Daddy Fetish

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Soooo thankful she landed safely and is Home safe and sound! I bet you're counting down the hours already and I'm thrilled for you both!

I understand your way of doing things. And I certainly don't believe the Daddy should do things first all the time. That's how it started (mostly cause he's 2hrs ahead of me) and seemed to fizzle quickly. But it's hard to send a text to someone you love (and set an alarm so I can send it before I know he has to leave for work) and not hear anything back for hours. If it's once in a while, no biggie, but it seems that it's becoming more and more regular.

There's more than just the communication, but I won't get into it here.

But thanks to all for the feedback so far! :rose:

:heart: Keri

Regardless of the situation, proper etiquette would be to text back in a timely fashion even if it's "I'm on the run and can't talk" extra etiquette points if he texts with his pinkie out.
Thank you to all Daddies and baby girls out there for your support. TT has arrived in Australia and has passed customs and is now at her house. Which means.......... 3 more sleeps till she's in my arms again arms again arms again arms again!!!!!! Not that excited or anything.... BIG GRIN

Glad to hear that long trip is over and you are that much closer to your baby girl!
Keri i'm so sorry to hear about this. It's a hard situation but if you are the only one making the effort and you've talked about your issues with him and it hasn't changed it for more then a few hours......well I don't think it's heading in a good place because I don't think you can do anything else.

Thank you everyone for the concern. I'm safe and sound. Just had to play nice with everyone and catch up before coming and letting my other family know i'm ok.

As Daddy said ours is a more unique situation but he texts me whenever he can and he sneaks them in even when he shouldn't. And I need that, it let's me know that i'm on his mind and important to him. It makes me feel loved and special.

I hope all that makes sense. I have horrid vertigo going on.

How did I miss this one....DOH! Glad you are home safe and sound!
Wow off Lit for a few hours and had to go back a page to catch up again :eek:

Sis TT glad your home safe and sound . . . hope your vertigo passes quickly :)

I know I had PAGES to catch up on lol.

Thank you. I hope so too

TT - So glad to hear that you're home safe and sound - sorry to hear about the vertigo. It's only happened to me once flying but the time that it did was awful. Fortunately a little nap managed to bring everything back to an even keel again.:rose:

I've never had it before. But both flights I've had since having the acute bronchitis I've had it afterwards. *Sighs* I Should be good by tomorrow and am totally not game to have a nap. I always wait till night time in the new time zone to have a sleep

How did I miss this one....DOH! Glad you are home safe and sound!

Cause i'm stealthy like a ninja *giggles*
Project Runway is on soon going to jump off and get my Heidi Klum and fashion fix! Will jump back on later and see how many posts I'll have catch up on lol :D

Whoa just saw a commercial for "California psychics" you call in to get your fortune read . . . Really????? LOL I thought things like that stopped in the '90s :rolleyes:
TT, so happy you made it home!! Hope you are feeling better after a good nights rest in your own, comfy bed!

Daddy are on it tonight!

Peaches..glad you made it home safely after this nasty weather we had today!! Stay warm, big sis!

Mojo...I agree! I didn't think they did that crap anymore! LMAO Enjoy your show!

Keri..I'm sorry. You know that I love you and I am here for you. We ALL are! Call me ANYTIME!! I love you!!

I agree with everyone else that it MUST be give and take for it any relationship. I can be quite needy and sometimes demanding, but I always tried/try to make their efforts worth it so Daddy feels as special as he makes me feel. Lots more to say on this, but I would just be an echo. :)
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TT, so happy you made it home!! Hope you are feeling better after a good nights rest in your own, comfy bed!

Keri..I'm sorry. You know that I love you and I am here for you. We ALL are! Call me ANYTIME!! I love you!!

I agree with everyone else that it MUST be give and take for it any relationship. I can be quite needy and sometimes demanding, but I always tried/try to make their efforts worth it so Daddy feels as special as he makes me feel. Lots more to say on this, but I would just be an echo. :)

In about 3-4 hours I am sure i'll crash and be in bed. But i'm lying back in it right now (sitting up) and lord I've missed MY bed.

Yes we all are here for you Keri.
I know how you feel and I'm beginning to question some things too. The texts seem to be getting fewer and farther between. He says he loves me and adores me, and but words only go so far. We've also discussed this, so he knows how I feel. I can see ways he's really trying to prove, but other ways it's getting worse. On top of that I'm a very physical person and with him in Chicago and me in Seattle (with no plans to visit any time soon in the works), that's a bit discouraging as well.

I desperately want this to work, but how long do I hang on? He's my first Daddy so I love him dearly and he holds a pretty special place in my heart.

