Young Heros (open)


Literotica Guru
Nov 16, 2012
Based on Marvel, DC, and Young Justice

Reya was the daughter of Superman and Superwoman, she wasnt very special but not that she was 18 her powers were showing. She was twice as strong, twice as fast, and twice as trouble making as Superman was when he was 18. She grabbed her duffel bag and her card that read:

Name: Reya Kent
Parents: Clark and Sarah Kent
Powers: See Superman/Superwoman
Warning: Troublemaker
Access: Minimal


She put in the key slot and walked out into the corridor. She went to the bathroom and changed into a purple costume with a black S on it. She jumped out thindow and flew out looking for the others to have some fun.
Reya feels the soft touch of the lacy fabric as it tightens against her smooth flesh. She feels that ever present caress of lace against her hardening nipples as she flies off into the night in search of something new.