Daddy Fetish

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So glad you were able to get down safely! I'll remind you not to text and push the cart...especially when you're on the roof! :eek: That could get dangerous! LOL

Welcome, Willy, to our little corner of Lit! Like Cookie said, hang out, see what we're all about, but with RP and chatting, you may have more responses posting in the personals (I pretty much just repeated EXACTLY what Cookie said huh? :rolleyes: Duh!). Either way, welcome!!!!

Off to apply for some jobs! :nana:

Good luck on the job search! I'm sure you will find something! :)

It is easy to repeat what I say since I am always right! HA!! Only wish that were true! :cattail:
Good day all! I would like to say I have been having a good week but sadly I can't

A girl I was in love with did not want me to be her daddy. She wanted to just have sex.

I'm obviously too young to be interested in being a daddy, but I don't want to just have a sex buddy.
Hello everyone :)

Hope your friday's are going well, and your friday nights are even better!
good luck

Good day all! I would like to say I have been having a good week but sadly I can't

A girl I was in love with did not want me to be her daddy. She wanted to just have sex.

I'm obviously too young to be interested in being a daddy, but I don't want to just have a sex buddy.

I don't think being a Daddy is at all about age of either the Daddy or the baby girl. Its about the relationship.

I have been asked out of the blue by ladies to be their Daddy and what they truly want is role play. I don't know if I fit the true image of Daddy or not. I am interested in a deeper relationship than simply exchanging pictures, texts and emails.

There is a sense of taboo with the name Daddy or baby girl but to me it its not incest related at all. Again, for me, it its a relationship of caring, its time intensive and requires sharing, honesty, respect and trust. There is not one defined type of relationship but I think they all share most of those qualities.

So when anyone contacts me I try to tell them up front what I expect...I suggest you think about the relationship you want. If you are willing to invest time and genuine caring then maybe you can be a Daddy. If you simply want role play you would be better off using the personals.

Good luck
Yes, Cookie ... I have the means, for sure. Working with sharp implements and all types of caustic substances ... and having a best friend that is redneck as he can be, with a pickup truck who also smokes and will give me an alibi without question LOL. As you can see, its been two hours and I've given this much thought.

Daddy ME ... a Daddy doesn't have to be an age to be a Daddy. Its a way of life, a relationship, there are no chronological requirements for this lifestyle. And you can ask any baby girl or Daddy here ... finding the right one can be hard, but it will be worth it! Don't give up. She's out there somewhere!
I don't think being a Daddy is at all about age of either the Daddy or the baby girl. Its about the relationship.

I have been asked out of the blue by ladies to be their Daddy and what they truly want is role play. I don't know if I fit the true image of Daddy or not. I am interested in a deeper relationship than simply exchanging pictures, texts and emails.

There is a sense of taboo with the name Daddy or baby girl but to me it its not incest related at all. Again, for me, it its a relationship of caring, its time intensive and requires sharing, honesty, respect and trust. There is not one defined type of relationship but I think they all share most of those qualities.

So when anyone contacts me I try to tell them up front what I expect...I suggest you think about the relationship you want. If you are willing to invest time and genuine caring then maybe you can be a Daddy. If you simply want role play you would be better off using the personals.

Good luck
Thank you!

I truly want a relationship as someone's daddy. I love to be a protector and lover for a baby girl. I believe I know the difference between a fantasy and a relationship when it comes to being a daddy.

If my baby girl takes it in an incest way I'm fine with it, as long as she also understands it's about the type of relationship that I am interested in. The incest fetish does not bother me when I am with a lovely little girl who looks at me as a safety net.
I don't think being a Daddy is at all about age of either the Daddy or the baby girl. Its about the relationship.

I have been asked out of the blue by ladies to be their Daddy and what they truly want is role play. I don't know if I fit the true image of Daddy or not. I am interested in a deeper relationship than simply exchanging pictures, texts and emails.

There is a sense of taboo with the name Daddy or baby girl but to me it its not incest related at all. Again, for me, it its a relationship of caring, its time intensive and requires sharing, honesty, respect and trust. There is not one defined type of relationship but I think they all share most of those qualities.

So when anyone contacts me I try to tell them up front what I expect...I suggest you think about the relationship you want. If you are willing to invest time and genuine caring then maybe you can be a Daddy. If you simply want role play you would be better off using the personals.

Good luck

My daddy said it perfectly. Its time, and trust. It took a while for e to trust him, but once I did, he hasn't failed me at all. There have been many times recently where I wanted to fold, but Daddy had faith in me. Guts what it takes to be a daddy, not a number.
I had a nice lunch with two Little Girls. They needed to pick Daddy's brain: one for college course work, the other for a life situation.

