Joe Biden Was In The Room When He Demanded Cash From Chinese Oligarch


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Joe Biden was in the room when he demanded cash from Chinese oligarch​

Hannah NightingaleWashington DC
Jun 22, 2023

As part of whistleblower statements made public on Thursday, it has been revealed that Joe Biden was allegedly in the room when Hunter Biden was demanding money from China.

The WhatsApp message, obtained by whistleblower Gary Shapley and his team at IRS Criminal Investigation from July 30, 2017, was between Hunter Biden and CEO and President of Harvest Fund Management Henry Zhao, who has ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

"I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled," the message read. "Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father."

It has been revealed that the Biden family has received over $10 million from foreign nationals, with House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer estimating that newly obtained bank records will show that Joe Biden and his family received upwards of $30 million from foreign nationals.

More here:

People on the left are so easy to fool. It's been known for years that Joe and his family are in bed with the CCP and other foreign governments. The Biden family is truly a crime family.
Hunter is very trustworthy and so when he says things, he's telling the truth

The authenticity of the WhatsApp message is being challenged as well.
Joe was allegedly in the alleged room when Hunter was allegedly sending Whatsapps asking for money.

$10m, what a cheapskate. Couldn't he even spell 'billion', like Jared?
President Biden is here with me right now.

By “Right”guide logic, that ^ posted comment proves that he actually is.

👉 “Right”guide 🤣

It was a perfect Whatsapp message.

Many people are saying that.
5 years of being investigated on gun charges. Average citizens are tried and convicted in less than a month but Hunter, well, he’s a Biden. White privilege on steroids. Everyone knows the Biden crime family is guilty as sin and is being protected by a corrupt DOJ and FBI.
You’re pulling our legs with this thread, right?
I think you’re secretly telling us that you love broadway musicals!
And for that, sir, I applaud you!

5 years of being investigated on gun charges. Average citizens are tried and convicted in less than a month but Hunter, well, he’s a Biden. White privilege on steroids. Everyone knows the Biden crime family is guilty as sin and is being protected by a corrupt DOJ and FBI.
He sent the perfect message

Everyone is saying that.
Well RG, we don't know that for certain. It is certainly obvious that Hunter was leveraging his father's position to shake down foreign nationals but we have NO evidence that ole Joe was actually in the room.

However, the evidence is mounting and McCarthy is managing this quite well. He's NOT going to allow an impeachment vote until every t is crossed and every i dotted. He's not going to allow a circus in the Senate like the democrats put on with the Trump impeachment.
5 years of being investigated on gun charges. Average citizens are tried and convicted in less than a month but Hunter, well, he’s a Biden.
The charge to which he pled guilty is rarely even enforced at all, actually. When it is, usually it's just what we see here: something relatively minor to plead guilty to in order to avoid other charges. If anything, Hunter got a heavier sentence than usual for these charges.
The charge to which he pled guilty is rarely even enforced at all, actually. When it is, usually it's just what we see here: something relatively minor to plead guilty to in order to avoid other charges. If anything, Hunter got a heavier sentence than usual for these charges.
My point is why did it take 5 years.
Was he allegedly eating ice cream too?

What a dad dilemma, denounce your son or just laugh it off as more Russian disinformation...
denounce your son or just laugh it off as more Russian disinformation...
Not even as close to as funny as watching your mental gymnastics, trying to negotiate the flip between President Biden being a criminal mastermind or a drooling mental patient.
"Joe Biden was in the room when he demanded cash from Chinese oligarch"

That's hardly surprising if Joe was demanding cash from the Chinese Oligarch, it would have been unusual if he was standing outside yelling it through an open window
That's hardly surprising if Joe was demanding cash from the Chinese Oligarch, it would have been unusual if he was standing outside yelling it through an open window
I really hope folk’s remember this post the next time you revert back to your BS “just an innocent guy asking questions” bit. Which should happen in 3. 2. 1.