Daddies hate seeing any baby girl hurting :(
I don't think I should offer any advice, because I do not know the circumstances, but I hope you know that all of those that are honest to goodness "daddies" and all of your sweet sisters care very much about a sweet baby girl like you.
*strokes your cheek and kisses your forehead*
Thank you to my wonderful family for all your support. Daddy and I talked at length tonight about so many things, and I feel like a lot of kinks were worked out. Thank you to those of you who helped me to realize that it isn't always feasible to talk constantly throughout the day, every day.

In talking, I learned a LOT about myself. Or rather, things I learned years ago but never had to to admit to it. It was extremely hard to admit to both myself, and to Daddy, but at the same time it was kind of freeing.

Anyway, I know this is a vague description of what happened, but I truly believe if we keep communicating the way we did tonight, we can make it!

Thank you again for all your support and encouraging words!

:heart: Keri
Good Morning!

To all the precious baby girls, and the Daddy's who love them unconditionally................
Thank you to my wonderful family for all your support. Daddy and I talked at length tonight about so many things, and I feel like a lot of kinks were worked out. Thank you to those of you who helped me to realize that it isn't always feasible to talk constantly throughout the day, every day.

In talking, I learned a LOT about myself. Or rather, things I learned years ago but never had to to admit to it. It was extremely hard to admit to both myself, and to Daddy, but at the same time it was kind of freeing.

Anyway, I know this is a vague description of what happened, but I truly believe if we keep communicating the way we did tonight, we can make it!

Thank you again for all your support and encouraging words!

:heart: Keri

"Sending you (((Hugs))) and :heart:"
"Good morning all - handsome Daddies and loving Baby Girls! Thank God it's Friday!:nana::nana::nana: Dress warm - 9 degrees this morning. Brrrrrrrr! Emperor Ming (the Merciless).....ancient and cranky Siamese kitty cuddled his Mama all night and was MOST irritated this morning about having to leave his warm nest because SHE had to get up and make the bed:rolleyes:" (Drinking my coffee and giggling)
good morning

Hello lovely Littles and daddies,

Its a balmy 3 degrees here and like peaches I am savoring my hot coffee before i head to work. Have fun all and "be safe out there".
Don't you Hate it when someone else sees the truth about yourself before you do....? I'm glad you guys are sorting things out. We've had our 'discussions' over time and i feel that we've both learnt a lot about ourselves and each other. Have faith in you and your daddy babygirl. Life is too short to worry like that.
Up at at em' pretty girls & handsome daddies!!

Keri..can't wait to talk to you later!!! Sorry I fell aslseep last night. :( Love you lots!! Add my hugs & :heart:'s to Peaches!!

Yes, Peaches..I saw that yucky 9 staring at me from my phone! Hot tea here, you and Daddy ESM can keep the coffee..ick!

Hello Daddy C and Daddy U! Sorry if I missed anyone, still a sleepy girl here. ~~yawwwwnn~~
Ok ok, Cookie I'm up already :eek:
I agree Daddy ESM and sis Peaches can keep the coffee . . . I'll take juice or hot tea please ;)

Good morning all you delicious Daddies and luscious little girls that love them . . . happy Friday!!!! :nana:

Everyone have a great day stay warm out there in the East and Midwest and those of you in more temperate climes enjoy!!! . . . Hug & kisses for those that want or need them . . . :kiss::heart::kiss::heart::kiss:
Just as different as the relationships are here, so are the choices of morning "wake-me-ups"....
My second choice is all decaf depth charge. It's all about the taste.

Happy days to all the cutie pies and loving Daddies on this sunny and cold Minnesota morning. Celebrate that January is in the past tense!
Ode to the Sleep Deprived!

Ugh…what a morning!!!! Didn’t get more than two hours of sleep but it’s going to be a GREAT day!!!!
Sounds like we’re having a heat wave hear in Seattle at 41 degrees! For those of you in freezing temperatures, stay bundled up and warm!

Hello to Peaches, Daddy U, Daddy ESM, Daddy C, MOJO, Daddy Stan, and of course my Big Sis Cookie (who informed me earlier she was ON Walmart!!! *giggle-snort* I was pretty impressed! :D

Daddy PA, thank you for the hugs last night! They were definitely needed, and to everyone else who rallied around me! I’m so blessed to have you all!!!

