thighs. Aelfric likes the way her not overly large breasts dangle as she bends over a bit.

Aelfric looks intently at the girl. There is an aspect of almost fastidiousness in her desire to dust herself off. And the way every now and then she seems to take a breath, get a grip on herself and stand just a bit more erect. She has a story, he is sure of it. The question is does he whip it out of her or have a bit of patience and figure it out himself. Patience is not one of Aelfric's strong points. But having fun, fucking with his new toy appeals to him. A lecherous grin appears on his face momentarily as he looks at her.

Beckoning to a palace eunuch slave, he orders the slave to have his bath prepared and his new bed-warmer cleaned up to attend him in his bath. He passes off the end of the girl's leash to the eunuch. The palace slave turns away and giving a tug on the leash leaves the building, bellowing to other younger, fleeter slaves to ready the master's bath.
Kaija was horrified that her leash was easily passed off to a palace slave but her visage remained impassive, she would not give Aelfric the satisfaction of knowing he had shaken her up again like he had on the auction block. She responded to the jerk on the lead and turned on her heel, but not before she managed a half-second glare in Aelfric’s direction. Perhaps she wouldn’t allow him to see how he mortified her, but she would let him see how he pissed her off.

She followed the eunuch through a series of stone passageways, they took so many twists and turns, ups and downs, that Kaija had long since given up trying to guide her way through and map out the exits. Time would be the only map here and she would not have any chance of escape until she knew her way around. Finally the eunuch took her to a small boxed room, it had a shelf filled with an array of different bottles, the contents were unknown to Kaija but each bottle was a different size or colour.

The eunuch didn’t speak to Kaija, he merely stripped the coat from her with quick efficiency and took up a bowl from the bottom shelf, moving it to a table. A grey coloured rag was dumped into the bowl which Kaija could now see was full of water. The eunuch moved and picked up a stout clear bottle filled with a greenish coloured watery substance and placed it next to the bowl. Finally he wringed out the rag and without as much as a polite greeting, he began to scrub Kaija down with the rag.

Kaija tried to remain impassive but when the eunuch scrubbed her sensitive areas until they glowed a bright pink, she was entitled to a small squeal now and then. When the eunuch was finished washing her, he moved on by wringing the rag over her hair and taking an ornate comb to it. With a surprisingly amount of gentleness, he brushed her hair through and quickly braided it with a gold ribbon winding throughout and finally tying it with a bit of string.

He took the bottle from the table and dabbed a small amount of the greenish water in places all over Kaija who inhaled deeply and mumbled, “Smells nice.”

“Myrtle.” The no-nonsense reply came, it was the first time the palace slave had spoken to Kaija, “Can’t smell poorly if you’re going to bathe with the Master. He expects certain things, hygiene is big with him.”

Kaija shifted uncomfortably at the mention of sharing a bath with Aelfric and the eunuch took up a razor. Kaija gulped and stared questioningly at the eunuch whose eyes hardened, “No hair. Except the head. I will cut you if you struggle. You will be shaved.”

There was no room for argument and the eunuch guided her arms upwards, lathering her hair in a scented oil before he meticulously moved the razor downwards in a quick motion.

“What is that stuff?” Kaija gestured nervously to the oil.

“Olive oil.” The eunuch didn’t even look up but continued shaving her other armpit, “From Spain. Much gentler than animal fats.”

“Oh…” Kaija uttered softly as the eunuch moved down to her legs, “Why no hair?” Kaija enquired.

“Hair gets matted, requires more maintenance and smells in short order. Slaves work hard, they don’t have the luxury of many baths as needed so we need to reduce the care required.” The eunuch stated logically as he finished her legs off and moved to the curly V between her legs, kicking her legs apart.

Kaija whimpered and tensed up, steeling herself and looking away, “Ok.” She wasn’t sure if she was acknowledging his answer or talking herself into what was happening.

As the razor sliced through the fine hairs, Kaija tried to imagine she was anywhere else in the world. Back on her little sail boat enjoying the summer breezes, it was cooler here than at home, less humid at the very least. Another palace slave dashed around the corner and into the room, giving a quick bow and informing the eunuch that the Master’s bath was ready. The eunuch told him to tend to Aelfric’s needs at once and help him out of his armor if necessary.

