Your personal best


bootie shaker
Jul 11, 2002
OK I haven't been doing much reading lately, mostly just shooting my mouth off on the GB, but as of New Years I am resolving to read more stories - so I want to hear from you all, if you have more than one story posted here, which one do you think of as being your best piece of work, and why?

If you post it here, I promise I'll read it. (I can't promise I'll read it right away, but I will get to it.)
Laura's Vineyard

This was a story that wouldn't let me go until I finished it. It's a little softer erotica than some of the work here.

I really enjoyed for the love of snow white (its four am, capitalisations are the last thing on my mind :D).

I'd like to put what I think is my best story so far up... More chapters to come ;)

Seducting Severus Chapter 1

"You never know where fantasy will take you"
my best, I think

I think this is my best.


no, the first one, really.


okay, I suck. Read this one.

Megan & Julie
Decisions, decisions, ...

...I'm no good at decisions. I like them all, for various reasons, and loathe them, for others. Well, maybe not loathe, but I sometimes ask myself, 'did I really write that'!

For the purposes of this request, I'll go with the piece I wrote for the 'Talisman' chain story, Lucy McFey. It was an interesting exercise in trying to set time and place.

That kinda depends on what you ean by 'personal best'. If you mean the stuff I have posted here, then that woudl be this one, which I'll warn you beforehand, is very long (five pages), and very twisted (read: some parts seem like they were written by a lunatic).

If you mean the best thing I've ever written, that would be a scene in a novel I've been working on since I was 15. I'm not goign to post it here because you'd have to know the characters, and there's quite a lot of backstory to the both of them.

Best story?

I think it would greatly depend on your preferred interests. So perhaps you can select which one you'd prefer based on your own tastes and desires out of the following possibilities:

Mature: Mrs. Steel / Mrs. Steel the return. Or my Ya Ya Dildohood Series.

Incest: My Three Sisters and mom

Toys: Magic Panties

Group Sex: A New Years Resolution

Loving Wifes: Sweet Sweet Sweet Revenge

I think one of these at least you may find enjoyable to read.

I remain,
BTW Ronde.....

Laura's Vinyard really was an excellent story!

And from reading through the list here of what everyone else has offered up as "Best" stories. I'd have to say this truly IS the cream of the crop. They are ALL damn good reads, and such a wide variety to boot!

I remain,
I like and agree with your New Year's resolution, peachykeen.

As for me, two months of blood, sweat, and tears; a Lit 5-pager (Romance): Queen of Hearts
Re: Hmmm

Thesandman said:
Best story?

I think it would greatly depend on your preferred interests. So perhaps you can select which one you'd prefer based on your own tastes and desires out of the following possibilities:
I think one of these at least you may find enjoyable to read.

Nope, not which one would I think is your best - which one do you think is your best, or if you like the one you are most emotionally attached to, and why.

So which one of those is it, then?

Well, In that case......Magic Panties.

Reason being? I enjoyed writing this one because I allowed my imagination to unravel a bit. True...a lot of it is pretty far fetched, but hey...arn't most fantasies?

And...I tend to enjoy including humor wherever it's appropriate to do so, including in an erotic story. Hopefully I managed to do that with this one.

I wanted entertaining, erotic as well as sensual. I think it's a pretty good balance.

I remain,
deliciously_naughty said:
For Love of Snow White

sensual rather than erotic, but I think it combines by love of fairy tales and my love of erotica quite well

yes, it certainly does! Heavier on the fairy tale than the erotic (let's hear more about that huntsman!) but well done, you!
Personal Best

This is a very tough choice. It is like choosing among your children. I can divide them into two piles for "OK" and "pretty good", but picking just ONE.....ouch.

Well, anyway, here is one of my favorites from the "pretty good" pile.

I am also rather proud of the 2002 Holidays Contest submission I did, but I will stick to the "one to a customer" limit here.

Hmmm...I guess since most of my stories are quite long, for a short story I would have to say probably "Wild Literoticans"

I wrote it in a mind of fun and it is outside of my usual genre' of writing. I had fun writing it and then had second thoughts. After some searching in my soul, I got permissions from those mentioned...Then resubmitted it. I think that for creativity on my part this one is up there. (Of course, I am not that good of a writer soooo...)
Snow White Gets Done by Seven Black Dwarves,
Her Brother, Hillary Clinton, and a German
Shepherd While Chained In A Dungeon

(I would post it, but can't figure out which category? :confused: )
peachykeen said:
yes, it certainly does! Heavier on the fairy tale than the erotic (let's hear more about that huntsman!) but well done, you!


I've gotten that comment quite often (more sex please) but it's not there cuz I'm also submitting it to more mainstream mags and such :)
Hmm, my best story...hmm...hmm...

I think my best story is "My Twin Loves". It's a LONG story, just to warn you, and it's more of a romance than hot and heavy. I've actually thought about cutting all the explict stuff and resubmitting it. But I think it's pretty good, it's based on two girls I used to know, twins, both adorable.

This is probably my best story, and my worst-titled one. I have real trouble titling my stories sometimes, and I really choked with this one.
Hi Peachy

I've just submitted my 3rd story here which I think is my best. It may not be to everyone's tastes, but it took me a while to make sure I got it right and I'm very pleased with it.

It's the first story I've written in the first person and is an incest story about a young guy who loses his virginity to his Aunt. I've tried to include a little humour and make it as non-cliche as possible. Hope you enjoy...
Mix and Match would have to be my favorite. Of course it's also my most recent, I think. But it was fun to write because I tried to include as many genre/categories as possible. By the time I'd finished, it had elements of: incest, group sex, interracial love, anal, lesbian sex, even a little romance, and wound up in Erotic Couplings..

Rumple Foreskin


edit: In the six or seven months which have passed since I last edited this post (tempus do fugit) I've submitted a story for the Nude Day Contest that I kind of like. It has no "sex scenes" a fact that when combined with my lack of talent should insure it finishing out of the money. But IMHO, for something written by me, "Moonlight & Revelation," ain't bad.

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Well, my best is The Secret of Perfection.

It's a science fiction story, so not everyone's cup of tea, and it's quite long - multiple chapters, and it's continuing for a few more, too - which really doesn't help its popularity. I have far more popular stories, but this series has the best characters, the most exciting plots (plenty of twists and turns) and has several levels to it.

And I like to think it's believable science fiction - a story that is based in the realms of possibility, what could actually happen some time in the future. That's the best kind of sci-fi for me.