Landmark Report Concludes Abortion In U.S. Is Safe

At this point in time, I respect your position.

As for myself: I consider myself to be pro-choice and nonjudgmental of those who had two, and in certain cases three accidental pregnancies due to inadequate contraception.

But I am highly judgmental of those who, after two or three accidental pregnancies due to inadequate contraceptive practices , didn't seek some sort of help to address the issue and went on to have another and another accidental pregnancy.
Those women are in a minority but they Do exist.

And my moralizing approach is related to the fact that nobody, not even the top experts can tell us with certainty what the foetus is from a certain point of view. The foetus's nervous system is in development at the time of abortion.
I believe that Science will help us find the answer one day, but we're not there yet.


Be as judgemental about them as you want ... just also be cognisant of the fact that your morals shouldn't be the basis for policy.
Be as judgemental about them as you want ... just also be cognisant of the fact that your morals shouldn't be the basis for policy.

I suspect that we have different approaches to these particular debates.

If I'm not mistaken, for you they're about the topic and they intersect with your personal values,
whereas for me they're just about the process.

The things that interest me or I really care about aren't generally discussed in this forum. Yet I still engage in such debates for entertainment or to stimulate my remaining brain cells, or for the posters.
I also enjoy the luxury of being nonPC. Unfortunately, with that comes the inevitable risk of offending someone, risk that I'm prepared to take rather than turn into a Debbie. Especially since these virtual debates have absolutely no impact on real life.

I'm sorry if I offended you or if I came across as callous or flakey. But I hope that my explanation will shed some light on where I'm coming from.
Be as judgemental about them as you want ...

just also be cognisant of the fact that your morals shouldn't be the basis for policy.

Why not? I actually think that they should.

I Am judgmental of that small subgroup of women.

But (contrary to your judgmental view of me) my personal views wouldn't translate into oppressive or further abortion ban on my part
They would translate into more aggressive Education and suggestions for Preventive measures.

Overemphasizing support to the detriment of problem solving and education because you don't want to hurt feelings, can be detrimental in the long run.
45% of people in favour of making abortion illegal : I would have never expected that in modern day America.
One thing is to be critical of those who trivialize abortion, but wanting it declared illegal: that's an entirely different ballgame.

And what an ominous nomber in today's political climate.

Where did you get that number? Not even close to reality.
Where did you get that number? Not even close to reality.

Statistics aren't my forte so I might have got them wrong.
From this link provided:

No,that's an alternate fact.
55% of men believe it should be legal in all/most cases, only 4% less than women.

I was shocked by the stats because, even considering it's more religious or conservative popullation, America is overall far more liberal than many countries.
Statistics aren't my forte so I might have got them wrong.
From this link provided:

I was shocked by the stats because, even considering it's more religious or conservative popullation, America is overall far more liberal than many countries.

Roughly 20% think abortion should be illegal.

Roughly 25% think Abortion should be "legal in all cases".

Roughly 55% think abortion should be legal but restricted.

So 80% think abortion should remain legal. But those 20% would have you believe they are a majority - for sure.
In other words, since 55% are opposed to unregulated abortion, then 75% of the country believes we need some common-sense restrictions on abortion and are in that way, the majority. If A follows, then B follows, but clearly we have just demonstrated this fallacy.
I just pointed out that if you use dispirit groups to come to your "common goal," a subjective valuation, than any equally subjective valuation is equally valid. And the moron cheerleader here that is called Logic.

But this thread was began with the demand that logic and reason need not apply, abortion is an emotional issue and therefore, in order for its defenders to be right, it has to be an exclusionary topic and that is how this all began. I will now leave you to your emotional follies.
I just pointed out that if you use dispirit groups to come to your "common goal," a subjective valuation, than any equally subjective valuation is equally valid. And the moron cheerleader here that is called Logic.

But this thread was began with the demand that logic and reason need not apply, abortion is an emotional issue and therefore, in order for its defenders to be right, it has to be an exclusionary topic and that is how this all began. I will now leave you to your emotional follies.

Declare victory and retreat!
I didn't declare anything. I saw someone violating the Laws of Logic to make an invalid point.

But, I see I am dealing with emotionally-crippled children who are trying to win an argument in which I'm not even a participant in. I do not look at this emotionally but logically and ethically.
I didn't declare anything. I saw someone violating the Laws of Logic to make an invalid point.

But, I see I am dealing with emotionally-crippled children who are trying to win an argument in which I'm not even a participant in. I do not look at this emotionally but logically and ethically.

That's funny.
Well, anyone not wound up on the issue emotionally could see that I invalidated the claim of overall majority for both sides of the debate, but I did not engage in the debate.
In other words, since 55% are opposed to unregulated abortion, then 75% of the country believes we need some common-sense restrictions on abortion and are in that way, the majority. If A follows, then B follows, but clearly we have just demonstrated this fallacy.


20% have no common sense when it comes to the issue.

80% believe that abortion should remain legal.

You are obviously in the group without common sense.

Q: When is a Republican pro-choice?
A: When he fucks his mistress and she gets pregnant.

You do know that is why the seat Connor Lamb just won was open - right? Because the so-called pro-life HYPOCRITE in the seat asked his mistress to get an abortion.
I didn't declare anything. I saw someone violating the Laws of Logic to make an invalid point.

But, I see I am dealing with emotionally-crippled children who are trying to win an argument in which I'm not even a participant in. I do not look at this emotionally but logically and ethically.

Pookahontas laugh at CrippledCipher.

This is ludicrous, biased and emotion thinking on full display, i.e., it is a valid statement because I accept a flawed premise as valid it and I demand you accept it too and clearly, you are willing to double down to your invalid point because damnit man, you want it to be true so much that you have convinced yourself that you "know" its true.

Whatever, Go back to your circle jerk. I'm going to go do something useful like perusing the nudie-pic threads.
Roughly 20% think abortion should be illegal.

Roughly 25% think Abortion should be "legal in all cases".

Roughly 55% think abortion should be legal but restricted.

So 80% think abortion should remain legal. But those 20% would have you believe they are a majority - for sure.

I'd perused it superficially so I didn't see those points.
Now Those stats. make more sense to me, even tho I'm still worried about the 55%.

I would be curious to find out more about what they had in mind regarding 'restrictions'.
Were they referring to finances? Tightening up criteria for elligibility? Or what?
I'd perused it superficially so I didn't see those points.
Now Those stats. make more sense to me.

I would be curious to find out more about what the 55% have in mind.
Where they referring to finances? Tightening up criteria for elligibility? Or what?

And that is the problem when using stats subjectively. WK out.