The slave dashed out and the eunuch finally finished shaving Kaija. He announced that she was ready and took her back through the winding passages, in a direction she was certain that they had not come before and she groaned inwardly. The eunuch led her to a room with a massive sandstone lain bath in the centre, it smelled warm and inviting. Rose petals littered the top of the water and scented the air.

Finally the eunuch had her stand next to the bath and told her to cast her eyes to her own feet, “Usually I would have you kneel but the Master ordered me to prepare you and he will want to see the outcome.”

Kaija nodded deftly and stared at her somewhat pink feet, she was certain that the eunuch had scrubbed several layers of skin from her body! She thought she heard Aelfric enter the room but couldn’t be sure, her skin was breaking out in goosebumps – fear of what was to come and fear of the unknown.
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Having carelessly removed his armour and clothing in his private rooms, Aelfric enters the bath chamber with a towel wrapped around his lower body. As fighting men go Aelfric is getting on in age but you can hardly tell. Perfectly able to take his turn on the heavy oar that drives the northerners longships, he is well muscled with quite a few scars. He had caught the glare his new bed warmer had thrown in his direction, as she was led away. Again those eyes and the look in them intrigues him. Not known as being forgiving, he is contemplating beating her for her insolence. As he looks up and sees his new slave standing beside his bath looking well scrubbed and demure, his thoughts about what to do with her change.

Always a blasphemer, Aelfric exclaims, "Jesus Christ girl! You're beautiful." The spontaneous comment is spoken in his native Aenglish so he has no idea if the girl understood him or not. Nor does he care.

He approaches and walks around the girl giving her a good looking over. One hand reaches out and he trails his fingers lightly over her body. Aelfric relishes the smooth creaminess of her skin, the perkiness of her soft breasts, the smooth skin of her thighs as his fingers trail up her leg to her cunt. A quick run of his fingers through the lips of her pussy before he moves to stand behind her. Still his hand and fingers trace a path over her body. He cups and squeezes each of her firm yet soft ass cheeks in turn.

Looking at and touching his new toy is having an effect on his cock. Not hard and erect but definitely aroused, his cock swells and bulges his towel. Aelfric, standing behind his slave lets the towel fall to the ground. Long, thick, heavily veined with a large exposed gland, Aelfric can't help but step close behind Taiga and with a snicker and smirk rub his half hard cock against the cleft of her buttocks. He only does it once and fleetingly before he steps away, his cock now heavily blood engorged and halfway to being fully hard.

He walks in front of Taiga and gives her another looking over. He can't help but reach down and touch himself as he inspects his property. As he steps down into his bath, one end is more than deep enough for him to totally submerge himself below the hot scented waters. After half a minute he rises from beneath the water.

"Glorious!" he exclaims in Aenglish, "Absolutely glorious!"

He has a smashing view of Taiga's ass from where he reclines in his hot scented bath. Time to put his new slave to work. He moves to one end of the bath with stepped levels. This allows him to sit up and have half his body above the water. Along the edge of the bath have been placed soaps, scents, combs and buckets of hot clean water for rinsing off. Beginning to undo the braids from his long hair, beard and moustaches, he orders his slave into the bath.

"Wash me," he demands, "Start from the top and work down." "When you get to my cock and balls there will be further instructions. Proceed!"
"Jesus Christ girl! You're beautiful."

Kaija stopped herself short of replying but she was shocked to hear what came from Aelfric and one foot slipped back slightly. She steadied herself and told herself that he would just think he had stunned her. No one in her position should have been able to understand Aelfric but Kaija’s education had been glorious and languages were especially important book learning for a woman in any Noble position in order to secure a rich husband. She never actually thought it would help her as a slave.

Her breathing quickened slightly as Aelfric approached, she swallowed down her fear and tried to hold still while he circled her – much like a vulture would when inspecting its next meal. His touch made her shiver and a soft whimper escaped her lips as his hand roamed about her body and ran over the lips of her cunt. She grunted beneath the strength he used to grasp her ass cheeks and squeeze them, his calloused fingers both rough and unkind but masculine.

When his towel dropped away, Kaija didn’t quite register the sound of it flurrying to the ground as she was so focused on not giving anything away. So as Aelfric pressed his semi hard erection bare against her ass, she gasped in astonishment, her eyes flying wide and her head coming up immediately. She heard his snicker and wondered if he enjoyed scaring her and intimidating her sexually like this?

