Confessions: What Are Yours?

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ICT I got too attached to a woman too soon and she sort of hurt me.

IACT it actually helped me get over my attachment to my ex, who spent 3 years mindfucking me. So, it's a net gain?
ICT a friend gave me good advice last night, and it really made me think. Maybe it is time to start letting people see the real me.

Well, we all have a face that we hide away forever, and we take it out and show ourselves when everyone is gone. Some are satin, some are steel, some are silk and some are leather; they're the faces of The Stranger, and we... oh wait...

Yeah, having a dual persona takes too much effort :p
Well, we all have a face that we hide away forever, and we take it out and show ourselves when everyone is gone. Some are satin, some are steel, some are silk and some are leather; they're the faces of The Stranger, and we... oh wait...

Yeah, having a dual persona takes too much effort :p
Lit needs a like button :)
I confess that I am what I am,
a man who is human and imperfect,
but no less capable of loving and deserving of being loved than any other...
i confess that that if you had told me that you had loved me i would of let you finish down my throat but you didnt and i didnt and now you wont ever get the chance lol
ICT I gave a friend advice to not get too involved with a married person. To learn from my mistake. And I hope he listens.

IFCT I don't get the whole staying when you're unhappy thing? Either you're sufficiently unhappy to leave.....or you're suffciently happy to stay. If you're staying, don't be looking to other people to fufill what you are lacking in yourself to be happy. :cool:
ICT I am great at procrastinating. who needs to do homework when you can flirt with boys online.. and semi-clean your room!? hah.
ICT I gave a friend advice to not get too involved with a married person. To learn from my mistake. And I hope he listens.

IFCT I don't get the whole staying when you're unhappy thing? Either you're sufficiently unhappy to leave.....or you're suffciently happy to stay. If you're staying, don't be looking to other people to fufill what you are lacking in yourself to be happy. :cool:

The unfortunate reason, at least from my experience, is that they stay because they know they can use the other person. They may be unhappy, but it doesn't stop them from taking full advantage of the person that cares for them.

ICT I hate relying on pain medication, and can't wait until I heal so I don't need them anymore.
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