young for much older


Mar 3, 2013
young female interested in exploring with older men. it's a fantasy i've had all my life...from my friend's fathers to random older strangers. now that i've found lit, i'm interested in exploring. any men over 50 that are interested in helping?

young female interested in exploring with older men. it's a fantasy i've had all my life...from my friend's fathers to random older strangers. now that i've found lit, i'm interested in exploring. any men over 50 that are interested in helping?

No one's a "virgin" for long on Lit. Happy to help out...
young female interested in exploring with older men. it's a fantasy i've had all my life...from my friend's fathers to random older strangers. now that i've found lit, i'm interested in exploring. any men over 50 that are interested in helping?
58 year old here, check out my profile & posts.

Honey, be sure to pace yourself! As you may have learned, there are lots of willing participants here. No doubt they'll keep you very busy!