Religious women who struggle with their sexuality


Really Experienced
Aug 10, 2007
I’m incredibly turned on by a woman who grapples with the tension between her sexual needs and her religious beliefs. Some of my most intense and exciting sexual experiences have been with women who believed that what they were doing was wrong yet couldn’t help but give in to their sexual needs.

Would love to share experiences and insights with a religious woman, of any faith, who is grappling with this tension.
This is an extremely or can be an extremely touchy subject .. I have had 2 partners who have experienced this very problem within them selves .. It can be a traumatic life to be living .. One that stands out and I must admit the best sex I have ever had .. Brought up by a very strong and dedicated religious family .. Church every Sunday , family friends all Christians and or from Christian families .. Thus home life 100% the Lord as such .. Christian families are more of a target to Satan than others I shall add ..
For my past partner who has and still until today enjoys a couple of male sexual partners in her life at the same time .. Not as in group sessions just separate partners at different times .. 4 different men a day .. "QUOTE" Is the comfortable number .. Many years into casual sex and prostitution and from an early age .. Apparently from being close ( well as close as one can) with her .. It started very young with little self confidence at school while being considered the little churchy girl by the other kids. The need to fit in and be accepted in the crowd well any crowd besides the church lot .. Then when leaving school and working away from home to live in a Christian run boarding house with dirty old apparently married couple who loved to watch porn with their young boarders .. Not long it was daily porn and daily sex for everyone living under that roof .. On the outside she still presents as the good Christian mother and school teacher.. yep still can not keep those panties on .. Her life style has resulted in only to be able to keep relationships with like minded males and of course not many female friends.. Not many woman like a woman around after they have slept with their husbands .. It has affected all of her children from different father's and obviously past long term partners .. Short term partners I sure would have more pleasant experiences to share than the long term ones as she has always been very good at what she does .. A good girl as one says ..
All churches admit to the false gods people have and still do worship.. The evil God responsible for sexual corruptions name in . THE BAPHOMET GOD .. It is claimed this God is also worshipped by the freemasons .. They say this God represents both Satan and his wife . He loves to corrupt church and temples in a group .. They say his corruption is spread thru sexual contact among members . From what I have seen and experienced he loves the good lookers as obviously more power to seduce others to spread his seed ..
This is an extremely or can be an extremely touchy subject .. I have had 2 partners who have experienced this very problem within them selves .. It can be a traumatic life to be living .. One that stands out and I must admit the best sex I have ever had .. Brought up by a very strong and dedicated religious family .. Church every Sunday , family friends all Christians and or from Christian families .. Thus home life 100% the Lord as such .. Christian families are more of a target to Satan than others I shall add ..
For my past partner who has and still until today enjoys a couple of male sexual partners in her life at the same time .. Not as in group sessions just separate partners at different times .. 4 different men a day .. "QUOTE" Is the comfortable number .. Many years into casual sex and prostitution and from an early age .. Apparently from being close ( well as close as one can) with her .. It started very young with little self confidence at school while being considered the little churchy girl by the other kids. The need to fit in and be accepted in the crowd well any crowd besides the church lot .. Then when leaving school and working away from home to live in a Christian run boarding house with dirty old apparently married couple who loved to watch porn with their young boarders .. Not long it was daily porn and daily sex for everyone living under that roof .. On the outside she still presents as the good Christian mother and school teacher.. yep still can not keep those panties on .. Her life style has resulted in only to be able to keep relationships with like minded males and of course not many female friends.. Not many woman like a woman around after they have slept with their husbands .. It has affected all of her children from different father's and obviously past long term partners .. Short term partners I sure would have more pleasant experiences to share than the long term ones as she has always been very good at what she does .. A good girl as one says ..
All churches admit to the false gods people have and still do worship.. The evil God responsible for sexual corruptions name in . THE BAPHOMET GOD .. It is claimed this God is also worshipped by the freemasons .. They say this God represents both Satan and his wife . He loves to corrupt church and temples in a group .. They say his corruption is spread thru sexual contact among members . From what I have seen and experienced he loves the good lookers as obviously more power to seduce others to spread his seed ..
This started out as interesting and then I watched it like a YouTube car chase and it skidded off the road and into a ditch, lol! “All churches admit to the false gods….” I believe you are referring to the first and possibly the second commandments that Moses brought out of Mt. Sinai? 1. Thou shall have no other gods before me. 2. Thou shall worship no idols. Don’t want to make this a theologian discussion so let’s move to today. Some people think that money is the be all and end all. They work and strive to make more. They put aside everything in order to get that promotion or raise or secure that position. They in fact are worshiping money. They have replaced GOD with a golden idol. That is what churches speak about. Just one example.

