Young curious fantasy

She was in need of money so turned to a college friend that would go on dates with older gentlemen. These men would "help her out" sometimes. Sebastian a man she would call to set up these encounters would make sure she was safe, on time and knew where to be. These gentlemen where rich and did not appreciate inconveniences. Sometimes Sebastian would come and pick her friend up and take her to the Ritz for a spa day. She was so jealous but was to scared to ever be involved. Now she had no choice but to call. She did not want him to here the desperation in her voice but knew he would here it. Hello he answered. Hi this is...
i was lucky enough for this to become reality about ten years ago with an ex at retirement homes .
It started very innocently . my then girlfriend always showed a naughty side and openly told me she had a thing for older men . i knew an old friend worked as a mobile carer so built up the courage and got in contact to find out he is now shift manager at a small retirement home . any way he said he could sneak her in late at night and he knew a couple horny residents that would play ball . he laughed and said she will probably make £100 out of it . we didnt think about that. we never realised he meant from each person . she walked out completly satisfied and i had an envelope with £1400 after 2 hours . she was happy and content that her fantasy had been fulfilled and wanted to leave it there. all i will say is over only a few months i think i took her to around 41 care and retirement homes around the south . whats truly crazy tho is how wrongfully easy it was to arrange . both female and male managers only took seconds to agree .