Ask Me A Question v. 1.9.19

Nope. At home. The fun task of regrouting the tub is in store for me Saturday.

What do you do when you have a day all to yourself?

I wouldn't know. That hardly ever happens. :( The last time that did happen, my girlfriend and I went out and got a manicure and pedicure and then drove to Asbury Park and hung out on the beach for the rest of the day.

Do you still use at least one of your Christmas presents you got last year?
I wouldn't know. That hardly ever happens. :( The last time that did happen, my girlfriend and I went out and got a manicure and pedicure and then drove to Asbury Park and hung out on the beach for the rest of the day.

Do you still use at least one of your Christmas presents you got last year?
Yes, I got some cards that I do magic with.

do you ever feel like your visit to the message boards was amazing?
I’m considering it. Needing to get work done at my job.

What do you expect when you come to lit?
A way to procrastinate from doing stuff I need to really focus on.

Who do you look for when coming on Lit?

Hi BCC! ♥️♥️

Who? Well, before I used to look for the world's greatest hugger. But now, I just look for a thread to answer 😅✌️

What are you up to this Valentine?
Hi BCC! ♥️♥️

Who? Well, before I used to look for the world's greatest hugger. But now, I just look for a thread to answer 😅✌️

What are you up to this Valentine?

I’m taking my Nonna to breakfast at a quaint little bistro hidden a couple miles from the city then we head over to a farmers market and finally a beautiful rooftop dinner and dancing at a local spot.

What was your absolute favorite date you’ve ever gone on?
I’m taking my Nonna to breakfast at a quaint little bistro hidden a couple miles from the city then we head over to a farmers market and finally a beautiful rooftop dinner and dancing at a local spot.

What was your absolute favorite date you’ve ever gone on?

I have date night with my wife at least 2 times each month.
They are all my favourites. Happy Valentines, folks!

Are you a romantic?
I have date night with my wife at least 2 times each month.
They are all my favourites. Happy Valentines, folks!

Are you a romantic?

I am...there’s still hope that one day it will actually happen that I am surprised by a romantic gesture by a man...someday.

Are you a logical or emotional person?
I am...there’s still hope that one day it will actually happen that I am surprised by a romantic gesture by a man...someday.

Are you a logical or emotional person?

It is possible to be both, and I think that I straddle that duality.
Forced to choose, I’ll go with logic.

How you cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough?
More than I care to admit.

Highlander is awful? I enjoyed it!

As did I, but the Scottish character was played by a French man (Christopher Lambert) with a lisp while his mentor (Sean Connery) played a Spaniard. Saving grace: soundtrack by Queen.

What’s your favorite piece of classical music?

Oh boy. It changes. For now:

Vaughan Williams: Serenade to Music

Same question.
Oh boy. It changes. For now:

Vaughan Williams: Serenade to Music

Same question.

Ummmm... err.....
What he said, I’m sure his taste is spot on. 😉

What song and what particular part of that song gives you an eargasm and chills?
Little Feat - Long Distance Love

What music makes you want to dance (regardless of your dancing ability)

I Don’t Dance -Frank Sinatra

Let’s go with the previous question.

What song and what particular part of that song gives you an eargasm and the chills?