The Freemasons worship the Baphomet god? Ahh, no! As a Freemason, we believe in the one true GOD. I think you are referring to the claim that the knights Templar worshiped a bearded goat figure. I will admit that a few may have done such thing. And they were rounded up by a mob with torches and pitchforks and killed. Similarly to what happened during the Spanish Inquisition. Thousands were tortured. Over in this country, the Salem witch trials occurred, while deaths were not in the thousands, nonetheless mobs can get pretty ugly and hysterical at times. And many innocent people are killed.

The Baphomet god is typically referred to as satan. And yes, you are 100% in that ALL evil comes from him. You are also 100% correct when you said that Christian homes are more targeted by satan then others.

So your explanation wasn’t exactly correct or incorrect.

My own thoughts are that younger people are told no, no, no, no and when they can finally take control of their own lives, they explode, lol! Good example are the Amish. Teenage boys when they come of age will supe up their carriages and go wild! Well, as wild as an Amish can get, lol! Living under a strict rule for years can make one want to just go out and be reckless, lol! On my 21st birthday, I went crazy, lol!!

That may be the reason why when younger people get out from their parents roof, they get very sexual?? Just a thought.
In reality, "religion" has severely handicapped many people, both male and female who are marred for life with cognitive dissonance about anything sexually related. Taught at Catholic school or in church, many many have been convinced that sex is bad or wrong or even evil. Women have been taught to stymie their beauty and sensuality and men have been basically emasculated by the thought that their cock is the devil's tool and must be contained and controlled. It is all such a perversion of the beauty and intent of God's creations. God made human sexuality as the greatest expression of love possible, albeit intended for the confines of marriage but so many people get to their wedding night and are conflicted from then on with what is right and what is wrong. It is really a travesty and one rarely addressed properly by any authoritative form throughout life.
In reality, "religion" has severely handicapped many people, both male and female who are marred for life with cognitive dissonance about anything sexually related. Taught at Catholic school or in church, many many have been convinced that sex is bad or wrong or even evil. Women have been taught to stymie their beauty and sensuality and men have been basically emasculated by the thought that their cock is the devil's tool and must be contained and controlled. It is all such a perversion of the beauty and intent of God's creations. God made human sexuality as the greatest expression of love possible, albeit intended for the confines of marriage but so many people get to their wedding night and are conflicted from then on with what is right and what is wrong. It is really a travesty and one rarely addressed properly by any authoritative form throughout life.
Need to print this and show the wife lol. Had this conversation the other day with wife. Told her if you grew up with nudists you wouldnt think twice about walking around with no clothes on. See another person's body and not seeing a sexual object. She's reading a book on Catholic things.
there are deep rooted ties going back to the origin of organized religion. i believe it was all about control. "religious leaders" wanting to control everything right up to and including people's sex lives. making people feel guilty for expressing and experiencing what God freely gave mankind as one of, if not THE, greatest gift of all is ridiculous and insane. even so, here we are thousands of years later with many people still confused or even made to feel guilty about loving on the person they have chosen to be with for life.
Need to print this and show the wife lol. Had this conversation the other day with wife. Told her if you grew up with nudists you wouldnt think twice about walking around with no clothes on. See another person's body and not seeing a sexual object. She's reading a book on Catholic things.
Interesting note, being nude was common until the ancient Catholic Church taught us that our bodies were dirty??
