Zuckerberg admits White House played a role in suppressing speech, we knew all along,


Literotica Guru
Mar 23, 2019
suppressed Covid speech, suppressed Hunter Biden’s laptop. FBI knew better but allowed the lies.



Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Wrong to Suppress Hunter Laptop Story, Scolds White House for Covid Censorship​

More of Biden destroying democracy to save democracy. Biden’s regime defrauded the American people during an election cycle but yet Trump gets convicted on a misdemeanor charge turned felony. More unethical behavior by the Biden regime. Where’s Biden’s felony charges for defrauding the American people.

The Democratic Party is antithetical to our republic. Pure election interference. Biden should be impeached for abuse of power.

I hear the lapdogs at my door!
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Ah yes! I remember well the time that the WH tried suppressing free speech.

Ah yes! I remember well the time that the WH tried suppressing free speech.

Trump was convicted of defrauding the people during an election cycle and Biden wasn’t. The FBI knew the Hunter Biden laptop was authentic but allowed 50+ former high level government officials promote the lie. Vote Harris for more of the same

Why are your morals so compromised that you feel Americans should be represented by a criminal on the world stage? I think it’s telling that you and zuck here feel peddling misleading information at the expense of lives is ok. That’s sickening. Treasonous. You’re a traitor.
Why are your morals so compromised that you feel Americans should be represented by a criminal on the world stage? I think it’s telling that you and zuck here feel peddling misleading information at the expense of lives is ok. That’s sickening. Treasonous. You’re a traitor.
I don't want American citizens to be represented by a criminal, that's why Biden and Harris need to go. Thrown out of office and referred to the DOJ for criminal prosecution.
I don't want American citizens to be represented by a criminal, that's why Biden and Harris need to go. Thrown out of office and referred to the DOJ for criminal prosecution.
Bring charges then. Show to a grand jury. Indict. I can think of nothing more powerful to do that than the power of the purse in the republican led House. Amirite? What’s taking so long?
Bring charges then. Show to a grand jury. Indict. I can think of nothing more powerful to do that than the power of the purse in the republican led House. Amirite? What’s taking so long?
The house is a legislative body, not a prosecutorial body. The corrupt DOJ determines what cases to prosecute, Biden owns Garland.
Look, I want to stay on the topic of the thread even though I think the OP is a POS. I am of the opinion that you like to be lied to. Whether by trump, Jordan, or Zuckerberg - it doesn’t matter. I think it gives you comfort because so many of the positions you have are crap.
You support Trump. Who wants to severely curtail the first amendment.

And you are worried about free speech.

You just can't make this shit up.

Yeah, this is why Truth Social exists, to eliminate free speech.

Seriously, you're an idiot.
Yeah, this is why Truth Social exists, to eliminate free speech.

Seriously, you're an idiot.

You don't know anything about your candidate. It's glaringly obvious.

You just hate democrats ergo you love Trump. Even if he literally killed a baby after birth like he says is done.
You don't know anything about your candidate. It's glaringly obvious.

You just hate democrats ergo you love Trump. Even if he literally killed a baby after birth like he says is done.

Now you're just bullshitting yourself.
So then you know that Trump wants to restrict the first amendment to jail anyone who burns the flag?


How is this any different than Zuckerberg admitting Meta ACTUALLY DID suppress speech so that the D's would win the election?

You're a hypocrite.

How is this any different than Zuckerberg admitting Meta ACTUALLY DID suppress speech so that the D's would win the election?

You're a hypocrite.

Your fever dreams of hysteria. Good thing Hunter wasn't running for president.

Again, Trump wants to actually LIMIT the constitution. Suspend and altogether get rid of various parts of it.

Your fever dreams of hysteria. Good thing Hunter wasn't running for president.

Again, Trump wants to actually LIMIT the constitution. Suspend and altogether get rid of various parts of it.


So then you know that Trump wants to restrict the first amendment to jail anyone who burns the flag?
No, he would support congress passing a law making it illegal to burn the flag and he would sign.

"I want to get a law passed. Everyone tells me, oh sure, it's very hard. You burn an American flag, you go to jail for one year. Got to do it, we got to do it. They say, 'Sir, that's not constitutional.' We'll make it constitutional," said Trump during a National Guard address in Detroit on Monday August 26.
No, he would support congress passing a law making it illegal to burn the flag and he would sign.

"I want to get a law passed. Everyone tells me, oh sure, it's very hard. You burn an American flag, you go to jail for one year. Got to do it, we got to do it. They say, 'Sir, that's not constitutional.' We'll make it constitutional," said Trump during a National Guard address in Detroit on Monday August 26.

Yes that's called freedom of expression and it's in the first amendment.

Why do you always have to make excuses for him?
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

That will be a philosophy in the rear view mirror if Trump is elected and the GOP gets their way.
Yes that's called freedom of expression and it's in the first amendment.

Why do you always have to make excuses for him?

The Constitution has a process to amend it.

But, unlike your idea that the government can ban guns, banning the burning of the flag for anything other than proper disposal, even for political speech/protest, could be within the realm of possibility given the makeup of the nation.

It is also the nature of political campaigns to make extraordinary statements to gauge if the public will endorse those statements or not.

You not liking it, because Trump, is irrelevant to reality.