your favorite smells



what are they? everyone has a smell that reminds them of a certain period in life.
mine are hickory smoke, gingerbread, pipe tobacco, cinnamon, coffee, and pine trees in the winter.
In the summer its coconut, banana, chlorine, and that scent of gravity after a hard rainfall.
Some others are clove, cherry, opium and new cd's.
pipe tobacco is one for me too - reminds me of my grandfather, and visiting my grandparents over summer vacation when I was a kid.

also orange blossoms, no major memory association but I do love that smell.

and of course the smell of Mr Keen's chest, when I have my face buried in it :D
I also go nuts for the smell of Chinese food and a lady's patch. :D
The smells of my grandmother's garden in north Berlin - so very relaxing and happy, pine trees, fruit trees, flowers.

The dusty smell of the train home after a hard autumn school day. Those trains have gone, the newer trains have no smell of their own, just accumulate smells of spilt beer and junk food and commuters.

Rich cake mingled with christmas tree, coffee and candles, and almond biscuits - I feel so safe at that time of year.

The smell of good food cooking.
Ok I know this will make me weird, but since most people already think it, why not offer proof.

The smell of KFC.

Yes I know it smells better than it tastes, but it does smell good.
My grandparent's furnace in winter.
Fireplaces going in the neighborhood, heavy with night air.
My first girlfriend's hair...and my second girlfriend's hair, now that I think about it.
My old cat's fur - he liked to sleep on my chest.
Freshly baked anything...especially good bread.
there is an Italian pastry shop nearby called Bella Napoli's and they have the best scents-almond biscuits, cannoli's, gourmet coffee, raspberry tarts...yum.
Oh yeah, garlic&cheese biscuits at Red Lobster.
And who can resist fresh baked pumpkin pie and amaretto?
The smell of a coal fire and the smell ice cream van engines make ?
Rain on a hot summer evening
A woodstove in winter
Fresh cut sweet grass
That delicious musky man smell.
October rain.

Burning leaves.

Spiced Vanilla (is that redundant?)

A freshly mowed lawn.

Pipe tobacco.


Movie popcorn

Tang powder

The air when the sky crackles with lightening, but doesn't rain.

The first snowfall of the season.

Colorado mornings.
The smell of baking. It reminds me of when I was a kid, and my mom and I used to bake together.

The smell of my honey. Sometimes I'll lay on a pillow he'd slept on before, and his smell just wafts into my nose, and it puts me at ease, it makes me content.

My dad's aftershave. he's worn the same scent for as long as I can remember... it's just a comforting smell.

Cinnamon... Another one of those baking smells...
The smells I love are:

Preferred Stock cologne for men
oatmeal cookies
sheets that dried outside on the clothesline
the ocean
sagebrush after the rain
apple pie
Banana Nut Bread
Panama Jack Suntan Lotion
Apple Pie
Soft baby skin
The scent of a man after he's been working out
and most definately the smell of hot, sweaty sex :D
Indigo.Rose said:

tabu perfume - as much as i hate the smell, mom has worn it as long as i can remember
my ex-g/f used to wear that and it drove me nuts (in a horny way)
Doggone it, IR. Your list is my list. I counted 9/18 that I also love. You smell stealer, you!

Well, I also have 2 more that, on first inspection, seem odd but...

1) Gasoline - when I am at the pumps filling the tank or at home filling the grasscutter.

2) Fresh manly sweat. (not the hours-old or, G-d forbid, days old stuff!)

Oh, and I also adore the smell of suntan lotions.
A woman's hot moist ready to eat patch. The smell the taste. I like the smell of fresh peanuts roasting. And there is something about high octane gas burning that just gets to me. Even a disel running on a cold morning takes me back to a happier time.

The right smell can take you back to a special time and place that is wonderful or traumatic. I hate the smell of a certin perfume b/c of ex.