"Sending you (((Hugs))) and :heart:"
Thank you so much, Peaches for all your encouragement, kind words, and support! :heart:

Don't you Hate it when someone else sees the truth about yourself before you do....? I'm glad you guys are sorting things out. We've had our 'discussions' over time and i feel that we've both learnt a lot about ourselves and each other. Have faith in you and your daddy babygirl. Life is too short to worry like that.
Daddy C, What I discovered last night was something I learned 7 or 8 years back in counseling. It’s never been a real big issue, but the more Daddy and I texted, the more I realized I was doing the exact thing I learned to watch out for! To make a long story short, I’ve had this hole in me that I’ve desperately been trying to fill and expected Daddy to fill the entire thing. In reality, I’ve been unhappy with my life for quite some time, so I had to really examine ME and why I’ve been unhappy. I’ve got a lot of things to work on, but I no longer expect one person to completely fill that void. And you're right, life is far too short to worry about a lot of this stuff! We're still new together, he's my first Daddy, so not only am I learning, but we're learning together!

Keri..can't wait to talk to you later!!! Sorry I fell aslseep last night. Love you lots!! Add my hugs & :heart:'s to Peaches!
Cookie, can’t WAIT to talk to you about how YOUR evening went, and to give you more details regarding my conversation with Daddy! Hurry up and get down from Walmart!!! :rolleyes: Love you more!

Just as different as the relationships are here, so are the choices of morning "wake-me-ups"....
Daddy Stan, I know you were mostly referring to the weather, but your first statement rings so true about every relationship on here being different. I’m so glad I asked for others advice last night, because I realized that not everyone texts 24/7. As great as that would be, in Daddy’s line of work, it just isn’t possible.

Oh, and today marks Month #1 I've had an actual Daddy! :heart: :heart: :heart: That being said, I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!!!! :kiss:
daddy fetish

Hi ladies i'm a 61m usa that would like a girl to chat with. as you can see by my age women into their early 40's would qualify.
Keri, congrats on One Month! :rose: As you know, I climbed down off of WalMart & I am now at home, safe and warm! Remind me not to text & push a cart at the same time. :)

Hi there Willy! You are welcome to stay, but if you are just seeking chat & possibly RP, you may have better luck in the personals. :)
Keri, congrats on One Month! :rose: As you know, I climbed down off of WalMart & I am now at home, safe and warm! Remind me not to text & push a cart at the same time. :)

Hi there Willy! You are welcome to stay, but if you are just seeking chat & possibly RP, you may have better luck in the personals. :)

So glad you were able to get down safely! I'll remind you not to text and push the cart...especially when you're on the roof! :eek: That could get dangerous! LOL

Welcome, Willy, to our little corner of Lit! Like Cookie said, hang out, see what we're all about, but with RP and chatting, you may have more responses posting in the personals (I pretty much just repeated EXACTLY what Cookie said huh? :rolleyes: Duh!). Either way, welcome!!!!

Off to apply for some jobs! :nana:
Good afternoon to my sexy sisters and all our local Daddies!

January is behind us, and the month for lovers ensues. I'm so happy for Daddy C and TT, days to go! Keri, I'm so excited you and your Daddy talked. I was telling my Daddy last night I hoped it would go well.

I'm lounged against my counter at work, waiting impatiently for the coffee maker in back to finish brewing that black pot of the nectar of the godbean LOL. I'm out of coffee at home. Its cold here, but not the icy 12 of yesterday. In fact, we've been given the hope of a slow climb, up to the mid 50s by next Hump Day.

AND ..*sigh of resignation and bolster of strength* I've just smoked my last cigarette. And I'm broke, so figure now is the time. I'm ready. I QUIT!

K. Remind me when I feel weak that this is a good thing. K.
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Good afternoon to my sexy sisters and all our local Daddies!

January is behind us, and the month for lovers ensues. I'm so happy for Daddy C and TT, days to go! Keri, I'm so excited you and your Daddy talked. I was telling my Daddy last night I hoped it would go well.

I'm lounged against my counter at work, waiting impatiently for the coffee maker in back to finish brewing that black pot of the nectar of the godbean LOL. I'm out of coffee at home. Its cold here, but not the icy 12 of yesterday. In fact, we've been given the hope of a slow climb, up to the mid 50s by next Hump Day.

AND ..*sigh of resignation and bolster of strength* I've just smoked my last cigarette. And I'm broke, so figure now is the time. I'm ready. I QUIT!

K. Remind me when I feel weak that this is a good thing. K.

First, CONGRATS on quitting! So super proud of you!! I quit a for a few days a couple of weeks ago..I wasn't a kind person to be around. You can do it, girl! :D

Make sure you fill your cup of joe before you leave tonight. :) Like Mojo, I just can't get over the smell and taste of coffee. I've tried it every way imaginable and it just grosses me out. The after taste is what really gets me! Ex Daddy would drink it on the weekends and kiss me..:eek:. I was kind enough to brush my teeth after sneaking out to smoke, he could have done the I never said anything to him about it..loved me some Daddy kisses!!! :kiss:

Have a great day & try not to kill anyone as I know you have everything within arms reach to do so AND dispose of the bodies. ;)
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