Looking for an editor

Dec 22, 2016
Hi, I'm new here and am having trouble getting my story accepted. I have 8 chapters, but even help with half that many would be helpful.

The story is fan fiction set in the Game of Thrones universe. The pairing is m/f, so far, but might contain a gay male pairing later. The sex is fairly vanilla but explicit.

Can anyone help?

Thanks and happy holidays. ❤
What has been the reason(s) given for rejecting? It makes a difference. Some reasons for rejection can be fixed; some can't.

First time I submitted there were suggestions in the story that the heroine might have been under aged (not uncommon for teens to be married off in that time), so I edited out every single time the characters speculated about her age. But it was still rejected, citing the same.

Also, My formatting. I write in Google Docs and copied and pasted first time. Second time, I converted it to doc.x and uploaded. Still got rejected, citing my formatting and not enough paragraph breaks. I've added the breaks now.

I guess I need someone to tell me if it reads like she's underage, because I don't see it anymore. Plus, formatting help. Don't people refer to women as "girls" well into their 30s? I hear that all the time irl. I even changed the "girl" to young woman, etc., and I think it sounds too stilted. Whatever- I'm willing to do it.