I gave them my pearls of wisdom upon them, in between bites of bacon double cheeseburger.
Ouchie!! That looks painful! ;)

Has anyone heard from Daddy Eric lately, maybe in IM? He hasn't logged on since 1/23 and he wasn't feeling well then. :eek: Hoping he shows up soon!
Thank you to my wonderful family for all your support. Daddy and I talked at length tonight about so many things, and I feel like a lot of kinks were worked out. Thank you to those of you who helped me to realize that it isn't always feasible to talk constantly throughout the day, every day.

In talking, I learned a LOT about myself. Or rather, things I learned years ago but never had to to admit to it. It was extremely hard to admit to both myself, and to Daddy, but at the same time it was kind of freeing.

Anyway, I know this is a vague description of what happened, but I truly believe if we keep communicating the way we did tonight, we can make it!

Thank you again for all your support and encouraging words!

:heart: Keri
Keri I am glad you are happy again & working things out with your Daddy. Hugs :heart:

Thank you!

I truly want a relationship as someone's daddy. I love to be a protector and lover for a baby girl. I believe I know the difference between a fantasy and a relationship when it comes to being a daddy.

If my baby girl takes it in an incest way I'm fine with it, as long as she also understands it's about the type of relationship that I am interested in. The incest fetish does not bother me when I am with a lovely little girl who looks at me as a safety net.
I am positive you will find the perfect baby girl for you.

Hi everyone, miss you all...working sucks haha :kiss:
Morning or evening for you all. I had 10 hours of glorious sleep in my own bed.

I agree age has nothing to do with being a good daddy. It's all about how you both feel and how you treat her.

Keri i'm so glad you and your Daddy had a deep and honest talk. Realizing deep issues you have is never easy, neither is admitting how much they are effecting you right now still.
Trust me I know, but talking it out with your Daddy and you both being aware of it now will hopefully mean he'll try and be a little more aware of it and you'll try and not let it effect you as much.
As my daddy said we've had our issues like this, but as long as you both keep being open, honest and understanding it'll keep going down a good path *hugs*

I have some washing to do today, after three months in my closet everything is dusty and that does not agree with my allergies or asthma *rolls eyes* So that'll keep me a little busy today, I should also finish putting away some of my stuff and try and find homes for things. At least my suitcases are out of my room and downstairs.
Thank you!

I truly want a relationship as someone's daddy. I love to be a protector and lover for a baby girl. I believe I know the difference between a fantasy and a relationship when it comes to being a daddy.

If my baby girl takes it in an incest way I'm fine with it, as long as she also understands it's about the type of relationship that I am interested in. The incest fetish does not bother me when I am with a lovely little girl who looks at me as a safety net.

My sisters were on the mark! Hang around, make some friends here in our lil family and you are sure to find a baby girl to call your own. :rose:

Daddy are so sweet!!! Just sayin'... You are truly a daddy to all, aren't you? :heart: Jealous of your lunch! Bacon is right up there with cookies, so my tummy tells me. :rolleyes: However, I can't stay the size I am if I indulge as much in either as I would like. :mad:
My sisters were on the mark! Hang around, make some friends here in our lil family and you are sure to find a baby girl to call your own. :rose:

Daddy are so sweet!!! Just sayin'... You are truly a daddy to all, aren't you? :heart: Jealous of your lunch! Bacon is right up there with cookies, so my tummy tells me. :rolleyes: However, I can't stay the size I am if I indulge as much in either as I would like. :mad:

Yes I am. Anyone that's willing to pay for lunch will receive wisdom :)
Morning or evening for you all. I had 10 hours of glorious sleep in my own bed.

I agree age has nothing to do with being a good daddy. It's all about how you both feel and how you treat her.

Keri i'm so glad you and your Daddy had a deep and honest talk. Realizing deep issues you have is never easy, neither is admitting how much they are effecting you right now still.
Trust me I know, but talking it out with your Daddy and you both being aware of it now will hopefully mean he'll try and be a little more aware of it and you'll try and not let it effect you as much.
As my daddy said we've had our issues like this, but as long as you both keep being open, honest and understanding it'll keep going down a good path *hugs*

I have some washing to do today, after three months in my closet everything is dusty and that does not agree with my allergies or asthma *rolls eyes* So that'll keep me a little busy today, I should also finish putting away some of my stuff and try and find homes for things. At least my suitcases are out of my room and downstairs.

Woohoo on the sleep, sweet TT! Heaven knows when you get back to Daddy C, you won't get much. ;)

I completely agree with your message to Keri. I also love her to bits & pray that she realizes she is worth more to herself, and others than she thinks. She is an amazing woman, as are all of my sisters! :) We had a chance to talk on the phone and she has came a lonnnggg way since yesterday! :heart: BTW, little sis...that 10 minutes ended about an hour ago! :rolleyes:
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