He circled to her front and Kaija met his eyes briefly, she dropped her head as her cheeks glowed bright red and she witnessed him take a long, slow stroke of his own cock. She suppressed a groan and pressed her lips together tightly while hoping he wouldn’t notice how uncomfortable she was.

Finally he stepped away and entered the bath, submerging himself completely and allowing Kaija a few moments to compose herself. She then noticed that there was no other slaves in the room, they had all left while Aelfric had inspected his property. Aelfric moved from one end of the bath to the other with his eyes trained on Kaija’s ass, she had not moved as he had not yet told her to and she feared he would be upset if she did anything wrong just as he had when she told him her name was Karina in the tavern while forgoing the title of ‘Master’ as she spoke to him.

Kaija stepped into the bath at Aelfric’s bidding, her movements stiff and unnatural – she was extremely unsure of herself. She had never been in a room with a man and slave in a bath, it would have been improper! And thus, Kaija did not know how to behave. But Kaija reasoned that Aelfric would not expect a virgin to know either.

"Wash me. Start from the top and work down. When you get to my cock and balls there will be further instructions. Proceed!"

Kaija whimpered softly, she could not stop herself. She wondered what the further instructions would be when she got down to his…thing. She collected a soft sea sponge and dribbled some scented fats onto it before sitting down and proceeding to scrub his back. She tried to take as long as possible before she would have to move into his line of sight and wash his front. Inevitably though, she moved reluctantly and began to wash his broad chest, her nipples peeking from above the water line and hard as rocks. A lone rose petal stuck to the inner side of her left breast while her braid draped down her nape and swung off to the right, the ends of her hair tickling her right nipple.

Kaija tried to avoid Aelfric’s eyes and focus solely on the task of washing his chest but as she got lower down on his abdomen, her stoic visage was starting to crumple and give way to a frown. Finally she got low enough that she was brushing his erection with every stroke against his abdomen and she looked up and into his eyes questioningly as she waited for those ‘further instructions’.
Aelfric finds himself in a bit of a quandry concerning his new slave. "Start from the top and work down" typically means the hair and face or beard first. His beard itches and there are some tough tangles in his long still blonde hair. But the girl is untrained. Perhaps he was unclear! The little whimper that escapes her lips tells him she is terrified, although she hides it well. She hides her emotions well, a good thing in a slave, but cannot hide her ineptness at being a man's body slave. He was about to correct her sternly...

And then she laid her hands on him, very softly and tentatively. The girl may not have seen it but the instant she started to minister to his body needs, he went as hard as a rock. His last bed warmer died of the flux a month ago. The slave he took after was sent back to the pens a week before the voyage home. She wasn't very satisfying anyways. So it's been half a month since he got laid or sucked off at all and longer properly. Too long for a conquering warlord! Then there is that whole scared virgin thing about the situation. The Old Gods got hard around scared virgins!

The girl lingers behind him but eventually must move to kneel between his legs and wash his chest and stomach. She is quite the fetching sight, he thinks. What was her name, he tries to recall... Kai... Karina! If he is not mistaken her name means "Pure". He plans on keeping her pure for awhile longer, although she might feel pretty dirty soon. Eventually he will make her watch as he takes a slavegirl. So she knows his wants and wishes when in bed. She's actually doing a decent job for her first time. Her beauty may be creating a bit of a bias in Aelfric's mind.

In England that long hair of her's would have been crudely shorn off. He's glad he resisted the temptation to enforce that slave custom on the girl. Nice little hard buds for nipples too. He could have come from an all night drunken orgy and she would still make him hard, he is sure. His cock has been rubbing aginst he belly for a few minutes now as she washes his front. Eventually, the girl has washed as low as she can go, his cock now rests lightly between her breasts as she looks up at him with those amazing green eyes. A drop of pre-cum appears at the slitted hole in the head. It's been quite awhile since he was this hard, this fast. He gazes into her eyes for a few seconds, then remembers she is looking for further instructions.

"Ahem!" he grunts out finally, with some confusion, "Ahhhh, yes! Next!" "Any real attempt to gently clean my cock and balls will result in me ejaculating all over you and myself."

