Eyer the sex offender apologist

Lol - Well, I think there IS crying in baseball. Have you ever been hit by the baseball? It hurts, damn it!

And as a recently separated woman, I am definitely learning there are no rules about baby daddy drama! :rolleyes:

I got hit in the head once by a baseball at Bears Stadium. It knocked me out. I woke up with paramedics around me. ( it's probably the reason why I'm a idiot). I didn't cry tho. But I heard people whispering that's the kid that got hit by the baseball, when I walked past. I got free drinks, free food, about 3 baseball and a bat. So it definitely was worth it.
Did you save the sex offender Grace's tit pics? Do you still look at them? Rub your angry penis on them?

I'm sure the playgrounder cunt brigade is thrilled to have you aboard...

...I realize you're butthurt brand new to the group, so allow me to offer some pointers:

- re all info you desire about Grace and I's relationship: you need to suckle up to your new fellow playgrounder cunt Wings about that since she was not only probably the closest person to Grace on this Board (besides Rob) but, also of course, she has "a PM from Grace".

- don't worry about any pecking order in your new band of lie slinging, playground cunt fellows: lukatehisowndyk, the racist piece of shit, Wings, and pokie...

...you also don't have to worry about the aforementioned Rob (you should check his posts on the GB with Grace): he got fired from his job, where he did most of his playgrounder cunt slinging, posting to adult porn boards in general, and illegal downloading on his former employer's time and equipment, so he's not posting here anymore as he's desperately looking for some new sucker employer to take him on.

- keep doing the great crap slinging job you're doing about something you know absolutely nothing about; that's exactly what your fellow playgrounder cunts are totally all about, too, and precisely why they no doubt are so giddy with having another playgrounder cunt now among them.

Good luck, congratulations on finally finding the playgrounder cunt brigade as your own kind of fellows here on the GB...

...and you're very welcome that someone else has finally provided you a schtick to jack yourself off to so much.
Eyer sure is verklempt over people knowing about his intimate relationship with the convicted sex offender Grace.

The sloppy defensiveness on his part when he's usually as stiff and crisp as the pubic hairs of an unwashed porn star after a gangbang session must mean something.


I'm sure the playgrounder cunt brigade is thrilled to have you aboard...

...I realize you're butthurt brand new to the group, so allow me to offer some pointers:

- re all info you desire about Grace and I's relationship: you need to suckle up to your new fellow playgrounder cunt Wings about that since she was not only probably the closest person to Grace on this Board (besides Rob) but, also of course, she has "a PM from Grace".

- don't worry about any pecking order in your new band of lie slinging, playground cunt fellows: lukatehisowndyk, the racist piece of shit, Wings, and pokie...

...you also don't have to worry about the aforementioned Rob (you should check his posts on the GB with Grace): he got fired from his job, where he did most of his playgrounder cunt slinging, posting to adult porn boards in general, and illegal downloading on his former employer's time and equipment, so he's not posting here anymore as he's desperately looking for some new sucker employer to take him on.

- keep doing the great crap slinging job you're doing about something you know absolutely nothing about; that's exactly what your fellow playgrounder cunts are totally all about, too, and precisely why they no doubt are so giddy with having another playgrounder cunt now among them.

Good luck, congratulations on finally finding the playgrounder cunt brigade as your own kind of fellows here on the GB...

...and you're very welcome that someone else has finally provided you a schtick to jack yourself off to so much.

Eyer admits to replying to a known sex offender's PMs:
I've also posted that when she initially PMd me out of the blue after she first arrived here, I replied to her

Eyer and Grace exchanged 3,456 PMs:
...perhaps we exchanged 3,4,5,6 PMs

Eyer knowingly PMs with a sex offender and says she has nothing to worry about:
Grace admitted being a sex offender to me and I PMd her back that she had nothing to worry herself about it from me

Eyer admits to a relationship with Grace:
of my relationship with Grace.

Eyer lies and says some girls have PM'd him and enjoyed his company:
...there have only been 3, quite possibly even 4, ladies who've tickled my intellectual/sexual fancy, and 1 above the others; all of them PMd me first; all of them - without exception - are ladies who my enemies on this Board fully adore.

Eyer speaks to his imaginary "girlfriend":
...I just pray my natural dickheadedness isn't preventing her from participating more here. If it is, and you read this: please be assured I will never mention you in any way, nor post to you again - if that matters.

Another post where Eyer waves his tiny boner around defending Grace and admitting to a relationship with her, the sex offender:
My relationship with Grace began with the first PM she sent me
I sure am, eyer. I sure am.

Although I wonder why you like your name in my mouth so often, I mean it's okay to long for attention from me but when you try shoving your name in my mouth it's just rolling around in there with my husband's cum. I guess maybe you have latent tendencies and that's also just fine.

