Zimmerman Rescued A Family Of 4


Loves Spam
Feb 18, 2012
George Zimmerman Rescued A Family Of 4 From An Overturned Truck

George Zimmerman briefly emerged from hiding last week to pull people out of an overturned truck on a Florida highway, ABC News reports.

Zimmerman and another man reportedly helped a family of four, including two children, out of the overturned SUV before police arrived, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
Can all you assholes confine your jerking of Zimmerman cock to one thread?



In all fairness guys koala and the other derps camoflauged there threads behind some racism so you might not find them if you didn't have the time to look at everything.

What would have happened if George hadn't gotten out of his truck???

The other man who was apparently there wouldn't be in the newspaper that' what. I'm sure if the truck was on fire or something we'd have heard about how he's an action star. I'm glad he was there, happy he got to "save" lives (most of the stories describe it as helped out of a flipped SUV)
nah.... it was a False Flag operation put together by Mossad, it's so obvious to anyone with a clue :cool:
And all four of the people in the SUV immediately punched Zimmerman in the face.
Just as soon as the left stops with the "POO BABY TRAY TRAY WAS AN ANGEL~~~!!! OHHHH LAWDY!!!!" bullshit...

At the time I posted that, there were 4 goddam threads about this on the front page, and that's not counting anyone I have on Ignore who joined in the dumbfuckery.

I'll say the same thing to anyone who spams the board with repetitive threads about the exact same news story.
At the time I posted that, there were 4 goddam threads about this on the front page, and that's not counting anyone I have on Ignore who joined in the dumbfuckery.

I'll say the same thing to anyone who spams the board with repetitive threads about the exact same news story.

It's a touchy subject....the left want's to shit can the legal system and lynch them a white boy, and the right is busy yelling neener neener neeener.....of course there are going to be a bunch of threads.

I'm just waiting for the case where an armed civilian stops a spree shooting, that's going to be a the nuclear bomb.
Just as soon as the left stops with the "POO BABY TRAY TRAY WAS AN ANGEL~~~!!! OHHHH LAWDY!!!!" bullshit...
Whitey Bulger is on trial for murder.

If you haven't been following it, you might find it interesting. The guys he is accused of killing include mobsters, killers, safe-crackers, and thieves.

Because it is a murder trial, the character of the victims has not come up. Murder is murder, after all, and it's not their trial, it's his.

Any thoughts as to why Trayvon Martin's character came up during his killer's trial?
Whitey Bulger is on trial for murder.

If you haven't been following it, you might find it interesting. The guys he is accused of killing include mobsters, killers, safe-crackers, and thieves.

Because it is a murder trial, the character of the victims has not come up. Murder is murder, after all, and it's not their trial, it's his.

Any thoughts as to why Trayvon Martin's character came up during his killer's trial?
A very differnt case.

There are witness to Whitey's actions.

But the Bulger case is far more important and should be getting coverage. Not only his acts but the corrupt FBI office.
A very differnt case.

There are witness to Whitey's actions.

But the Bulger case is far more important and should be getting coverage. Not only his acts but the corrupt FBI office.
The people he killed were thugs and gangsters.

It hardly counts as murder in that case, correct?
Whitey Bulger is on trial for murder.

If you haven't been following it, you might find it interesting. The guys he is accused of killing include mobsters, killers, safe-crackers, and thieves.

Because it is a murder trial, the character of the victims has not come up. Murder is murder, after all, and it's not their trial, it's his.

Any thoughts as to why Trayvon Martin's character came up during his killer's trial?

It came up because self defense was Zimmerman's theory to prove justifiable homicide.
Funny how the RWCJ are so keen to make a hero out of a child molester. Makes one wonder at their motivations.
Can all you assholes confine your jerking of Zimmerman cock to one thread?

you are right

why read so many threads about how good ZIM is

after all you are busy

Martin would still be alive.

Pure speculation, fueled by hysteria and emotionalism...

...and in that weak man's game, Martin could've reapproached Zimmerman's truck and the confrontation could've taken place there, too.

What's telling is that there are so many still grasping onto "murder" and "victim"...

...when the initial investigation result and eventual trial jury decision said there was neither.

Self-defense and deceased are the facts of this case established by unanimous verdict...

...but emotionalism, hysteria, and hyperbole, as continually evidenced on this issue on this Board, are more preferable to many than are facts of the matter.

Some children just never grow up...
man, i don't give a fuck how many people he saved.. he needs to get robbed an shot