"Therefore before you clean my cock and balls, gently, you will use your hands and mouth to pleasure me. You are a northern girl, so I am sure you have sucked on an icicle during winter. Perhaps licked birch or maple syrup from one as a treat? Combined with your hands, milking my cock like a milkmaid milks a cow, you will make me spend in your mouth."

"You will try to swallow every drop of my seed."

The play of emotions behind her eyes is exihilarating as he informs her of her duties. Yet more pre-cum leaks from his cock. He leans back in his bath, the water laps at his ballsack as the girl moves.

"You may begin."
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"Ahem! Ahhhh, yes! Next! Any real attempt to gently clean my cock and balls will result in me ejaculating all over you and myself."

Kaija’s cheeks lit up a bright cherry red almost instantly and she struggled not to gape openly at his candidness. Thankfully, she was spared having to formulate a response because Aelfric was not finished.

"Therefore before you clean my cock and balls, gently, you will use your hands and mouth to pleasure me. You are a northern girl, so I am sure you have sucked on an icicle during winter. Perhaps licked birch or maple syrup from one as a treat? Combined with your hands, milking my cock like a milkmaid milks a cow, you will make me spend in your mouth."

“You will try to swallow every drop of my seed."

Kaija almost physically had to hold her jaw shut, she was so shocked by the unexpected request…no, it wasn’t a request. He was not a lover asking his mate, he was a Master demanding it of his slave. While she could imagine what he was asking given that foreign treats were not foreign to her and she had indeed sucked on exotic icy sticks before but this was…lewd. This was not food.

"You may begin."

“I…” Kaija began and just as quickly she both lost her nerve and her thought process, she took a step back from Aelfric and began shaking her head without realizing it. Her heart started beating faster, panic was begin to rise up on her as she contemplated the choices she had before her and the potential consequences for each decision.

Kaija stopped her shaking head and swallowed hard, her eyes drifted from Aelfric’s face downward against her will, she couldn’t avoid looking at his…considerable package. Kaija’s eyes tightened and she quickly forced them back up to meet Aelfric’s eyes.

With his men present or even other slaves, Kaija might have cowered more but with just Aelfric present, though she hadn’t forgotten his threats, she felt a little bolder. Even safer. The only thing she feared was that he would discover who she was but with each moment, she was more confident that he had forgotten who she was completely. Clearly, she was a far more insignificant moment in his life than she had led herself to believe.

“I c-can’t do that.” Her cheeks bloomed bright pink as she yammered out a response in total mortification, “I-I…” Kaija was lost for words and backed up to the opposite edge of the bath, how does a slave explain that she does not want to obey?

“…I…we don’t…that is, I d-don’t…” But Kaija didn’t know how to say the idea repulsed her completely or that she felt that sleeping with her conqueror or bowing to his will would be the most humiliating and shameful thing she would ever do. Being bound in slave shackles and forced to bathe naked with him was enough, sucking on his dick like an icicle was more than she could bear, more than her dignity could bear.

She swallowed hard, “I won’t…I can’t…” She hadn’t intended to finish in a whisper but her confidence left her and she could no longer maintain eye contact with him. She glanced towards the door unintentionally, wondering if she could run and how far she could get. Kaija looked around, there was a towel…no clothing anywhere though, the slaves must have that somewhere else. Kaija bit her lip and looked back at Aelfric in disappointment, she decided she wouldn’t get far without any clothing…dripping like a wet cat.

Kaija considered pleading with Aelfric as he took in her words, her posture and her position. His eyes gave nothing away though, she was staring at a seasoned soldier making a decision and he let nothing slip past that masked visage. Her arms folded across her chest in an effort to protect herself from him and give herself an image of confidence that she did not possess. Kaija was fast losing her nerve here, she kept her chin up higher than a slave’s chin belonged though.

‘I will not forget where I came from…’
She thought to herself silently, not daring to take her eyes off Aelfric now.
His hair is not being washed and his cock is not being pleasured. Aelfric is not particularly surprised just annoyed. The girl would not be the first who balked at sexually pleasuring her master. A good beating and a raping usually puts a stop to such silly ideas. Aelfric would rather preserve her value as a virgin for awhile. And not have her out of commission for a few days while she recovers from a beating or whipping. It pleases him to preserve the skin on her back too.