Since you like lounging in a ginger man's sperm so badly I'll let you know when the best time is.

I apologize, playgrounder cunt, for so casually brushing off in my initial reply the gist of your content above with my Blah, blah, blah, blah...blah...

...that was totally inconsiderate and rude of me.

But now I see that your post really must've of meant something special to you since you just couldn't help yourself from reaching irrelevantly way up that lying ass of yours to pull back out your "husband's cum" and "a ginger man's sperm" as some kind of reenforcement to your standard playgrounder cuntishness.

I do appreciate the effort (in spite of the weak, playgrounder cunt effort), and no offense to someone I don't know...

...but you should really just keep all your gossipy clothesline gabbing about something I have absolutely no interest in (no matter your obvious need to fantasize about me in the matter) in your Twatterville realm where your online strength resides.

BTW, you didn't reply to that other bullshit you pulled out of your playgrounder cunt ass:

So to put words in my mouth that I've said you two never had a thing, you are incorrect.


The very last time you commented on this exact issue, when I directly asked you what you knew to back up any of the crap your lying ass pals constantly love to sling about me and Grace...

...did you not post then that you didn't know anything about anything between Grace and I?

Is that what you're denying now? Are those your words you're claiming I'm now putting into your "mouth"?

Please go on record with your answer.

Or, instead of going on record with your answer...

...you can again just do another standard playgrounder cunt deal and pull some more of your "husband's cum" and "ginger man's sperm" out of your ass.

BTW, and again, no offense to someone I've never had any contact with...

...but since you just had to so playgrounder cuntishly bring him into this:

Does your "husband's cum"/"ginger man's sperm" know that when you beg to be hate fucked these days...

...eyer! eyer! OH MY GOD, eyer! is the scream of ecstasy it will always be deaf to?
What I Did During Summer Vacation by Eyer McDiddlesacker

I can recall posting to Grace no more than maybe a half dozen times when she posted here...

...perhaps all your other intentionally disingenuous cohorts can assist you in digging up all those half dozen or so posts to Grace of mine, since you obviously choose to cite a liar to erect your malicious fallacy, instead of simply using my own words which can't support your fabrication at all.

And, of course, during the entire time Grace did post here...

...no one on this Board knew she was a sex offender.

When everyone on this Board did find out at the same time...

...no one posted with her after that simply due to the fact she never posted again here to be posted to.

Besides citing those GB posts with Grace, I've also posted that when she initially PMd me out of the blue after she first arrived here, I replied to her that I didn't trust her because I didn't feel she was who she was posing to be...

...perhaps we exchanged 3,4,5,6 PMs during the entire rest of her time on the GB, and I never swayed from not accepting her for who/what she was posing as here - as anyone who remembers her posting then, and who knows my style - her style was way too flirtatiously playgroundish for my taste.

I also cannot recall how long Grace's duration on the GB lasted, but I'll just mindlessly assume it was 6 months to a year at least...

...so, if you need to hold that maybe 6 posts and 6 PMs during that year constitute whatever you and all the other wannabes before you have needed them to be for your illegitimate purposes: go for it, gertrude.

If you were truly interested in who actually on this Board had a thing for Grace (besides those who you'd freely discover if your intentionally disingenuous ass wasn't too naturally lazy to search for itself instead of cite a liar)...

...you should really interview Wings.

She knew/knows, but she doesn't seem to like to expound about that even though she's intimately aware of those here who were dearly hurt by Grace - at least, that's what she's posted before. As she's also testified before, being so knowledgeable about the issue...

...she knew nothing of Grace having a thing for me, nor did she read or hear anything about me having a thing for Grace.

Which simply is because the only thing that's truly ever been between Grace and I is completely enclosed in what I post in this thread; all else has simply been totally fabricated by butthurt wannabes...

...just as you're proving once more.

After seaniepoo so boldly exposed Grace's personal information/real life to all on the GB in the same post (and then equally so meekly tried to deflect the responsibility for doing so)...

...Grace PMd me to give me her side of her story - I can only imagine how many others here then she also PMd for the same reason. That was when I began investigating her case, and that was when her case began being dissected on the GB in true GB-style.

As I've also posted before: of all the information I gleaned from my own online investigation and all the information debated on the GB at that time, no information presented since has been any different...

...and the decisions about all that information was then, and still will be now, as widely varied as every such debate on the GB inherently produces.

Point being: Grace admitted being a sex offender to me and I PMd her back that she had nothing to worry herself about it from me; she PM'd me back, I PMd her back with some of my characteristic, unsolicited, self-imagined "wisdom", she PMd back me once more sort of resisting some of that self-imagined "wisdom"...

