Ropework photos

Thanks for the comments. I'm new on Literotica and trying to feel my way around.

Welcome to Lit from a fellow newbie! :rose:

Looks like you and I have a couple of things in common. I've got low back issues too, and it was great to see that you could be tied anyway, even if adjustments had to be made. And I believe we have the same panties! However, I think they look better on you. :jealous: :eek:
Who know, she might be a lurker here ;)

That would be terribly cool. She really was such a cute lil thing.

Some people get all gooey inside and go "awwww" when they see puppies or kittens. I'm that way with friendly/cute/giggly slavegirls, I guess :D


Ha ha ha!!!!! :D


I like the formal thing, glad you got a taste of it that you actually liked.

It's pretty cool, really. Her Master was great too. He's like seven feet tall or something crazy, as I was eye level with the top of his chest. Fantastic guy though, and we got on well. While they were into protocol and formality in their own relationship, he was relaxed and friendly to me. He did a lot of bowing too, and I wasn't really sure about the etiquette there. *shrug* Cool people, either way.

He trying to bootstrap a munch group at the club. I'll probably support it, depending on what nights they want to meet. It's a bit of a drive for me.


Thank you, Miss Rebbecca, and I look forward to seeing some pictures from you. You are awesome with finding really good and erotic pictures! :eek:

I will certainly share pictures with you, when I finally do some ropework on a guy, which probably won't be for a while, yet, as I have not done any play sessions with my sub friend as yet, but the ropework won't happen in the play session, as we both need to iron out any signals, and to learn more about each other, etc..blah..blah. Safety first, ya know? :D

How do you handle safe signals, caz? I've thought about that myself, as my hearing is iffy. I was thinking about the dropped scarf concept used in cases where the bottom is very bound and gagged. Something like giving the bottom an item to hold that is attached to you, and you would notice if it was dropped, or something very visible.

It's an interesting question.
And here is a Public Service Announcement from you friendly Rope Top, and originator of this thread.

Friends, when you are at a fetish club, and doing fuck-all fetish-related because you know that you just aren't cool enough for public consumption, and your girlfriend, who apparently digs public play, asks if the scary bald dude over there can tie her up, say yes. Seriously, think of her needs and feelings. You aren't doing what she wants done, and that bald dude over there will. You want her to be satisified, actualised, and extremely sexually charged up for when you take her home, right? So say yes. For her sake, and yours. The sloppy after-club humping you save may be your own.
You need pick up lines for the boyfriends. That's all.
That would be terribly cool. She really was such a cute lil thing.

Some people get all gooey inside and go "awwww" when they see puppies or kittens. I'm that way with friendly/cute/giggly slavegirls, I guess :D
I think you should start promoting this link, so we can get many more willing ropebunnies for you to tie up, and avaiable for those of us that come and visit you, to get taught by the rope master ;)

I'm not trying to pick up the boyfriends.

I really have to teach you everything Junior, don't I? *sigh*

The boyfriends' pick up lines are NOT meant to pick up the boyfriends, but to pick up their girlfriends. They are the ones putting obstacles between your rope and the bodies, no? So they are the ones you want to charm.

I really have to teach you everything Junior, don't I? *sigh*

The boyfriends' pick up lines are NOT meant to pick up the boyfriends, but to pick up their girlfriends. They are the ones putting obstacles between your rope and the bodies, no? So they are the ones you want to charm.

It's generally difficult to talk to the boyfriends when they're halfway across the room, and I can smell the fear from that distance. Cause, y'know I'm gonna tie their girlfriends up and take them away, all while she screams how much of a dinky winky he's got. Sheesh.

And it would be far easier to mock your "teach you everything" comment if you hadn't been enjoying success recently.
Thanks for the comments. I'm new on Literotica and trying to feel my way around.

Welcome Charlie! I loved your photos with Homburg! I hope you feel as welcome as I do (being still a relative newbie).