In reality, "religion" has severely handicapped many people, both male and female who are marred for life with cognitive dissonance about anything sexually related. Taught at Catholic school or in church, many many have been convinced that sex is bad or wrong or even evil. Women have been taught to stymie their beauty and sensuality and men have been basically emasculated by the thought that their cock is the devil's tool and must be contained and controlled. It is all such a perversion of the beauty and intent of God's creations. God made human sexuality as the greatest expression of love possible, albeit intended for the confines of marriage but so many people get to their wedding night and are conflicted from then on with what is right and what is wrong. It is really a travesty and one rarely addressed properly by any authoritative form throughout life.
Speaking as a dude, the guilt and shame crap my Catholic schooling laid on me messed me up sexually for a long time.
Speaking as a dude, the guilt and shame crap my Catholic schooling laid on me messed me up sexually for a long time.
yep, sadly many many people are emotionally handicapped by the things they were taught or prohibited to think about. it is actually a shame that churches and religious leaders in general do not acknowledge or preach about the beauty and love of having been created to enjoy such pleasure. its certainly well documented in the bible.
Yes!! I knew some Catholic girls and Latter Day Saints who chose anal precisely because they felt less sinful
I'm not sure what their reasoning is. Do they really think that they're still virgins as long as they don't engage in vaginal intercourse, or that anal sex isn't really sex? You'd almost think it would be the other way around - that the more conservative types would only do vaginal.
If they want to remain virgins when they marry, then it is obvious why they only do anal. This is quite common in most societies.
It's a bit of a stretch to call a girl who's taken it up the backside a "virgin", don't you think?
The thing is, being religious doesn't = being sexually "repressed." Here's a fun fact:
This is true. Many if not most religious discourage sexual promiscuity and sex outside of marriage. Apart from some truly monastic sects, that doesn't extend to any kind of sexual repression among married couples, often just the opposite. Once the union and couplings are "blessed", it's often no holds barred.
I’m incredibly turned on by a woman who grapples with the tension between her sexual needs and her religious beliefs. Some of my most intense and exciting sexual experiences have been with women who believed that what they were doing was wrong yet couldn’t help but give in to their sexual needs.

Would love to share experiences and insights with a religious woman, of any faith, who is grappling with this tension.
I get this a lot. I tend to attract older married men in church.
I have talked about a friend of mine on here previously. Her mother was a very strict Christian - sex is only allowed within a marriage, for the creation of children. The woman puts up with it, definitely does not enjoy it, men are only after one thing etc. Funnily enough my friend found out that her father was having an affair with his secretary when she was 13 and he left her mum when my friend was 18. There then followed a long story of breakdowns for my friend and she didn't lose her virginity until she was 30. Never married, her life has been a series of cycles of building sexual frustration followed by casual encounters and days or weeks of guilt. Luckily her mother didn't mention masturbation as a "sin" so at least she has that. For a few years we played around in a sexual manner, sometimes it helped her and at others I am not sure that it did.

Now in her sixties, she has in the last few years found a vicars wife whom is very understanding and helpful in understanding these things - plus, post menopause, her sexual needs have receeded a bit. It is just such a shame that her mother's religious views cast such a blight over other people's lives.
It's a bit of a stretch to call a girl who's taken it up the backside a "virgin", don't you think?
I will answer your question once I tip my cap to the absolutely perfect pun you just dropped... Ok, now that's out of the way.

Absolutely it is. But I will say, I have spoken to the girl I dated who only let me do anal so she could "remain a virgin"... She's married with 2 adult children now, and she still maintains to this day that she doesn't feel like that's when she lost her virginity. She's no longer religious, but in her mind, anal still didn't count. Can't say I agree, but I guess the only person that it really matters to should be her.