

Oct 9, 2001
I just started it four days ago and the cigarettes already taste like caca. I wasn't mentally prepared to stop for another 10 days though.


Stop It!

Stop Speaking Of The Wonder Of Chemical Tabbacco, It's Killing Me!


~Is Fine~


~Is Fine~
Rubyfruit said:
I just started it four days ago and the cigarettes already taste like caca. I wasn't mentally prepared to stop for another 10 days though.



Can't they come up with something like that for sweets and fatty snacks?

Rubyfruit said:
I just started it four days ago and the cigarettes already taste like caca. I wasn't mentally prepared to stop for another 10 days though.



It works. You'll learn to detest the taste of cigarettes and have no withdrawals. Of course, once you stop the pills you have to keep stopped (which I failed ot do).
Killswitch said:
I think you need to try "Xanex" first.

What's that, Killswitch?

Indigo, all it is, is Wellbutrin (in fact, if you don't have insurance, ask for that - it's generic and way cheaper), an anti-depressant that's been around for eons. Doctors found out anecdotally from their patients that they lost their desire for cigarettes when they were on it.

Thus, a fortune was made.

It's not nicotine replacement, so you're still free to indulge in patches or gum if your little nicotine-starved heart so desires.

I'll keep you looped.

RNAB, isn't the morning sickness keeping the cravings at bay? It did for me. You'll get through it. :)

Thanks Freya. It's all about timing. I'm hoping now is my time.
Ruby, I did Zyban and quit for about a year. It's a long story why I went back, but I'll tell you on the phone some time. You'll laugh your ass off.

Anyway, my experiences. I also wanted to quit sooner than my chosen "quit date" and mainly found myself just not having the urge to light a smoke every 30 seconds like I normally did/do.

The list of reasons you want to quit that they recommend you write down and keep with you? Do it. It's goofy as hell, but it worked better than almost anything for me.

Also, if you do get an urge to smoke, go brush your teeth and the feeling will pass. I promise.

It wasn't hard. Remember that it's an anti-depressent (Wellbuterin) repackaged under another name. My brother called me "The Stepford Wife" because I became so...well, cheery. *gag*

Remember that even though you've quit and you'll be happy you quit, it's *imperitive* that you take it for at least 3 months.

The other thing is start washing your clothes and painting your closet now while you have the energy to do so. About 3 days to a week after your quit date you're going to realize that all of your clothes REEK of smoke and the smell will make you wanna barf.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions, love, and congratulations on your decision and determination.
Your sleep might get screwy at first too, but it'll pass.
Oh fuck yeah. I was sleeping an average of about 3 hours a night at first. Which was only an hour less than my usual 4 hours, but still...
Wellbutrin makes me come really hard. I mean, REALLY hard. They considered marketing it for female sexual dysfunction for a while there. They ran clinical trials and stuff. I'm not dysfunctional, so it just revvs things up even more. Too bad it costs over $150 a month, without health insurance. Grr. But when I was taking it, it was very nice. Enjoy that peculiar side effect.
Thanks Nora. We should chat next week. I sense free time coming up. Maybe. If I get the tree, decorations and outside lights up this weekend, per the immediate and urgent request of my little ones. :)

Freya, I tried it before and felt terrible on it....couldn't sleep, agitated, etc. This time, I'm not having the same problems. I feel great, but my cigs taste like crap.
YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make it when Hubby's not home so I can masturbate while listening to you giggle. I get the total shivers when you giggle. *evil grin*

Oh! And I'm gonna take 4 days of nights coming up cuz the night guy's gonna be out. Lemme think. Dec 26th & 27th and Jan 2nd & 3rd. They still want me on days for now, though. *sigh*

Oh, and I have SO fucking much to tell you, too! And I'm totally stuffed full of sushi right now. Went out after work with some friends and we just marathon ate. First sushi, then Cheesecake Factory (their apple crisp is the BEST, btw!) and I had a blast laughing my ass off at my coworker pretending to be straight cuz nobody (but me) at work knows he's gay. The best was when this like...batallion of hot, young latino guys (his faves) paraded past our table. I thought he was gonna explode! hahahah!

Ok, sorry for the digression... *Grins*
Rubyfruit said:
I had an orgasm this week that flooded my bed, self-induced even.

Yay! I do love the stuff. I might almost classify it as recreational, even.
Nora, you're so funny. Do you swear you don't get high? ;-) I can't wait to catch up.

Supergirl, $150 a month? Fuck. I wonder if it's cheaper on the streets. :)
Ok, how come I never get the GOOD side effects? *grumbles*

And as for that question, Ruby...well. Rarely. Very rarely. Like once a decade, on average. When I go visit you, that will be a special occassion and deserving of a toke and the resultant munchies.

Oh, but I giggle like a moron. It's just not a pretty sight.
Oh, and Ruby? I've been meaning to give this to you for like a week and a half, but I have this relatively nifty Bettie that I made a long time ago that i've never gotten around to using. It's yours if you want it.

(yeesh, I did so many versions perfecting the invisible layer [don't ask, i was totally brainfarting] that I *think* this is the right version!!)
Rubyfruit said:
We should make pot brownies. :)

How about we smoke the pot and THEN make the brownies. Ain't nothin' funnier than baked goods created whilst under the influence.
Rubyfruit said:

Indigo, all it is, is Wellbutrin (in fact, if you don't have insurance, ask for that - it's generic and way cheaper), an anti-depressant that's been around for eons. Doctors found out anecdotally from their patients that they lost their desire for cigarettes when they were on it.

My mom is on Wellburtin (for depression).. has been for over 3 years.. and it hasn't helped her to quit smoking. But that could be because she doesn't want to quit. It's about all the entertianment (besides annoying me) that she has.

She says food tastes funny. I told her it was the cigarettes.. maybe it's the welbutrin/cig combination?
Oh.. I forgot to add. Good luck on your quitting. It was easy for me.. but I think it was because I wanted to do it... not because I felt I needed to do it.

*smoke free since Sept 12, 2002*
Rubyfruit said:
I just started it four days ago and the cigarettes already taste like caca. I wasn't mentally prepared to stop for another 10 days though.



Boy do I feel like an idiot. I've been taking Zyban for hair loss.