What are you thinking now -- re-continued

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Been busy the past few days. It’s a good thing. Nd I can’t believe that I’m awake right now.
I'm thinking that the Patriots finally fixed their horrid defense, hopefully it lasts throughout the season.
Of all the Presidents, even though John F. Kennedy is my favorite, the one I am most like personality wise is Richard Nixon. Needless to say I have a complex personality.
Every single day, there is one person in this world who has unknowingly taken the largest Bowel Movement on earth for that day
I’m proud of myself. I took the high road today. No blood was spilled. It was a close call though.
I wish I wasn't such a moody person.. Maybe I'm bipolar or something like it.

Things to sit and wonder about.
I think I come off to women like a mentally retarded kid with a crush, like 90% of the time. Some are nice enough to humor me for a while. I'm just going to watch Stranger Things season 2 now.
I think I come off to women like a mentally retarded kid with a crush, like 90% of the time. Some are nice enough to humor me for a while. I'm just going to watch Stranger Things season 2 now.

Wait, what?!!! Is The second season available? If so, I know what I’m doing tomorrow night.
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