...and I haven't been in any type of contact with Grace since that last PM of hers to me in that first week after her exposure here on the GB - however many years ago that now is.

Maybe a half dozen posts to Grace when she posted here; maybe a half dozen PMs exchanged with Grace when she posted here; and then, what, 5 PMs exchanged between us the week after everyone found out she was a sex offender...

...that is the entire extent of my relationship with Grace.

In my 5+ years now here on the GB almost entirely exclusively...

...there have only been 3, quite possibly even 4, ladies who've tickled my intellectual/sexual fancy, and 1 above the others; all of them PMd me first; all of them - without exception - are ladies who my enemies on this Board fully adore.

1 of them posts here virtually every day; 1 of them hasn't posted (I don't believe) in at least a year or two; one of them I haven't noticed posting in a while; and the 1 above the others...

...I just pray my natural dickheadedness isn't preventing her from participating more here. If it is, and you read this: please be assured I will never mention you in any way, nor post to you again - if that matters.

So, sorry to pop your own "Grace" bubble, wannabe...

...but thanks, nonetheless, for the opportunity to record more truth for posterity.


...you're fully free to go back to enjoy posting with a poster you refer to as a "kiddie fucker".

Wow, Wings, that's certainly note worthy...:rolleyes:

...too bad for your fail even Sinny herself shared a month or so ago that Grace posted basically the same thing about me to the whole Board as Sinny tried to slam me with it, too.

You reckon there were any others posting on the GB back then who also found me intriguing/interesting?

And since you and Grace were so close that you were so at ease sharing who your pal should be "friends with"...

...maybe you can also share that wannabe "wisdom" of yours with the ladies of the GB today who still find me intriguing/interesting?

You know...

...just to mercifully help those poor, lost souls, too, to see that pitiful light of yours you imagine is so wisdomly bright.


The very last time you commented on this exact issue, when I directly asked you what you knew to back up any of the crap your lying ass pals constantly love to sling about me and Grace...

...did you not post then that you didn't know anything about anything between Grace and I?

Is that what you're denying now? Are those your words you're claiming I'm now putting into your "mouth"?

Please go on record with your answer.

Wings, Wings, Wings...

...do you actually believe there is a single soul on this Board who's going to truly believe you suddenly have this "PM from Grace" in which there's anything at all you can create now which you simply haven't "remembered" to sling before in all your and your pals' lying fails to fabricate any more of a relationship between Grace and I that never existed in the first place?

All the grief I've dished to both you and your lying pal Farrah over these years about this very issue...

...and it's only now you remember this "PM from Grace"?

How very identically Robesque of you.

Why don't you or any of your lying pieces of shit pals just quote any of my few posts to Grace that still reside on this Board...

...to support your intentional lying assess about any relationship you pieces of shit need Grace and I to have had?

Why cannot a single hater of mine simply do that?

I know...

...stupid question.

You like twirling that little "I save everything, be careful" baton of yours you pull out of your ass every once in a while...

...don't you?

Remember also pulling it out earlier this year?

I do:

Fuck you and your piece of shit wannabe "name" crap...

...I don't have any need at all for your empty "careful" bullshit punk advice while you and you're fellow lying pieces of shit pals have never had a care at all about slinging your absolutely fabricated crap around about me and Grace all the way across this Board.

I don't give a flying fuck what you saved (except, of course, for the Sex Offender's #9 post words verbatim) concerning this matter...

...because there is nothing you could possibly have saved to expose anything about a relationship that is only the fabrication of your and your lying ass pals minds, with its only purpose to disingenuously slam me because you don't like me.

And yet, while each one of you bozos fully know you're intentionally slinging your own bullshit about me...

...you enjoy posting either with the Sex Offender herself, or enjoying posting with those who enjoy posting with the Sex Offender - only because they like her and you like them.

BTW, speaking of "PM"s about me and Grace all of a sudden popping up...

...how's Grace's old buddies, and your still buddies, Farrah and Rob doing these days? Isn't it a coincidence how all three of you've now claimed to have "PM"s about me to back-up whatever current story you're trying to pimp?"

Remember your lying pal Farrah's reply when she tried to sell - just like you now, out of the blue - that I once thought she was Grace?


...she had to check and make sure (again, just like you), but of course someone told her that about me in a "PM", too.

Remember referencing your butthurt about how I reacted precisely to that lie of your and Grace's pal?

Here, allow me:

Too friggin' rich.

But I digress...

...get to retrieving that "PM from Grace" so you can tell us more about this relationship you and your lying pals must create to exist at all.

Publish all your new revelations that somehow never had any relevance before. Keep slinging it for your lying pals awaiting the flow from your backdoor...

