The same hotel room sees sexual encounters over decades.


Appropriate Length
Oct 16, 2012
Since my mind is always wandering and analyzing everything, I get the same lingering thought whenever I'm staying in a hotel room: "people have had sex in here. I know they have. Who are they, and where did they come from?"

So I got an idea about this one budget hotel room and the the various sexual encounters that have happened within its walls over the decades. The series would move chronically, from the '70s to the present, with different people and situations in each chapter.

I'm thinking the first installment would take place in 1975, shortly or immediately after the hotel was built. A traumatized Vietnam vet meets a disowned, wandering ex-counterculture girl. They end up together in Room 231 and the sparks fly from there.

What do you think? Who else might end up staying in Room 231?
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You could incorporate some really interesting concepts if you write about a sexual encounter in the 2030s/2040s.

In this novel I've read (I think either Ghost fleet or some other techno-thriller), a genetically enhanced spy with digitally controlled nervous system and biological improvements seduces an enemy general. She's able to alter the firmness of her breasts and control/change her level of arousal with her mind.

Her skin cells and hair have been enhanced to glow in the dark (in order for her to act as a biological flashlight), although she uses this ability to get beautiful neon blue hair and glowing tattoos.

Very cool and somewhat unethical concepts.

Also be aware that sexual/social roles change over time. A girl in 1975 might be described as a plaything to service men, but a modern girl would be more dominant and flexible in the bedroom.
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It's a fascinating idea, tracing the sexual history of any place or object. The POV can be of the room itself, or the well-worn bed, or a mirror overlooking the action. Or the spy camera...

Twists: POV can be of a dildo or other sex toy. Or the back seat of a car that's hosted many fucks. Or the group-mind of a packet of birth-control pills. Or a dog's thoughts of observing human fuckings over the years. Any viewpoint that's totally non-human and mindless: pure reporting.
I think a time portal in the story could be interesting. I'm not sure how it would work - perhaps the TV somehow has a window into everything that happened in the room since the motel was built and it can be accessed through one specific channel and then by pushing the forward/reverse and play buttons. A man checks in and figures this out. He finds a woman from the past in bed masturbating and hits the pause button which suddenly transports him back in time and he finds himself sitting in a chair watching. Lots of possibilities... laying in wait for an unsuspecting victim, blackmail, tying up the partner and taking his place in the dark room, pretending to be a detective hired by the husband...
I've been toying with the idea that as the room sees more and more sexual encounters over the years, it takes on a kind of supernatural air—manipulating small circumstances and attracting new lovers to it in an omnipresent, sentient fashion.