"Don't be stupid, girl," he growls from his end of the huge deep bath, "Whatever life you had before is over." "You are a slave now."

"I can have you taken to the Forum of the Bull, your ears cut off and whipped for disobedience. Shall I give you to my men? I'll let them use you like a man? That way your worth will not be diminished."

Aelfric scratches at his beard. Truth be told having her wash his hair and beard would give him 'almost' as much pleasure as sucking on his cock.

"If you think that pleasuring me is the most disgusting and humiliating act that you can be forced to do, I can dissuade you of that opinion easily."

He submerges himself in his bath to give the girl and himself a moment to think. These Easterners like to have the soles of disobedient slaves beaten if they wish to preserve their skins. Aelfric had it done on a girl once and from the screaming, he guesses it must be terribly painful. The girl could not walk for two days after. When he rises up above the water, he has made a decision.

"Slave! Guards!" he bellows out.

Almost immediately a slave girl, two place eunuchs and one of his men rush into his bath room. He motions to the slave girl, who immediately steps out of her silks and steps down into the bath. At his command she begins to wash his hair. Aelfric puts his hands on her while she ministers to him. His hands roam freely over her body and she appears to have his full attention.

"When this one has finished bathing me," he says, as he plays with the slave girls breast.

"Take that one," indicating Kaija dismissively with a wave of his hand, "And give her twenty strokes on the soles of her feet."

The two eunuchs move to stand at the side of the bath above and behind Kaija. Aelfric looks at his own man.

"Then you can take her to the barracks hall. Put her in a chastisy belt and make her a sodomite whore. I wish her to remain pure but see she is well used. Have a half dozen men use her then drag her back here."

Aelfric doubts she will be able to walk after that. He bites at the girl's nipple who is actively working soap into his long hair. She whimpers and flinches a bit but continues her work obediently. One hand on her breast and the other fondling her ass cheeks and pussy, Aelfric amuses himself while she does her work. He ignores Kaija.
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"Don't be stupid, girl. Whatever life you had before is over. You are a slave now."

As Aelfric pointed out the obvious, Kaija was feeling more self-confident. She was proud that she had said no and held her ground. She just didn’t realize that in a few short moments, there would be a proverbial earthquake…

"I can have you taken to the Forum of the Bull, your ears cut off and whipped for disobedience. Shall I give you to my men? I'll let them use you like a man? That way your worth will not be diminished."

Kaija balked, her hands flew to her ears as her eyes widened and blood started draining from her face. Had she played this all wrong? Would he show her no mercy or understanding after all? It took her a few moments to understand his last statement but when it dawned on her, the saliva in her mouth all but dried up and left her unable to speak. She shook her head and pressed her back into the edge of the bath behind her.

"If you think that pleasuring me is the most disgusting and humiliating act that you can be forced to do, I can dissuade you of that opinion easily."

Of this, Kaija had no doubt now. She couldn’t find the words and watched him submerge himself in the water while she was desperate to stop the panic from overcoming all of her senses. Her anxiety was reaching a pinnacle quickly.

As Aelfric called for his slaves and guards, Kaija had barely flinched at his yelling this time. He had shocked her to her very core without raising his voice at all. It was quite clear that Aelfric either had no idea or did not care that Kaija was battling an inner panic attack.

"When this one has finished bathing me, take that one, and give her twenty strokes on the soles of her feet."

Kaija watched the eunuchs move to stand by her as though guarding against any possible escape as Kaija puzzled over what Aelfric meant by ‘strokes on the soles of her feet’?

"Then you can take her to the barracks hall. Put her in a chastity belt and make her a sodomite whore. I wish her to remain pure but see she is well used. Have a half dozen men use her then drag her back here."

This was too much for Kaija who looked over at the guards while her stomach proceeded to do backflips. They leered at her, looking her over brazenly like dogs who know they’re about to receive a meaty bone of flesh. They were practically drooling. It made Kaija nauseous. The blood was thundering in her ears and she felt one of the eunuchs reach and grab her shoulder tightly as she swayed dangerously, the eunuch may have thought she was escaping but Kaija knew she was teetering on the brink of fainting…or vomiting….possibly both.

‘Get it under control Kaija!’ She yelled at herself silently, willing her body to compose itself and knowing there was never a moment before in her life that she had needed to have herself together and have her wits about her.

