You're kinda guy.

I dunno, he seems like a nice enough guy. Enjoys shooting sports, debating politics with friends, staging armed revolts.
I went shooting a couple weeks ago but didn't take video. I shot the fuck out of those cans. Stupid cantards. They take it in the ass. I won't tolerate them taking away my constitutional right to blast them into cantard oblivion.
A libtard obviously refused his sexual advances, thus the outrage.

He's just another gun toting little bitch who wouldn't make a peep without the security of his gun.
A libtard obviously refused his sexual advances, thus the outrage.

He's just another gun toting little bitch who wouldn't make a peep without the security of his gun.

What does George Zimmerman have to do with this?
Why don't you take a trip of there and tell him that.:rolleyes:
I know why not. Because Gilberton is a tiny underpopulated white ghetto in the middle of coal country that nobody in their right mind would want to go anywhere near.