What are you thinking now -- re-continued

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Along with that hot shower and cocoa, I just need a really good night's sleep. I've done a whole lot this week and I want to keep doing more...
I shouldn't of said hi to Mary Jane because now I want to go see Jill Miagina :)

Move away all the layers until you find your true self, and stay there....that's where the beauty is.
Sometimes I feel as if I've stepped into an alternate universe. Old age should be renamed, "I don't get it".
One day I hope to have someone to share burdens with who will help me come up with a solution instead of just expecting me to handle everything. I'm. So. Tired.

One day, I will live closer, and hopefully this won't be an issue.
Smaller sized candy is marketed as “fun size” but are less fun than the regular sized candy bars.
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