
I quite like 'gwound.'

A wittle more centuwian than whoaman in those times, perwaps.
yeah, i heard this yesterday on the radio. it was goodness.

also, dude doesn't like all that trinity nonsense, so yay for him. he gets extra points and a whole card of gold star stickers and stuff.
yeah, i heard this yesterday on the radio. it was goodness.

also, dude doesn't like all that trinity nonsense, so yay for him. he gets extra points and a whole card of gold star stickers and stuff.

Usually the problem with these books are they're too biased one way or the other. It's kinda rare to see a good one that's balanced.
He's great. I haven't read Lamb. It will make a good companion piece.

lamb was hilarious, all the way to the end.
chris moore is a pretty damn good writer, consistently