Are women over 50 invisible?


Literotica Guru
Sep 25, 2012
"French author, 50, says women over 50 are too old to love
Yann Moix, a prize-winning novelist, says women of same age are ‘invisible’ to him."

Speaking for myself, I love women over 50. Would love to begin a online relationship with a mature lady who is interested in something along those lines.
She's been very visible since we first started dating when she was 22. She's 60 now, and still very visible to me today.
As a woman slightly over 50, I'm glad to hear that some men profess to finding our demographic of interest. Still, when I saw the article, it left me a bit sad. Perhaps he's being brutally honest.

As a woman slightly over 50, I'm glad to hear that some men profess to finding our demographic of interest. Still, when I saw the article, it left me a bit sad. Perhaps he's being brutally honest.

well...brutal anyway!

Minds can be open or closed on any subject. Ignoring the over 50 women can only result from cultural ignorance and a complete lack of appreciation of what wonderful, attractive, accomplished people they are. Just MHO...but I'm not famous, so I guess it don't count for much.
As a woman slightly over 50, I'm glad to hear that some men profess to finding our demographic of interest. Still, when I saw the article, it left me a bit sad. Perhaps he's being brutally honest.

Or brutally stupid. A woman of a certain age, as they used to say, is like a fine brandy. Stronger and more delicious than the more recent vintages. Some men are not man enough for a real woman.
As a woman slightly over 50, I'm glad to hear that some men profess to finding our demographic of interest. Still, when I saw the article, it left me a bit sad. Perhaps he's being brutally honest.

Or perhaps his tsstes are different and he doesnt see the beauty that resides in such women like yourself. There is a beautiful mystery to mature women that he is missing out on to his own detriment.
I've wondered this, too. I just turned 52 a few weeks ago and I wonder if men really see me.
I've wondered this, too. I just turned 52 a few weeks ago and I wonder if men really see me.

This man definitely sees you and loves what he sees, a beautiful desirable arousing vision of femininity. How could one overlook a mature woman
I've wondered this, too. I just turned 52 a few weeks ago and I wonder if men really see me.

Real men notice women that are confident. These women take care of themselves both physically and mentally. Most younger women don't possess this trait. Some will over time. But I can't wait for a thirty year old to grow up...

I need confident and intelligent now dammit!
I can't help it but my immediate thought was why? Are they all wearing camouflage?

I cannot speak for men because I am not one (thank goodness). However, I know striking women of all ages - some for their looks, some for their wit, some for their ability to not give a shit.

Now if the women are truly all wearing camouflage, they may be invisible. :rose:
Confidence,intelligence,sense of humor,honesty are the turn ons.

Age,not so much.
Not to me. I've noticed since I was a kid that 20 years older than me seemed ancient. At 59 I have noticed a lot of hot 50+ women are gorgeous.