...you know they'll love you even more for it.

If you only wrote some fiction worth publishing earning you a few $$$ in the process.

So many wasted keystrokes.
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About Lord Pmann ect.

I am beginning to get al little suspicious of Lord Pmann and his buddies.

In my life I have spent many hours with fucked up people in metal wards and group meetings as well in (I guess what one could call normal) real life. I watched people and their behavior closely all my life.

Yes I understand the need for some people to soapbox an a self appointed "Cause" for the "Public" good. I also understand the dynamic that makes Guilty people and victims champion causes to the extremes that cause harm. Social workers and councilors as well as physiologist and have to be on guard about this too.

There is a line between Justice and Vengeance. And lately the supporters of social justice in this country have tried to promote it past the bounds of common sense, good taste and legal law.

As I see it at the rate it is progressing on this Board sooner or later our Host are going to have to step in free speech/ No Moderators not withstanding.

Then again Playground things should be on the Playground Board.
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I am beginning to get al little suspicious of Lord Pmann and his buddies.

Funny, I don't recall your being "a little suspicious" of eyer's openly misogynistic bullying campaign. But now that he's getting a parodic taste of his own medicine, "the SJWs are going too far"?

You could have just posted "I'm a hypocritical asshole" and saved yourself time and word count.
I am beginning to get al little suspicious of Lord Pmann and his buddies.

In my life I have spent many hours with fucked up people in metal wards and group meetings as well in (I guess what one could call normal) real life. I watched people and their behavior closely all my life.

Yes I understand the need for some people to soapbox an a self appointed "Cause" for the "Public" good. I also understand the dynamic that makes Guilty people and victims champion causes to the extremes that cause harm. Social workers and councilors as well as physiologist and have to be on guard about this too.

There is a line between Justice and Vengeance. And lately the supporters of social justice in this country have tried to promote it past the bounds of common sense, good taste and legal law.

As I see it at the rate it is progressing on this Board sooner or later our Host are going to have to step in free speech/ No Moderators not withstanding.

Then again Playground things should be on the Playground Board.

I have a different view on their motivations :

I think that what they are doing is only driven by their exasperation with eyer and the eyer/recidiva thing.
I think that they are trying to give eyer a taste of his own medicine, so he could leave people in peace/ let them go about their our business.

Eyer has done so much splitting on the board and kept people divided - people who would otherwise get along.
I am beginning to get al little suspicious of Lord Pmann and his buddies.

In my life I have spent many hours with fucked up people in metal wards and group meetings as well in (I guess what one could call normal) real life. I watched people and their behavior closely all my life.

Yes I understand the need for some people to soapbox an a self appointed "Cause" for the "Public" good. I also understand the dynamic that makes Guilty people and victims champion causes to the extremes that cause harm. Social workers and councilors as well as physiologist and have to be on guard about this too.

There is a line between Justice and Vengeance. And lately the supporters of social justice in this country have tried to promote it past the bounds of common sense, good taste and legal law.

As I see it at the rate it is progressing on this Board sooner or later our Host are going to have to step in free speech/ No Moderators not withstanding.

Then again Playground things should be on the Playground Board.

Metal institutions? Mental institutions?

Were you hanging out with JBJ?
My bad, racist piece of shit...

...I should've guessed you'd be jealous that I have no interest in your fellow playgrounder cunt's latest marriage or "husband's cum" or "ginger man's sperm".

Have you persuaded your fellow playgrounder cunt Wings to include your Sex Offender pal and her cuckold in your regularly-scheduled meats when it's her and her "husband's cum" and "ginger man's sperm" turn to host, yet?


Don't fret...

...you're her wing"boy" in all the "Grace" playground cunt shit you can't ever help yourselves from slinging.

And, of course, she favors you enough to totally let you slide when you regularly pull your racist piece of shit act, despite her pronounced two-faced hatred for others who do the exact same...

...so, even though she currently poses to despise the Sex Offender for her act, I have no doubt she'll eventually cave on that, too.

I mean...

...she's already half way there when she posts so merrily with Sex Offender supporting/enabling pieces of shit like you.



- END -

~ throwing the racist piece of Sex Offender supporting/enabling shit...

...another of those every once and a while bones.

Again for the record (again as I've already said this multiple times): I don't think you were romantically involved with Grace. I do think it's odd that you told Grace she'd get no trouble from you but you insist that the rest of the Lit members who post with someone who's posted with Reci are complete scum.

I find myself on the same side of the fence with you on the Reci issue. I can't stand her, I find her disgusting and her attitude of laughing off what she did and the story changing constantly but I'm SO tired of seeing her name pop up over and over again, you're not proving anything, you're just giving her the attention she craves.