Two Sides One Coin (Closed)

She looked at him and sighed "you have any people to go to with this like wise elders?" She was grasping at straws.
“There are very few people I trust. There are a few loners like me who are not a part of any faction. We could approach them and see if any are willing to join with us.”
She nodded to him agreeing and after a couple hours of cuddling she got up and got dressed, her ability of healing would be stronger, but her true ability? would to call on those around her. But that would come later. She felt different but didn't know what it was.
Davis left with Lily; they went into the forest. Most of the hermits lived in the hills. Davis knew the location of several of them. It would take a couple hours to reach the first one.
The trip is going to be long and she hated to be in the car that long but she had him to talk to you so it wouldn't be too bad she thought and then went as far as the code with a car she noticed that there was a forest forum it had a trail to follow but not wide enough for a car and the funny thing is is while they were hiking the rest of the way she noticed all kinds of animals looking at them just standing there she figured that they were afraid because they had been in the forest and perhaps and seen people before.
Davis was grateful for the narrow trail that made their walk not too bad. His conversation with Lily as they went along was natural and easy. The two hours went by so fast.

Davis knew Jack Dawes had been living in this area for years. He called out, “Jack, this is Davis. Are you around?”
It didn't take long till she heard a man grumble, a woman following behind. She sat down giving them the chance to talk, looking outside she noticed a lot of animals outside. From deer to wolves she was curious about why they were out there.
Davis smiled when Jack and his wife Jenny emerged from the dense woods. Davis made introductions, then said, “Lily and I need your help to restore Wolf Creek to the fine town it once was.”

Jack shook his head and spat on the ground. “Not worth the time nor effort. My wife and I are happy here – no use for that damn town.”

“I hear you met Jenny in Wolf Creek. I met my mate Lily there as well. Are you willing to let evil rule when we might be able to end it?”

Jack growled then answered, “We need to think on. Return in a couple days.”

Davis took Lily's hand and they continued on to the next hermit.
Listing to what people were saying she realized that something big would have to happen, in order for anyone to give a shit. They didn't live that far away from one another, she stopped walking and looked at Davis shaking her head. She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes and what she said she said very loudly.

"Get out of your homes and help us fight, this town was my mothers home and I will not let some bitch destroy what my mother did here. Please help us!" She yelled and she put her head back closed and eyes and howled very loudly. But the howl was much different then any other, and as she howled all kinds of creatures big and small came out of the forest and each sat by one another, it was a miracle.

"We have an army help us FIGHT"
Davis was shocked. He'd never heard of anyone who could call the animals. His shock increased as people emerged from the forest, one be one.

When the last person arrived, Davis looked around. There had to be al least one hundred people circled around Lily.

“Well, Lily, looks like we have an army now.”
She was afraid she had no idea what she was doing. But she felt her mother close even if she was gone. She worried she would loose some one again which is why she didn't want Davis involved.
“Mayor Faith Matthews and Sheriff Clint Roberts are our two targets. I would suggest that we get close to town, then Lily calls the animals to overrun the town. There will be so much chaos that we can capture these two leaders, and their followers will have no one to lead them,” said Davis.
She didn't know this was going to be a good idea because she had never fought in her life she was afraid that she would lose and that she would die and if that was the case she knew that her mate would die with her. But she followed them to town unsure how a human could when and why didn't anybody even accept a human alpha?
A few hours later, they stood near the town. Davis turned to Lily. “You showed your power in the hills. What does your inner self tell you to do now?”
She was listening to what he said and she just shrugged her shoulders she was scared terrified so many words could describe how she felt and then I'll meant one thing when she thought about it and herself she didn't know she closed her eyes and began to listen to the wind she had no weapon all she had was her one ability she put her hands out for a bite to stop moving she had a feeling that she would have to start this alone. "I must go alone to meet this woman the woman that was the one that killed my mother" as she said that she put her fingers around the necklace that I had her mother's ring on it. She knew it was foolish but she shrugged her shoulders and she went on alone she wasn't too sure how to declare war or whatever it was she needed to declare but she did one thing when she was in the center of town she howled.
Davis was nervous when Lily went alone into the town. After a short while, he heard the eerie howl like the one Lily had used to call the animals.

A flood of animals emerged from the forest, running quickly into the town. Davis said, “Come, we may be needed soon.”

The large group moved quickly, entering the town.
Lily was badly hurt should cuts all over her body she was panting and it was then the alpha came walking up to her laughing telling her how she was going to kill Davis slowly she figured she would devour him like a wolf would tear the flesh off a deer. She shook with rage and could not believe what she was being told she felt something deep inside her I didn't know what it was when she saw Davis she smiled at him but feared for his life. She began to walk up to him but then stops dead and shout very wrong she cried out she fell onto her knees hunched over in pain. "I won't let you hurt him" she growled at the woman. "I will not allow you to hurt anybody else..." Her body was fighting the change.
Davis hurried to Lily seeing how badly she was hurt. He placed his hands on her head and focused on their union. He took her hurts upon himself, so that her strength was renewed.

“Take care of the bitch, Lily.”
There was something about this moment and she didn't understand what it was but you felt no pain she looked at Davis and squeeze his hand she slowly stood up as your body was changing soon her form was like everybody else but her pelt was pure white and when her eyes opened they were a pure light blue. She had called her mother's spirit her body possessed helping by going after her.
Davis was mesmerized by the appearance of the white werewolf. He'd never seen one with white fur, and Lily eyes were different now.

You are beautiful, Davis said mentally, and look very dangerous as well.

Lily in werewolf form moved quickly, and he trotted along side. I'll watch your back, he said.

Fighting was going on all around them. Snarls and howls filled the air. He tried not to look at the wolves with their throats ripped out.

Suddenly, Lily came to a stop.
She smelt something that made her stop and it was a powerful feeling, she morphed back into her human form. She smelt and felt death, she narrowed her eyes and closed her eyes. Her ears listi ng to every little sound, then it came the wind shifted and the smell hit her in the face "It's a trap to arms!" She screamed and soon the woman came back and she punched her right on her ass.

"I challenge you!" She growled.
Davis called mentally to the others about the trap, and they went on the defensive. Davis ignored the fighting all around, keeping his focus on Lily.

I'll watch your back, Lily. Stay strong.

Davis looked all around for threats. He kept on the move with Lily, expecting trouble at any moment.
She didn't know what to think of herself and in that moment she knew she had to do something she hunched to the ground feeling her bones forming reforming she screamed and sooner human screens replaced with Howl's. Her eyes opened yellow but her body was reforming she looked more human then wolf.
Davis knew this was a dangerous moment for all of them. I'm watching your back, Lily.

He kept an eye and ear out for danger.
It was time to end this her nails grew longer and soon she saw her the one that killed her mother. She was on top of her and before she knew it she snapped her neck and howled.