She regarded Aelfric whose eyes were on the slave girl tending to him, something in her mind briefly registered that she hadn’t washed Aelfric’s hair as this girl was doing and she filed that knowledge away for later. Kaija realized she could beg Aelfric, she also realized that many slave girls before her would have done this and it was unlikely that they received merciful results. Too much of the same tends to fall on deaf ears.

‘Come on Kaija, you know this man! Not well but you know him better than an ordinary slave would! Use it!’ As she implored her own brain, the thundering in her ears softened to nothing, she focused and it slowly dawned on her that her own identity would be her out.

All Varangian women can speak Eastern Slavic, it’s one of the common tongues with variations of Russian, Belarus and Ukraine dialects. The other common tongue is Greek which Aelfric and Kaija had conversed in mostly. There were several other languages that Kaija could also speak but she was neither sure that Aelfric would be convinced by Aenglish alone and was equally unsure he would be able to speak Latin, she was certain he knew the other and she also knew it would give her away to use it...

“As you wish, my Master." She said demurely in an uncommon Norse dialect of the Rus rulers, her eyes never leaving his face as she held her chin up, baring her pride.

Kaija realized she may have overplayed her hand but anything had to be better than being sodomized by half a dozen Varangian soldiers. The slave girl seemed not to notice but Kaija could tell the atmosphere had changed drastically and at least one of the guards was surprised by Kaija’s tongue.

Kaija realized she was trembling with fear and held her hands together so tightly that her skin turned a sickly white beneath her fingertips in order to quell the motions. She licked her lips unconsciously and tried to moisten her mouth so that she might speak. It felt like the water had gone cold and a lifetime had passed but it was only a few seconds. Kaija's anxiety had a tendency to get the better of her on occasion.
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"Good girl," Aelfric responds in the same dialect, although badly accented by his Mercian Aenglish.

Then he stops nibbling on the slavegirl's nipple who is washing his hair. And turns his full attention on Kaija. The girl washing his hair takes no notice and continues her task. Aelfric pushes her roughly aside and she quickly scurries to the side of the bath and looks down submissively. Perhaps suspecting she has offended him some how. She peeks up after a few seconds to see Aelfric's attention on Kaija. She gives Kaija a pitying look and starts to breath again.

In the five years since his exile from England for the murder of his king, Edward, twelve years ago, Aelfric has picked up a smattering of the Norse dialects. The common Germanic root language of the Northerner Europeans makes them all to some degree understandable. The mixed warbands of mercenaries and exiles have exchanged enough words to form a pidgin language based on military commands and simple phrases. When Kaija responds in the Novogorod dialect of the Varangian Rus' he doesn't even think. He just responds as any master would to a Varangian slave girl.

"She's Varangian," says his guard.

The Varangian guard is Rus' not one of Aelfric's followers from Mercia.

"And well born too, Lord," he adds.

Aelfric waves a hand at the eunuchs, "Leave us."

"Find the Jarl, Rodger," he orders the guard, "And have him come here."

The Varangian Rus' warrior salutes and leaves following the palace eunuchs out of the bath room.

Jarl Rodger is his second in command. Even Aelfric will acknowledge he is the brains of Aelfric's warband and commands three of Aelfric's six longships. Chances are if Aelfric has, somewhere in the past, crossed paths with Kaija, Rodger will remember her.

He snaps his fingers at the slavegirl. Who quickly returns to her task of washing his long hair and beard. Aelfric keeps his eyes on Kaija. By any and all Gods and standards, she's a beauty. And the way she holds his look, not even a free commoner would return his look like that. Unless she was wanting to be bedded by him. The guard was right, she is a high born girl. And until he has discovered what her story is...

The girl washing his hairs finishes and Aelfric submerges himself to rinse out the soap. When he emerges his eyes are still on Kaija. If she is high born and virgin, he can understand her reluctance to suck on his cock like candy. So he will just make her watch. It takes the slightest of movement from his hand to have the slavegirl understand and move to straddle him. Reaching down, she guides his large cock to her sex and lowers herslf down. Slowly she rises up and down on his cock taking the whole length in, then rising up until just the engorged head is inside her.

Aelfric does not take his eyes of Kaija the entire time. What can only be described as an evil grin comes to his face.