I look forward to getting to know you!

I'm always happy to help you be a better rope Top :p

Fortunately, I knew both of these methods already, else I'd be sitting on a pile of waxy rope.

Find me videos discussing relaying rope that's taken a twist, and then I'll consider you helping to make me a better rope top.
Fortunately, I knew both of these methods already, else I'd be sitting on a pile of waxy rope.

Find me videos discussing relaying rope that's taken a twist, and then I'll consider you helping to make me a better rope top.
You're really high maintenance, you know that?

Plus, I'm not your research monkey.
You're really high maintenance, you know that?

Plus, I'm not your research monkey.

Yes, I'm high maintenance. But I'm worth it, and you know it :D

And I'm not asking you to be a research monkey. You just seem to want to help make me a better rope top, so I was giving you a chance to be useful, instead of merely thinking yourself useful.
Yes, I'm high maintenance. But I'm worth it, and you know it :D

And I'm not asking you to be a research monkey. You just seem to want to help make me a better rope top, so I was giving you a chance to be useful, instead of merely thinking yourself useful.

Haaaaa!!! Ha Ha Ha!!!!

Nothing personal, that kind of thought process just sounds insanely ridiculous. :D

No it doesn't.
(Not speaking for Homburg, of course)

Otherwise, it is a perfectly reasonable thought process. ;)

Still not sleeping. Expects the occasional incoherent rant from me for the next few hours. I don't do drugs....sorry....:(
I showed a nylon collar earlier made off of a modification of the TwoKnottyBoys collar. It workd great with paracord, not so great with anything else. And while the paracord takes dye really well, it is dead itchy after dying. I don't want a collar I give out to itch or distract. I want it to be a relatively comfortable circlet binding her to me. A reassuring weight and presence that becomes as much a part of her as her own flesh.

I make my own gear by and large. Being the rope Top that I am, rope was the medium in which I wished to work to produce collars. While at the FFF, viv found some gorgeous purple 4mm hemp by TwistedMonk. It's the "Sex & Violet" colour, for those familiar. Purple is recurring colour in my life, and basically my favourite colour*, so it was a pleasure to find that she liked the same colour I did. I picked up 15ft of it and set to work.

As I said, I did the TKB method forst, and it was a trainwreck. Hard to braid due to the twist and lack of compressibility of the hemp, it became more and more bulky. So I threw that design out, unbraided it, and set out to do my own thing. I said previously that I had issues with the TKB design, and those issues never got better**. I decided to go with macrame. Yep, macrame.

Here's the result:


And side on, showing how comparatively thin it is:


Astute observers will note the relifs braided into it just inside of the ends. This is to allow for greater flexibility in that area. The center buckle also occupies a relief, same intended purpose.

Closure will be accomplished by a small brass lock.

I'd planned to make second out of lavender MFP, very soft, lovely, and hypo-allergenic. That one would have had a frog button closure, again, for allergenic reasons. I don't think it will be necessary now. If I do ever see the need to make it, I'll post on it, and on the frog button closure.

As always, feel free to ask questions. I'll post a pic of it on viv once I have the lock that I want. I know which one I want, just need to source it.

In my world, collars are important not in themselves, but because of the bond they represent. I don't particularly consider the item itself to be sacred, but I'm human. I attach importance to symbols. Also, in my world, something I make with my own hands is a helluva lot more important than something I spend money on. It may not be as pretty, or as slick, but it is definitely more serious.

for those of you paying attention, you'll notice that I'm calling her viv instead of "v". I figured it's about time to stop calling her by a letter. Thus viv is what she shall be called, short for Genevive***.

* - Yes, purple is my favourite colour. It's not one that I wear, or use on my own person, but it is the colour that I like best insofar as what I see is concerned.

** - It was too bulky, period, and would not tie straight with a twisted rope, as opposed to a solid braid, or double braid

** - Scene Name, not birth name
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